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| Friday, December 22, 2017 - 8:45 pm
Thanks Pamy, that's very interesting. I always wonder what happens to stuff and it does explain all those houses I see on HGTV. I always wonder why people leave all their stuff in the houses on the flip shows, never made any sense to me but now that I think about it a lot of those homes have seemed abandoned.
| Friday, December 22, 2017 - 11:10 pm
Thank you Naja, Mameblanche and Whoami. Naja I am pretty sure what you described is the movie. I wonder why it doesn't show up in the golden oldies more often.
| Friday, December 22, 2017 - 11:17 pm
I would look back to the company I work for for the definitive answer. And something in writing, even an email would be useful. And I would document what I took even if just a quick pix.
| Saturday, December 23, 2017 - 6:08 pm
I feel a lot better now that I have talked to my sister, but man Pamy, I think we need your husband up here. She was telling me that the lawyers hired someone to come in and get the valuable stuff but.....they left some guns!!! Unbelievable. I guess it is somewhat understandable when the "valuable collectors" can't go into certain rooms because of bio-hazards, but man, these people who do it up here don't seem to know what all is valuable. She said they found a bunch of expensive purses that were left behind and were going in the trash, she grabbed a Dooney. I did have a chat with her to not become one of the people they clean up for, LOL, and her co-workers said she will get over it in a while. She has only been their a week. It does sound amazing the amount of usable stuff left behind by the heirs or non-heirs; and there are a lot of rules about how electronics have to go to e waste and drugs go to proper disposal, etc. So I feel better about it and she loves the job. Just hope she can hold up physically, I am pretty sure she can and she wants the exercise so it will help her lose weight, already lost 4 lbs. Plus she is really compassionate to the owners/heirs and has gotten many compliments. Plus, it's funny, she has given a few people advice - those who asked. One woman's Mom kept ordering from QVC so she mentioned taking away the credit cards (since they weren't in her name) and getting her food delivery and home companion visitors. Another guy (40's) who was told he could stay in the house if he kept it clean she showed how to use the vacuum, explained he should pick a day of the week and let it be vacuum day. Reminded me of all the children I have seen on Dr. Phil lately that can't manage their own lives and are in their 30's because parents have taken care of them their whole life.
| Saturday, December 23, 2017 - 7:44 pm
wow!!! yes my hubby would have brought all of that stuff in for auction! the bad thing is that I cant go bid on anything! no family members can bid Hope this job is great for your sis!!
| Tuesday, December 26, 2017 - 12:06 pm
New Q: So in 2016, I got a really good consulting job which meant that I earned to much money according to SS, so I had to repay the 2 months benefits I received. Now, since I did repay it do I need to amend my tax returns? I know it won't change the fact I had to repay all my ACA subsidies, but maybe I would get a better refund. So I am wondering if there are other issues and that's why I should amend my 2016 returns.
| Tuesday, December 26, 2017 - 1:49 pm
Assuming you didn't repay until 2017, no you don't amend 2016 taxes. When you get your SSA-1099 from this year it should show your repayments on it, and the amount they show in the taxable box should have that subtracted from it.
| Tuesday, December 26, 2017 - 1:50 pm
Those are important questions, Dipo, and I think they would be best addressed with a financial advisor. I hate it when people say things like that by the way, because who can afford one, but when dealing with the IRS it is always best to err on the side of caution. A simple answer is "it probably couldn't hurt to refile."
| Tuesday, December 26, 2017 - 2:01 pm
Kitt, I just paid it today, I didn't think of that. Roxip, I use turbo tax, but I think it will be clear soon enough as Kitt mentioned when I get my 1099. I really don't want to have to file an amended return, just a pain in the butt, and I can use the reduced income for 2016, didn't even think of that! Yeah.
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 8:10 pm
What do you do with an old useless tablet? It won't even hold a charge and it would be a curse rather than a gift if I gave it away. It can't even be updated to the latest OS because it's too old. (I got a new one for Christmas!)
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 9:01 pm
Take it to an E-waste place so they can break it down and reuse whatever it is they use from old electronics. Or use it as a giant coaster on the sofa.
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 10:57 pm
Yeah, I agree, but it's so hard to accept that something you spent 400 bucks on is garbage now.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 7:28 am
I have a huge CPU in my closet because I don't want to get rid of it with my information still on it...I sure wish I had remembered to take pictures off of it before I got rid of all the rest of it! Perhaps you could see if there are any charitable organizations that could refurbish it for disadvantaged children? Even if it is old perhaps it could be of some use.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 10:24 am
Oh, I see the problem Naja. Two ways to look at it, amortize the cost. So if you got it 2 years ago, then you are only throwing away about $15, since it cost you $15 per month since you bought it. And you got your money's worth out of it. Oh, one other thought, can you replace the battery, would it work then? The other way I look at is, I already spent the money (and on some things I wish I hadn't) and I can't get it back, so I just let it go.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 7:59 pm
Hahahahaha, Naja, I know exactly how you feel. I spent $400 on a top of the line android tablet a few years back, and I ALWAYS hated it, but tried to force myself to use it hoping I would learn to love it. I never did. I got the use of a free mini-iPad in a hotel room in Hanoi last year and tried it after I had cursed out the tablet for the last time that night. I had NEVER used an Apple product in my life at that time and was never going to, but I just went to town on that iPad. I knew nothing about it, but it was SO easy, SO freaking easy. I now have an iPad Air 2 that I LOVE, and Bigdog has a perfectly working, almost brand new 3-4 year old $400 solitaire playing device that can also use Wi-Fi. Hahahaha!! Oh, and it can take a 64 Gb micro-SD card, which the iPad cannot, so I also have back-ups of all of my documents on it.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 8:40 pm
I've decided to bring it to recycle. It's not worth getting a new battery for it ($55) and going through what it takes to install it. Like I said, it's so old that it can't even be updated to the latest OS. If you try to play the latest angry birds on it the bird will stop 3 times in mid flight before it gets to the target....LOL With tablets getting more powerful, they make the games to need more power. It's an endless cycle. I loved the tablet when it was new, but since I have a brand new one to take its place, there's no way I could go back.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 9:07 pm
| Friday, December 29, 2017 - 7:38 am
Lol! That’s a funny story, Juju. Nothing like having a $400 solitaire playing device.
| Friday, December 29, 2017 - 7:06 pm
Bigdog takes his solitaire very seriously.
... and I'll never find another one like him.
| Friday, December 29, 2017 - 7:13 pm
I think the best use I got out of my old tablet was during the summer when DH was in the hospital for several weeks. They only had basic cable so I brought him all his tv shows and movies he was missing.
| Tuesday, January 02, 2018 - 2:22 pm
New Question: Is Vitamin D a vitamin or a hormone? My aunt just told me she read an article in the paper and it said its a hormone. This is news to me.
| Tuesday, January 02, 2018 - 2:52 pm
I believe the vitamin gets converted to a hormone by your body. So it goes from one to the other.
| Tuesday, January 02, 2018 - 3:51 pm
I was going to say it is a hormone, but Kitt is right about being converted to a hormone.. I had to look it up. ..... Kitt, I imagine you will be VERY busy with all the tax changes!! I did choose to pay part 2 of my property tax for 2017 (due in 2018), as that should help pump up my itemized deductions do 2017, and for 2018 and a few years, I probably won't have enough to itemize, with the temporary higher amount for standard deductiin. But I am guessing that people with more variables are going crazy and calling on the Kitts in their lives. And the Kitts are trying to learn all the details!
| Tuesday, January 02, 2018 - 3:53 pm
I have a question.. Glucosamine.... Did anyone have side effects from taking it??? What were they?
| Tuesday, January 02, 2018 - 4:20 pm
Thanks, Kitt and Seamonkey . Your answers make sense. As to regards to taxes, I feel sorry for all the college kids studying to be accountants and just finished their tax class. What a waste of time they just spent studying.