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| Monday, September 11, 2017 - 5:23 pm
A pod with horns on it? Are there three horns? If so, here we call those pods goatheads. They are evil. They get stuck in the bottom of your shoes and you track them into your house. Some of them will fall off your shoe. Then when you walk barefoot or stocking foot through your house you step on them. They hurt! When I have company, I tell them do not walk barefoot in my house. One friend didn't listen. The next morning I woke up when she yelped!
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 3:53 am
Kitt may be the winner! It's either that or more likely the closely related burr cucumber. Either one serves no purpose and is an aggressive weed that has painful spikes. I will have to destroy it today to prevent it from reproducing and taking over. I fear I may be to late. I never saw one in my life. I just wonder where it came from. I wonder if it came from the hay I bought this summer or a bag of birdseed. I'm just happy it's an annual.
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 3:59 am
Treasure, I hate burrs! I had an aunt who lived in Texas for awhile and brought some back with her to show us. This was about 50 years ago. Some must have escaped and they reproduced for a few years before disappearing. They were horrible. Couldn't walk barefoot (they'd get stuck in our pant legs) and always getting stuck in the dogs hair.
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 4:02 am
Here's a better picture of the seed pod.

| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 12:13 pm
It could have been included with bird poo .
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 12:38 pm
New Q: So does anyone know? I recently purchased a big box of tp from Costco, I don't really go to the store but I purchase online. I got an email that shows my membership is expired. Do I need to have a membership to purchase online? Just trying to figure out if I am obligated to carry a membership to purchase online. Just wondered if anyone knows before I start doing research?
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 1:16 pm
Do you use Instacart? If so, no membership necessary.
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 1:58 pm
No, just went to their site and ordered tp, LOL. I never had the room for it but I have been getting rid of a lot of stuff so now I do.
| Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 8:54 pm
We downsized from a 2400 sq. ft. house last year to a 1700 sq. ft. We have SO much storage space in this new house, I probably could store TWO Costco big tp packs. I couldn't even store one in the other place. I had, like NO storage. Huh!
| Sunday, October 08, 2017 - 6:40 pm
On Friday, I received a letter from District Court requesting a fill out an ejuror questionnaire, which I did so online. How likely is it I will receive a jury duty summons? I think it is probably likely. How soon? Anybody have a clue? I also can't see to drive at night. Could I use that to be excused? I've only received one jury duty summons in my life, and at the time I had small children so was excused.
| Sunday, October 08, 2017 - 7:05 pm
Heckagirl, that is interesting, I got a jury summons but never had to fill out a questionairre. The problem was that the courthouse they scheduled me for was in the outer areas of the county. I looked up what the deal was to be excused and I had to provide some information to them about how it was a hardship for me to get all the way out there. Public transit was going to take me 1.5- 2 hours. So I got excused. You should go check out the Jury System website and see if you can be excused if your jury duty will keep you out after dark. Good luck.
| Sunday, October 08, 2017 - 8:17 pm
It depends on the type of court.. I have done jury duty for Federal District court, also Superior Court and Municipal court.. All in California. Here there are some reasons to be dismissed, but other than those, it is up to the judge. Of course you can be dismissed by the attorneys for the defense of by the attorneys for the people. And it realistically can vary depending on the population of potential jurors. They could just dismiss you, or could postpone service until summer, with longer days.
| Sunday, October 08, 2017 - 8:21 pm
I have received two or three state jury summons and one federal summons in my life. I was chosen for a federal jury. Surprised because I was a legal secretary. It was an IRS / tax case. Very interesting experience. If you can serve, do it.
| Sunday, October 08, 2017 - 9:35 pm
I think its kinda hit or miss on getting called in. I get a summons pretty much anytime it comes up, every year or two. Fill out the questionaire, call every day during the time period. Have only been called in once though and set their all week only to be dismissed late Friday. And of course, that was the one time it was really inconvieniebt for me, lol. It was right after my aunt broke her neck, needed a lot of help, I was her primary caregiver, but because I wasn't her only one, it wasn't excusable. My mom and my father in law, both retired, have said they'd enjoy it and find it interesting, haven't been called in. While Darren, who works 50-60. hours a week has.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 12:09 am
I always have found it interesting. And usually meet interesting people, too.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 3:36 am
Heh, I'm a serious introvert so not much xhance of me striking up a convo with a stranger beyond basic politeness. I know they need a wide selection of people for the jury pool, but I've always wondered why they don't have something like a volunteer list. I know a few people, mom and my fil included, who would jump at the chance to serve on a jury. Or at least some choice of when to do it. For example, stay st home parent would have an easier time of doing jury duty during the school year instead of summer.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 5:12 am
Just thought . . . twelve years later I would have had a very good excuse for not serving on federal tax case? "Judge,I know the Commissioner of the IRS."
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 9:59 am
Color, depending on the judge, knowing someone like that may not matter. I was called as a juror on a drunk driving case here in town. I never thought they would keep me as a juror, and neither did anyone else in the courtroom while they were doing jury questioning. It was for a drunk driving case. They asked if anyone on the jury knew anyone who had been arrested for drunk driving. I raised my hand, and the judge asked me about it. I said both my father and brother had been arrested for drunk driving. The judge then asked if I thought they were guilty, and I said yes. They then asked if anyone knew people in law enforcement. Again I raised my hand. The judge asked me who I knew. I said my sister was a police officer in this city, one brother-in-law was a county deputy sheriff, another brother-in-law was a highway patrol officer, and my next-door neighbor was a police officer in a nearby city. Everyone in the courtroom burst out laughing. The judge asked me my sister's name, then asked the arresting officer if he knew her, and he said yes. The judge then asked me if the way I voted on this case would cause problems in my family, and I said that I didn't care. I don't know why, but they kept me on that jury. It was frustrating, though, because after deliberating all afternoon and having to come back the next morning to continue deliberating, everyone on the jury thought the defendant was guilty (based on his testimony it was pretty obvious), but one woman refused to vote guilty because he would lose his license. My sister later told me that the cop she worked with said that on retrial, they found him guilty in fifteen minutes.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 12:53 pm
New Q: So when you replace your vanity w/sink in the bathroom, do you call a plumber? or what. I will eventually need to put a new vanity in, the bottom drawer has broken and we can't fix it, tried and failed. It's not urgent, everything still works but it occurred to me that I don't really know who to hire to do the project, LOL.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 1:29 pm
I would call a plumber.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 1:50 pm
If you can replace the vanity without modifying the current plumbing (that is a big if) you might not need a plumber. We have a contractor who works a lot in our complex.. His mother lived here. He also works for our association a lot. He did a quick fix on an electrical problem and did major work replacing the stairs to my bonus room. He gave me referrals for a garage door guy, for plumbers, water heater guys, etc. I tend to ask him. Does your association work with certain people?
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 2:19 pm
When you replace a vanity you usually get a new sink and faucet. A typical handyman can replace a sink and faucet, you don't really need a plumber. But I'm sure a plumber can do it as well.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 4:16 pm
I would go on and ask for recommendations.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 5:43 pm
Yep Brenda I am planning on replacing both the sink, I think I can still use the existing faucet. It's such a small job that I don't think any of the guys we use for the condo project would do it. We don't really have a handyman, we use contractors for everything. Nextdoor is a good place for recommendations but since I wasn't sure what type of professional I needed I wasn't sure what to ask. Thanks everyone.
| Monday, October 09, 2017 - 6:28 pm
Our contractor wouldn't do it, but he would know who to trust or who he would hire. And he knows who is familiar with the quirks of our complex. Nextdoor is certainly a good source. Funny one guy posted pictures of Windows and shutters.. And NO ONE commented (until I did) that there was ceiling fan with a black cat sitting on one blade!!