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| Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 7:50 pm
We have a cable company commercial here that has an ad with a song that I can not mute fast enough.
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 10:42 am
Warning: Novel ahead - nowhere to vent this because of mutual friends, but want to spew. It is NOT a big deal, and once I've typed it out, it will be fine. So- a block from a person on FB three years ago (over a politely worded, respectfully said disagreement that religion should NOT be part of public education - from a public school teacher) just about cost me the ability to have dinner with my favorite author. She goes to the Highland Games every 2-3 years, and our group always does a Sat. night dinner with her and her husband. Up until now, we've had a Yahoo group where all reservations were made. This year, there is a FB group- 4 admins - one of whom is my Blocker. He happened to post the Sat. dinner plans/deadlines, and I literally found out about it last night w/an "all spots taken" post by someone else. I PMed one of the other admins, briefly explained the issue - had never said anything about it to anyone before now - and she gave me his e-mail. I used it, was told the dinner was full, but I asked to be put on the wait list. When he replied there was a cancellation 20 minutes later, I was a bit suspicious, but grateful. Soooo...I asked to be unblocked so I didn't miss postings in our group setting. When he said he "DID NOT" block me in the group, I explained that when I'm blocked on his FB, I see NONE of his posts, none of the replies, etc. so have no way of knowing plans. Long story short, I found out more today by another member who PMed me asking why I hadn't seen the original post. I explained the small problem - asking for her silence - and she revealed that she had actually been e-mailing Blocker about new members who were coming this year. Fortunately, he told her I was on the wait list, and she told him to put me on first as I'd been coming for 15 years, and the newbies weren't even sure they'd all be able to make it. Mystery solved, reservation made -- still blocked -- and amazed that a person who only has to see me once a year is still so upset about a post that wasn't even obnoxious! (I save my obnoxious post for close friends, and they are NEVER political or religious - just fun stuff! LOL)
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 10:58 am
Teach, people are just weird, LOL...glad you got you reservations in spite of everything.
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 10:58 am
Some people are astonishingly sensitive about politely worded differences in opinion and they hold grudges like you wouldn't believe.
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 11:28 am
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 11:33 am
So sorry you had to deal with that - what an ordeal! Thank you very much for sharing - it strengthens my resolve to never get mixed up with Facebook. 
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 11:59 am
Some people also cannot overlook their personal feelings (be they rational or not) and use them in places they can wiild power. Sad.
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 4:26 pm
Glad you got it sorted out, Teach! 
| Thursday, July 28, 2016 - 9:56 pm
Thanks for listening/reading, everyone! An evening spent rehearsing for a musical certainly made up for it. Fun, laughter-filled 4 hours worked its magic - as always!
| Sunday, September 18, 2016 - 12:51 pm
SHOOT! (Replace the OO with an I.) My favorite news / magazine show on TV is CBS' Sunday Morning. Had my TiVo set to record as usual. This morning it quit recording at 30 minutes. No problem -- I have CBS All Access streaming app. Problem. CBS doesn't have Sunday Morning available for streaming. Why? I called and complained.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 4:11 pm
It's obviously, much to my dismay this time, election time so I'm getting lots of phone calls. Most are not from local numbers so I just don't answer them. I did pick up a call yesterday and it was a poll. Woman asked if I'd take a poll on abortion and I said yes. She then asked if I was Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, or somewhere in between. I said I was somewhere in between. She immediately said "You're one of those!" and hung up! Geez..... 
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 5:13 pm
LOL Mack, congratulations you found a way to get rid of them.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 7:53 pm
Good grief! She calls YOU and then is rude when you answer a simple..well not simple.. but a direct question. I have been fortunate so far that nomorobo seems to be catching the calls. I'm still getting all the snail mail for the election AND am getting all the medicare open enrollment mail too. UGH.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 7:59 pm
I had to turn off the landline phone for tonight in order to watch the World Series without the phone ringing every 10 minutes. If it wasn't for the fact that DH has had this landline number for 40 or more years, I would just get rid of it.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 8:36 pm
Ha, Mack, that worked as well as a naked four year old flinging the curtains back by the front door and scaring the church people off! It was years before they knocked on my door again! I haven't gotten any calls, but the damn mailers are driving me nuts. My mailbox has been packed full for weeks and it's just getting worse. If I thought it'd work, I'd leave a note on the mailbox..I've already filled out my ballot and mailed it in! I'm done, I don't want no more!
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 9:03 pm
I feel a trifle guilty about it, but we have been going non-stop for three entire months buying, selling, downsizing, repairing the old place, figuring out how things work in the new place, packing, moving, unpacking the few things we need before we leave for Texas for the winter, packing for Texas. And so, we have a friend here with whom we are perfectly politically aligned. She is a local, so has many local contacts, and she thoroughly researches ALL the issues, right down to school board candidates, about whom we would have no idea. We asked her if she would fill out our ballots and turn them in, since we have NO time to research anything other than the obvious races. She said yes, and turns out she has about eight other people who ask her for the same favor. Hahahaha!!!
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 9:09 pm
Ok, War. You've got me wondering Caleb or Dakota? LOL
| Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 9:56 pm
LOL, Kota, of course. Caleb was too modest even at 4 to get naked in front of anyone else. Kota started stripping as soon as she walked in the door and went butt naked til she was about 5 whenever we were at home. And then ran around in panties and an undershirt only because we insisted. That was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. You'd swear older church ladies had never seen little naked kids. They knocked, Kota ran up to the window, flung the curtain back (and the door was right next to the floor to ceiling windows,) and pressed herself against the window before I could get there. One of them shouted through the window, "Sorry to bother you when you're busy!" and they turned tail and trotted off rather quickly down the driveway. It was seriously like 10 years, I'd see the church people in the neighborhood and they always avoided my houses after that. Funny thing about that was by then Kota was 13-14 and certainly not stripping naked to open the door, lol.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 12:45 am
LOL that's one way to keep unwanted visitors away.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 5:54 am
By the way I have absolutely no idea if the abortion poll taker was calling on behalf of Pro-Choice or Life or a particular candidate/party. Obviously she was working for one side or the other and me not being hardcore one way or the other was not the answer she wanted to hear. Interesting you only want to poll a supporter of your particular position and don't want input from any other point of view. Not much of a poll and probably actually a donation solicitation if I'd been a supporter of whatever they felt was the correct side of the question.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 4:53 pm
So funny, I got a phone call yesterday from a candidate and it was just so sad. The young woman who was reading the script could hardly read the big words and I just thought how sad it is that not only did she sound uninterested she really didn't know what the script said.
| Saturday, October 29, 2016 - 9:06 pm
I have a No Soliciting sign on the door now. At least a certain real estate couple has stopped leaving flyers.
| Thursday, February 09, 2017 - 9:53 pm
I have diligently watched the Star Trek: Voyager series that is playing on H&I channel, thru all 7 seasons, and last night was the last show and I missed it! I can't believe it. I did have a great night out with my girlfriend but I wish I had realized it was the last show, I would have taped it.
| Friday, February 10, 2017 - 6:28 am
Hop on over to Youtube Dipo. Chances are you will find it there.
| Friday, February 10, 2017 - 6:33 am
Dipo, that is one of my favorite Star Trek Series. I rewatched it about a year ago. Can't beat 7 of 9.