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| Sunday, November 20, 2011 - 4:16 pm
I love my Oberon covers! I have the new Hosukai Wave wraparound in navy for my K3. But I carried around a DX with an oberon for a long time so the K3 seems light. Of course the Fire itself is heavier than a K3 but your Touch should be lighter. The Oberson covers fit the smaller sizes so should be a bit lighter, but they don't want to go to thinner leather since they want to protect. I always take out the stiffeners which lightens things up a bit I never got an Oberson for my K1 but the Ktouch cover would be quite a bit smaller, I think. I haven't touched a Touch.. I cancelled my order.
| Sunday, November 20, 2011 - 8:47 pm
Cancelled your Touch?! I was going to skip the Fire at first, but then I got caught up in the flames. I love 'em both. I simply love touch screen devices. (Fingerprints, etc. on screens don't bother me.)
| Sunday, November 20, 2011 - 11:33 pm
Duh! I should open my eyes. Was just looking at Oberon site again. They have slip cases / sleeves for Kindles. Didn't see one exactly for K Touch, but looks like it would fit in their mini sleeve. Think I will call about it tomorrow.
| Monday, November 21, 2011 - 12:03 am
Kindleboards has an Oberon thread where one of the Oberon family (one of the women) posts.. I think she might have said no new sleeve for the touch but said which one would fit just fine. I cancelled because I wanted the Fire as a different device but my K3 is still just fine for reading and I simply don't have extra money. Also they suddenly released it early so both charges would hit at once and I already had an unanticipated $270 charge for car repair. I'm glad you love it Which Oberon will you order (sleeve)
| Monday, November 21, 2011 - 7:56 am
Fit-wise -- the mini sleeve. Which design -- haven't decided yet. Color -- I tend to go with more natural as opposed to dyed colors. I like saddle generally.
| Monday, November 21, 2011 - 10:15 am
I called Oberon. They will be offering sleeve specifically in size for Touch -- probably starting in January.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 12:26 am
Couple questions I hope someone can answer (I'm sure ya'll can.) Can anyone tell me about the skins for kindle? Do they just slip on or are they like stickers? How durable are they? And second, is deregistering a kindle from one amazon account and registering it with a different amazon account as easy as initially setting up a kindle? And once you do that, you pretty much have a clean slate with the kindle (none of the books that were associated with the first amazon account,) right? I haven't touched my kindle since I got my Fire, so I've decided to pass it down to my middle niece (she's the avid reader among mine and sis' kids) as part of her Christmas gift. The kindle will technically be a hand-me down, but we're buying a skin (so hers will be decorated) and an amazon gc so she can go shopping for books. I want to deregister it from my account and register it to sis' so that she can control nieces content. And while I'm thinking of it, has anyone bought the new $79 Kindle? Are those the same (minus the keyboard) as the kindle 3g? We're back to considering one for Caleb. He made a comment the other day about wanting an e-reader (no tablet, just the e-reader.) Darren was thinking about passing his kindle on to Caleb, but decided he doesn't want to take his Fire to work. I hadn't put too much more thought into it until Caleb handed me his Christmas list. He wants a cheap bass guitar (his words, lol!,) strings, picks, and a B&N gift card. I saw the B&N gift card and now we're back to thinking about a kindle for him. His complaint is we don't go to the book store often enough, well yeah, that's cuz it's in Palmdale and I hate driving out there, lol. Same reason I was finally sold on Kindle!
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 1:33 am
The only skins I've used.. on my DX and K2, are and they are great. They stick on but you can move them but they stay on and can be removed and don't leave a residue like some other skins. And there are so many different ones or you can create your own. The matte finish ones are even more awesome than the shiny ones. I've never switched registration, but I have deregistered one and indeed it went to clean slate. I assume it is quite easy to then register it to someone else. People do it all the time when they sell or give theirs away. I'd suggest getting her a gift cert for the skin so she can choose her own.. I did that when I gave a kindle 2 refurb to Nikki.. and must say I would NEVER have predicted the skin she chose, but she just LOVED it, so the gift cert worked well for her. Decalgirl of course has skins for most devices.. one time a parent told me in a waiting room how they were trying to get a certain color of one of the handheld video game systems but weren't having luck. I geve them the decalgirl info and the mom was really stoked that hopefully her daughter would not only not be disappointed but be able to personalize it. Sandy, that is cool that reading on the Fire is good for you.. are you turning down the brightness? I only tried reading for a bit on mine and admittedly the brightness was way up. Someone on Kindleboards mentioned using a different background color and said it was much easier on her eyes on the Fire. People are LOVING the mini or baby kindles (or kindle 4).. that is the one that is $79 with special offers. And as long as he doesn't need to download away from wifi, seems like it would be excellent. It is the smallest and lightest. The keyboard (granted I haven't seen or touched one) is reported to work with a wheel where you go to the letter and then click it.. so one letter at a time. But most people say it is much easier than they had anticipated it would be and many people don't use the keyboards much. If he was planning to take notes with it, might be harder but kids seem to adapt to all sorts of methods and keyboards pretty well. The Kindle Touch is $149 with special offers with a keyboard that looks like it is similar to the fire's.. but again, haven't seen one.. Color can describe the Touch. I think Caleb would love either one!! But there really are lots of people out there who love the little kindle. Darren might even check it out and see if he would rather have the $79 one and pass his on.. depends who would appreciate the lighter smaller one and who is more likely to make notes.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 2:14 am
Yep, I've turned the brightness down some on the fire, the original setting was really bright, lol. I haven't noticed anymore eyestrain with the fire than the regular one, er other than the fact that I read entirely too long at any given time. I found one skin that has pink flowers on it (kinda matches her backpack that she picked out) and already ordered it for niece. I know sis and bil are getting her a gc too, so if she wants to she'll have enough between the two to shop for another one. Caleb wants just the dedicated e-reader, no bells and whistles. He'll be carrying it between home and school (he is required to take a book to read for quiet times in classes) and mostly for books that are fun reading, though he'll also have whatever they're reading in English too. Only dl'ing he'll be doing is from home, so wifi is all he needs for that.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 7:40 am
What do you want to know about the Touch? I love touch screens generally, so I do love it. Been waitin' for a Kindle touch e-reader. Faster and easier with touch as opposed to actual buttons to use features. Without having page-turn buttons on the sides of the Kindle, I can now hold the nekid Kindle with my thumb hooked on left side of Kindle and index and middle fingers hooked on right side using left hand (I'm right-handed.) So Kindle is kind of in the palm of my left hand. I have long slender fingers. I like to read my Kindle nekid. That's why I will be getting a sleeve from Oberon.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 10:22 am
War, about the de-registering and re-registering process - my son gave me a Kindle 3 that he bought for me on his Amazon account, so there were no books on it, but it was registered to him. It was really easy for him to go onto his account to de-register, then for me to go onto my account to register it. It probably only took a minute or two.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 12:24 pm
Oh good, so re-registering it sounds as easy as it was to set up the first time. That's always a plus for me, lol. Thanks Merry. Color, the Fire is the first touch screen product I've owned and I'm a little surprised I like it as much as I do. I was worried about fingerprints on the screen while reading, but found out you can't see them until you turn the Fire off. Is the kindle touch as light and thin as the kindle 3?
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 2:24 pm
Free book in PDF Format: Click to the right, and his book The Book opens in PDF. You can save it then and transfer to Kindle. LOVED this book. Yup, War - de-registering, re-registering is super easy (my folks and I do this upon occasion to swap books if they aren't "lendable"). I love Decalgal's skins and have them on my Kindle and my netbook.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 10:28 pm
War the Touch with special offers wifi only is $99 it seems, so that is an option, but the baby Kindle is of course the smallest and lightest. The Touch is.. er.. Color can detail it but it is a different sort of touch than the Fire. more in zones, but people seem very pleased with it. It is silver, while the smaller ($79) one is graphite. He'll want a sturdy case since he'll be hauling it around but I think he will just love it! And you can't go wrong with pink flowers 
| Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - 11:14 pm
Touching the Touch at the top of the screen when you're in a book brings up control menu strips at the top and bottom of the screen. Touching in the very upper right corner bookmarks the page. Touch the bookmark and it is removed. Touch near the left side of the screen pages back a page. Touch any place else on the screen (therefore most of the screen) pages forward. My BFF got her Touch today that I Christmas gifted to her. Only other K she has had is a K2. She kept saying, "It's so small."
| Thursday, November 24, 2011 - 1:54 am
I well remember how small or cute the K3 seemed after the K2, so I'm sure the touch and the K4, even more, must be really small and cute to those getting them.
| Thursday, November 24, 2011 - 2:04 pm
I've only briefly seen a K2 in person. Even K3 is definitely smaller than K2? I looked at Oberon site this morning. Disappointed. Looks like they're going to use their current small size sleeve for the Touch as opposed to making a new sleeve specifically for the Touch. One thing I like about the Touch is the small size. Oberon small sleeve is bigger than necessary for the Touch. So that sleeve loses it's attraction for me. So disappointed. I wanted a beautiful Oberon leather sleeve. I will call and ask again tomorrow or Monday.
| Thursday, November 24, 2011 - 10:21 pm
K3 is smaller overall, but the screen is the same size. They saved room by removing the row of numbers on the keyboard, and the home/back/menu buttons are a bit different. Held my dad's K1 again, and WOW - amazing how far they've come in such a short time!
| Thursday, November 24, 2011 - 11:38 pm
Just go to Amazon and click on any of the readers and scroll WAY down to the bottom (or almost) and they usually have a nice comparison chart of each of them, that are still being sold, dimensions, thickness, weight, etc. All the reader screens are the same size except the DX and of course the Fire.
| Friday, November 25, 2011 - 2:29 pm
I called Oberon again today. They're going to wait to see how much interest is shown in sleeve made specially sized for K Touch before making a decision to or not to make it. Would not be before January in any case. I hope they do. But if not . . . I keep debating about an Oberon cover. Their leather work is beautiful. Site says leather for cover is thicker / heavier than leather used for sleeve. So I keep wondering how much heavier (actual weight) and bulkier it would be.
| Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 10:13 am
Swimming in Daylight is on sale for $1.99 with Amazon's Cyber Monday Kindle deals. 
| Sunday, November 27, 2011 - 12:36 pm
Too funny! But it is worth reading at whatever price. I'm halfway through and it is real history, close up and personal.
| Saturday, December 03, 2011 - 12:08 am
Talked to my aunt and sis and we decided to go in on a Kindle Touch (wifi, no 3g, so it was $99) together for mom for Christmas. Darren and I went to pick it up today. It's pretty nifty, easy to use like all the others I've played with, looks nice. One thing I don't like is that you have to purchase the wall charger seperately, which is a must for mom since she doesn't have a computer. Brought it home and registered it to my account. Then spent 2+ hours dl'ing 150 books or so, making collections, and organizing the series into order. Er, yeah, a lot of playing around with it too, lol. I just dl'd pretty much everything my aunts ever had and several of the series Darren and I have. She'll get an amazon card from Santa so that she can pick some books on her own, but I'm thinking with what I dl'd today and that, she should be good for a while! Oh, and Caleb is not getting a kindle for Christmas. After finding his new guitar, there wasn't enough left over in our Caleb Christmas budget for it. But, realized we're stupid, lol. No reason he can't load up books on Darren's first kindle and use that at home at least.
| Saturday, December 03, 2011 - 12:31 am
My second K3 developed that little crack, but since it came just at a year into the warranty for the first K3 (which went back to Amazon), I was into the extended warranty from Square Trade.. so I sent them my receipt info from Amazon and applied and was approved. With them I have to send back the K3 and then they will give me $189 (I had the 3G/wifi model), if I want a check or a little bit more if I take it as an Amazon Gift Card. The cool thing is that will more than pay for a replacement whether I just go with a K3 (Kindle Keyboard) with 3G or with wifi, Touch, K4.. any of these with or without special offers. Heck it is just $10 less than a Fire.. I've ruled out the mini/K4 one no sound, bunch of reasons. I want 3G since I'm used to having that. So I'm between the touch and the KKeyboard. I'm leaning toward getting the same thing, the KK because I really like graphite, it will fit in covers I already have, I like the physical keyboard (though I have no issues with touch keyboards, even as small as the one on the ITouch ipod) and I think I'd rather still have the paging through buttons. But I'm still thinking. I need to sit down with the K3 and my old K2.. I was able to download my calendar app to the K2 so I need to identify the files for that app that are on my K3 and use my computer to load them onto the K2 in the right place so I can have my calendar while I'm without the replacement and read on the K2 or on the Fire during that time. But I'm pleased with both warranties.. Amazon for replacing the device within the first year and Square Trade for honoring the warranty I got from them and that they refund the full original purchase price. The crack itself isn't horrible but if I want to gift or sell the device later, it would be an issue. War, your mom will love all those books and the Kindle.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 8:05 pm
I have a client who always has me take money out of his account to buy my own Christmas present, but he always wants to know ahead of time what I am going to buy. (I, on the other hand, always want to know what my limit is before I figure out what I want.) There was nothing I could think of this year that I really needed, so I asked him if he was willing to spend $199. (He laughed and said make it an even $200.) So today my new Kindle Fire arrived! I have absolutely no need for it (I have two Kindles 2 and 3 already, so I never would have bought it on my own), but it's really cool! I don't know how often I'll use it, but it's fun!