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| Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - 12:12 pm
Teach, would something like this work? keyboard case
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - 12:41 pm
When I put a note on a book on my Kindle fire, a little touchpad keyboard pops up. It's not the easiest to use, but it is doable.
| Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - 6:16 pm
I think they should have the touchscreen keyboard .. I realize that I haven't had an actual Kindle since the K3. The Fires have the touchscreen keyboards but you can also get an external keyboard too. I think I have one but then never needed it .. the Fire I have is the 8.9" and especially if I turn it sideways the keyboard on the screen is really easy for me to use. Certainly larger than a smart phone keyboard.
| Wednesday, January 06, 2016 - 11:09 am
That would work beautifully, Jmm. THANKS! Yes, the paperwhites have the touchscreen keyboard, but I just can't type as fast with those as I did an actual keyboard. Ah well, the fact that it lasted as long as a did is amazing.
| Wednesday, January 06, 2016 - 1:07 pm
You're welcome, Teach. Glad to help when I can and Amazon is my friend. LOL
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 9:49 am
I notice that there has been no comments on this topic for quite some time but just had to put in my two cents. I have both a Nook tablet and a Kindle. I love them both. I have been unable to read books on paper as I have an eye disease is gradually gettung.wose. I have been unable to read paper for about a year But the eReaders are a life changer as I can read from them much, still difficult, but better than not being able to read at all. Thanks for letting me tell my story, Barbara
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 10:29 am
I am so glad that they work for you!
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 11:12 am
I'm sorry about the eye disease, Barbara. Thank goodness the Nook and Kindle allow you to read okay. I'm thrilled you're able to continue to enjoy the world's greatest pastime! 
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 12:15 pm
Barbara - so glad the Nook and Kindle work for you! Technology certainly helps in many areas!
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 10:15 pm
That is one of the big advantages of the e-readers. It's wonderful you're still able to enjoy reading. I just wish they would price audio books at a more reasonable level. They are appallingly and unnecessarily expensive. I think it's disgraceful.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 2:27 am
I have just started using our local library to download ebooks. The downside, of course, is the long wait for the newest/best seller books, but there are so many books I have not read yet. With this in mind, I read the older books while I await my turn for the newer books.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 11:06 am
E-readers are great for so many different reasons. I love the fact that you can take your entire digital library with you where ever you go. Also I started with an e-reader before my carpal tunnel surgery. It got to the point where I couldn't hold a book without pain so being able to lay the book down and read was wonderful. I know people who use them because of the ability to enlarge the font to any size, enabling them to read without eye strain. Amazon has so many free books and there are more coming out every day.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 12:03 pm
No idea if large print books would help you at all, Barbara but they have a fairly extensive collection of them at my library branch.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 6:14 pm
I'm pretty sure I've posted this before (because it was exciting) but the Kindle was a real big help for my aunt. She was as big a reader as me, but with the parkinsonian tremors she had, she had such a hard time with books that she eventually gave up reading. She was tearing pages and shaking so bad she couldn't read what was on the pages. I wasn't sure the kindle would work for her, she wasn't all that technologically inclined, but we decided to try it and found it worked great. She could set it down on her little lap top desk, increase the font size, and the first one she had (with the buttons and the keypad) was the easiest to use since she just had to touch the button to change the page. The second one she had, the touch screen was a bit harder with the shaking and I can't tell you how many times one of us had to try to figure out what the heck she'd done to the settings to fix it, lol. She'd touch the screen to change the page, have a tremor, and next thing you knew, the font size would be different, she'd lose her page...or the whole book! But, all in all, it really was a blessing, especially the last few years of her life when she was pretty much bed bound and so shaky she couldn't do much else. I truly believe reading was something that kept her mind so sharp.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 3:09 am
Jimmer -- Have you considered Audible's subscription membership? I go back and forth with it. When I have books I want, I get a subscription for a month or two, then cancel it. IMHO, their best deal is the 2 for $22.95. That gets me two books a month for less than a $1 a day. Usually, I wait until I have at least 4 books I want, then I get it for 2 months. The added benefit - as an Audible member for more than a decade, when I cancel a subscription, I usually get a "return to us" offer after 3 or 4 months. The last time, I got a 99 cent membership for 2 months, so I paid less than $2 for 2 books! They plan on people just forgetting to cancel the membership so that it goes back to the 1 book/$14.95 a month default, but I always cancel! LOL Even when you don't have a subscription, you still have access to all the books you've bought. I am always listening through my Audible app on my phone, but I can even listen by streaming online through my desktop at school if I want to. Just another option.

| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 5:04 am
Thanks for the suggestion! That sounds like much more reasonable pricing. Do they include best selling books in their selection?
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 8:11 am
They do. Every book is 1 credit - even my 50+ hour books! I also love that on the app, I can listen at speed 1.5 (or 1.25) so they don't take quite as long as the hours indicate. I can't do that with CDs, and the last time I had a CD book from the library the slower pace about killed me! LOL
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 10:18 pm
That's very tempting. I'll take a look and see if it's available in Canada. I love the idea of being able to increase the speed and have it on your phone. Lately I've been getting more e-books from the library. Love that they're free that way though sometimes it's quite a wait. My oldest DD (who's 17 now) loves her Kobo. However, my younger DD (who's 15) absolutely loves paper books. I wish we could rent books for e-readers. After all we can rent movies. Why not books?
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 1:09 am
Our libraries have something called Overdrive, where I can get Kindle books on loan, just like paper books. That's how I'm reading The Passage on my Kindle right now. They don't always have every book, but our library director is awesome about adding books we request.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 1:46 am
I've been using Overdrive at our library for at least 3 years now with Adobe Digital Editions on my Nook but there's been a glitch since this past spring. When a book finally comes in that I've have on hold, it downloads fine to the ADE on my computer but won't open on my Nook saying there's an error or that I've returned it. Judging from ADE's message boards, I'm not alone. It's on my list to contact the library and Adobe but I'm waiting until I have an entire day to spend on it knowing it won't happen in an hour. It's frustrating because I've been so spoiled in waiting only 3-4 months at the most for a new book. For now, I'm having to go with books that don't have a waiting list. They transfer just fine.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 3:37 am
I use Overdrive as well. It's a good app on the iPad and iPhone though lately it hasn't been syncing my place in books between the two.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 4:40 am
I also have a 2 book-a-month subscription to Audible for $22.95 a month. Every single best seller is available as well as every genre. If you go thru your 2 credits, they usually give you an offer of 3 credits for about $35. 1 book = 1 credit, even longer books. I love Audible!
| Friday, October 02, 2020 - 11:27 am
I'm still on my 3rd Nook and my issues with reading some books from the library have not changed since July of 2016 above. I am now thinking of purchasing a Kobo e-reader, the Clara HD in particular, just for the purpose of reading library books. I wanted to see if anyone has ever owned one and how they liked it. Own a Kobo Clara anyone?
| Friday, October 02, 2020 - 1:20 pm
I have a Kindle Fire 10. I have never had a Nook though my godmother did and loved it. I had my first Kindle Fire 8 for years until this past year.
| Friday, October 02, 2020 - 4:01 pm
Thanks for the reply Mamie. I've been going back and forth between the kindle and the Kobo.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, October 03, 2020 - 3:49 am
I know that some people don't like to read on a tablet (glare, other distractions, etc.) but I've had great success reading library books on my iPad. Plus you can read books from Kobo and Amazon as well.
| Saturday, October 03, 2020 - 5:17 am
Good to know Jimmer. I love using my tablet for reading magazines and listening to audiobooks but when it comes to novels, I still prefer the small e-reader.
| Saturday, October 03, 2020 - 7:18 am
A lot of publishers send a digital review copy so I like having the Kindle for that. I don't want to read off of my phone or laptop.
| Sunday, October 04, 2020 - 4:17 am
I have 3 Kindle Fires and a Kindle Paperwhite. For just reading books, the Paperwhite is by far my preference. It doesn't have the glare but still has backlighting when I want to read in bed.
| Saturday, February 27, 2021 - 5:15 am
During Prime Day back in 2020, I purchased a kindle paperwhite because it was such a good deal. I paid $20 more to get the version with no ads - so they say. It's very comparable to my nook as I do love paperwhites for reading books over using my tablet. My only issue is that instead of using overdrive or another of the library apps to download a book, I have to go through Amazon for every single book I borrow from the library. Allegedly, I should receive "no ads" and yet I receive emails asking if I might like to purchase that last book I borrowed from the library. I just want to state that it's none of Amazon's business what books I borrow from the public library and I really resent having to go through them to download them. End of rant - off my soapbox.
| Saturday, February 27, 2021 - 7:01 am
I agree, Kappy! That ticks me off too. I won't go into my Jeff Bezos rant (as I type on my Kindle fire). But, I want to really go on a rant. Lol
| Saturday, February 27, 2021 - 8:02 am
Believe me when I say it took alot of will power to contain my rant to "library" related content and not go off on Amazon and Jeff Bezos, LOL.
| Monday, February 17, 2025 - 11:51 am
I have no idea if this affects anyone here, but in case it does. andy™ hey for anyone who might want to actually own their kindle books instead of renting them, or who might be thinking of switching to kobo etc and will want to convert them to epubs, you now only have one week before amazon kills your ability to download its ebooks Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books
| Friday, February 21, 2025 - 6:30 pm
I've been downloading every evening. If you have the azw or azw3 file, Zamzar and any number of other file convertors can change it to a PDF so you'll have a copy if Amazon removes the rights to it.