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| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 12:26 pm
Seamonkey, help! Thinking about giving my Toshiba 8g tablet to DH (his notebook is on its last leg) and getting a Kindle Fire HDX for me. I have a Kindle Fire, and other than battery/charging issues it's okay. Don't want to (and can't) spend much, so my question is this-will the Kindle Fire HDX 16g be at least comparable to the tablet? Or should I look into a new tablet? I FB, pay bills, check bank and email, play games. There were some things I couldn't do on the KF, and I'm worried about that happening if I go with the KF HDX. Thank you for your help!
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 3:16 pm
Do you have a ton of apps from the Google store? The only glitch would be that unless you sideload (I've never done that, but many do) you have to get your apps from the Amazon store. But you can check ahead to be sure they have your favorites. The HDX is really nice. I assume you are looking at the 7"??? I have the 8.9" and love that size but the smaller ones are really cool, too. The HDX display is super. You can do email, internet, games, apps, etc with no problem You might find a refurb (or not) for less on Amazon.. If you went to you could go the the Fire Talk formum and start a thread and I am sure someone there has gone from your tablet to a Fire.. and for sure tons have other tablets for comparison, all types plus ipads. With so many members there is a ton of experience there and very helpful people, like here. Also well moderated so not like asking a question on some sites. What couldn't you do on your original Fire?? That might be a good place to start and I can maybe tell you if I could do that on my HDX.. and if I cannot , someone on Kboards can. And also remember Amazon has a 30 day time for you to try. If you just don't like it but nothing is wrong there would be a small fee, but it is really small, to return. I've done it. Then you could load it up and put it through a test and see if you love it or not.
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 9:32 pm
Thanks, Sea. Yes, I'm looking at the 7". The apps I have on the KF I was able to get for this tablet, so should be same for the KF HDX7. The main thing I couldn't do on the KF was sign on to my state's BWC site. State required a certain browser and the KF, silk?. wasn't compatible. I'll take a look atthat message board, too. Anybody else wanna weigh in on this? My budget is about $200-250. TVCH-people helping people!
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 11:26 pm
Definitely ask there, but there are other browsers you can use on the Fires. I use Silk, but possibly your site will be accessible with another that is available. I'm not the only tvcher there.. I tend to stay in the Fire Talk area and miss things there, but of course I hang here more. OK in the app store I see Silk, Chrome, Dolphin, Firefox, but others who have used them could say how they work on an HDX. I think a couple of the moderators there have 7" HDXs.. at least one does.
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 9:38 am
I went with the Kindle Fire HDX 7". Got it 2 days ago and so far I'm loving it. Yes, it's a bit smaller than what I'd been using, but got a cover and stylus. Wow, why hadn't I thought of using a stylus before? Much faster than the tablet I had.
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 2:56 pm
Bluejax - Kindle Fire has 30 free apps today. Check them out here:
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 5:47 pm
Thanks Teach!
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 7:18 pm

| Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 11:24 pm
I had a nook classic for 3 1/2 years and really liked it so I upgraded to the new glowlight and I'm very happy with it. I wanted it strictly for reading so skipped even looking at tablets. I can't believe how much lighter it is and how much longer the battery stays charged. I thought I wouldn't use the light much and now I use it almost all the time - probably because I always seem to read in dark areas.
| Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 10:42 pm
I think the lights on the nooks and kindles (and maybe others) have proven to be quite popular. I never thought of it back when I had regular kindles.. never got to the lighted ones because I went to the Fire as soon as they came out and those of course are backlit.. I assumed I would read on the regular kindle but that never happened once I got the fire and light. Now there is a new HDX but while I like to have the latest, I'm not jumping. Actually there are several new kindles and new fires. My HDX is now unavailable.
| Thursday, October 23, 2014 - 7:33 am
I did renew my B&N membership when I discovered former Borders media dept. manager is now at B&N. Was good to see Kevin again. Yesterday I got B&N coupons in the snail-mail for additional discount. This one makes no sense?? Get One eBook for $6.99. IN STORES ONLY eBook purchase IN STORES ONLY? Somebody made a mistake? I'm gonna ask next time I'm there -- which isn't very often. I have KindleS -- no Nook.
| Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 4:36 pm
Question: I joined and it said I get a free ebook from I should be able to read it on my laptop. However, it offered to let me download it with Google play for Android devices, or the one for Apple devices, or to a kindle or nook. I didn't understand what to do so I don't think I have received my free ebook yet. What would I use or do?
| Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 5:42 pm
Heckagirl, have you tried downloading the Kindle app onto your laptop?
| Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - 6:47 pm
What Merry said. You can get Kindle app for yur computer and you can get apps for other e readers. (you can even get a nook app for kindle and I think vice versa). So I would think from offtheshelf you could download the book of choice, nook OR kindle. Be sure to choose one you love that is high priced 
| Monday, December 28, 2015 - 10:23 am
for those of us who still use the old way to read books... the lamp, well, don't buy those led lamps (there is no replaceable bulb), it cost me so much money and then stopped working and I have to replace the whole thing. I'll go with the more reliable lamp, one you can just replace the bulb.. I could never get used to those electronic gadgets... sometimes I use books to find some sleep, but those glaring screens act against sleep... so I'd stay away from those as well.
| Monday, December 28, 2015 - 4:52 pm
I love paper books, however, the screens on the dedicated book readers have no glare at all. It looks like a piece of paper.
| Monday, December 28, 2015 - 7:02 pm
I had a difficult time giving up actual books but now after 5 years with a Nook (my current 2nd one being a glowlight) I rarely read regular books anymore. I've become so spoiled at how light it is to hold at night in bed not to mention being able to change the font to one easier to read for me. I'm not sure I would like reading on a tablet which is why I stuck to purchasing a device strictly for reading. Spunky, for years I used a Mighty Bright Xtra Flex clip-on book light for reading and loved it. It was LED and used batteries and the batteries were the only thing I ever replaced.
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 12:30 am
I wasn't sure I'd like reading on a screen, but got my first Kindle (the first version, then subsequent ones) starting in 2007 I think. Then I was sure, like Kappy, that I wouldn't like reading on a tablet, so when I bought my first Kindle Fire (the first Kindle Fire) I thought I would continue reading on my e ink Kindle but from the first day I started reading on the Fire and have ever since. I do change the background on books, never using a white background, usually us the black background, though a few books are formatted to only display black print.. which of course makes that difficult, so then I go to the pale green or pale beige backgrounds. The newer e readers I gather have just amazing screens for reading but I already carry the 8.9" Fire at all times to use for games, reading, calendar, for email, for taking and reviewing pictures and internet.. so don't need another device.
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 8:15 am
I got my DD a new one for Christmas and I must say that the screen is simply beautiful for reading. I use my iPad myself for the reasons Sea mentioned (the glare doesn't bother me) but I can see why people love the dedicated readers. They are gorgeous. On the other hand, my other DD loves printed books. I think both are great. It's certainly a personal preference.
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 3:48 pm
Well the important thing is that your DD and any of us love the ideas and love reading.. you are right.. format isn't the issue.. though I admit that I don't miss lugging around a thousand page hardback so much and I certainly did that more than a few times.. And I do have friends who got so they simply couldn't see well enough to read even large print books but with a reader they can enlarge the print and they can read again!
| Wednesday, December 30, 2015 - 11:26 am
I never wanted a Kindle, it was only "real" books for me and then my sister bought me one for my birthday when I was taking care of my mom. Love it! I do still do both. When I charge the Kindle, I read a book, always have two books going but I can't imagine not having one.
| Monday, January 04, 2016 - 8:45 pm
Draheid got me my tablet for book reading when I was having so much trouble with my carpal tunnel that I could no longer hold books comfortably. I had the surgery a couple of years ago and have no desire to go back to "real" books, I like carrying my entire library with me where ever I go.
| Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - 11:45 am
It does make it easier when the book is one of those humongous ones!
| Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - 2:36 pm
We got my aunts because of her tremors, she could no longer hold books and turn pages without ripping them. It's been the best thing ever. She can read again, something she truly enjoys. On the other hand, because of the tremors, she frequently hits stuff on the kindle, causing her to lose her books. Or, I should say her spot in her book. Or end up with another book all together. Or on a menu screen she has no idea how to get out of. Then she patiently waits for one of us to walk through to find her missing book. She may or may not be able to tell us the name of the book she was reading and where she was at in it. And it may or may not be the most recently viewed book. LOL we all dread, "I did something to my kindle!" because it will definitely take a while to hunt down whatever she was reading.
| Tuesday, January 05, 2016 - 6:55 pm
I have loved my Kindle 3 with keyboard for years and years. It is perfect for annotating the books I have to teach. However, this past weekend, I noticed it wasn't holding a charge more than 2 or 3 days, even with wi-fi disabled. I have my DH's old Fire, but it is NOT the same. I hopped online to see 1) if there was any chance of a Kindle with a keyboard and 2) how much it would cost to replace. Amazon now has a trade-in program! I can get up to $30 for my Kindle, and I got a $20 bonus on top of it. That money can be used for a new Kindle of any kind by the end of May. The only bad news is that there are NO Kindles with keyboards. My annotation will have to take place on my Kindle app on laptop, I suppose.