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| Wednesday, December 04, 2013 - 8:22 pm is like but I seem to get better selections from it. It also only sends one e-mail a day and you can choose the type of suggestions you want.
| Thursday, December 05, 2013 - 9:26 am
Check the other reading thread for link to Goldfinch for @1.79 through BookGorilla.
| Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - 4:31 pm
I have a question about Kindle Fire. I have had Kindles in the past, but lately, I have just been reading library book loans on my iPad. I got my mom a Kindle Fire for Christmas. They don't seem to have many books on loan in kindle format from our library, but they do have the option of "reading it in your browser". So I showed her how to do that. The problem is that when she goes to other windows (while keeping that window open) when she comes back to the book, it always wants to start at the beginning again. Is there a way when reading it in the browser that it bookmarks where you left off? Some of the time, it does keep it at the exact spot. Not sure why sometimes it doesn't. Anyone have any ideas what might be up with that? Anything she downloads as a Kindle format, always remembers the bookmark place just fine.
| Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - 8:20 pm
I've never read a book using the browser, but seems strange not to have a bookmark function. You might ask on where there are so many readers, most of whom have Kindles and should know about the browser functions .. they are really amazing with answers to questions, for the most part.
| Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - 8:20 pm
Is it set up to do "private" browsing? If so, it's clearing the cache/cookies. If it's NOT on private browsing, it should remember where it's at.
| Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - 8:22 pm
Ha! I never would have t thought of that..
| Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - 9:25 pm
I am not sure of the setting but will check it. Asking at the kindle boards is a good idea, too. Thanks Seamonkey and Teach!
| Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - 9:59 pm
Hope it works! I just know that both my Iphone and my PC are set up so my browser is always in "private" mode. That can make a few things more difficult, and I'd think reading online would be one of them. 
| Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 12:47 pm
Question... I am thinking about getting Tay a Kindle or like device for her birthday coming up. Does anyone know which sites are best for books that are geared towards middle school age kids?
| Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 8:28 pm
Amazon not only lets you search by children's book but also by age groups. Then, frequently, there are library journal or book reviews from credible library magazines.
| Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 10:17 pm
My 10 year old niece, the big reader (kid anyway) in our family, has a kindle and we can always find books on Amazon for her. I don't know about the other devices though and how they compare for books. She's an advanced reader, about middle school level, and about the only thing we have a problem with is finding books that the subject matter isn't too grown up for her. She's more into sports right now than boys, more into fantasy (kid after my own heart, lol,) that middle school drama. Er, does that make sense?
| Thursday, January 30, 2014 - 10:01 am
Thanks for the info!
| Thursday, January 30, 2014 - 6:26 pm
Tons of people on Kboards have kids with kindles.... all the way back to the first one and up through the old and new and newer kindle Fires. And lots of books for kids for sure. Wonderful gift..
| Friday, January 31, 2014 - 6:44 pm
So here's another question... which is better: Kindle Fire HD Nook Color or.... something else I don't want anything Apple, but I'm not sure which way to go. Don't really want to spend anymore than necessary, considering we have to get a cover and books too. Is there one that stands out better than another? Can you still download apps on the non-kindle versions? Sorry I have so many questions.
| Friday, January 31, 2014 - 7:05 pm
I would go to both the nook store ( and the Kindle store ( and see what is there.. or start with a list of books she likes and look them up in both places to see who has more, or better prices or so on. I'm firmly on Team Amazon for so many reasons but that is what I've experienced. On of course there are gazillions of kindle owners but also a fair number who have had Nooks and other tablets and devices (lots with ipads too) who could give you pros and cons. When Nook started, Barnes & Noble would claim to have more titles but it turned out they were including all the public domain books IN their totals and excluding them from Amazon's, so that was bogus. but they each have huge inventories, plus there are many libraries and other outlets for books as well. The HDX is the latest and greatest from Amazon for Fires.. OH, and I know you can use a Nook App on Kindles and I think an Amazon app on Nooks. I think..
| Friday, January 31, 2014 - 7:09 pm down at the bottom shows areas for other devices.. and of course all the areas for e ink kindles and Fires.
| Friday, January 31, 2014 - 8:35 pm
Customer Service, from what I've heard from both camps, is much better through Amazon. Personally, I've had fabulous customer service for the couple times I had questions about my Kindle, and I wouldn't change to Nook for anything. Then again, even in "dead tree books," I find Amazon cheaper than B&N.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 1:03 pm
Okay, I'm confused. I had one of the first generation Kindles, and I had downloaded TONS of free books. I had two collections, Read and unread. Pretty simple. My DS bought me a Fire for Christmas, and now all my books show up in the cloud, but I have no way of knowing what's read and unread from my previous kindle. Is the only solution to download all of them again, and then use the lists on the old Kindle to sort them all again? (It's a lot of books!) Thanks for any help!
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 2:02 pm
I've never transferred between Kindles, but I thought folders/collections were specific to the device - and not in the cloud. However, a quick look on Amazon turned this up: Collections are stored on Amazon: "When you create a collection on a device, we'll save your collection so it appears in Archived Items on other devices registered to your account. This allows you to transfer collections across registered Kindles." Under that it says, "To import a collection from another Kindle: Select "Archived Items" from the Kindle Home screen. Select "Add Other Device Collections" from the Archived Items page. Select the desired collection to import and select "ok" to confirm. Note: Importing a collection from another device does not import the books or other items to your Kindle if they aren't downloaded already. However, books already on your Kindle that are associated with a collection will automatically appear under that collection name on your Home screen."
Board Administrator
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 2:44 pm
So... I have to redownload everything first? I'll try that.
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 3:36 pm
It looks like it. Once they're downloaded, it looks like the collection part/dividing them up will be done easily. Too bad there isn't a "download all" button!
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 3:39 pm
You can have your collection in the cloud and you can go from your Fire.. click on Books and then there are books in the Cloud and books On Device. (Books On Device would still be in the cloud).. I just tried with a book only in the cloud.. press on the cover and it gives options and one is Add to Collection. Tap that choice and if the book is already IN a collection, it will show that, it will give you choices of existing collections you may have, or the option to create a new one. You can select all collections you want for that book. And you don't have to move that book to your Fire, unless you want it to be there. Kar, you don't have to redownload!!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 6:02 pm
Huh, when I tap on a book in the cloud, it immediately puts in a download queue, what am I doing wrong?
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 8:18 pm
You have to press on it, as opposed to tapping. At least I think this works on all Fires. It works on my HDX. (sometimes the wrong press becomes a tap, but usually it works okay.. I'm going to check on my HD.. but you may have an HDX anyway.) Well I don't see the collection feature on my HD.. I really thought it was on that model. So, IF you have an HDX what I said is true.. at least I am not seeing right away that my HD needs an update. When I just press on a book only in the cloud in the HD it does give the option to download or to be a favorite, but no collection..
| Saturday, February 01, 2014 - 8:32 pm
OK, I went to Kboards and there is a thread.. and the deal is that the following devices have the collection feature.. in the cloud.. Kindle Fire HD 2013 model (not the older HD models like mine, or the original Fires) all the HDX models of Fires the 2013 Paperwhite 2 Kindle for iOS app Kindle for Android app