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| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 2:44 am
It is a very frustrating situation, Roxip, one sis and I talk about frequently since oldest niece has a learning disability too. Like you, we're both big readers, love it, and have fun with it. And then to have kids who not only struggle but don't enjoy it is very difficult. And makes me mad, they have to work so much harder to try to keep up in school.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 1:48 pm
I need help along the lines of kindle for dummies. Meaning instructions as simple as possible. Kindle 3G, with the keyboard. I need to get the text to audio feature running. I know that the book you use has to be one that has that feature, so assuming my book is text to audio enabled...what do I do after that? How do I get the kindle to read the book? Aunts having a terrible time with her broken neck and halo (which sounds like the stupidest thing to say! of course, she's having a terrible time,) but, for the moment, I'm talking entertainment type stuff. The drs/nurses won't allow her to sit up all the way in the bed, laying flat and mostly flat, to read she'd have to raise her arm all the way and hold her kindle above her face. They won't let her sit in a chair for long (and only then with PT or a nurse with her cuz she doesn't have the stregnth yet to support the weight of the halo) so she can't read like that. I think they have her sitting up enough to watch tv, except the tv is angled so both patients in the room would normally be able to see it, but aunt can't turn her head any, so she can't see the tv! We've been telling people who visit and want to bring her a little something to bring balloons, cuz at least she can see those. The volunteers have been going in and reading to her, but that's only for a while and we're not there all day. The poor woman is going out of her mind, bored. Thought about audio books and an ipod, but I know damn well she has a ton of kindle books that can do the text to audio, I just can't figure out how to get the stupid thing working!
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 4:44 pm
Hmm, haven't used a regular Kindle since I got my Fire, and only my DX is close by, but I think you just push the AA button and there you can turn on the voice. You'll want the volume up, or have your Aunt use headphones or earbuds that fit into the jack.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 4:55 pm
Here you go..
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 6:19 pm
Yup - just push the font button and choose the "text to audio" option. Just know that the voice is more mechanical than an audiobook recorded for that purpose. A word like "lead" may mean "The president will lead the company" while the computer voice will say it "the president will LED the company" since there are two pronunciations for the word.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 6:43 pm
My favorite was a book by Chef Gordon Ramsey, full of French cooking terms, Scots slang, swearing.. and it was interesting to hear the robot voice handle those.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 8:45 pm
Thanks guys! I'm not too worried about the pronounciation, as long as she can hear the story. Figured out earlier even sitting in her chair, she'll have to hold the kindle straight out and up since she can't move her head at all. I did think about the audio books, but she has so many books on her kindle, and a lot of them are text to audio it just doesn't seem worth it to spend the money on audio books.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 10:10 am
I think/hope she will adapt to the robot voice.. I was rather amused by it but I was also looking at the text. Maybe in time someone can work out a stand with a clamp to hold it in place. I gather the brand new paperwhite kindles have dropped TTS,so good she has what she has. If she doesn't like the voice, you may be able to get audio books from the library.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 10:48 pm
Ok, another question...does the wifi have to be turned on to use the text to speech option? I kept getting an error message on it and we don't keep her wifi on since she doesn't have internet service.
| Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 3:32 pm
I wouldn't think so, but I did almost always have my wifi or 3G or whatever on with my Kindles. And with my Fire, though I have the original and it doesn't do TTS. (the new ones do). That seems strange.. I'd give Amazon a call or email.. you can request email or have them call you.. Now if you were trying to download the book, sure, but I know you do that at your place.
| Thursday, September 20, 2012 - 7:48 pm
I decided to buy the 7" Kindle Fire HD. It should be here soon! I love new toys!! 
| Friday, September 21, 2012 - 7:41 am
I still love my Kindle Fire after 7 months...just wanted to say that here because I can. I think I need a support group because I'm so addicted to it.
| Friday, September 21, 2012 - 10:05 am
Eggie!! You got the new one, right??? It is going to be even more fabulous than the ones many of us have! People at Kindleboards in the Fire Talk threads have done some great reaction posts, lots of info there. I ordered the larger one so have to wait til November, but very exciting. And the 7" is a great size.. mine is with me all the time. Roxip, I'm in that same group 
| Friday, September 21, 2012 - 6:59 pm
Yes I did Sea. It arrives next Tuesday...yay!!
| Friday, September 21, 2012 - 7:47 pm
I've never had to have my wi-fi on for the text to speech option.
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 12:46 pm
I just ordered the new Kindle Fire 7" HD. Can. Not. Wait!!!
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 1:05 pm
I did get the text to speech option working, showed everyone else how to set it up as well since I don't think aunt will be able to see it well enough to do it on her own. Now I need to get her some headphones so she can hear it more clearly. Thanks guys!
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 1:46 pm
Audio books are so unbelievably expensive so that text to speech feature is pretty nice. Granted it doesn't have any expression but it gets the point across and it's understandable.
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 2:07 pm
Reenie, I share your "Can.Not.Wait!!!" feelings. 
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 7:15 pm
War, glad you got it going .. hope she likes the voice well enough, and the headphones. There used to be (may still be) settings for the speed of the voice and I think it also basically turns the page for you, which is nice. Reenie, how long is the wait for the 7"? I ordered the bigger one the first day, first hour and of course they don't hit the street until November, but I have my original Fire, so I CAN wait.. And by the way, IF you have another Android device and put it on your amazon account, you can start grabbing the free app of the day before you even get your Fire.
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 11:53 pm
Heh, I set it up for her earlier today, gave her a warning about the robotic sounding voice and the misprounounced words and she glared at me. She was just happy to have her books back and a choice of what to do besides sitting there with the tv going. And yeah, it turns the pages for you, basically you turn on text to speech and can just sit back and let the kindle do all the work.
| Monday, September 24, 2012 - 11:21 am
| Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 12:41 pm
Seamonkey - I ordered it this past Sunday and it will be here tomorrow (Wednesday). I took the 1 month free PRIME deal so I got quicker shipping. One more day to go....
| Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 2:28 pm
Oh had I ordered the new 7" it would have been first hour .. trust me .. Then you track it cross country and wait for it to land on the doorstep. I usually hang out on Kindleboards and we Kindle Watch together. So your day is tomorrow?? How exciting!
| Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 3:23 pm
One week and one day for me to go until I get my Paperwhite. I am really anxious and excited about that. More so than any other previous Kindle version.