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| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 4:11 pm
I use to get mine. I think they choose specific books from Amazon because the same titles are on both sites. Ereader gives an average 30 books a day from various genres.
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 4:44 pm
I was able to borrow one of the Hunger Games books from Teachmichigan.. Another place on Kindleboards I check daily.. they list the free app of the day but better yet one of the mods often gets a chance to look at it a bit or at least report on the reviews early in the day,80.0.html is Fire Talk forum.. and free app of the day is one of the threads there. Plus you can ask any question or often get good ideas. I also get emails from some group with free books listed as well. And of course when you get your first Kindle, just search on Amazon.. I think you can bypass the public domain books, once you get a bunch of those you want, so you don't have to wade through them each time.
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 6:43 pm
Yup - if there's something specific you want, just ask. We're a sharing group!
| Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 1:46 pm
Girls, don't be mad, but I'm returning the Fire tomorrow. I just didn't love it, was too heavy, and not enough easy access magazine and newspaper content--I'm not much of a book reader anymore. It's just one more thing to keep track of. Maybe if they come out with a slimmer version. The train stations here are all going to have wifi in the next few years, maybe that will help with streaming content. Thanks for all your advice. 
| Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 2:05 pm
Another good point! You can send it back No use having a device that doesn't please you.
| Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 6:02 pm
how unusual you said there wasn't easy access magazine content. i've had no problem accessing magazines. i love the fact that my daughter gets the hard copy of Bon Appetit and I get the Kindle edition of her subscription. also her Entertainment Weekly. Also whenever they have free versions (I don't pay for anything). Have read my local paper on it with no problem either. I have a cover on my Fire and it fits into my purse. }}
| Monday, July 09, 2012 - 7:19 am
Hey, if it didn't work for you then you are right to send it back...nothing worse than a useless electronic device sitting around that you spent good money on and it irritates you ever time you see it...LOL! I should know - I have a houseful!
| Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 10:00 am
By the way, I'm not sure exactly where I got the recommendation to go to Bookbub for daily free book updates, but if I got it here thanks a bunch! I am enjoying that they do the sleuthing for me!
| Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 2:17 pm
Kindle Book of the Day (see link above) for $1.99 is the book of Julia Childs' letters, As Always, Julia (in honor of her 100th birthday) }which has been quite expensive, so I snapped it up late last night..
| Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 8:34 pm
YAY! I just picked this one up, too. 
| Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 10:23 pm
Me too!
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 10:22 am
I finally downloaded the Harry Potter series to my Kindle (but will read on my iPad) so now I can finally see how it ends (I have the paperback books which will go to my grandkids)
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 10:39 am
Sigh - And that's the nice thing about paper books. (Though I love the convenience, value and space saving of the e-readers.)
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 11:11 pm
No kids or grandkids but I'm wondering what grandkids will be thinking of heavy, clunky hardbacks down the road. I mostly just hope there will be grandkids around who are madly in love with the written word, in whatever form it may take, and aren't limited to tweets and texts or video clips.
| Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 8:50 am
We have always read to Melodie, even before she was really old enough to enjoy it and right now she's on the third Harry Potter book. She reads it by herself during the week and then we will read 4 or 5 chapters on Saturday night at bedtime. She has also started to pick out the books she wants to read to Jaxon, so our family is doing their part to raise the next generation of readers, Sea.
| Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 5:47 pm
Good going!!
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 10:06 am
Anyone excited about all the Amazon announcements at the press conference yesterday???
Board Administrator
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 10:20 am
I am, I have an ancient Kindle, and it may finally be time to upgrade!
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 11:17 am
I am!! I have been thinking about getting a KF and had decided to wait for the next upgrade. It looks like it was worth the wait.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 12:40 pm
I'm kind of excited about the "normal" Kindle reader that comes with a light built in. I have been debating buying my parents Kindles but wasn't sure how they would cope with them but I think that might be perfect for them (both of them are in their 80s and their vision is compromised but they both love to read). However, as my mother HATES spending money online I doubt she will use a Kindle (and she has my dad convinced that if he touches her computer he will blow it up, thereby incurring her wrath...and he doesn't want to do that!).
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 1:03 pm
Roxip, my 83 year old aunt, with severe tremors, loves her kindle! It's light weight, easy to use even with her shaky hands, and you can adjust the size of the text for her to see. She reads constantly, but had given it up for a while because she was having too many problems holding the books, the kindle has been the best thing ever for her. I do all her downloading and usually don't have to spend money with all the free books out there. I think it's great for older people! Neither Darren or I need a new kindle right now, but we've been toying with getting Kota one. She's been using my fire for games and facebook (bigger screen than her ipod) and loves it. With the new ones coming out, I'm thinking about Christmas for her. My only problem is that she absolutely won't read for fun (she has reading comprehension problems and it's a chore for her) and I'm just not sure I want to spend the money for her to have something else to play Angry Birds and Facebook on. The plus is that her school allows them to use e-devices and she could use a kindle for required reading rather than having to go to the bookstore.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 1:34 pm
My daughter (who also has reading issues - she's dyslexic and ADHD) will actually read every once in a while if I put something on her Ipad. There is something about seeing it on screen that seems to make that magical connection for her a little clearer. She actually made it halfway through The Help this summer and now is considering downloading The Hunger Games since all of her friends have read it and tell her she needs to read it. Isn't it hard? I love reading, and having her having problems with reading is one of the most frustrating things - I don't have a clue now it works (or doesn't work) for her, so trying to help her is not one of my strong points. I am so grateful for the fine dyslexia teachers she has had in our public school system that have brought her along, and in her own determination to make sure she doesn't fall behind.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 4:20 pm
Mak, WELL worth it.. well I didn't but I have gotten many miles (or pages, calendars, etc.) from my original KF. But now the lowest lever KF is better and cheaper (but I think with ads). And I ordered one of the 4G bigger ones (still smaller than an ipad).. The press conf was at 10:30am yesterday and I had to pick up a patient at 10 for a long appt.. so I brought my laptop and used the hospital wifi.. even found a little seating area and a chair next to a plug in the wall. But it was SO slow. Agonizing I guess with all the many people in that kindleboards thread but lots of reports.. we even had two authors who post on KB AT the presser and one was posting! Eventually I thought. duh.. I have my Fire.. so I went on their wifi too and that was faster. I had my order in before we left the hospital. But the new paperwhite kindles sound fabulous too! Mak what did you order, or are you considering?? War, I always love hearing about your aunt and thinkig of all the reading she's done! If your library has lending, she'd be a prime candidate since she reads so fast.. Kar, you will be amazed no matter what you order. I don't know details but I read that Jeff Bezos described a process where a person will be able to have both the audio and ebook going at once, so they hear the words while they read. Hard to say and maybe Kota's teacher would know, but having the audio while reading might appeal to her or make it more fun or easier. Or, maybe not. Roxip, might be an interesting combo for your daughter too. Anyway, Kindleboards is buzzing with discussion, dissection of the descriptions and talk of orders and arrival dates. "Kindlewatch" is an nonored tradition there.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 7:47 pm
Sea, I need to compare and will check the discussions at Kindleboards to help me decide. The two I'm comparing are the 7" and 8.9" HD, wi-fi, not 4G. Probably the 7" HD will be the winner.
| Friday, September 07, 2012 - 8:20 pm
I'm sure you will love it!! That one does include the front facing camera you can use for Skype.