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| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 1:51 pm
I always have a book in my hand everywhere that I go. But isn't the idea at least a little appealing of carrying your library (not just current hardcover book) in something approximating the size and weight of ONE small paperback? That's the biggest e-reader selling point for me. That means also I don't need as much bookshelf space.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 6:13 pm
And not having to be sure to have two books when I'm close to finishing one.. or a stack of books on a vacation. But of course, to each his/her own. Welcome to posting, Incognito! The other thread has us sharing what we read, no matter how we read it. Lots of paper book readers here too.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 6:19 pm
Welcome, Incognito! It's funny, my son and I were talking today about how in the future, paper books are going to be very valuable (even the bad ones!) because they will be so rare.
| Sunday, April 22, 2012 - 7:16 pm
Merrysea - that's the premise of M. Clifford's The Book. It's about personalized e-readers after The Great Recycling and paper books are all gone. The problem then arises when the gov't starts altering the classics and deleting books.
| Monday, April 23, 2012 - 7:33 am
I have picked up exactly one paper book since getting my Kindle in February or March...and that's because I was not finished with the last chapter (and it took me 2 months to get around to finishing it!). When I get around to it I will probably start weeding out all but my very favorite books (and I probably have several hundred lying around my house or in boxes).
| Monday, June 11, 2012 - 6:21 pm
Roxip, I'm addicted to my Kindle. I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface of what it can do. I've gotten so many free books that have introduced me to writers I may never have tried. I broke down & bought some music but think it was well worth it. Incognito, I felt the same way you do. My family tried for over a year to get me to let them buy one for me. I'll still buy the hardcovers by Stephen King, though-Sea, he's my favorite author, too. Actually took a vacation to Bangor to see his home. The gates were open to the driveway! I brought some of his grass home for my sister and
| Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - 9:13 am
Glad you are enjoying your Kindle. I bought one for my sister for her birthday and she feels the same way. I have bought a few things here and there but there is just so much free content...and like you I am reading authors I have never heard of before so it is expanding my reading horizons. I also enjoy that I can switch over and play on my apps at any given moment...not to mention having a Bible on-hand whenever I want to look up a verse (probably should do more of that than reading fiction...LOL!). I will probably hang on to some of my favorite "paper" books but have been thinking about getting rid of a whole bunch of them that have just been hanging around for years. LOL...obviously I haven't done it as yet since I posted this above-thread.
| Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 10:18 pm
I got a Nook for Christmas in 2010. I love it. The Nook is put out by Barnes and Nobel and they have over one 1,8000,000 free titles. Some of these are short stories, classics, and new authors trying to break into the business. But many of them are really good books. And they have a free Friday book each week that comes from their "better" book list. My son has downloaded the Nook app on his Ipad and uses it a lot. He says he has no problems with it. One thing I really like about my Nook color is that I can access the internet, download games, do Facebook, and even post on TV Clubhouse on it. I can check the time, the weather, and just about anything one can do on the internet. I LOVE my nook.
| Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 10:23 pm
I have discarded a few of my books as I have replaced them on my nook, but since I have hundreds of favorite books, which I do reread from time to time, it would take a fortune to replace them, so I have no plans to do so in the near future. But I am trying hard not to add to the book shelves, but add instead to the nook shelves whenever I want a new book. I download a ton of free stuff but am very selective with the books I pay money for. If I am going to pay money for them, I want it to be something I will want to retain on my nook and might actually read again some day. 
| Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 10:30 pm
Yep, that is like the Kindles.. multi-talented. And there are tons of free books in both stores, though keep in mind that B&N chooses to count the huge number of free public domain books, which are free on any reader, but when they used to compare to Amazon, surprise, surprise, they didn't count those same free public domain books in the Amazon numbers. Quite deceptive, but clearly there are a huge number of books available. And of course on a PC one can access any Nook book (whether paid or not), or any Kindle book using the apps for those readers. I've seen where people with Kindle Fires have side loaded, so that they can run the Nook App and the KOBO app, plus of course access their Kindle library. And then there are so many other sources too. Besides my calendar, I use the ability to email documents to my Fire so that I have my schedule for volunteer driving with me at all times. I love seeing people reading on their various readers and loving the experience. I see more and more of that in waiting rooms, where I also read.
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 6:30 am
I'm thinking of getting a Kindle Fire. It seems like the perfect little product for me. Is there a monthly subscription fee? I'd like to avoid that. I do see that it sends and receives e-mails, which would be great for me to send resumes as attachments, as a freelancer on the go. I don't want a smart phone. My normal cell phone is just fine. But I would like to read on the train or when I'm eating out after work. Any advice or suggestions? Thanks!
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 9:42 am
I love my Kindle Fire! No, there are no monthly subscription fees. It does require WiFi to access email or the internet, but you can download books (as well as music and movies) and read them wherever you happen to be. You can also store documents such as your resume on it. It's a nice size for carrying with you as well as for reading.
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 11:26 am
If you use Amazon a lot, I'd also recommend the Prime Account because then you'll have a lending library AND instant videos at your fingertips with the Fire. 
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 12:43 pm
I don't really, but thanks for the tip! I think it would mainly be for reading on the train (weekly mags most likely, and some books) and looking at e-mails on the go at wifi spots. I might try to transfer all my music on it too, if it has enough space. I also might try to play facebook games on it, but it may be hard. Not sure a Fire has the processing power to handle Castleville and the like. Seems like a great little product at a reasonable price. I'm sort of anti-Apple, so don't want an ipad. This seems like a good solution.(I have an ipod but that's as far as I go.)
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 12:55 pm
Another nice feature with Kindle is that you can store stuff in the Cloud, so it doesn't have to all be downloaded at the same time if there's not enough space.
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 1:04 pm
Nyheat, I thought when I got my Kindle (all I wanted was one to read the books on - but was given the fire for christmas) that I would only do what you said you think you want it for. I carry it with me EVERYWHERE! it doesn't do flash games (no Castleville) but I use it for Facebook/yahoo/weather/etc etc etc! amazingly enough I cannot believe how much I use it.
| Wednesday, July 04, 2012 - 1:27 pm
It also has a free app for 5 POGO games.. but it does seem like you have to be on wifi when you play. I love my Fire and take it everywhere. Ny.. you get an email addy associated with your device and you can send documents as attachments to the device. I use that for my driving schedule each week. I also use the Calengoo app on the Kindle and when I'm on wifi it syncs with Google calendar on my computer. Mine comes with me when I leave the house and stays with me in the house, too.
| Thursday, July 05, 2012 - 3:49 pm
Nyheat, storms came through here over the weekend and we didn't lose power (thank God) but lost our cable and Internet for 3 days. DH was going nuts but I have so many books, games, and music downloaded that I was able to keep my sanity. Most of the books I've gotten for free are the classics-various Dickens, "Little Women", "Les Mis", Bronte, etc., and children's books that my granddaughter loves. It's so easy to use that she can navigate to books or Net Flix by herself-and she's only 5. With everything I can do on my Fire I think it's well worth the money.
| Thursday, July 05, 2012 - 5:41 pm
Thanks everyone for the helpful opinions! Think I will invest soon. 
| Friday, July 06, 2012 - 6:44 am
I actually like playing Words with Friends better on my Kindle than I do on Facebook. I like the screen layout better.
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 3:35 am
So I got my Kindle Fire I like it but it's a bit heavy. Question: How do I get to the free books? I see you get one free a month via prime--but isn't there a free public domain lending library, Prime member or no? I signed up for the free USA Today app. But how can I download the edition so I can read it on the train? Is that possible? Any or all advice would be greatly appreciated 
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 7:48 am
I go on amazon and search for "free kindle books" and then just start browsing. I've probably downloaded close to a 100 free books so will also bring up free books. No, it might not be the books you think you want to read but I've been presently surprised at some of the new books I've read...
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 2:42 pm
The are a good place to look for free books, too, Ny. Check out the Book Bazaar thread here:,42.html
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 3:58 pm
Nyheat, got to your local library's web site. that's what I did (Escapee doesn't live that far from me and uses the same NorCal library site). try Pixel of Inkand you'll soon find other ones through Facebook also.
| Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 3:59 pm
also ask any of us if we have a book we love that we can share. thanks to Roxip, I was able to read a book that she owned that I wanted to read.