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| Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 12:14 am
They are addictive, are they not?
| Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 1:04 am
Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! 
| Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 8:44 am
I work in a building that has the most annoying elevators - I am on the 17th (top) floor, the first 6 floors are parking garage and so my elevator trips can be long and tedious. I have discovered a new phenomenon...if you whip out your Kindle while you are on the elevator it will not stop at every floor, as opposed to a regular (Kindle-less) trip where it will! It's a miracle!
| Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 9:44 am
LOL, Roxip!!
| Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 8:01 pm
Sounds like when my mom would tell us that if she lit a cigarette, the bus would come.. and it seemed like it always did, forcing her to put the cig out.
| Friday, March 02, 2012 - 8:37 am
I was at Best Buy last night and overheard a couple discussing buying a Kindle Fire. I had to go over and whip mine out and tell them it would be a GREAT decision...I mean...a portable device that allows me to carry my games and books - my two favorite things in the world - all at one time every place I go? Does it get any better?
| Friday, March 02, 2012 - 8:39 am
My Mom used to light a cigarette when we were waiting on our food in a restaurant...she said it had the same result. Can you believe that we used to sit in restaurants at a table with people smoking? How times have changed (personally I think this one is a change for the better!).
| Saturday, March 03, 2012 - 12:00 am
I was conceived, carried in utero, born and lived in smoke (I assume they didn't allow smoking in the delivery room, at least and yes.. a change for the better indeed. At least the Kindle Fire doesn't smoke 
| Saturday, March 03, 2012 - 7:45 pm
Mame, sounds like you are enjoying your VOX!! Do you have Angry Birds yet?
| Saturday, March 03, 2012 - 9:38 pm
No angry birds, not even slightly annoyed ones. ;) I am seriously p'od that I can't seem to dl WORDS WITH FRIENDS onto my Kobo Vox. I've dl'd it onto my android cellphone with no probs. I'm heading back to the store in the next day or two to ask one of the young techies that work in the store to either dl it for me, or explain why if it can't be done.
| Saturday, March 03, 2012 - 9:48 pm
It may not be available yet for the VOX. I know there are tons of Android apps but it depends on the store.. like for apps for apple devices, they go through the iTunes store and Apple strictly checks them out first. The Android market is more wide open, more apps but more potentially that can harm or be malware, but more freedome. Amazon, with the Fire is taking a path closer to that of Apple, but we CAN sideload apps at our own risk. I haven't done that yet, haven't really used THAT many apps yet, though I check the free app daily and often DL it. I use Calengoo on the Fire and Google Calendar on my computer and they sync to each other wirelessly and I love that.. Anyway, it depends where your KOBO apps are coming from, what is available. And they if it is a newer device, the developers are having to convert their apps for the device in many cases, so it may be coming. I don't think we had Words With Friends for Fire, last I heard.
| Sunday, March 04, 2012 - 3:50 pm
I wish that the Kobo allowed lending and borrowing. That's one of the things that I don't like about it. Also the fact that the Kindle eBook format is proprietary. I wonder if eBooks can/will be passed down from generation to generation like we do with printed books?
| Sunday, March 04, 2012 - 4:54 pm
Lending and borrowing (on the kindle and the nook) are somewhat limited.. first the publisher has to allow it and then you can only lend a book once for a certain length of time. But it is still kind of nice.
| Sunday, March 04, 2012 - 6:20 pm
Jimmer, we can borrow from the library on the Kobo. But if you mean lending and borrowing among each other, that I don't know.
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 8:21 am
Actually I was able to download Words with Friends for my Fire...but I haven't been able to figure out how to move the letters...or else my fingers are too clumsy. Not to mention that I could get it through Facebook if I so chose.
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 8:55 am
I don't think we can lend and borrow from each other on the Kobo. How is borrowing from the library working for you?
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 10:33 am
Nook had borrowing from other readers first, then Amazon matched them, so KOBO may come along. As I said it is somewhat limited, but kind of fun. There is a site.. I think where they list the most wanted books.. they might also know which readers support the feature (unless the site is kindle only). I think library lending isn't as robust on the Kindle due to the formats AND some of the publishers and then it also depends on the libraries, what they have available. I've borrowed one book from the Free Library of Philadelphia but then it seemed that some I wanted, disappeared from the list.
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 6:01 pm
I borrowed my first library book on my Kindle this week, Janet Evanovich's Explosive Eighteen. It was easy to do. My library only allows a one-week e-book loan, but I was given the option to renew if I had needed to.
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 6:02 pm
Makkie, we get 21 days from our library for E-books.
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 6:06 pm
Jimmer, it's fine. BUT I tend to put too many books on hold and they arrive around the same time so sometimes they get 'locked' after the 21 days and I have to re-order them. I used to be able to renew library e-books, but either I'm doing it wrong, or they've stopped that. But if it's not a popular book, it's usually available right away again. And if its a popular book, I try to read it right away. I tend to put my library e-books on the back burner, especially if I'm in the middle of other books.
| Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 6:57 pm
Roxip wrote: "I was at Best Buy last night and overheard a couple discussing buying a Kindle Fire. I had to go over and whip mine out and tell them it would be a GREAT decision...I mean...a portable device that allows me to carry my games and books - my two favorite things in the world - all at one time every place I go? Does it get any better? No it does not! I just bought one two weeks ago and hardly put it down. I swore to myself that I'd never go to a machine to read books...always loved the feel and smell (lol) of books. I actually didn't even buy the Fire for reading...I just wanted something reasonably priced where I could get Wi-Fi. Guess what? I've already read 4 books on my Fire in two weeks. I think I only read 3 books all of last year. And I haven't dozed off once, which is a major problem for me with books, LOL! I'm a happy lady! Going to buy each of my two niece's one as soon as I can get the money saved.
| Wednesday, March 07, 2012 - 8:20 am
I'm the same way about my parents - they are elderly and their vision is getting compromised but they really liked my Kindle this weekend - my Dad loved the fact that you can adjust the size of the text. He just can't comprehend how you get books on the thing (he refuses to touch a computer) but my Mom is quite computer savvy so they could work it out. The only concern I have is that they don't have wi-fi but I'm sure they could download directly to and then sync their readers. Okay, I had better revise my "my two favorite things" - of course my DAUGHTER is my very favorite thing...LOL!
| Wednesday, March 07, 2012 - 9:25 am
I didn't intend for my Fire to become my reader, but it has done that.. and I have e ink kindles..
| Wednesday, March 07, 2012 - 6:14 pm
I have a question. I don't have time to look this up at the moment, and I don't want to lose my place. I just started readng a book online today. It's set up to look like you are reading it on a reader device. I got to the 5th chapter. I don't see anyplace to pause or save it. I'm afraid if I leave the page, I will lose my place. I wouldn't want to have to go back to the beginning, and try to find where I was. No page number or anything. Anyone know how I can save the page I'm on? I did bookmark it, but not sure that will save the page itself.
| Wednesday, March 07, 2012 - 6:23 pm
Heckagirl, the book should automatically open to the last page bookmarked (at least, that's the way it works for Kindle). What program are you reading it in?