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| Monday, December 26, 2011 - 6:09 pm
I looked there earlier, War, and the edit button was beside all the devices except the Fire. I'll go back and try again, though. It may have been too new to edit the first time I looked. ETA: AHHHHH!!! Success!!!! Thanks, War. The edit button was next to the name, and it worked beautifully. I don't know if I missed it the first time or if the layout has changed, but it now has a name that is a bit more descriptive! 
| Monday, December 26, 2011 - 6:16 pm
| Monday, December 26, 2011 - 9:41 pm
Nah, Teach, I'm not sure if it wasn't there or what, but it took me forever to find it when I tried to rename ours and I know I had to go through it twice to get the new names to stick. Seemed pretty difficult for such an easy (or what should have been an easy) task. Especially for the kindle, which had been so easy to set up and get going.
| Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 12:22 pm
There was something odd with the Fires.. like usually (unless it is marked as a gift) you can get the info ahead of time, and name the device but it was frustrating for those of us getting the first Fires.. there were some great free apps but we couldn't get them (if we didn't have another android device registered with Amazon) because we didn't have S/N or email "addy" yet. So that was different. (and not better)
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 12:29 pm
I'm waiting for my Fire to be delivered...hope I'm happy with it! I'm already itching to start downloading books.
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 2:04 pm
Roxip, you can d/l the free PC app to your computer and then start d/l books or buying books or "buying" free books right away. Then when your fire comes you can download those books from the Cloud.
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 2:54 pm
i still haven't bought a single book for my cloud. just free books, used the kindle lending library, and my local county library. i still have tons to read!
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 3:21 pm
How long do the lendable ones stay on your device?
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 3:57 pm
Thanks Seamonkey, I might look into that when I get home.
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 7:40 pm
The lendable one from the Amazon Lending Library stay as long as you want. You can get one a month w/Amazon Prime account, but if you haven't finished reading it, you can keep it until you get a new one. If you get a lended book from another Kindle owner, it's usually 7-14 days. However, if you turn off the wi-fi/3G you can keep it as long as it takes. As soon as you sync it w/Wi-Fi, if it's past the lending time, it will delete the book.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 2:13 pm
Thought you bibliophiles might enjoy this article: 25 Reasons Real Books Are Here to Stay The e-book publishers would have us believe that paper books are being rounded up to cries of “Bring out yer dead” and dumped by the cartload into burning plague pits. Don’t sound the death knell just yet. While printed book sales figures are down (like everything else), the industry still generates billions of dollars per year while e-books are still in the high millions, not to mention the fact that folks are still willing to plonk down $75 for a coffee table art book. Just check the comments section of any article predicting doom for paper books and you’ll find a near-rabid gang of defenders who say you’ll have to pry their ARDs (Ancient Reading Devices) out of their cold, dead hands. Why do some of us prefer books made of trees? The easy answer is that you either get it or you don’t, but for those who don’t, here are 25 reasons some of us --even those of us who own Kindles on the side-- will always love our pulp. 1. Reading in the bathtub. <snip>
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 2:56 pm
To each his or her own.. byt there is an answer to each point, starting with "big zip lock bag" for the first one... yes you can read in a bathtub on an e reader..
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 3:10 pm
Cute article. I enjoy my Kobo but I love printed books as well and I'd mourn their passing if that were to happen. I love going to the bookstore and browsing through the books. Sigh - then I buy a digital version. I bet that the big publishers are quaking over e-readers.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 4:53 pm
LOL Seamonkey my first thought I am not supposed to take my Kindle into the bathtub?????? Glad to know I am not the only one!!!!
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 6:54 pm
I do love books and have loved them since I learned to read when I was four or earlier. And of course there are books you want to have but then in reality what is most important to me are the words and ideas. I did wonder what it would be like but once I got my first Kindle it was love.. and then with the Kindle 2 I got my first Oberon cover so there was something of beauty, a great smell, tactile, visual.. but still in a small, light format that held a whole library. Booksignings.. I stood in line and got Ozzy Osbourne's signature but have to admit I would rather read the book on the Kindle. I had been involved with Bookcrossing for a few years prior to the Kindle and their motto is "books want to be free" so you release books, share with others, participate in rings and rays where the same book may literally circle the globe, and everyone journals and that is a magical book thing, but doesn't involve holding on to every book. But I stillhave a huge collection of books, too.
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 7:57 am
Got my Kindle Fire last night. My 14-year old downloaded a lot of apps for me (amazing how quick she can do that!). I'm going to go to the site recommended above to figure out more about my it is sure fun. I didn't even turn on the television last night.
| Wednesday, February 08, 2012 - 8:41 am
I read Hunger Games on mine in one day.
| Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 11:53 am
Gidget, liked the article! Thanks! Loved the memories of Pat the Bunny! I have an ipad, but haven't read any books on it yet. I put some free books on there, but just haven't read them. (well, not for enjoyment. I've read part of the E book Ipad manual.) I just LOVE the regular books. I totally see the practicality of the e readers. Especially for voracious readers that devour books quickly. (Wish I had time to do that! Someday...sigh) I love new books and old and bookstores and just having books and holding books and waiting for books to come that I've ordered. I don't really care about things so much, but one of my dreams has always been to have a library in my house.
| Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 11:55 am
Sea, Bookcrossing sounds wonderful!
| Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 12:57 pm
It is! I think if you mostly read at home.. but even then I do love my kindle.. because I so often read heavy books (long books) but I've ALWAYS, since high school, always had reading material with me all the time.. so even the Fire, which is heavier than any of the e ink kindles, is lighter than a book and when I finish one book I can just start the next. When I was able to travel, I'd be hauling along a stack of books and, if I wasn't keeping them, be leaving them places as I finished. When I started bookcrossing I'd register them, label them and "release" them. Anyway, it certainly works for me, but the Fire of course has lots of apps that work for me.. like now I have google calendar on my computer and Calengoo app that sychs with it on my Fire, so I can be at the doctor's and enter my next appt on the Fire and as soon as I'm connected to wifi, anywhere, it will add that info to the calendr on the computer. Lots of games. I can use the email addy assigned to the Fire (or any of the kindles) to send documents to the device. Thus I email my driving schedule for my volunteer driving and I have all the info on the patient, the facility and if I include them, driving directions. And I could email any document. LOL.. I don't know if most places would accept it but I emailed a coupon from my favorite restaurant (my printer isn't printing ) and just showed it to them on my fire and got the discount. I can also, if I'm on wifi, check my email, read here or on other sites, and so much more. So it isn't just a reader. I haven't done so but I could watch movies, tv shows, listen to music, etc. But of course I'm just speaking for me, not anywone else. And many people have other devices that do some of those jobs) And of course my bottom line, as always, is the words, the ideas, the plots, more than the physical books (of course that doesn't include books that are part collage, like those of Nick Bantock)
| Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 1:15 pm
Sea, you are an inspiration for me to get better with technology! I have some really cool devices, but just really need to learn what to do with them!
| Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 1:26 pm
Oh, I hear you!! I don't do nearly enough.. like I knew about emailing documents and I knew Teach was doing that with her students but it wasn't until my printer crapped out, again, that I was more motivated .. and I even save more paper! And the calendar app.. I do learn so much on Kindleboards and people are so good even with very elementary questions. I know I could do so much more with stuff I already have..
| Sunday, February 12, 2012 - 1:45 pm
Necessity is the mother of invention - or the mother who nags us to learn how to use the inventions!! I can already envision my retirement -- sitting in our library (which is being started this month w/an old set of HUGE bookshelves we got from our public library), reading both dead tree books and books on Kindle - and keeping up with friends around the world via whatever new gadget is out there. 
| Monday, February 13, 2012 - 11:08 pm
I need to stop downloading free I find myself playing mahjong or angry birds or solitaire or word search in every spare moment, and I've read about 3 books in my other spare I got the Kindle in self-defense...there is another secretary at my work who has made it her business to make sure what I am doing at my desk, despite the fact that I am always caught up on my work and everybody knows that I am always willing to help them if they are overloaded...but I have a hard time sitting and doing nothing so sometimes I am online too much. I think the Kindle will be a lot less obvious than my 27 inch screen at my desk that is open to public Unfortunately her boss was just made managing partner so now she believes she REALLY is in charge.
| Monday, February 20, 2012 - 11:23 pm
I'd like to introduce you to my brand new baby, the KOBO VOX:
Hallelujah! My New, new Kobo Vox seems to be working well. Finally! (Bought it a few days ago on the last day of a sale at Future Shop, it had some glitches, so I exchanged it Saturday, and set up the new one today.) Being a girly-girl, mine's the hot pink one, of course. LOL. The Kobo Vox is similar to the Kindle Fire, as it's basically a mini-tablet. I'm giving my 2 year-old original Kobo, (which is a very basic e-reader) to my best buddy Bob, for his b'day. He's very excited about it. Just has to set up his own free account with KOBO. But until then, he won't lack for reading material, my old one came preloaded with 100 books, and I also dl'd about 40 books onto it myself. Plus it has a rubber cover that DH bought for me ages ago. (The new Kobo Vox is slightly bigger and definately heavier, so I have to get a new protective cover it.