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| Friday, May 07, 2010 - 8:15 am
Thats an interesting view Calamity and so true. It was very thought provoking to hear Death talk about how he is so old and not of this galaxy and held prisoner by Lucifer! I was left also wondering, why didnt Crowley know all about this? And did he send Dean in there to get killed? After all that 'weapon' he gave Dean did nothing!
| Saturday, May 08, 2010 - 8:05 pm
anybody know where i can get full episodes of season 5? i looked on cwtv and they only have episode 20. even tried hulu and same thing...
| Monday, May 10, 2010 - 2:08 pm
okay i found episodes online...however...i have a question why is that kid jesse, from the beginning of the season, so much more powerful than a full fledged demon? I understand that like a demon only inhabits another's body...but because he's half demon and half human it makes him more powerful? really? i don't get it. can someone please explain.
| Friday, May 14, 2010 - 10:09 am
Renewing the series for another year clearly affected last night's show - they needed to extend this season's story arc rather than ending it and the show - but I kinda liked that the last minutes were...quiet, I guess is the word. But what was the deal with the prophet disappearing like that and Sam, if that was him, watching from outside Lisa's house?! Good show.
| Friday, May 14, 2010 - 12:59 pm
IMHO one MAJOR letdown after all the season long buildup to this great Apocalyptic showdown. Sorry but for me to see Sam drink blood and jump in a hole just wasn't the big finish I anticipated. As for another season, it's been all over the media there will be a creative change. So I saw NO reason they couldn't finish this story arc with a BANG, have Sam somehow be Sam at the end of it, and start next year with a new agenda of wrapping up loose ends. I just am VERY thankful they didn't permanently kill Bobby as was rumored, as I adore him and they boys need him. Also, I thought one of the more interesting lines was when Dean asked Cas if he was God. I think a more vague answer would have made it FAR more interesting. I still want God to have been at work here! One word for last night...UNDERWHELMING!
| Friday, May 14, 2010 - 10:40 pm
"But what was the deal with the prophet disappearing like that" I think that was about the "prophet" revealing something to the viewers....that he wasn't just a writer/prophet...he was actually God himself! The "prophet's" final words of the episode: "So what's it all add up to? It's hard to say, but me, I think this was a test....for Sam and Dean...and I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, angels, devils, and destiny and God himself... They made their own choice. They chose family and, well, isn't that kind of the whole point?" [He types "THE END"] "No doubt, endings are hard but then again, nothing ever really ends, does it"? [Said with a knowing smile just before he vanishes....] ------------------ Near the end of the episode, Dean asked Castiel if he was God.... I think that was just to remind the viewers that God could still be hiding out and pretending to be someone else. When the "prophet" expressed his final thoughts and ended his story, typing "THE END".... it seemed to me that he knew a helluva lot more about what was going on than he ever let on. Yep, I think he was really God whom everyone thought was MIA. Think about it....he was sitting there and literally writing Sam and Dean's story all along and in the end he commented on them doing okay on their "test" because they chose family. Whadayathink?
| Friday, May 14, 2010 - 11:58 pm
Hmmmmm actually I think that theory is even more interesting than watching the finale was LOL!!! Now I'm trying to remember the other things the Prophet said and did in earlier episodes to see if it might clique. Too bad I didn't pay that much attention to him lolol
| Saturday, May 15, 2010 - 12:40 pm
Whadayathink? Sanfranjoshfan: I'd considered that too and while I won't be shocked if that's what the show decides to go with, remember when Sam & Dean first met Chuck after finding out about the book series based on their lives, he appeared to be shocked that they were real. I think that's when someone (Castiel?) told them Chuck was a prophet. But maybe that was part of the plan all along. I wasn't sure if the show really would ever bring in God but that discussion Mr. Death had with Dean (about one day getting God too) made me wonder if that might be part of the next season's story arc. Sorry you were disappointed in the show, Lurknomore.
| Saturday, May 15, 2010 - 12:53 pm
The synopsis for this episode on pointed out something I had the end when Chuck was making his final observations, it was noted that when he took his final sip of brandy and stood up before he vanished........he was dressed all in white.

| Saturday, May 15, 2010 - 2:24 pm
I just watched the episode and Chuck didn't stand up at the end. He was dressed in a white shirt, took a sip of brandy and then disappeared. I like the idea of Chuck being God, but agree with Calamity that the way we were introduced to him certainly didn't make him seem to know anything at all. But it did kind of feel like they wanted us to think he might be God in last night's episode to kind of wrap up the story. That he was obviously more than just a man with the ability to see Sam and Dean's future. Lurknomore - I have to agree that it was a little underwhelming for the finale. In a way, with Chuck doing the monologue, it almost felt like a bit of an inside joke that neither he nor the writers of the series knew how to make as great of an ending as it was in the beginning. I am very glad that Bobby will be back. I never really care as much for the year long story arc as I do for the episodes that can stand alone.
| Sunday, May 16, 2010 - 8:34 pm
I'm just wondering if that was Sam or Lucifer in the final scene...
| Sunday, May 16, 2010 - 10:41 pm
Becky May 10, I found some info on Jesse right here. I'm guessing he is more powerful bc he has powers and human emotions. And demons would fear Michael, why should Jesse, he can destroy him with one thought, or so Castiel believes. It will be interesting to see how things turn out once he's grown. Question from the week before last episode, did Bobby get his soul back? I don't remember anyone saying he did, just that Crowley would be holding it for security. Was this past week's episode really the finale? I liked it, but I thought there was one more--darn. I thought for sure Lucifer and Michael would fight from hell, but then I was surprised to see Sam standing outside the window. His expressions seemed more like Sam to me than Lucifer, but we really don't know, although since God saved Castiel and Bobby, I think he'd spare a moment to save Sam and hopefully Adam too. I think that Sam is outside the house and is deciding if he should interrupt Deans new life, or let him think he's gone; which will be worse, return to fighting demons, or thinking his brother is in a worse hell than he was in. And I also thought the prophet was God, which is why he vanished, but it could also have been another angel, who was finished with what he had to do.
| Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 4:23 pm
Stormie...get out of my head lol! I agree about it being Sam standing outside looking in on Dean and for the same reasons. I also thought the prophet guy was God after seeing him disappear.
| Thursday, June 10, 2010 - 6:19 pm
I see Supernatural has been bumped locally for Moonlight reruns. I understand the appeal of vampires, but really? I've seen every episode of Moonlight ten times. Enough already.
| Thursday, June 10, 2010 - 7:12 pm
Nyheat, Supernatural has moved to Fridays, and apparently not just for the summer reruns. I saw a fall schedule somewhere (maybe here on the board somewhere) that showed new episodes of Supernatural airing on Fridays this fall so I guess it's a permanent move. From:

| Thursday, June 10, 2010 - 7:59 pm
Oh thanks! I hate when they kick shows to Friday night. I'll start watching then I guess since Smallville is on that night too. But once Sanctuary or Caprica comes back it's later dudes.
| Thursday, June 10, 2010 - 11:21 pm
I believe the coming season is the last one for Supernatural.
| Friday, June 11, 2010 - 12:16 am
Well, the 4th season was supposed to be the last, and then the 5th season was supposed to be the last...and now, the 6th season is supposed to be the last. I guess we'll see next spring.
| Thursday, July 29, 2010 - 4:10 pm
I still can't forgive them for moving this show to Fridays. My brain still thinks it's on Thursdays--where it belongs. 
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 5:56 am
So NOW where did this show go? Sigh. Some people actually still enjoy watching it. They moved Smallville too. I can't find that either. :/
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 7:51 am
It'll be on Fridays with new shows starting next week. My DVR is already set.
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 1:48 pm
LOL, Sportsfan, I just noticed your post, sorry, I'm so slow, GMTA I am surprised they moved it too, but I'm looking forward to next week. I'll likely check to make sure when it's on, plus Smallville, they both had cliffhangers at the end of last season and I don't want to miss them. Anyone know why the shows were moved?
| Saturday, September 18, 2010 - 4:35 pm
Oh, I think they moved them (temporarily) to trawl viewers for Hellcats/Nikita. Hulk angry. Seriously, I still think of Thursdays as "Supernatural" day. Vampire Diaries is ok but the boys STILL have a place in my heart on Thursday nights. Wow. I must be getting old. I don't wanna get used to new shows. I want the old shows at the same time. BOOOO
| Friday, September 24, 2010 - 8:06 am
TNT showing Supernatural all day, and back at its regular time this evening.
| Friday, September 24, 2010 - 1:23 pm
Thanks Nyheat, I didn't think of the new shows, but I won't be watching them, now I get the chance to watch Bones and Fringe without worrying about taping anything, so, in that sense moving the show is good, but not for Smallville which is up against Medium; you can't have everything. I can't wait for the new episode tonight, is it Sam or is it satan, or will they keep us waiting, lol.