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Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 9:16 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
We chose S1E16, as it was listed as one of the top 10 best episodes. We're fans :-). Won't be able to chat along with you on it, as we'll probably only watch a couple of episodes a week, but thank you for the idea, looks like it will be a goody.

Hope you enjoy the rewatch!

(Remember when I said similar about Supe, and then ended up watching at least two episodes a day every day? Those were the days! )



Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 12:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
I just peeked at that ep you was a perfect selection for the experiment of seeing a random future ep to see the difference from the first ones.

I've watched the first 3 and a half eps...and I'll have to rewatch all of ep 4 because I was nodding off so I don't remember what was happening in it. It was an ep where the planet they were on has mostly blue fauna instead of green.

BUT....I have to admit I'm seeing more puppets than I expected. They all seem to be merchants or one-off characters on different planets or vending markets, but not new recurring character puppets.

I also think, since I'm already a fan of this show, I see "characters" before I see "puppets". When Rygel is on screen, I see a mean and nasty little greedy alien toad man, not a puppet. I guess I don't note much difference between accepting a puppetized character or a cgi one. And mean and/or evil villain puppet characters are way outside the box of what I think of when puppets come up in the conversation....they aren't like Miss Piggy or Kermit....they're more like Jabba the Hut or Yoda.

Anyhow the puppets I've seen (besides Rygel and Pilot) are just outsiders and the ones in Star Wars. They're amusing (or annoying) for a moment but you never see them again. (Jim Hensen was also a consultant on SW!)

Btw, did you recognize John's father? He was one of the leads on a popular cop show in the late 1960s called "Adam 12". but I'm guessing you probably don't know that show since it aired over 50 years ago...and I assume you were still in Crumpetland at that time...or you weren't even born yet. :-)

I hope you two enjoy FS! It's a very different world than most sci-fi shows. Let the ride begin....



Sunday, January 19, 2025 - 1:46 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Lol, yes, I was in Crumpetland, and also only one month old when it premiered :-).

I think I’ll get used to the puppets quickly, once I see their personalities… well, maybe not Rygel, but the others . I see a puppet with Yoda too, I think I wouldn’t if they were bigger. A puppet with a personality though, so it works.



Sunday, January 19, 2025 - 10:56 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Funny, when trump first ran for office, he reminded me of Rygel because I think they look alike. But this week is the first time I've seen an ep of FS since trump....and seeing the narcissistic Rygel on FS lie, brag, steal, and manipulate, the resemblance is more obvious than ever.

I found that I actually dislike the Rygel character even more than before.

Hope this doesn't turn you off from Farscape. For me, it just makes Rygel feel more "real criminal" and less "puppety" than before. No respectable puppet would ever act like the orange guy.

To get back on topic, I would loved to have seen Sammy and Dean come up against Rygel (or his lookalike) would have been a hoot!



Sunday, January 19, 2025 - 2:43 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
They could have had a puppet episode, like with the leprechauns or fairies! Haunted and came to life or something :-) Would have loved to have seen the comments from Dean over that!

With the likeness it's probably a good job that Rygel does for now appear ultra-puppety to me, helps not associate him with anyone else. Hope it doesn't spoil the rewatch for you.

We saw episode one, and enjoyed it. So much not like I remembered it that it makes me think we didn't originally see episode one, so perhaps we watched a random tv episode and it wasn't a good one (or at least not out of context). That would also explain it often cutting to adverts, which I remember. Either way, this time we are definitely keen to continue!



Monday, February 24, 2025 - 4:55 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Philadelphia Zoo has two hedgehogs they've named Sam and Dean. Today they were "reliving some of their favorite onscreen moments from their human counterparts"




Monday, February 24, 2025 - 12:16 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
LOL at the salt circles to keep evil away!!

Yep, the Winchester boys could highlight just about any situation at any time or at place. Heck, they could even highlight any species.

(I couldn't read the article because I still don't have a facebook account. I am still resisting jumping on the mega media cabal of FB, TikTok, and EXtwitter. My alexa is creepy enough.)

Btw, I did start my re-immersion into Farscape! I do 1 ep a night mostly, occasionally 2. I'm close to end of season 2.

I don't know if you've watched anymore FS eps or not, but as I watch I often think "Kitt would love that!" or "What would Kitt say about this?" :-)

For some reason they changed Crichton's "look" in s02...they put him in a tunic and spiked his hair. I remember being appalled at that "extreme makeover" back then, but before s02 ended the old Crichton was back to normal. They also tweaked the look of another character and that one suddenly looked a lot more realistic. (It's a real person, not a puppet). It was just a makeup upgrade. I never saw this in HD on a big screen TV screen before and now I see how intricate and amazing their makeup and sets were. They're a vivid but beautiful bunch. (Well some are just creepy but the artwork to make them that way is still the yummy icing and their delicious 7 layer cakes.)

At this point SO MUCH has happened! The characters are being revealed more and more and we see they have many layers.....and secrets. And more of my favorite characters have started to show up. Last night's ep was was really emotional for the characters AND for me. So much of this show is about the journeys the characters are on inside themselves, not just their space coordinates. They really change as the show progresses.

Anyhow, to get back on topic...

I hate that The Boys (with Ackles and the appearance of Padalecki) won't return until mid 2026!) I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with The (Hedgehog) Boys until then.

The next time they do a Comicon and go to Crumpetown you and the hubby need to dress up like Rowena and Crowley and go. Yeah Mother and son sounds weird for a married couple, but I'm sure it wouldn't be icky to Rowena!

Here's something I happened to cross:

Jensen Ackles' New Thriller Series May Finally Give Fans a Supernatural Replacement 5 Years Later

(I just hope it's not as bland and disappointing as "Tracker"...)

PS - Just think of my FS remarks as being being sent to your future, when you're immersed in the Farscape universe.



Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 8:36 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
We are on around S1e11 of Farscape. The first few episodes were watchable, but the last few have been excellent! There was a recent one where the ship (Moira?) itself was ill, which was particularly engrossing. Crichton is one of those characters (or maybe actors) who you immediately warm too, so that helps. D'Argo is definitely growing on me too, he and Crichton have recently agreed to respect each other, which will help the storylines, D'Argo being grouchy can only go so far.

And yes, the make up and sets! Don't know if you ever saw a show called Face Off, about make up artists, but they must have all been on Farscape! Easily Star Trek quality, if not better, which is quite unexpected for a show without (presumably) the ST budget.

Did you notice how difficult it is to look up episode info online? It might just be season 1, but the episodes seem to be out of order. I haven't noticed continuity issues with the order they're playing in (but might have missed something), but they're listed online in a different order. Curious.

I am having trouble concentrating at the moment (I fall asleep if I don't multi-task, and if I multi-task I miss things) so I'm wondering about rewatching up to now (by myself, so I will get through them more quickly), in case I missed anything important. I am enjoying it for sure, and am rather excited that you're so engaged, I know it will be worth watching!

So please, yes, feel free to leave little remarks for future me, when I catch up!! We're watching two or three episodes a week, so it might take a while, but I'll get there.

Yep, a long time for The Boys :-(. Maybe Vought Rising will be 2025 though. I'm interested in what Jensen will be like as a leading man without Jared. Jared has all that angst going on, so he pulls my heart strings whatever he's in, but Jensen might need someone to play off to make it really special (despite clearly being a talented actor).

Oh I meant to say, I am still watching Smallville (just started Season 5) and Season 4 had Jensen as one of the main cast. He was a love interest and then they revealed some background and in the end - spoiler alert - he had to die horribly. Anyway, as the love interest he was adorable (young Jensen is extra beautiful) and when things got complicated you could definitely see it and believe in his acting, then he got a bit caricature when he was a baddy, mostly imo because of the writing. So it was a good guest stint, don't know if he would have stayed longer if he didn't get a better gig, but this was the year before Supernatural started.

One of the guest cast (in Smallville) was little Sammy, Colin Ford. I don't think he shared any scenes with Jensen, but I wonder if that's how he came to be little Sammy. I've noticed quite a few places that seem very Supe-esque on Smallville too.

I'm also watching Veronica Mars, and one of her best friends is Jo from Supernatural, looking very young and girly! I've seen a few other Supe extras around too, but have forgotten them.

I will practice my Rowena accent...



Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 12:37 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
"Oh I meant to say, I am still watching Smallville (just started Season 5) and Season 4 had Jensen as one of the main cast."

Oh yeah, Jensen gets around. Did you know he was Jessica Alba's mutant pal on Dark Angel in 2000?
from IMDB

"Easily Star Trek quality, if not better, which is quite unexpected for a show without (presumably) the ST budget."

I think FS leaves ST in the dust when it comes to alien "looks"....but I still love Star Trek, even if most ST aliens just have a quirky nose! :-)

Images below are screen grabs from FS episodes.
Here's a banker for criminals in s02 of FS: s02

And a main character:

Yeah this guy doesn't really count for costume/makeup, but his lips move when he speaks much better than typical earth puppets! :-)

And I love Chiana's shading makeup...and of course, the painted details that Zahn sports.

Now I'm imagining a crossover between Supe and FS.
I'd love to see an argument between Rygel and Dean. I think on their initial meeting, Dean would be scared to death of the sluggy Dominar...

Ya know, all this fun sci-fi is a great distraction for what's happening in the US. Of course the FS world's politics are a bit similar.



Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 3:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
That is a baby little Jensen! Dark Angel is another show I haven't seen, it might get on the list some day.

That alien head reminds me very much of an alien on something else, probably an ST series. The head close up almost looks better than from afar!

I've actually begun not to thing of Rygel as a puppet so much now. I still don't like him, but I got past the "woah a puppet" stage ;). And btw, what's with the theme tune?!?! Lalalalalalala, lalala, LAAALAAAAAA!

I've found not even scrolling through Jared photos or gifs of the three boys being sweet or goofy with each other is enough distraction from real life these days. But it is certainly nice to have a few good shows to watch and chat about :-).



Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 5:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
"Dark Angel is another show I haven't seen, it might get on the list some day."

I really liked it but they axed it after 2 seasons and the ending was not wrapped up! Oh yeah, as I recall that was when Jessica was just getting interested in another was Matt Bomer in his 20's. Also her best friend who had a crush on her was Michael Weatherly!

" The head close up almost looks better than from afar! "

Yes, I noticed it too....the close up was more ornate and her full body pic was from far away. I cropped/enlarged it just to get a full costume shot. Two many sci-fi shows just put a mask on the new "alien" and dress them in some kind of robe.....but this one got all the bells and whistled from head to toe! In the closeup it looked like she has a harness fitting on her face and chin.

Just so you know, on the Rygel pic. that caption was not added by me! That was just his line in that scene and the subtitles was on! :-)



Tuesday, February 25, 2025 - 5:42 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Kitt, try this....but I'm sure you run into spoilers!

You asked about the eps being in order or not. I read years ago that in the first season that they aired an episode much later in the season than they had planned. You'll get to it soon....near the end of s01. It's the one where Zahnn reveals something surprising. Don't go looking and spoil yourself though! You'll know it when you see it. I really liked them airing as late as they did.

(I'm not sure if they planned the change to begin with or made the choice after it was filmed.)



Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 4:44 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Thanks Sanfran, that's a good one. I think I will have to work forwards from e1 when I'm looking up something, rather than jumping into the text at s1e7 or wherever, in case episodes have moved.

It says the puppetry is from Jim Henson. When I was growing up my neighbour worked at Jim Henson's studios in Elstree (UK), where they were creating The Muppet Show. That was 70s and 80s, long before Farscape (plus it sounds like Farscape used labs in Australia). I don't remember much of what he showed us, mostly I just remember him sneakily creating signs for my dad, using their extra thick sticky backed plastic. Maybe we should have asked him for a muppet.



Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 10:44 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Ooooo Jensen AND Jared AND Misha are all going to be on The Boys!

This should play even if you aren't an Instagram person, it did for me:



Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 10:56 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
"That alien head reminds me very much of an alien on something else, probably an ST series."

I watched the following ep last night (it's a 3 parter) and when I saw that character I realized that her shape was very borg-queenlike.

"Did you notice how difficult it is to look up episode info online?"

I saw a post somewhere on reddit that said there used to be a section for Farscape on Wikipedia and they said some "Nazi" editor ranted about how Wikipedia is "AN ENCYCLOPEDIA" and deleted all of it, hours and hours of hard work by a big Farscape community. I read elsewhere that there used to be a "Farscapeworld" site that is also gone, but it said it was moved to an archive site that I couldn't find.

I don't know why, but I just assumed you knew FS had that huge Hensen connection....or maybe I just subconsciously overlooked it so as not to make it seem too "puppet heavy". :-)

S02 does have some eps that feature monster-of-the-week puppets, and one of them bugged me because they were on hidden wheels so they could zoom off like a race car to get away. Still, that episode was still a lot of fun. And there are some cgi alien creatures in another episode.

Btw, I just happened accross this Jard and Misha news:

‘The Boys’ Final Season Casts Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins in ‘Supernatural’ Reunion With Jensen Ackles
(Dated today just an hour or so ago!)

" Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins have joined the fifth and final season of “The Boys” as guest stars, reuniting with their fellow “Supernatural” alum, Jensen Ackles.

Details on their roles are being kept under wraps."


FULL article here:


That might help distract you from the real batdren crazy events in life for a few minutes...



Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 10:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Dang it, Kitt. I thought those articles about the Supe vets on The Boys would surprise and cheer you up, but you beat me to the post! :-)



Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 11:13 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Oh yeah, I have a smaller tv in my computer room, but I don't have an xfinity box for it so I use rabbit ears and just get local OTA shows and local news. Anyhow there's a channel called "COMET". It's currently showing a marathon of Stargate SG-1 eps that are apparently in order. I either missed later SG1 eps or seasons or I just forget about them, but first I noticed that T'ealk has hair and there's a new pair in the regular cast...played by Claudia Black and Ben Browder! Claudia is nothing like the serious peacekeeper she was on FS, but rather a thief and unpredictable rogue. Ben is a lot more serious and by-the-book. Those two make a great team no matter what kind of characters they become!



Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 11:37 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Kitt, did you try this?:
(Hmmmm...just noticed that the eps are good about cast and guest stars but pretty light on plots, synopsis and discussion... :-(



Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 2:10 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Thanks, might be good for guest stars, that info is often incomplete on IMDb.

Yes, the Borg Queen! That is who it’s like, although actually we should probably say the Borg Queen is like that, as the fully detailed Borg Queen was much later.

I knew Farscape puppets were muppet-like, but didn’t know they were actual Hensen creations (or if I did, I’d forgotten, equally likely). The more I know about FS the more I think it must have been a big budget, expected to be a huge hit, kind of show. Which maybe it was, but it really just passed me by at the time.

Oh yes, the Teal’c with hair stage of Stargate! I remember watching it but it was definitely, uhhh, not how it used to be by that time. And now I look up the pictures, of course that was Ben Browder and Claudia Black!! It’s always funny when you see a photo and then suddenly know something you always actually knew but didn’t remember, lol!

Yes, the news of my boys in The Boys did cheer me up a bit! Especially as Misha isn’t being left out! But, and I realize this sounds silly, I am a little concerned about what roles they will play. What if Eric Kripke thinks it’d be fun to make them evil bad guys and murders them horribly?!? Jensen and Jared fight to the death… could my delicate brain take it, lol?!



Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 12:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Kitt, the tvmaze link above does show you some info that might aid you in watching FS.

Go to the link and scroll down to season 1, and start scrolling back up to see the titles of each episode in order. You'll notice that there are quite a few 2 and 3 part episodes. It seems there are no "to be continued" eps in s01, but the rest of them have 2 or 3 each.

The multiple episode storylines contain some pretty exciting cliffhangers! You now have the option to schedule your viewing of those eps with their extended storylines. :-)

I noticed that s05 (Finale "season") isn't listed at all because it was a 2 part TV Movie wrap up, IIRC.



Friday, February 28, 2025 - 1:18 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Thanks, I’ll try to watch those close together, won’t be difficult if there’s a big cliffhanger!

I did start watching it again from the beginning, by myself, to see what I missed. (Hubby and I are on e13, by myself I’m on e3.). It’s funny how you notice so more about the characters’ personalities once you know them from later episodes. Took me a while to warm to D’argo due to his overall grouchiness, but got to like his manner, then I rewatch e1 and he’s instantly watchable, and I see quirks that please me that I didn’t see.



Friday, February 28, 2025 - 11:05 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Make a note of D'argo's face in season s02 it has a lot more character. Here's a page that talks about it. I haven't seen anything else on this website but it could be full of spoilers....but no spoilers are on this page.

These characters are still revealing more and more of who they are and how their pasts shaped them.

I just finished S02 and started S03. Note: S02 ends with a shocking cliffhanger. I don't know how I handled having to wait for months to see what happened when I watched it when it first aired!

"It’s funny how you notice so more about the characters’ personalities once you know them from later episodes."

It's scary when you rewatch a series you've already seen at least 5 times....and then on binge #6 realizing you don't remember so much of it. I'm scared right now! :-)



Saturday, March 01, 2025 - 1:31 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Oh yes he does look better after the change. The solid, sticky out chin thing tends to grab my attention, I wonder if that is more flexible in season two.



Tuesday, March 04, 2025 - 11:10 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Hmmmm...I had no idea about this. I've run across random begging and/or speculations, but, coming from Jared, this makes it sound a bit more like a real possobility.

What am I talking about, you ask?:

Is a Supernatural revival more likely after Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins' The Boys reunion?

Supernatural Season 16 Could Become A Reality In 2025 - Thanks To A Promise Made 5 Years Ago


On the Farscape front, season 3 is so much more than I remembered....things are happening furiously and with nonstop emotional chaos. I'm about 6 eps in and it's deeper, funnier, more serious, and scarier than I expected.



Tuesday, March 04, 2025 - 11:50 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
It feels too soon (but of course for me it's only been a couple of years (18 months??) since it ended). I bet in 2020, after 15 years of continual work, five years felt like forever away, but it soon creeps up on you. Seems to me like they're too busy, or at least Jensen is. I reckon if it happens it will turn into a tv movie or something short like that.

Also, they'd have to be doing it from heaven. Unless they could have something with Sam and little Dean, that big Dean came back to Earth for, before he meets Sam at the end of the (past) finale. But if they do that, it spoils the feeling at the end, where Sam was with Dean almost immediately in heaven, and Dean didn't have to spend decades without him.

It would take a very good story to do the show justice.

I have enjoyed Farscape so much more watching it properly by myself (don't tell Hubby, lol). I'm going to continue rewatching each episode I think, although that doesn't mean I'll be watching more quickly, unfortunately! Scary is something I'm not sure I expected, at least not over multiple episodes, but I am looking forward to it.



Tuesday, March 04, 2025 - 6:12 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
"Scary is something I'm not sure I expected"

Maybe I didn't use the right words. I didn't mean scream and jump out of your seat scary....more like emotionally scary based on loved ones and very dangerous situations. Oh yeah, and there's that one ep that had characters that can only be described as starving, flesh eating zombies! Bwahaha..!


]i{"But if they do that, it spoils the feeling at the end, where Sam was with Dean almost immediately in heaven, and Dean didn't have to spend decades without him. "}

But it's Supernatural! That means someone could go back and snatch the Boys up from a time before they went to heaven for special all important mission, right? Or something....they've been in cowboy days and Hollywood shooting Supe scenes and in heavel previously and in hell....all of which could be seen as end-of-show situations, but they manage to get out of it.



Tuesday, March 04, 2025 - 6:30 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Pardon the weird misspelling and or odd syntax...I ran out of time trying to fix them with the edit tool.



Wednesday, March 05, 2025 - 4:14 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
What they really need to do is pretend there was another season in the middle somewhere, like pre-Leviathan, found on the cutting room floor, and we can all just watch and slot it into our memories :-).

Last night we watched the Farscape episode where Crichton was left behind and ended up on a planet where Rygel was their god! Pretty amusing :-).



Wednesday, March 05, 2025 - 11:18 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Since my previous post, something has been nagging at me because it never crossed my mind when I posted.

You're right that a past time could fit into the story line seamlessly, but that's true ONLY if the same group of creative people write, produce, direct, and star in it. What finally crossed my mind was this:

Supernatural coming back with the same creators and actors would be a "return", but any changes in that would make it a "reboot".....and I hate reboots and returns. They never work for me because they always feel like a desperate move to regain what they had decades before rather than trying to be creative and making something new.

I think the only "return" that worked out perfectly (for me) was Law & Order. Of course that is VERY formulaic and their cast continually rotated through the years. I like it because it's an easy watch and the cases are interesting.

Another exception that just came to me is the Star Trek franchise, the most successful reboot in TV history!

I think I'd settle for a few TV movies from the Supernatural universe or even a few blockbuster summer movies could be fun with big movie stars along with the Boys and still in the Supeverse.....maybe set in an alternate universe where their path took some kind of twisty turn or something. I can easily imagine Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep, George Clooney, and Lady Gaga Ga in a Supe film, maybe even playing themselves caught up in a demon invasion of Hollywood! LOL

But The Winchesters attempt to keep the Superverse alive was a major disappointment.

Bottom line: I'd probably watch whatever they do if, in fact, they do anything at all, like I did the Winchesters. But a typical reboot could easily be another huge disappointment.


Yes! Emperor Rygel was a hoot! In some eps he seems to have softened a bit and others make him come across more selfish and narcissistic than ever. I think he gets to be cgi in a scene in the Peacekeeper Wars movies that are "s05".



Thursday, March 06, 2025 - 2:02 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I think the show was so complete as it was. If it didn’t end as it did it could have continued in some way (e.g. if the boys had just retired, then something could have happened to bring them out), but slotting something in to an earlier time has the risk of spoiling something (plus we’d have 45 year old boys playing 30 year olds) and any sort of reboot/spin off with other actors could just be so-so, not bringing back the magic. I think that’s what Jensen said when he was told Dean’s end, that he wanted to end the show, but not kill it forever, and he felt that did kill it.

An in-universe spin-off with ghost Dean visiting might be ok, but that can’t work with Sam, because Sam was alive for most of the lives of any spin off characters we’d be interested in (e.g. Donna or Claire). I suppose Sam could be an advisor or something, but it wouldn’t have the same boys dynamic. And it would have to just be one story arc, like a tv movie.

To be honest, I think it’s too special to touch, and I don’t know how it could work, but like you, I’d probably watch whatever they made.

Btw, I keep thinking about rewatching the actual show, but two things hold me back. One is the practicality of it for me right now, but the other was that it was such an emotional roller coaster and it’s kind of scary to put yourself back into that. A short series maybe, but not 327 episodes! And now I love every essence of each main character it would be triply difficult. I’m sure I will some day, but not yet.



Thursday, March 06, 2025 - 11:23 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
"and any sort of reboot/spin off with other actors could just be so-so, not bringing back the magic."

Yes. They should remember "The Winchesters" and how that turned out.

I don't really think a whole new series is needed either.

I'd still like to see a couple of standalone movies, maybe starting with Dean and Sammy chillin' while having a beer in heaven and Dean says "Hey remember when <insert blockbuster movie here>?

Of course, that can be a mistake, too. With "Firefly" (Nathan Fillion) the network tried to fix their canceling mistake by making a followup movie. I was so excited about the movie (with all the original actors) 2 years after the series ended but when I watched it, it just fell flat because there was little or no humor in it. Humor was a huge part of the charm in the series!

Oh's a "wait and see" I'll wait but only with low expectations.



Friday, March 07, 2025 - 3:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
The Firefly movie was not good, one of those ones where it’s best to just pretend it didn’t happen.

Yes, wait and see. I hope if they do it they do it right, but whatever they want to do (or not do) is fine by me really, if it makes them happy, lol.

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