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| Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 6:06 am
Sam literally in bed with the devil was pretty creepy. The episode did feel like a lot was left out. The whole Sam and the other hunters storyline made almost no sense. While I like the interactions with Cass and Dean, they could have left out a few and explained the other storyline better. I agree they're setting up for a big confrontation with good and evil, Dean and Sam representing. Makes for some good set-ups, but I want the brothers fighting together, and not each other.
| Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 12:29 pm
I like that Jacob on "Lost" is now Lucifer on "Supernatural". Somehow it just seems to fit.

| Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 1:20 pm
I thought that was cool, too. They've had quite a few crossovers. So far, Jacob and his nemesis - the dark guy, both have been on this season. And of course, first season, the evil marshall that nabbed Kate was Yellow Eyes.
| Monday, October 05, 2009 - 2:38 am
guess I'm the only one who wishes they would ahve left "God" and their interpretation of religion out of the series. Its almost like they are jumping on the christian bandwagon to try to gain more of a fanbase. their twisted versions of Biblical history and stuff kinda bugs me but I did like castiel and the way he used to interact with Dean. I wasnt sure about the last episode which was supposed to be five yrs in the future and the angel had become a drugged up horny sleazoid LOL now Dean and Sam are finally back together and the show can get back on track. getting really tired of the "is God Dead" plotline. Hopefully things will take a new track
| Monday, October 05, 2009 - 4:41 pm
Sunshyne, do you really think they're on the Christian bandwagon to gain a Christian fanbase? I ask because I think some devout Christians would be in an uproar about this plotline and the way it's being carried out.
| Monday, October 05, 2009 - 5:25 pm
I definitely don't think they are jumping on a Christian bandwagon. I'm actually kind of puzzled how you would get that? Their interpretations of God are a little unsettling to me since they question Him so much, which is pretty much where I am on my personal journey. I don't think God is dead, but sometimes I wonder if He really exists. I laughed very hard at Dean taking Castiel to a whorehouse because only Dean would try to get an angel laid. I also thought it was pretty funny that the President 5 years in the future was Palin. That would definitely be a sign of end times for me! :P I want the brothers to fight together, too. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Cablejockey, sometimes I miss the old days, but I don't think the series could have sustained itself this long just on that.
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 9:40 am
I don't think they're on a Christian bandwagon either and I don't believe the whole God is dead storyline. The only thing I find a little unrealistic if they were really following the Christian doctrine is that they have the angels doubt God so much and question God's methods. From my interpretation that is not biblical because only the fallen angels did that, not the angels that are supposed to be followers of God; i.e. Castiel, etc. Biblically, angels don't question God, they just do what they're Father tells them. So I really don't think it's on a Christian bandwagon because devout Christians would probably be very upset by some of the plotline. Some of the plot does seem to follow biblically though, but not all.
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 9:51 am
obviously my choice of words was not exactly what i meant LOL I meant more like that the show is skirting religion and i question the reasons why.
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 10:01 am
I guess they are incorporating religion because the demon storyline led down that path. I find the whole angels versus demons thing rather compelling, actually, even if it doesn't fit with my own personal beliefs now or in the past when I was more active in church. I actually really like Castiel as a character. His and Dean's relationship cracks me up.
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 10:32 am
I have a crush on Castiel LOL. I enjoy the storyline, and I agree, I think it's one avenue of where the demon path was or has to lead to in order for the show to evolve and sustain itself. You can't have darkness without light, hell without heaven, demons without angels, etc. Plus they'd already explored so many other urban legends and folklore, so to avoid tapping into this one would seem odd to me.
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 12:21 pm
"I have a crush on Castiel LOL." Then you might get a charge out of this clip.... Misha Collins (Castiel) did a guest spot on Nip Tuck that was pretty R rated due to language and content....but it was also very funny! He plays man with a peculiar problem and he goes to the NIp Tuck plastic surgeons for help in solving it. Here is a youtube of his story arc on the only episode of Nip Tuck he was in: WARNING! This video contains adult language and frank, sexual discussions but there is no nudity. Watch at your own risk....and gain a brand new perspective on Castiel!
edited to add - Here is a short clip of Collins discussing that role during a Q&A somewhere:
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 2:24 pm
Oooohhhhhhhhh thanks Sanfran!!
| Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 2:33 pm
No nudity???? Then it's not with my time! Seriously, would love to watch but Youtubes are rarely captioned.
| Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 6:29 am
Paris Hilton, huh? That was actually pretty amusing. And Dean's line about "House of Wax" was pretty funny considering Jared Padelecki was one of Hilton's co-stars in that movie. Nice departure from the whole apocalypse arc.
| Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 6:22 pm
That was a pretty funny episode. When you think of heroes - Lincoln, Ghandi and Paris Hilton. You're right, Lycanthrope - that was a good nod to "House of Wax". I always like it when they throw in a more light-hearted episode. I don't really have a problem with the apocalypse story, but it's always nice to have some urban legends or lore mixed in - more like Supernatural when it started out.
| Friday, October 16, 2009 - 7:17 pm
Not a bad episode, but I was kind of hoping the Trickster was making a reappearance. Loved the Castiel action figure. Dean was pretty funny when he was telling Jesse he was like a superhero - the kid asks him if it's like X-Men - and Dean says they even have the guy in the wheelchair. I think Bobby is way more awesome than Professor Xavier, though. I wonder why there haven't been more anti-Christs born? What would stop all the demons from mating with humans and creating a more powerful, most-probably evil new force? The kid playing Jesse was excellent. I hope we see more of him.
| Friday, October 30, 2009 - 9:35 am
What a terrific episode last night! Laugh-out-loud moments mixed with some bluntly honest ruminations about aging, death, and fate (not as in destiny but as in what one goes through in one's life). Supernatural may not be known for deep character development but I think this epi showcased how deft & believable Sam & Dean's characters have become in spite of the series' otherworldly circumstances. And their interaction with Bobby was a real highlight. Even Patrick was an engaging and rather complex adversary - which made him both rather likable and dangerous/frightening. Sure, there may have been plot holes and questions left but I enjoyed the epi too much to care. Dean thinking he was having a heart attack only to have Bobby tell him it was acid reflux, Dean telling Sam what he thought the clapping meant, Sam telling Dean & Bobby they were like Grumpy Old Men, and best of all, Dean dancing the jig...
| Friday, October 30, 2009 - 10:42 pm
I loved the episode, too. Rarely are the bad guys sympathetic, but they definitely were in this one, especially the woman who missed her family and buried her elderly daughter. That guy that played Ben did very well. He should be used in further episodes.
| Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 6:22 am
I loved old Dean! For an old man, he had appeal! It drove me crazy wondering who he really was because his voice was famliar, so I looked the episode up and found that old Dean was Chad Everett who starred in Medical Center in the 70s. Now he's in his 70s--lol. I loved the Patrick character too and hope we run into him again.
| Sunday, November 01, 2009 - 2:42 pm
That was Chad Everett?? I knew he looked familiar, but I would never have placed him. This was a great episode. But I was really hoping that Bobby was going to be able to walk again. I feel so bad for him. It was interesting to have the bad guy be sympathetic - losing on purpose so the old man could go to his granddaughter's bat mitzvah. I'd like to know more about what he actually was, how he got his power, etc. I wonder why he couldn't have just given the girlfriend's daughter more years and kept her young also, unless she wanted no part of it?
| Monday, November 02, 2009 - 12:34 pm
I'm in the minority. I found the episode on the boring side. I'm sorry! The bad guy didn't interest me at all. He just got on my nerves. I found his girlfriend much more compelling. I did laugh when Dean came out of the apartment, young again, and jumped and clicked his heels.
| Monday, November 02, 2009 - 2:21 pm
I liked the guy that played Patrick, but when he played the bad guy, Michael Cassidy, on Kyle XY, I really hated the actor. It's interesting how certain episodes can be favorites, hated or something in between. I know sometimes I'll like or dislike an episode depending on what kind of mood I'm in. If life's been heavy, a lighter (funny that on this show anything less than the actual apocalypse is lighter) episode seems really appealing. And vice-versa. Best thing about message boards, I think, is just seeing how everyone else saw it.
| Friday, November 06, 2009 - 3:34 pm
OKAY this last episode Had me practically falling off the chair laughing. Since Supernatural plays a couple of diff times a week I wont spoil but WOW, loved the comedic concept. truly this is why i like the show. the first season kinda lost me cause it seemed to try to take itself too seriously. These occasional goofy episodes is why I watch the show. Poor Castiel during the show. Cracked me right up at how he comes in and leaves. the comment about Prettyboy Angels was well timed. this show has great writers.
| Friday, November 06, 2009 - 5:58 pm
That was so much fun. I've been waiting for the Trickster to return, but never would have guessed his true identity. I loved all the tv shows they were parodying. Especially Grey's Anatomy. When they show up at Seattle Mercy with Dr. Sexy and the "seriously, seriously" I totally cracked up. Also at the scruffy bearded ghost guy that only the one neurotic nurse could see. And the fact that their Dad was the one who played the ghost on Grey's - classic.
| Saturday, November 07, 2009 - 1:34 am
I liked the parody of CSI: Miami's David Caruso. They really played up the sunglasses thing and the wisecracks about dead bodies. I was cracking up. Knight Rider was good, too.