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| Monday, June 15, 2009 - 8:20 am
Well, Lucifer is coming to Supernatural next season, huh? With Reaper cancelled, they gotta get Ray Wise to play him, right?
| Thursday, July 09, 2009 - 10:57 pm
I haven't been around here in awhile. I'm still a big reality show fan but I have been a HARDCORE SPN lover for the last two years. I'm just curious if anyone here is really BIG into the Supernatural online fandom. Anyone read fanfiction? Have an LJ? Anyone post on any other forums that are more focused on SPN?? Anyone been to an SPN convention? Ultimately I love the show. I think it is a way higher caliber than a lot of stuff on TV these days. The acting is high quality (Jared and Jensen are amazing!) and the dialogue and superior mix of comedy/drama/horror is truly enjoyable. I think the first two seasons were the BEST. I've pretty much hated the integration of the angel/66 seal/epic war/God/Lucifer storyline in S4. I think it had transformed the show and not in a good way. The brilliance of the storyline IMO was always it's sharp tight focus on the Winchester family and while one must allow for evolving the plot, I think their perspective has become way to broad. It's not as much about Sam and Dean anymore (who are the heart and soul of the show) as it is about twisting them to and fro in this big epic storyline they have concocted. I just found it much more compelling when it was more about the Winchester family specifically, 'saving people, hunting things...the family business'. I loved their dynamic and the brothers dynamic and I feel the show has lost quite a bit of it's original spark since it has become more of an ensemble cast. But I have a lot of hope for season 5. I mean that's all I can do I guess. 
| Friday, July 10, 2009 - 1:47 pm
I think the best thing to come out of last season was the revelation that their dad was basically an innocent civilian unaware of the darker side of life until his wife was killed...but their mother was a trained hunter who gave up that life to raise them. I think the best episodes of last season were the standalone episodes that didn't deal with Lilith, the seals, or Sam's drinking problem. Call me crazy, but I liked the addition of Castiel.
| Friday, July 10, 2009 - 2:26 pm
Nice to see this thread saved from dropping off the board. I liked the season but wished it had a bit more build to it, sort of scattered all over. My fav episode was when Dean went back in time and met his teenage mother and grandfather (played skillfully by the X-Files Skinner). That was nice backstory development. I also have Supernatural to thank for making be watch Smallville again. That show has gotten a lot better. ETA; I see that Lycan and I liked the same epi best--proof positive that they need to focus on the family lore more. The leads are still great And True, I can just imagine the fan fiction 
| Friday, July 10, 2009 - 11:03 pm
I think the best episodes of last season were the standalone episodes that didn't deal with Lilith, the seals, or Sam's drinking problem. ITA. All of the ones that were my favorites were the standalones. I loved Family Remains and Yellow Fever and After School Special. I enjoy the ones that are just the regular hunts. :D I swear I could have just watched five seasons of that, you know? I miss the varied urban myths/legends and ghosts. It kinda turned into mostly about demons and then they added a way way more religious element to it and I just didn't really like it. I a sense they probably did do a very high quality job with their storyline, just isn't as compelling. The "apocalypse" end of the world storyline is just....a little to mainstream IMO. Again, like you two, I enjoyed it more when it was focused on the Winchester family. I mean the difference in the brothers' relationship to their dad and how they interacted with one another. I LOOOOVED that! Oh and it was such a relief to have a show where the main relationships weren't revolving around a "love interest" angle or a love triangle. (Although UGH! S4 Ruby made me want to attack my TV screen because I hated what they did to Sam's character with her!) But besides that I am totally enthralled that the show focuses on the love between these family members and how far they are willing to go for one another. GAH. I love that. Which btw, I was pretty mad when it was Castiel who saved Dean from Hell!!! I can't believe the writers took that away from Sam! It was Sam's turn to save Dean, he wanted to. And that was his to claim and Castiel took his place and that made me soooo mad. In fact I was even more angry, when I found out (Kripke had an article in an SPN magazine awhile back) where Kripke admitted that if the writer's strike hadn't happened, Sam would have been the one to save Dean. DAMN the writer's strike! Haha. It's just so frustrating to know that his original storyline was something I would have liked so much better. I think it was in Monster At The End Of This Book, but I loved Lilith's line when she said: Self-sacrifice is the Winchester way. To me that is basically the theme of the series, and why it was so frustrating to me when castiel saved Dean rather than Sam sacrificing his life....or humanity (by going darkside to get powerful enough to do it). See the way they had Sam "do darkside" seemed so shallow IMO. I think it would have been much more in keeping with his character and way more symbolic/meaningful if he would have gone dark because it was the only way to save Dean. And True, I can just imagine the fan fiction BAHAHAHAHA. I love the fanfiction!! :D
| Tuesday, July 14, 2009 - 1:38 am
Just wondered if you guys had ever seen this Supernatural fanvid. It's one of my favorites of the fandom! Supernatural 500 Miles AAAAAAAA. I just think it's the perfect video for the boys!
| Friday, September 11, 2009 - 5:01 pm
I almost missed the season premiere - didn't know 'til Wednesday night that it would be back this week. They're getting pretty loose with the language, aren't they? I thought, "am I watching basic cable?". Seemed like the intensity had been heightened too. And now there's some new questions as to what's actually going on with the Angels. Kept thinking that blond man looked familiar but it wasn't 'til the last commercial break before the end that I suddenly remembered he was "Jacob" from Lost. I clapped when Castiel (thank God, so to speak) finally appeared. I'm a dork.
| Friday, September 11, 2009 - 5:16 pm
When those "angels" were torturing Dean and Sam, and threatening Bobby, I was wondering just who the bad guys really are!! So when Castiel came back and the brothers were yanked out of the devil's floor opening, that was God's doing? That's the impression I got. And how sad that this has all divided these two guys who have gone thru so much together. I loved that segment when the fan had to being a message to the Winchesters--she wouldnt leave Sam alone.
| Saturday, September 12, 2009 - 2:57 pm
I am glad Castiel was back as well. I was really bummed when they said he was killed. I LOL when Sam asked his super fan to stop touching him and she said NO! Not crazy about the divide between Sam and Dean, hope that does not last too long 
| Sunday, September 13, 2009 - 9:03 am
Trueheart - I know you posted the link to that video back in July, but I just watched it and it was great!
| Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - 4:13 pm
Cablejockey: My first thought was Castiel meant God as well about who brought him back but I wasn't totally sure. I've since thought of some other possibilities (maybe the angel Dean hooked up with, maybe Michael himself, maybe the guy downstairs - although I don't like that idea at all unless the show is going to get really daring, maybe someone else)...don't really know though. Whoever it is, it sure seemed to shock & unnerve Zaccariah (sp?). Could it have something to do with their Dad or Mom even, maybe? Oh and this important - what did everyone think of the new title/credit sequence, lol? It's kinda cool how they change it season to season. And the music and other stuff.
| Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 10:52 am
I like the opening credits and the music. I hope its not true that this is the last season--has anyone else heard anything about this?? I keep hoping that somehow their father gets out of hell. It really sound awful down there--I shouldtn be surprised about that--and the poor man has suffered long enough!
| Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 3:50 pm
There was an article in EW earlier this year (or sometime last season) which said the fifth season was intended to be the last. But I seem to remember EW also had a short blurb not long ago where the writer/producer/whoever said he decided to end this season in a way that could either wrap up the show or set the stage for a new season although he did not intend to return for another year. I avoid spoilers so that's all I know (did it make sense?). John did go back to hell? I was never sure what happened to him (I mean after he escaped from hell to help Sam & Dean).
| Friday, September 18, 2009 - 1:31 pm
I am not sure where John is now. I looked it up and forgot that he escaped from Hell. Nobody is sure where he went after that!! The last time I heard him mentioned was when his old cell phone rang and a kid claiming to be Sam and Dean's half brother got in touch. Turned out they did have a half brother, but he was killed and taken over by some kind of ghoul who was tageting the brothers.
| Sunday, September 20, 2009 - 5:04 pm
I haven't caught up this season yet, but here are some wikis that I use to review or look up episodes I missed, that might help others doing the same.
| Sunday, September 20, 2009 - 10:08 pm
I wonder how long Sam & Dean will be split up. It was cool to see Ellen and Jo again. I've missed them.
| Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - 11:24 am
I hope they don't keep them apart for long. Their dynamic together is what makes it fun. Speaking of fun - I hope they have a few of their quirky episodes like last year. The one where they woke up with office jobs was one of my favorites.
| Friday, September 25, 2009 - 1:27 pm
This series has such great episode titles. It's become a far different show than when it premiered though, hasn't it? Two brothers traveling the backroads of American investigating cases based on famous urban legends and ghost stories and now... I thought Raphael's explanation for why the Angels did what they did was rather pathetic - it made the fallen angels in Dogma seem downright sincere and reasonable in comparison.
| Friday, September 25, 2009 - 1:30 pm
Calamity, I missed the show, what was Raphael's explanation?
| Friday, September 25, 2009 - 2:55 pm
Ahnicka: Sorry, I didn't see your post earlier. Here's part of an episode recap - Dean and Castiel do catch Raphael and ask him where God is, but all the Archangel will say is that God is dead, has abandoned the world to rot and the angels are tired of watching over everything. They want paradise and they want it now. Raphael threatens Dean, saying that Zachariah may have given him stomach cancer - but that's because he lacks the imagination of Raphael. Cas points out that if God raised him, going against them would be going against God, but Raphael thinks someone else entirely brought Cas back. He thinks it was Lucifer - out to keep all the renegade angels he can in circulation. - Link from Zap2it A couple other happenings in last night's show - we're led to believe that the blond man Lucifer has possessed is just a temporary convenience and Sam is the true vessel and Dean takes Castiel to a brothel so he won't die a virgin (things didn't work out as Dean planned though). Honestly, I try not to think too hard about this show 'cause some things just don't make much sense. But there's enough great one-liners to keep my attention, no matter what happens. Last night Castiel was attempting to contact Raphael and Dean made a quip about how long was the call wait time to hear from an angel. It reminded me of that song Feist sang in Stephen Colbert's Christmas show last year.
| Friday, September 25, 2009 - 4:47 pm
Thanks for the recap! It put things in perspective for me. Now I have a better understanding of why Uriel went over to the other side, I never quite got it. But now knowing they want paradise to begin right away, I at least have a reason for why Uriel defected.
| Friday, September 25, 2009 - 9:43 pm
I want to see Michael. Supposedly the baddest of the Angels, and has Dean handpicked as his vessel. This is setting up an epic confrontation between Michael and Lucifer, using Dean and Sam's bodies as "vessels". I didn't really see this storyline developing 5 years ago...
| Saturday, September 26, 2009 - 8:26 pm
I kind of miss the good old days when they just bopped around the country taking down demons and other bad guys. The main thing on their minds was their father. Theres no way I saw things coming to this!!!
| Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 9:17 am
I would like to point out that they're playing the classic rock every episode so far this season. They seemed to only use it every 3rd or 4th episode over the last two seasons. I really like their take on Lucifer the fallen Angel so far.
| Monday, September 28, 2009 - 3:35 pm
Ahnicka: It was the way Raphael said it that really bugged me. Maybe it was meant to sound world-weary but it came across as petulant to my ears. Plus it doesn't seem like the angels have been trying that hard to look after creation anyway. Or maybe I'm just grumpy and biased because of the whole "start the Apocalypse now" plan and him wanting to destroy Castiel, lol. Playing God is not cool, even if one is an angel, imho. As a lapsed Catholic/maybe agnostic, I even have issues with God playing God sometimes (like that whole flood thing).