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Archive through January 18, 2025

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: TV Shows: Supernatural: Archive through January 18, 2025 users admin

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Monday, August 26, 2024 - 2:59 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Well that sounds a lot better than I assumed it would be, so I will definitely try it once I'm done with TUA.

Matt Bomer is always worth a watch. I thought he would be out of the bandages eventually, so strange to think he would take a role wrapped up all day.



Monday, August 26, 2024 - 3:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Bomer's flashbacks are some of my favorites parts of the series. And even though the bandages were necessary I missed seeing his purty face, too! :-)

I know there was a time I heard him being described as being so handsome a lot....then he did DP and I wondered if he took the job because he could showcase his acting, not just his pretty mug. LOL



Tuesday, August 27, 2024 - 11:56 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Yes, I noticed he’d taken some baddie roles too, probably for the same reason.



Sunday, November 24, 2024 - 2:50 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    

Two great updates from #SPNOrl - Jared confirmed he will be in Season 5 of The Boys! Jensen predicted Kripke will make sure the two of them share the screen! And Jensen announced that Countdown will premiere in June 2025.

November 24, 2024 at 10:31 PM




Monday, November 25, 2024 - 11:54 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Cool. My first thought is that I'll see the Winchester boys rather than their new roles as different characters.

Of course, that may not come to pass if they aren't paired as a team. It always felt to me that on Supe, their sibling relationship behavior was pretty much based on their real world friendship. It might be difficult for them to hide that close relationship.

I'd still watch....I'm a fan of Jensen, Ackles, and "The Boys".

It would've been fun if "The Boys" had had a crossover ep with Supe and Ackles/Jensen playing their Supe rules.




Monday, November 25, 2024 - 4:09 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I hope they make Jared something that's totally against his normal character, then he and Jensen can just ham it up.

Trouble with Jared so far is all the roles I've seen him in have just been him, the person, or parts of him. Walker was the neurotic side of Jared to a tee. Sam was the more reasonable side (plus heroics). Even when he was on Gilmore Girls he was pretty Jared like.

And Jensen - I still haven't worked out who Jensen is - but to me all his roles seem to be Dean. The character on Tracker is exactly Dean, like he's just helping out an old friend. Soldier Boy is like Dean playing dress up. Can you imagine how much Dean would have enjoyed it if he had to be Soldier Boy for a case for some reason?!

Actually maybe what I'd really like is Jared as a friend of Soldier Boy before he was Soldier Boy, in the angst phase. Then they could be un-Sam and un-Dean again ;). Maybe a few hugs and a single man tear .

Btw, I swtiched to Bluesky from twitter, and Bluesky has different options for feeds that you can use, and someone has already set up a Supernatural one (called "A Wayward Feed," lol). So whenever I need my fix I can just see what people have posted about them. Mostly it's people swooning over Jensen, but if I scrool long enough there's Jared or Misha :-)).



Monday, November 25, 2024 - 4:54 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Jasper a private message Print Post    
It took us 5 years; we just finished up 15 seasons of Supernatural :-) It was quite the ride.



Monday, November 25, 2024 - 10:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Cool, Jasper.

Kitt and I binged the 15 seasons in under 5 months! ...Not that it was a competition, lol. I'm happy to learn more people are becoming fans even though it's been over for years.



Monday, November 25, 2024 - 10:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
"Actually maybe what I'd really like is Jared as a friend of Soldier Boy"

This made me think that I'd like to see Jared as a friend fan boy of Soldier Boy. He would make a fun fan boy, don't ya think?



Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 4:22 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
He'd be great as a fan boy!! And Soldier Boy would lap it up!

Jasper, wasn't it amazing!! As you could probably tell if you read back a bit in the thread, I was quite obsessed. It's over a year later, maybe like a year and a half now, and I'm still only a tiny bit less obsessed. If you're still in the zone you could read back some of Sanfran's observations, they made the whole experience extra special for me.



Friday, December 13, 2024 - 2:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Jasper a private message Print Post    
I will!

I loved everything about it. It was our ritual to sit and watch an ep every night (that's why the 5 years). Missed some nights but it was time I looked forward to spending with the boys. I loved Crowley as well and all their interactions.
Actually too many characters that I enjoyed to name them all. But after the guys it was Crowley for me. :-)



Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 7:38 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Crowley certainly was a standout. Just that perfect mix of bad guy who kind of feels conflicted about it at times when he's with people he likes. Actually at times Rowena seemed more evil, like when she made it so Crowley's son (and her own grandson!!) would die.

One striking thing about this show over most others I've watched is the continued relationship they have with the fans. If you read any sort of social media you should find loads of clips and photos if you search for the hashtag #spnfamily. The boys do multiple conventions a year, wouldn't surprise me if there were 20, they devote a lot of time to it. Last convention was this weekend in Nashville, and if you want to know how they still feel about each other, here's a photo from there

from Nancy‬

Also Jensen can sing but mostly he loves singing. There's a band called Louden Swain, headed by Rob Benedict (Chuck in the show), who play at most of the conventions, and sometimes Jensen sings with them. Jensen started off being shy about it, but has become more secure over the last few years. The interesting thing (for me) is that he's nowhere near as good as the others, knows it, but to some extent doesn't care. Actually I'm sure that's not accurate, he probably does care, I just mean he still wants to sing anyway. So Rob backs him up on his weaker lines, if he thinks Jensen needs it. Anyway... this last convention Jensen sang "Everybody Hurts," mostly well but far from perfect and it was extremely touching, because the song has meaning to him and the fans - because of their support of "Always Keep Fighting, Jared's charity giving support to those with depression or thinking of suicide - and he just kept going, solo, rather than giving in when he couldn't hit the notes. My personal biases here might have made it more meaningful than it was, but still, his vulnerability was touching and worth a watch.

Louden Swain and Jensen Ackles, Everybody Hurts:

I do still love my boys...



Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 1:27 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
More Jared on tv maybe..


Jared Padalecki may soon trade in his fire jacket for a lab coat.

The Supernatural alum is re-teaming with Walker showrunner Anna Fricke on an as-yet-untitled medical drama in the works at CBS, TVLine has confirmed.

The prospective procedural would center on a “devoted country doctor (played by Padalecki) who practices his unique style of improvisational medicine alongside his new protégé, a young doctor running from her past, as they operate a mobile clinic and heal the bodies and souls of their underserved community in the medical desert of rural Texas,” according to the official logline.

It says "in development," so might not come to anything.

P.S. Sanfran, if you're reading, I have only one episode left of The Umbrella Academy, which I should watch tonight. I haven't been too keen on the final season, but hope it wraps up well. Your observation of Luther as a stretched Jensen Ackles was spot on, especially when he changed his hair in S4!.



Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 9:44 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I did watch it... that finale seemed like it really was the only solution in some way, but still, a bit upsetting.

The star of the show was the guy who played Five, the teenager. It's quite amazing acting that from the moment he explained his true age I did not doubt for one second he was a 55 year old man!



Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 12:40 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
I'm glad you enjoyed TUA! I did, too, but I don't remember most of the details.

Now you can consider giving Farscape a shot! Yes, I'm being more than a tiny bit pushy on suggesting this show yet again, but it's one of my faves of all time. I've seen the whole 5 seasons at least 5 or 6 times. I can't imagine you not enjoying it as much as I did.

I remember you once saying the puppets put you off, but for me, there was only one puppet that made me want to give up the first time I saw it, and it was an alien bird-like character who was in just one early episode. Any other puppets in the show were just characters to us fans. (Please note: I was never a fan of puppets, Sesame Street, or other puppet movies...well maybe Team America, made by the Southpark guys, but that a farce by design. :-))

And Farscape's cast is 99% puppet free! Two puppets are main characters, but one of them is part biological and part spaceship and the other one is a greedy but sometimes heroic villain/good guy....but they're also real characters that you'll have real feelings for. I promise.

Please note again - There may have been more alien puppets in the 5 seasons, but I don't remember them, so they would've been nonprimary characters. It's a big has a huge set of characters and new main characters are added a lot, so it always feels fresh and often unexpected.

Oh yeah, it's like Outlander in one specific way. Outlander isn't just a time travel sci-fi like so many people (such as my sister) thought, but it's also a great love story! The relationships of these disparite people carry the show like the Supernatural Boys carry their series.

The first episode or two are pretty much setting the stage but once you have that set up, the characters will take over and fill your heart....even the one that's somehow like a greedy little Trumplike alien and he's usually the comic relief. It's kind of like Supernatural...a lot of my friends tried it but didn't see really see much of a future for it...they assumed it was a monster of the week, not the great epic story it really was so they never got past the first ep or 2. Little did they know it was both at the same time. So is Farscape. It's also a serialized story and it's hard to stop watching while bingeing.

Just to support my views of Farscape I just did a quick googling for this pair of words:

farscape reviews
(I'm not putting a link to it because that link is about a mile long)

I never looked up Farscape reviews before and was surprised that the result yielded articles saying a lot of things I just did! Trust me and Trust the other viewers. Farscape is fun, exciting, heartbreaking, intelligent, surprising, funny, and thrilling....and addicting.



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 9:48 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Ok, I am definitely putting Farscape on my list! We are three seasons into Smallville at the moment, so it might be one to go after that, rather than along side it. And I say we, because it's the sort of thing my hubby would like.

You're right, it was the puppets that put me off after a couple of episodes, and I think we tried it on a channel that had loads of choppy adverts, which made it not seem worthwhile. But here in the UK it is on Amazon Prime, so should be good.

I will give it a go (how could I not, after your description?!), thank you :-).



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 11:09 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    

I may have convinced myself as well! (I think it was of my COVID isolation era binges so it's been a few years)

Ben Browder was an excellent Chrichton....but I can easily imagine Jensen in the lead role, had Browder never been born. (Yep this show has a lot of humor, too) :-)

Btw, here's a page that shows some of the characters and costumes of the show ...just to keep you interested. (no spoilers, just images that give you an idea of the excellent production values of this show):-)



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 12:30 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Looks a lot more sophisticated than I thought, it's only that little guy at the front in the first picture that has my puppets sensors screaming. I will get used to him!

I remember Ben Browder from the Stargate series, which I've watched and rewatched a few times. Imdb says he was in a couple of episodes of Jared's Walker too... don't think I recognised him.



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 1:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
" I will get used to him! "

Well, I should tell you that he not only looks a bit like that crazy old man in Florida but he's also a narcissistic, greedy, power hungry ass! BUT...his awfulness makes him a target for having the least respect of anyone one else in the universe....think of him as a powerless mini-Trump in jail.



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 1:17 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
I guess I shouldn't get all Farscape-crazy-fanboy for now....if you're on s03 of Smallville, you've got a way to go to finish it. It started in 2001 and ended in 2017 after 217 episodes. I watched it for the first few seasons but got bored with it.



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 3:59 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Well in jail is something I can really get behind!

Yes, now you mention it, Smallville is going to take a long time. 217 episodes isn't quite Supernatural but it's a lot, especially as we're mostly only able to watch a few episodes of anything a day, and there are other shows we watch too. Maybe I'll push for some Farscape this weekend, at least to see if we like it. Hubby is only half-hearted on Smallville so if it's his kind of thing he might get hooked.



Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 6:56 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Farscape does evolve into more and more as it progresses. People change as do situations and points of view.and goals or fears.

If you do watch a couple of the beginning eps and just don't get into it, I'd suggest trying a random ep much later in that season or maybe a different season altogether...and you should see how the whole Farscape world grows into more. Then you'll wonder, "How did they get to this?" Then go back and start where you left off, knowing this show has some meat on it's bones.

This is how I felt when you started Supe...I was worried that the first few eps wouldn't be enough to grab you for the long haul, but luckily it did. But remember how much bigger/better the Supe world became as the eps/seasons passed? The same thing goes for Farscape.

Btw, the 5th (and final) season of FS is a mini-series of basically two TV movies, not a whole season of eps.

Okay, I'm over-selling it now. I'll shut up about it before I carry on so much I drive you away! :-)



Friday, January 17, 2025 - 2:12 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Ha, you won’t do that, I was even going to try Black Sails after you recommended it - a show that has too many knives and on the face of it no appeal to me - but it’s only on MGM+ here, which I’m not paying for!

Good idea about the random episode, that’s how we found some other shows, just by catching one randomly and getting instantly hooked. I will give that a go :-).



Friday, January 17, 2025 - 10:52 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Well, I may have convinced myself to rewatch it...again.

I usually crawl into bed and watch a couple of episodes of Ridiculousness before turning out the lights and closing my eyes. Last night I watched eps 1-2 of FS! Every time I see this show I see things I forgot. The aliens on FS are so much more advanced that on Star Trek, which is usually some kind of tweak to the bridge of the nose and or forehead. There was a child alien and a couple of adults who had heads/faces shaped at different angles than us regular humanoids. Nothing fancy, just angles but it was unique and not overboard.

I'll likely catch an episode or 2 at bedtime for awhile. It's easier to REwatch something late at night because I do already know the basics of what's going on. With a brand new show, I need to be alert to catch those important moments that can define a whole episode or season!

(I've needed constant distraction since around Nov 5 when the apocalypse officially started.)



Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 1:28 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I hear you on the need for distraction. I’ve had difficulty sleeping, something I’ve never really had a problem with, for the last couple of months, and just can’t concentrate on reading books, which is my usual pre-sleep ritual. So I’ve watched tv shows when I have something easy to watch, but like you say, watching something new doesn’t work because you miss things.

Reality is a bummer.