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| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 10:13 am
I do have to wonder why all the men grew beards when they got older??? Is that a symbol of old age? LOL
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 10:38 am
1st 20 min are soooo boring. This doesn't feel like a finale.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:12 am
There were some touching moments but not a memorable finale for me. It was too "scattered" and in parts felt like leftover scenes were just thrown in. That said, I loved this series and will miss it so much.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:17 am
I will have to watch it again because I dozed off and missed some of it. What I did see was underwhelming.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:25 am
I was unimpressed with the finale. I feel a bit cheated actually. The last 2 episodes were so sweet and lovely. This was rushed, pale and uninteresting. The more recent episodes had emotion, color and truly drew one into the story. At least they let Tess and Annie have a couple of lines before deja sucked more life out if the series. I think that there was too much going back in time with Jack and the ordinary day. Where they trying to go for an Our Town vibe? If so, I don't think it was successful. I loved the bit about the swings from little Rebecca to grown up Jack's kid. I had hoped we would see more future scenes. Also loved the Beth and Randall worst case scenario.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:27 am
Were not where
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:28 am
Loved it. Loved the continuity feel. It was a sweet, gentle farewell. It wasn't overly dramatic. (That was last week.) I found it touching. And wept through the most of it. Life goes on. But remember to savour the moments. ♡ My only mini-gripe: Where was Kevin's daughter?
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:32 am
Same here -- underwhelming. Best of it was the Big Three sitting on the steps talking at the end. I did take note of Randall and his birth father when they were going to start their road trip to Memphis. S1,E16 -- that was a big tearjerker episode.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 11:35 am
For those who enjoyed it, glad you weren't disappointed. It seemed a cold or at the very least a cool brush off to me. As if they lost interest in doing it.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 12:06 pm
Agree there were 'a few' touching moments but overall a very boring ep that didnt feel like a season finale let alone a series finale. very disappointed
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 2:24 pm
Haven't watched it yet, but who can enlighten me as to who cancelled this show? And why? I was a latecomer and probably would never have watched it had it not been for the pandemic. It was a great "America's Show". Could not the creators do something just as great again?
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 2:45 pm
I believe the creators of the show decided to only do 6 seasons. Personally, I think there are still a great many stories available and it could have go on for several more seasons without growing tired or stale, especially as it crosses generations.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 2:57 pm
I enjoyed it. I totally related to being in a daze when my mom died. I liked that each of the ‘Big 3’, at the end, just sat there watching the life of their children and family in the room... just like Jack did on their free Saturday of pin the tail on the donkey game. The kids have become the parents. Life continues and the next generation continues the journey carrying a piece of the parents down through their kids.. as so on. For me, my complaint was just it was not enough time in the episode. All of a sudden, it was over... which made me sadder than anything. It’s the only show I make sure I watch, no matter what. Quality acting, story... just good tv. I will miss it. Many of the early life scenes had to be shot many years ago and then woven into the story. Most of the ‘little’ kids are teenagers now. Agreed, I also read somewhere that the creators only were planning for 6 years.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 10:14 pm
Yes, from the beginning writers were only gong to do six seasons. Some of the scenes in last night's show were filmed five - six years ago.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 10:32 pm
It could have been a better season finale. First time I've complained about this show, but the wrap-up was not meaningful enough for me. They could have easily added another hour flash forwarding on all the lives and families that Rebecca and Jack had created. They could have added music that they had featured in earlier episodes. There was so much more that could have been done!
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 1:01 am
i had no problem with the final episode. Heartfelt, warm, emotional at times. sure they could have done future scenes but still... the point was about this is US and how families bridge together/carry on generation to generation.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 2:42 am
I liked it very much. I think it accurately showed the continuity of life, generations... "not pointless." I wouldn't have seen the point of flash forwarding, we never had enough data on the next generations to make that meaningful, and it would have felt rushed. I loved how it emphasized enjoying the journey, and not worrying about "the end." This really hit home for me.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 3:03 am
I liked the part where the three kids all agreed that when they thought of the word 'family' they thought of their parents and each other first.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 6:19 am
"I do have to wonder why all the men grew beards when they got older??? Is that a symbol of old age? LOL" It's definitely a symbol of old age if the beard is turning gray! 
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 7:49 am
I think it’s more of a symbol of not wanting to shave everyday anymore.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 8:23 am
LOL I did have to laugh at the beards…seems like the hair/makeup staff decided that was an easy way to age the men. I have unsettled feelings about the finale, but I had/have unsettled feelings when my parents died. I never had the chance to say goodbye to my mom and not really with my dad. Like Jack, my mom died unexpectedly, and my dad had dementia. I was too stunned to speak at my mom’s funeral. I remember being adamant that I would at my dad’s…obsessing over every single word, story to give him the send off he deserved and realizing later like Randall that it really only mattered to me. I can remember standing in the middle of the grocery store watching people living their daily lives and being just stunned that the world was still spinning after my mom’s death and suddenly facing the realization that there was no one left who knew me ‘from the beginning’ when my dad died. I had my family over the weekend after my dad died and we laughed and shared stories. It was sweet. The whole episode reminded me of that…it was just sweet. Not gut wrenching, just sweet. The ‘you did good’ did send me into a sobbing fit because that is what my dad always said. Overall, I had the same reaction Karuuna had, life is too precious…live it and enjoy while you can.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 3:00 pm
I thought the finale was just fine. We already cried out eyes out last week. But I did also cry through most of the final episode I watched tonight. Texannie, I can testify that you totally lost your mind when your mother died, and you vented here because it was the safest place. There were many of your imaginary TVCH friends who had many off-board discussions about whether we could/should save you and if so, how. I don't recall if we ended up doing anything, but you ended up saving yourself, which is what the characters in this television program did. I can understand if this show hit you hard, but you ended up in a good enough place, as did all of those characters. And, I guess, This Is Us, living life in some weird sort of family way, over the past 22 years, at the TVCLubhouse. May we all live long and prosper.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 6:00 pm
I thought it was fine.. Maybe not as gut-wrenching as the previous two, and nothing could totally satisfy when I just wanted the show to keep on going.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 9:12 pm
Interesting, Juju, you have mentioned how I lost my mind several times, I had no idea, I had lost my mind, (guess cause I had lost it LOL) but appreciate people being concerned. Between the shock of her death and my cancer scare/hysterectomy at 44, I am sure I was. It will be 20 years on December 20th. Amazing to think I have been around that long.
| Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 11:05 pm
I'm an only child, never married, no children. When my mom died in '96 I became an orphan. My childhood was gone. What I do like is I live in the same small area I have since '50. Now one mile from the house I grew up in. Close to my grade school, jr high, and high school. Two days ago I saw an attorney in my childhood shoe store. Some stores in town that are OLD buildings still used after renovating. Attorney is in the building that was Joe's Family Shoe Store years ago. I am updating my will, etc. This time 'round having a problem thinking about that stuff. Gotta do it.