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| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 2:23 pm
They didn't name her "Nefelinia"? LOL If she's the result of god and the queen of hell, she's gotta have some kind of title or category. I'm now wishing this had been a plot twist in the show! (It just occurred to me....Was Jesus ever even mentioned on Supe?)
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 3:07 pm
Maybe that's her middle name . I don't think Jesus was mentioned, in fact perhaps he was specifically not mentioned, as if my memories serve he's meant to be God's son(???). That would make him an archangel in the show, and I think they more or less listed all of those. Oh, no, I'm wrong, he does have his own Supe wiki page: He's listed as a human. I'm in the really crappy part of moving, and as I walked down the stairs to sit down for a bit what came into my mind was ~I wish I had a new episode of Supernatural to watch~...
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 1:20 pm
I wish they'd make a Halloween themed Supe TV movie every year. They might not have enough fans to make money from that but they should at least do it for you and me! Maybe some of that erotic fan art you've mentioned might do the trick to calm down that monkey on your back. 
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 1:52 pm
Gee, the show, "American Gods" had a dozen Jesuses. The god of Easter (Kristin Chenoweth) threw a big Easter party and she invited all of the Jesuses from all the different countries and cultures so each one was a representative of the culture of a different country. Hey, I found a youtube about the Jesuses on American Gods: I forget...did you ever watch AG? I loved it but only understood about 20% of it....too many gods to remember all their names or what they or what they were supposed to be like, but it was great long as I didn't question anything. Of course I did question pretty much everything, but not enough to go research it. Kind of hard to get an answer when everyone has their own personal interpretation of the parade of gods the world has produced. ---- Btw, it's sad that The Winchesters was such a bomb (compared to the original Supe). 
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 7:33 pm
I would love a Halloween movie! The boys would do it too... probably too expensive to get the sets set up for one movie though. Funny you mention the erotic fan art, I've found a few in those jigsaw puzzles I do. The small picture that's available before you start on it isn't always clear or big enough to tell (at least that's my story :P) but there are some surprises when you do them full screen. Most are cute, not raunchy, but they are sometimes very hard to tell they're fake. I tried to watch American Gods as it has Ricky Whittle in it, who I like. But I got hopelessly lost very quickly and gave up. It was not long after Hannibal, which seemed to have the same amazing artistic style shots, but despite that I couldn't keep with it. Yeah, it would have been nice to have a new The Winchesters, or rather a good version of it. And Walker, which I really grew to enjoy (Kitt s Cordell), isn't meant to start until May, and I'll be in England by then, so might not easily be able to find it. The humanity!
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 2:29 pm
Sanfran, the Supe boys do go to the UK at least twice a year for conventions, at least they have been recently. Not that it would change much for me, as unless they're in my local supermarket I doubt I'd bump into them . (Oddly I did bump into Bob Geldof in my local supermarket though... Or I suppose not that oddly, as he lived nearby.) I've been waiting for the below to be posted on youtube to show you (as I don't think you can see twitter links). It's Misha and his anti-aging technique of... shaving his scraggly beard! What I wanted to ask you, as someone of the bearded persuasion, is why do you think he's putting what's left in little ponytails?? Is it just to get it out of the way of the trimmer? He's not, errrrm, keeping the little tufts for something is he ?!
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 5:12 pm
" What I wanted to ask you, as someone of the bearded persuasion, is why do you think he's putting what's left in little ponytails?? " Hmmmm.....sometimes a little ponytail is just a little ponytail. I've never had a step by step beardcut to make me look 10 years younger, but I think they were just being silly. Your remark reminds me of what you said in your previous post about "American Gods". You said, "I tried to watch American Gods as it has Ricky Whittle in it, who I like. But I got hopelessly lost very quickly and gave up." My response is that it was the same for me with with the bible stories and Greek gods and Viking gods, etc... Since AG was a show about old gods vs new gods, I didn't expect it to make much sense...just like all the religions we have today. But it was still fun and interesting and Pablo Schreiber made for a great grumpy, 6ft 5" tall Leprechaun. It's the same with The Walking Dead, sci-fi, and cartoons. Crazy stories can be very entertaining and engaging without being real or even possible or a teeny tiny beard ponytail. (Maybe the ponytails were just a little performance art.)
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 8:48 pm
I expect Misha's kids just did the ponytails for fun. Like the flowers. It's something you'd do if you had long hair and wanted to keep or donate it, but I've never seen it done to beard hair. When they started I had a horrible feeling they were going to offer them for sale to fans or something, for charity, naturally, it being Misha. No idea why that went through my head! When shows are too complicated I get stressed if I think I'm not going to be able to understand things later on. I'm fine if it kind of isn't important that I understand, but I usually assume it is.
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 10:11 pm
"horrible feeling they were going to offer them for sale to fans or something" Misha would've known better! Letting snips of his own hair out there where all Supe's witchy and demony fans are casting spells and going other demony things that could get him in supernatural trouble. Sometimes a show ends weirdly and I'm not sure exactly what when I'm done watching, I google "Explain the ending of <Whatever>." and 9 times out of 10, I get my answer because lots of others were as flummoxed as I was! That reminds me....a show you might like, a movie called "All of Us Strangers". Something was a bit off as I watched the show and I figured I'd understand what it was by the end, but I was lunkheaded and just didn't pick up on it. I sort of got it but it left me a bit bewildered. Afterwards I googled it and got a clear and perfect explanation that made me feel stupid because it was suddenly SO obvious and in retrospect, all the clues made perfect sense. Check out that movie! You'll probably understand what's going on from the get-go.
| Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 11:55 pm
Ha, yes, watch out for the witches!! I google endings sometimes but mostly if I fall asleep part way, which I do a lot, especially now. I watched Resident Alien this evening, for example, and thought I'd better find the summary just in case, only to find a weird bird alien was on there that I have no recollection of whatsoever. But summaries are helpful for the trickier shows for sure. That movie rings a bell from some awards show. I will have to seek it out, it does sound good.
| Wednesday, April 03, 2024 - 9:22 am
Ruth Connell seems just like Rowena in the new Dead Boys Detective trailer: Looks like the show's going to be good, out on Netflix April 25th. Also Jared is back tonight in Walker!
| Wednesday, April 03, 2024 - 1:55 pm
Kitt, who knew when I coerced you into watching Supe that your life would change as evidenced by you still having your fingers on the pulse of the boys' lives so you always know where they (and their cohorts) are at all times? The Supeverse seems to be your second favorite place in the universe, assuming reality is your true fave. And keep that monkey on your back...I do appreciate the updates. DBD looks like a lot of fun! I just checked imdb and I see the whole season of 8 eps will drop at much better than that crap of watching one ep and waiting a week for the next one. Gee, I should just be grateful. After all, when I was growing up we only had a small screened B/W piece o' junk and just 3 networks (ABC,CBS,NBC) spread over just 2 working channels....and the five of us arguing over which channel to watch.
| Wednesday, April 03, 2024 - 2:05 pm
Gee, I scrolled up in this thread and was surprised when it dawned on me that we finished that Supe-binge OVER A YEAR AGO! I keep saying that the older I get, the faster time seems to fly by...but lately that saying feels uncomfortably real. Yikes!
| Wednesday, April 03, 2024 - 4:08 pm
Wow, doesn't seem like a year ago to me either!! Bit like a different lifetime really, as I was so into it and so much has changed since. And yes, I am forever changed, lol, and do still check in on my boys regularly. Mostly now I just do the online jigsaws of them, just a couple of pretty photos a day to keep me going ;). Misha is the most active on social media, and I don't see much from the others except when a convention is on (which is surprisingly often). By the way, did you see Misha get chatted up by a robot he ran into at the Sphere in Las Vegas? Pretty fascinating. The side to side swinging arms flirting moves it does are the playful flirting Misha sometimes does, it must have learned that from videos of him, although I can't understand how the AI understands that visual is actual flirting. That's what it seems to be mimicking, anyway. Must be so weird to have a robot recognise you! You mention just having a few networks growing up, I am back there now! We are in a Residence Inn until we leave for England on the 18th, and it has about 20 channels, but not many I'd watch. I thought it had the CW for tonight's Walker, but it has that old CW channel, which is now taken over by CBS instead . It does allow you to have Netflix and Prime on it, so we're entertained by those, but I'm missing the on air shows (like Resident Alien). Although I should get used to it, as I've no idea what I'll be able to see when I'm in England! Pretty sure their Netflix will have DBD though, so that's a start.
| Friday, April 26, 2024 - 1:12 am
Jensen Ackles has been cast as Colton’s brother in Tracker. Not sure how many episodes that means he’ll be in. I’m guessing he’ll be a scene-stealer.
| Friday, April 26, 2024 - 2:01 pm
I wonder if they'll put Ackles on a short leash when it comes to veering off-script. His ad libs and antics were part of his real behavior AND his character's on Supe. My guess is that Ackles will be a toned down character like his "brother". I also hope that with these two new characters being added that they find some writers who add emotions (other than a serious look that never changes) to Colter's roles. They really need to let Colter laugh. He'll slightly smile every once in awhile, but I don't remember seeing him actually laugh. If there were any scene of a laughing Colter, I either missed or forgot it. Good choice for casting, though. My first thought was "Oh Ackles leaving "The Boys"? Then I remembered that the upcoming season of The Boys is their last. Then I looked it up and found that they have managed to get a 5th season even though season 4 has yet to air. The Boys Season 5 Renewal Seemingly Confirmed Before Season 4 Premieres:
| Friday, April 26, 2024 - 3:29 pm
I watched a clip of Jensen and Jared at the JIB14 convention, which was in Italy this last weekend. Jensen said he hadn't filmed much for about 18 months now, but for the last few weeks (or within the last few weeks) he'd done a little project. It must have been the Tracker episode, as the episode airs May 12. Some new pictures are in this link: Jensen looks like Dean in a couple of them. Well I suppose all of them , but I mean some of them could be Dean by what he's doing. I thought I read that Soldier Boy wasn't a main character in S4 of The Boys?? Can't remember now. So he might not be in S5, or if he is, it might not take much of his time to film. I did enjoy the Soldier Boy character, but I think he might be better with a smaller role, not a main character, as he's so over the top.
| Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 1:08 am
I think they're probably just calling him a guest star on Tracker and when they'll see how well it goes, they'll decide whether he'll remain a guest star or become a recurring character or join the main cast. I hope some of Ackle's personality will rub off on Colter and liven him up a bit. Ackles may be over the top but Hartley is pretty much under it on Tracker. There's gotta be a sweet sport for both of them... I saw something about Ackles maybe being in some spinoff of The Boys called Gen V? I figure it's as much wishful thinking as it is factual so I'm happy to just wait and see. Who knows?
| Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 1:42 am
Did you not watch Gen V? Go find it! It’s The Boys with teenagers (and note, not a teen friendly version, just with a cast of teens/college students). If I remember, the first episode isn’t the best, but if you stick with it it’s pretty watchable in a bizarre way. So far Jensen had been in one episode, for maybe three minutes, as one of the kids’ dream/hallucination of Soldier Boy. So it’s a completely extreme, over the top version of Soldier Boy that’s hilarious. Maybe he’ll be on as a proper guest character next season though. You’d think with all the Supe fans, Tracker would have double the viewers in the Jensen episode! It would be easy to make him a recurring character, as long as it turns out he didn’t murder his dad (which Colter thinks he did). I know he’s friends with Hartley so they should all be happy to do it. Yeah, I would not be surprised if Hartley is a lot more animated that episode, I think Jensen brings things out of people.
| Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 12:47 pm
I did some investigating. I guess I did watch it. I don't remember seeing Soldier Boy in it, but I do remember falling asleep while witching it...a lot! That's my biggest problem with super hero shows. After awhile, they all look the same and they don't feel so original anymore. Just more young people with powers and angst, some good and some bad. I haven't even seen the majority of the big hero movies with The Avengers....but bigger special effects just don't add up to originality for me. I don't remember a single name of any character on Gen V. I hate to say it, but even TWD pretty much wore out it's welcome for me. Every spinoff was basically the same show with different faces. Survivors, walkers, and bad humans trying to control the everything. I'm pretty much over zombies these days.
| Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 2:35 pm
Yep, I know what you mean, a lot of shows and movies trend towards fights or shocks over story. I feel like TWD has found its way back a bit with the Daryl show and partly with The Ones Who Live, but I've also given up with the Marvel movies, you know who wins any fight scene - the hero - so why bother watching. And The Boys and Gen V were so gross at times they kind of wasn't, it all turns into repetitiveness after a while. They all need characters with heart.
| Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 10:43 pm
I'm not so keen on the new trend for a show to get one or two or more companion shows. I started out liking FBI okay (good cast) but when they announced there would be two more companion shows, I dropped it. I was a fan of Chicago Fire for years but I didn't care for the Chicago Med companion show and when they started with the crossovers, I dropped that whole franchise, too. Seems like uniqueness is gone from network TV and instead, they keep turning one show into a group of shows , or do a reboot, or a return... I do like The Boys and partly because of the gross's so over the top it often surprises the heck out of me and makes me howl. I NEVER laugh as hard watching any network TV show. I've been alive for most of the life of television. I was born in 1950 and TV has changed from a minimal fuzzy B/W picture in Mono (with limited content on just 2 channels) to giant screen, Hi Def, with stereo (and 3D) and millions of colors from hundreds of channels. And I've noticed that they've used up all their ideas and now EVERY show is just a variant version of a show from the past. The big exceptions are the shows from HBO, HULU, NF, PRIME, ATV, etc... It seems if you rely on soap and pimple cream commercials to cover the costs of a show it's automatically much less entertaining than a streaming network that just sells the shows rather than running ads. (Well, not counting Ryan Murphy productions!) Rant done. Time to go watch some good TV. Hmmmm...."Dead Boy Detectives" or s12 of "American Horror Story" (I saved them up until they all aired so I can binge the whole season like I have the past couple of years!) or maybe "Them" s02? The streamers have had some great hits lately.
| Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 12:57 am
If you tried Dead Boy Detectives let me know what you think. I have signed up for Netflix UK and it’s available but I haven’t had time for much solo tv.
| Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 1:53 pm
Haven't started it yet...I decided to start with another, unnamed, series. I watched ep 1 of "The Regime"'s totally insane and for some reason Kate Winslet looks more like Gillian Anderson than Kate Winslet. And that makes it even more insaner! LOL If you're unsure of Deadboys, check out Fallout or Baby Reindeer....I think you'd like them both. I know *I* did!
| Monday, April 29, 2024 - 10:29 am
Those two are on my list, we're in the middle of The Gentlemen now, which is a Guy Richie one, started quite good but has lost my interest a bit. Still want to finish it though.