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| Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 2:24 pm
What did you think about the episode based on "300"? (Hint: 300 years) David Anders always looks like a very demented Neil Patrick Harris to me. He was great villain on "Alias" and his character was named Sark. "I always like bump spotting, and did you notice the Julia actress is pregnant?" I noticed someone was pregnant but later when I was gonna post about it, I couldn't remember if it was Julia or Kady, so I just chose to believe that you'd see it too. I only noticed it in one scene. you miss Quentin? Apparently his fate was a shocking surprise to viewers when it happened. Oddly enough, I didn't miss Quentin. So many other characters stepped up to keep the show in chaos and suspense that I didn't feel like it was missing anything. These final episodes packed so much into each minute of the story. There are a couple of things I somehow overlooked along the way. I had overlooked the extra finger and why it was there, but understood it later. Only seven eps to go? I think I watched all of those in a day so it's not broken down into episodes in my memory. Lots of action and answers and even more surprises...BUT I did overlook a couple of things, and finally understood what happened but I didn't remember HOW it happened....including a reunion between two characters that left me in the dark! Who was that? Why did this happen? WTH is going on? But...even though I had who/what/where/why questions, I just accepted the results and didn't delve deeper into the "how". And to be honest, I thought "Well, Kitt will know this and explain it to me. "Yey and boo" Well, I'll tell you a spoiler/not really a spoiler. There is a musical number coming up for you in the penultimate episode, s5-e12, titled "The Balls". Tidbit: I did a little googling and discovered that each season had at least one musical number,
| Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 5:58 pm
I meant to say, I couldn't work out what your comment about 300 referred to. Do you mean about Fillory being 300 years in the future? I liked when they were trying to save Fen and Josh, and then Fen and Josh jumped into the future, but after that I got a bit confused. They seem to be moving back and forth to Earth without any issue, so I suppose 300-years-later-Fillory now maps into current day Earth. No, I don't actually miss Quentin either, despite liking him a lot. I think his part had lessened in S4, and it had become so much more of an ensemble show with all parts equal. And he got a really good ending. I have kind of lost interest in Alice. I got a bit lost on what was happening to her in S3 when she was a niffin, and haven't warmed to her since. I haven't noticed an extra finger yet, but I'll know - kind of - what it means when I do, as I remember the Beast added fingers to be able to do better (or more complicated?) magic. I will now stare intently at Sean McGuire's fingers until I spot whether it's him or not . I do love the musical episodes. I keep on singing that "Don't get me wrong," one with Eliot on the hillside. Definitely need one more . Lol, well I will do my best to explain the how to you on Friday!
| Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 6:47 pm
Btw, "Castiel" was trending on twitter today. I tried to find out why, and apparently it is the 11th anniversary of the airing of the show where Dean and Castiel first hugged!! The fans are insane!!
| Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 7:06 pm
"I mex" in the wall of her dungeon cellnt to say, I couldn't work out what your comment about 300 referred to. Do you mean about Fillory being 300 years in the future?" Yep, you know I like time travel stories. Loved the part when Margo looked into the hidden "mailbox" and found something Josh left for her 300 yrs prior and then he showed up and asked her "Didn't you get my note?" and she looks in the box again and this time there's his note. "Josh jumped into the future, but after that I got a bit confused. " Margo got a note to him in the past and told him what to do. I think Josh muttered we have to find that weird guy she ran into when she jumped down that hole to the center of the planet and he really wanted a ham sandwich. The note she got to Josh told him to go to that guy and if you give him a ham sandwich he might send you forward 300 years. Josh did, and then ham sandwich guy did. "They seem to be moving back and forth to Earth without any issue, so I suppose 300-years-later-Fillory now maps into current day Earth. " Yeah...confusing is the right word. I know scattered facts but never got it all spelled out for me. I think they were traveling to their house at Brakebills via a portal door in Fillory or something. And I think dragons can create portals, right? But also the young Chatwin girl created a phone box portal that led to a time loop, and I think they had traveled to Fillory directly from Brakebills before. All those travel options are open for change what with magic and all. I just figure they used a method that "fixed" the time difference somehow and that was enough for me. From what I understand, magic is all just made up fakery it didn't really matter! LOL "as I remember the Beast added fingers" I just know that someone mentioned an extra finger and the next time I saw that character I could see an extra digit. Did you pick up my use of the phrase "Don't Get Me Wrong" awhile back when I was talking about something in that ep? Anyhow, here ya go. I think you can even buy an album of the TM songs sung by the cast at Amazon or something. Btw, yes that's Eliot really singing.
| Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 7:10 pm
Another link about the cast and the music on TM!
| Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 2:44 pm
I will save the songs for after the finale, thank you . Yes, I think they either fixed the time difference, of the time difference just happened as a result of the ramifications of them saving magic at the end of season 4, and that just linked Fillory+300 to the current time (2020) on Earth. More likely probably they went with the second option, as the Fillory storyline required a little shake up, and having them in the future was more fun for the writers . No, I missed your sneaky use of "don't get me wrong!" I can really tell it's Eliot singing, he sings unusually high, and he sounds just like him. It was funny in one of the other songs Kady bragged about being able to sing across four octaves (or something) and then started belting out her lines, and Margo said "show off!" I've watched eps 7-9 and am not sure I have a handle on much of it. I'm not sure if the Dark King is evil and should be written off, or if he's actually salvageable (still hoping for the latter). I have no idea who The Couple are, not sure why they want that page that Alice has. And after your finger comment, I was expecting MORE fingers, not fewer!! Ouch ouch ouch ouch. So much going on in every episode!
| Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 11:20 pm
I watched e10 (much easier to understand!) so I will probably finish tomorrow. I meant to say, they wrote Julia’s pregnancy into the script!
| Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 11:32 am
I finished it! I feel sad for Eliot. Hopefully he has a new or deepening connection with Charlton but he's always seemed so lonely and they left him without his friends. Got to hope they find some new portals on New Fillory. I liked how they fixed Penny, Julia and baby. Penny's story has been separate for so long it was almost like a little sideshow from the main, and I'm glad they gave him a family and a less isolated ending. And even the Dark King, who did turn out to be misguided rather than straight evil, survived in his own little world with his sister. I think I understood it all... Sanfran, what was the "how" you weren't sure about?
| Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 4:14 pm
My question was how did the beast suddenly came back?....but I did finally read the synopsis of the finale at that wiki link I posted awhile back and the very first sentence of the very last synopsis said, "The dead begin returning to the world, including the Beast." So that explains how the beast showed up again. Magic! And it was during the time the beast was back that someone mentioned "extra fingers" and I went back and checked out the beast's hands and sure enough, he can only wear custom made gloves! I didn't remember hearing about it before that. (Now I think they should've had a superbeast character with supermagic due to the addition of a thousand or so extra fingers....because with all those digits, he'd look like a demented cactus! It woulda been fun to see a superbeast cast a spell with a thousand fingers flipping and pointing around all over him. LOL) I did get confused when all that chaos was going on when the beast was dispatched. Did Beasty just transform into his Chatwin brother, who was in love with the Dark King? Or was Beasty actually the Chatwin brother all along and had become the evil beast, and was just changed back to his own polite self? It was near the end with the beast and the Dark King in the scene, something happens and suddenly Beasty was gone but young Chatwin was there in his place and we finally learned those two (DK and Chatwin) were together as they start making out. "I meant to say, they wrote Julia’s pregnancy into the script!" And there I was explaining how I forgot I which character I saw that was preggers....but at the same time, I knew Julia was gonna have a baby. Doh! I should make the point that even though I overlooked a couple of important moments when it was happening I was confused HOW things changed so quickly but when it was over, I felt fine with all the outcomes of all the characters' I still love the series....even though it did have a characters that had more than one name and/or more than one face and/or body (like Meg on Supe!) and others that were barely in the show (like the Chatwin brother, if that's who he was) so I forgot about them.
| Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 5:03 pm
It was a bit more complicated than that. Seb the Dark King (Sean McGuire) was actually Rupert Chatwin, the brother of Martin Chatwin, The Beast. Like Jane Chatwin, he'd tried to keep Martin in check but failed, and in fact the reason he was immortal was that he'd tied himself to Fillory so Martin couldn't (or something like that) and as a result Martin had cursed him to be tied forever. So Martin wasn't happy with the Dark King, and as revenge had morphed into Lance, Dark King's lover!! Whenever the Dark King had communicated with dead Lance it was Martin all along, not the original boy, and that means the Lance that the Dark King finally pulled up from the underworld, was actually his brother Martin Chatwin, the Beast, too!! And just after "Lance" was pulled out of the Underworld, he morphed back into the Beast and stopped Eliot closing the door behind him, so that's where that all went wrong (as the Dark King's idea was to just let Lance and as few people through as he could from the underground, then close the door after them). The Dark King (aka Seb, aka Rupert Chatwin) remained cursed and unable to die, but somehow made his way to that strange little house in the middle of nowhere (literally) that Jane Chatwin was living in, so at least they have company. Whereas the Beast was left on Fillory when it started being destroyed, so he was destroyed with it (they actually showed a big pillar fall down on him and squash him). The thing I was confused about was the section with the crazy Dean Fogg, that was because he was trying to fix things as it had all gone wrong in a prior timeline. At some point someone(?!) had contacted Jane Chatwin, and she'd reset the last few hours(?) for them with the help of Plum. That was all a bit muddled for me. I think everything we saw near the end was this second timeline, the one after the unseen one that was even worse. I think it being the second timeloop was only significant as it allowed Fogg to tell them how to separate the baby from Julia and reconnect to Penny, which saved their little family. I loved the series too, but I do feel a bit like it stopped too soon. I don't like that Eliot's story was just that he was with Charlton, I didn't think they had that connection before so it seemed out of the blue, and possibly wouldn't last, even if Eliot was now ready to be in a relationship with "an available" person I'm not sure Charlton was that for him. So I wish there'd just have been some line or something from the group who stayed in Fillory, saying "let's get this done and work out how to get back to Eliot." Then I'd feel Eliot had his friends and would be happy any way it worked out. So I'm left feeling worried about Eliot. As you've probably noticed, I do worry about fictitious characters I adore. But other than that, even though it was quite hard to follow at times, I really enjoyed the journey.
| Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 7:27 pm
Question - So Dark King and Chatwin were the Chatwin brothers? Didn't they have a romantic kiss on the lips when they were reunited? Or am I confusing that scene with the romantic kiss between Eliot and Charlton? You're right about it feeling rushed. When I watched it week by week the first time, there was too much time between eps....and it's easy to lose a lot of the foreshadowing, and forget names and characters who were just recurring ones that might not be seen again for a whole season. But then this final season it seemed like everything happened at once...but if they'd done an extra season or even a half season with a followup movie...then that complicated plot could've been easier to follow. Sounds like I'm saying I forgot too much in the week by week viewing over 5 years....but I forgot too much info for me to process and understand everything that was going on when I was watching a few eps every day. Oh yeah....I ran across a link about Appleman: Thanks for your insights! I knew you'd be like a dog with a bone when it came to sussing out any confusion with this intricate and insane plot.
| Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 8:55 pm
In an earlier season we saw young Rupert Chatwin kissing young Lance in a kind of flashback where some of our gang, possibly Q and Eliot, were looking at a ghost. I can't remember why they were doing that. They did a quick reminder of that scene in the "previously on" part of one of the last couple of episodes. And we saw current Rupert Chatwin (now the Dark King) with Eliot a few times. But I can't think of a scene with the two Chatwins. (And by the way, I just looked Rupert Chatwin up, and he was Martin's father, not brother! And I'd also forgotten who Plum was, and apparently she was Martin and Jane's sister.) So yes, maybe you were thinking of Eliot and Charlton. One look away and you'd have missed the transformation from Hyman to Charlton and you'd wonder what happened. I'd have been useless at this if it were only week to week. A lot of the complicated plots were kind of irrelevant when completed - they were just there for the fun ride - and you could rely on like a short version of what happened to get you through to the next episode. But some of the plots, and like you say names and people carried over, and it made things hard to follow. I'd no idea who Charlton was for a while, as an example. It's kind of nice to think Eliot lives on, in a way, in Hale Appleman, as he seems quite a similar soul. I could watch Eliot all day, play that video of him singing Don't Get Me Wrong on a loop and all my worries would go away...
| Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 10:46 pm
Jensen (as Soldier Boy) was in today’s episode (e6) of Gen V (the The Boys spin off, which has been pretty good so far). When he was in The Boys I didn’t know who he was, so he might have always been rude, but it was a shock after seeing only Dean or Jensen! Alex Calvert (Jack) was in the first few episodes, with an appearance in e4 or 5 which was… let’s just say explosive.
| Saturday, October 21, 2023 - 1:49 pm
"Jensen (as Soldier Boy) was in today’s episode (e6) of Gen V (the The Boys spin off, which has been pretty good so far)." Cool! I forgot that Gen V was from the Supernatural geniuses. I have been waiting until it's all available before I start watching it. "When he was in The Boys I didn’t know who he was, so he might have always been rude" IIRC, he was kind of a jerk who thought much too highly of himself...but I think he got better. He was a mess after waking up after many years to discover everyone he knew was gone and he had to find a way to fit in. All I know about Soldier Boy is from his stint on The Boys last season. (Funny how one of "the boys" on Supe is now one of The Boys. I don't follow most of the superhero shows...except for the misfit Doom Patrol, Umbrella Academy, and The Boys, and I think there was one or two others...
| Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 11:13 am
I saw a small piece on Kripke and Jensen talking about the Gen V scene, and apparently Jensen riffed on the theme, and they used the best bits. You'll see what I mean when you watch it. It was Comicon in Liverpool this weekend, there are some short clips of a group chat with Misha, Ruth, "Garth," Mark Shepherd, Samantha Smith and Jensen, which were quite entertaining. Maybe a longer section will be on youtube this week. If you happen to look for it, it has a green background. Here's a selfie shot (without the greenscreen).
from @barjy02 on twitter Don't know where Jared was, but I haven't seen anything of him. Perhaps he didn't go.
| Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 7:41 pm
This new show sounds like Supernatural, if Supernatural were written by Neil Gaiman! And it has Ruth Connell in it! Dead Boy Detectives, trailer in the link:
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 11:03 am
Cool. Neil Gaiman was the source of American Gods, which I really liked. It does look like a darker version of Supernatural....only with a pair of maybe-boyfriends instead of a pair of brothers! Ruth playing the "night nurse" gives me the feeling she's gonna be deliciously creepy character...but who knows? I had hoped to find that it had an imminent release date but looks like we have to wait until TBA. Thanks for the heads up!
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 2:19 pm
It does say "coming soon," so hopefully it will be very early 2024. I liked the style of The Sandman, so I think this will be my thing.
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 2:48 pm
for it having some fun Doom Patrol and The Boys and Gen V and of course, Supernatural!
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 5:28 pm
I'm rewatching The Boys right now actually. I watched Season 1 when it was on, but Season 2 got too blood and entrails-y and I mostly didn't pay attention (hubby still watched it, so saw a bit of it). I guess after 15 seasons of Supe the gore doesn't bother me so much, as I haven't really had a problem this time, and have just started Season 3. I'm looking forward to seeing Jensen . "Bobby Singer" from Supe was in it here and there too, in a few episodes as some military guy. He was all cleaned up and looking smart! Ha... I just looked up his name on the show, and he is "Secretary of Defense Robert A Singer!!!!!" Eric Kripke having some fun with us!
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 6:01 pm
" I guess after 15 seasons of Supe the gore doesn't bother me so much" Oops... Did I inadvertently groom you to withstand scenes of gruesome deaths, bloody faces, missing eyes and/or heads in that horrific world of chaotic mayhem known as "Supe"? I just hope I didn't push you to feel comfortable enough to actually choose a path of serial killerism and become a true sociopath! Of course, the upside is being more open to the HUGE collection of TV death, dismemberment, and violent destruction out there in the ether just waiting for you! Yay! Besides, all that blood you see is made from red food coloring in Karo the worst a bloody scene can do is maybe just give the actors a little diabetes.
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 8:55 pm
Oh you're definitely an evil influence .
| Sunday, November 12, 2023 - 9:20 pm
Thank you!
| Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 10:39 pm
There's a Supernatural convention in Hawaii this weekend, it seems like there's an event every other weekend, and all the main boys and a lot of the cast always seem to go. They must enjoy the traveling (or the pay). Anyway, Ruth Connell (Rowena) and Rob Benedict (Chuck) are there and are having a baby! By the size of the bump I'd say it's only a couple of months away! Do God and a witch make a nephilim?? Or a half-archangel?! Also Jensen's hair is now as long as a typical Jared.
| Sunday, November 19, 2023 - 1:48 am
Hmmmmm.... God + Witch + divine witch-baby = spinoff One can only hope! (Just kidding....I was so fed up with Chuck I'd prefer never to see him again. lol) Besides, the Boys are doing so well in their newest endeavors/options they should continue with it.