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| Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 12:33 am
"Real tearjerker of a sequence with Eliot and Q spending their life together trying to fix the mosaic, to find the key." Wasn't it? It made me think of one of my favorite ST-TNG episodes. I assume you know which one because you're a fan! Yes, it's the one with the wooden flute that Picard learned to play during an entire lifetime elsewhere. "The character Felicia Day's playing might as well have been called Charlie, she's pretty much the same." But Felicia Day's character on Supe was called Charlie! The only person I can think of that you be be comparing to Charlie is Marina, but I think Marina is truly a sociopath with evil intent...not just quirky like Charlie. Or were you thinking of the librarian, Stella? "I didn't really understand why at the end the villagers were angry at Eliot and Margo, I thought they'd been a good king and queen!" I never gave much thought to the Fillorian villagers because they were...well, they were pretty stupid (and you can't fix stupid). Also they were about as loyal as Benedict Arnold and Brutus combined. They would've elected Trump if he had shown up! Also there were factions that did not want earth rulers anymore and those that did. Btw, there is more singing in your future.
| Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 11:41 am
Re Felicia Day, I meant that the character she has on TM is the same as the character Charlie on Supe... at least at the moment, there is a hint that she's up to something maybe but I'm not sure if she's just making decisions in her best interest. The switching storylines of e8 were difficult to follow, particularly Alice's. Sweet that Penny was able to get Benedict to the library map room! I enjoyed the "more singing!" "Under Pressure" is one of my favourite songs, so they had me singing along, not that it helped them ;). I was surprised the Muntjac turned on Eliot and Margo, even if it did change its mind at the end. And I wasn't expecting Tick to turn, but then of course he would, it's completely in character! Of course the whole thing was totally unrealistic as no one told Penny to shuuuush in the library ;) ;) ;) ;).
| Friday, September 29, 2023 - 12:38 am
"Re Felicia Day, I meant that the character she has on TM is the same as the character Charlie on Supe... " Doh! I get it now....and you are so right. Ya know, we could just choose to believe that it really was Charlie visiting Fillory from Supe for an undercover mission/crossover. She showed up with a fake name and identity, did what she had to do and then left. Top secret mission accomplished. The results remain under lock and key forever so no one will even know what the mission was. Well... no one but you, me, and Charlie!
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 10:41 am
I've watched up to s4e1. Title board watch: the last title screen of s3 had the seven keys added, and now I see why the s4 one is blank, it's because they were all wiped clean. Sanfran, do you know what happened to the astral version of Penny, the original one? They just seemed to stop talking about him and I wonder if I missed something. They now just have alt-Penny.
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 1:22 pm
"Sanfran, do you know what happened to the astral version of Penny, the original one? They just seemed to stop talking about him and I wonder if I missed something. They now just have alt-Penny." That was confusing to me, too, but all I had to do was wait. I googled one line from your post - "what happened to the astral version of Penny, the original one?" ...and I found this article that seems to give a pretty good explanation without being a huge spoiler. Basically, old Penny is still trapped in the astral plane (and also still trapped in his Library contract) but Original's context will be explained, according to this article. One paragraph from that article: "While talking to Hypable, showrunner Sera Gamble revealed that snacking on a cupcake in the Underworld wasn't the end of Old Penny's journey. She confirmed that he was dead and continuing his contract with the Library, but said viewers would see him again sometime in Season 4. His story would even converge with that of his usurper, the Penny from the 23rd timeline. Gamble wanted to see the two of them talk to each other "in a non-cheesy way that really feels earned."" ---- I don't think this article will spoil anything for you, but it does add some context to the whole Penny question. Here's the link: [Note that this article seems to have been written before season 4 aired, so it's in the same timeline as you are!] Btw, that article is short but it ends without indicating that it ended...and the following part is a new article(ad?) on a different subject...if you follow the link and read it, you'll see what I mean:
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 3:30 pm
Yes, suddenly I'm reading about six hour road trips! That's good. I didn't think they would desert original Penny but it had been a while. More, I was concerned I'd missed something. Should have known all I'd have to do was wait. Sometimes I think this show is too smart for me, I get lost, particularly when weird things happen like these alternate bodies. But the "previously on" parts usually summarise in a way that at least sets me straight on the main points I need to know. Btw, I watched some more Supe season 11 special features earlier, and they had one on set design and special effects. They are amazing on the amount of detail they put on the sets, most of which have just one shows' usage. The episode where Dean gets taken back in time onto the submarine, they built the entire submarine inside sets, 16ft wide with realistic for the actual submarine knobs and buttons, then just take it down after a few days of filming! Amazing. And I just hadn't thought about how much would be green screen, which in some scenes is a lot. They're there emoting and so realistic it's making me cry, and when you see the set they're filming on, there's the person they're talking to and behind them it's just green and dots. I don't know how they do it.
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 7:09 pm
"I don't know how they do it." That's the beauty of it. THEY do it so YOU don't have to! Yes...the Golems. I find the doubles too complicated to worry about. Here's a just-in-case spoiler box...something that might've happened, but I don't remember seeing it happen. Read if you want, but could be a huge spoiler!:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | I thought I remembered one of the gang saying something about making a golem for Penny...if it's a physical body I don't know why he couldn't just become a squatter in it. And I think they live until their purpose has been achieved so they could be immortal. I thought that sounded good, but it was a very casual conversation that lasted maybe a minute. I never heard anything more about it so I don't know if that was done or not. I do tend to occasionally nod off for a minute or two, and sometimes a big thing on TM will be mentioned in a very short time, so I could have missed something. Anyhow this is in a spoiler box because it may actually be how they dealt with the Penny issue, but maybe not. I honestly don't know. |
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 7:14 pm
"I get lost, particularly when weird things happen like these alternate bodies." I think they only did that to keep everyone off their azzes while they frolic around Fillory. Btw, TM is not "too smart for you". I think maybe their telling of their story was just a bit more complicated than they they rushed a couple of things.
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 10:58 pm
It must be a difficult balance for the writers, they want to make sure the avid viewers are challenged, but being so close to the material they might not see how difficult to follow some things are. I have the same issue with nodding off. Because it's so important to pay full attention, I don't multitask at all (which I do with most programs), and then I get comfortable and my eyes start closing. But if I multitask then I miss stuff. Can't win . For the golums, apart from the early Margolum story, the only time I've seen golums since is when Penny's body first died, and he decided to try and see if he could use Margo's golum to tell the others he was still around. He found it in Todd's closet (ewwwwww) and got inside, but couldn't control it, freaked everyone out, and gave up. If they've used or discussed golums since I've missed it (see nodding off comment ).
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 11:24 pm
"He found it in Todd's closet (ewwwwww) and got inside, but couldn't control it, freaked everyone out," I think maybe this must've been one of my nod off moments. The part about finding Margo's golem in Todd's closet is familiar...I remember them assuming they knew what he was doing with (to?) it. But Penny trying it on for size and freaking others out is not in my memory bank. For me, that pretty much proves I was alert enough to retain the part about Todd, Margolem and the closet, but I must've been in Nod-off-Land when Todd tried it on and freaked his pals out. I do have a vague memory of someone saying who built the Margolem. Oh well, I guess I'll just take my own advice and "wait and see". That article said the Penny issue is addressed around the middle of s04....and the middle of s04 is just around the corner from you in the TM timeline, right?
| Saturday, September 30, 2023 - 11:40 pm
Btw, sometimes when I nod off with the TV on, I'll be half asleep and I can hear the TV and it feels like I'm totally understanding it all even though my eyes are closed. BUT, then I become more alert and open my eyes and see that the TV screen is 100% UN-related to the screen I was seeing in my head. For instance, the words I hear make me imagine the character out in the woods at night looking at something he found that scares him and he screams....but IRL my TV screen is actually showing a supermarket in the daytime and a drunk guy is screaming at the cashier and making a scene.

| Sunday, October 01, 2023 - 3:43 pm
Lol, mine isn't like that, I'm just so shocked each time I wake up and realise how much I missed, when I think I was conscious for all but a few seconds! My next episode is s4e4, so I should find out about Penny in the next few days, and will let you know. I am anxious about Eliot, who is still taken over by Lucifer the monster in the episodes I'm watching. I say "still," as I assume he will be fixed soon.
| Monday, October 02, 2023 - 1:48 pm
There was a flash of original Penny in one of the previously ons, but no other update in e4 or e5. Sanfran, one of them was that episode you mentioned with real-Eliot in his happy place helping the other guy with his usage of the f word! And I was so happy that they revisited the moment when Eliot and Q remembered their life together , as I thought that bit was too brief the first time. Margo called monster-Eliot "Darth Eliot," lol
| Monday, October 02, 2023 - 2:28 pm
"Margo called monster-Eliot "Darth Eliot," lol" lol I had a chuckle at a couple of self referential remarks...and I always mean to mention them here after the episode ends but of course, I forget. Have you noticed when a character has said something in the vein of, "This episode is so infuriating"....or something similar in reference to an "episode"? It makes me feel like they're aware of the viewers, so they occasionally throw us a "shout out" to let us know they're right there with us. "And I was so happy that they revisited the moment when Eliot and Q remembered their life together , as I thought that bit was too brief the first time. " That episode stuck with me...I'd forgotten about it until the rewatch but this time it seems to have hit a heart string or something because my mind seems to want to drift back to it. An entire lifetime with love, family, grown children and finally death....all in about 42 minutes, but, of course, it was literally forever for Eliot and Q. 
| Monday, October 02, 2023 - 3:07 pm
Have you noticed when a character has said something in the vein of, "This episode is so infuriating"....or something similar in reference to an "episode"? Yes!!! They quite often make self-referential comments that make me smile. Sometime last season I mentioned on here that Eliot and Margo had quite an arc, introduced as party people and morphed into caring hearts of the show. It was only an episode or two later that Margo herself remarked about their "redemption arc" from best b_s to kings! it seems to have hit a heart string or something because my mind seems to want to drift back to it. Me too. It just seemed very pure(?) somehow, an example of unconventional love and friendship being not just enough but also fulfilling. Even if Eliot wasn't brave enough back in the normal timeline to trust it would be so for them then, "with choices."
| Wednesday, October 04, 2023 - 2:18 pm
I haven't had much chance to watch the last couple of days, just seen two episodes, but Penny was in them. S4e6 had someone grab Penny23, as he was making them ill for being in the wrong timeline. During that, he jumped into the Underworld library where original Penny was, and Penny kind of gave his blessing for Penny23 to take over his place in timeline 40, as he'd read his book (suggesting Penny23 will have a significant purpose). Then e7 focused a lot on Penny in the library, with a few great exchanges pointing out the new employee's "sis/het frat bro bias!" (the employee then turned out to be his boss, and he's "promoted" him to "Secrets taken to the grave," which sounds a bit ominous). I really liked that they had the conversation about who the side characters are, and who are the stars, with the frat bro assuming Q was the star. You can quite imagine that conversation had been playing out on message boards during the original airings. So anyway it seems like the Pennys might work together towards something significant. 
| Wednesday, October 04, 2023 - 10:30 pm
Thanks for actually being in the correct episode(s)and correct Fillory timeline to bring that info here. I don't remember 23 and Original P switching places, and I had been thinking that would be the best way to fix the Penny dilemma. Of course, before this I had been thinking that popping Original P into a golem would've been a good fix, too! I think this show must have a LOT more info (over)stuffed into each episode. On Supe I think missing a couple of character names and or missing that Meg the demon was in yet another meatsuit without warning...but TM seems to have a dozen major plot points and important moments that appear to be inconsequential (but are very plot driven events), and/or characters that have gone by more than every dang ep! Anyhow, thanks for reminding me what I thought I saw or what I saw and assume I forgot! 
| Wednesday, October 04, 2023 - 11:55 pm
Watching this morning’s episode I was thinking I wouldn’t have any chance of following this if I had to wait a week between episodes! It really does require a lot of concentration and recall.
| Saturday, October 07, 2023 - 12:15 am
Awww poor Q...
| Saturday, October 07, 2023 - 1:25 pm
I found a very good episode summary resource: LINK to WIKI ----- What ep are you up to now? I estimate it to be ep 9? That seems to have been an "Awww poor Q..." episode. Anyhow I guess you have just have a few eps before you reach season 5, the final season...
| Saturday, October 07, 2023 - 4:25 pm
I have finished s4, not started on s5. ***Going to spoil a big Magicians incident in case any passers by care*** After it happens, and Q gets shattered, he ends up in the Underworld with Penny40, and I thought what he said was so profound! Everyone would think he chose to sacrifice himself to save the others and to bring back magic, but the first thing he said was "what did I just do?!" That it had been a snap decision and he didn't even have time to think about it! That must happen so often with "heroes" who everyone assumes make conscious decisions to sacrifice themselves to save others, and often it's probably just an instantaneous decision, not really thought through. If there were an afterworld, how many would wish they checked for other options instead? Anyway, that got to me, and then the song as the others sat around the bonfire to mourn him was so nicely done. I was glad he was happy when he did go. Kind of felt that they could have ended the series there if they had to. Also real Eliot is back . And I saw the episode you mentioned before with the singing. I do have a bit of a crush on Eliot but you'll be pleased to know I'm not desperately searching out pictures or videos of him on social media like with my boys .
| Sunday, October 08, 2023 - 6:55 pm
I really liked the "300" problem of these first eps from s05. (No, not the one with Gerard Butler!)
| Sunday, October 08, 2023 - 7:03 pm
"pleased to know I'm not desperately searching out pictures or videos of him on social media like with my boys " Maybe I should become "The Impossible Marchmaker". I got my sis into Outlander and now she's in love with Jamie Fraser. It'll never last because he doesn't exist. Then I got you to watch Supernatural and now you're in love with Sammy Winchester. That's pretty much the same predicament as my sis.
| Sunday, October 08, 2023 - 8:08 pm
Sammy Winchester and Cordell Walker, but oddly not Jared Padalecki! It's those gentle doe eyes that does it. You sis can keep Jamie Fraser though. He's beautiful but a bit misogynistic for my tastes. And Sam Heughan is like a man-child, so no confusion there .
| Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 1:16 pm
They released the Kraken!!!!! S5e6. They almost are in episodes of supernatural now, with the constant near apocalypse! The last couple of episodes have been so much fun! Ooopsie, they broke the moon! And the whales!!! How could it not be that whales are magicians ?!? I always like bump spotting, and did you notice the Julia actress is pregnant? Few episodes back David Anders was a guest star, and the first thing I thought was now there's an actor who should have had a guest spot on Supernatural! I also saw Evil Col Sanders! And I have seen some of the episodes you mention with Sean McGuire, aka the Dark King. I presume there will be more as it isn't resolved, and they're just now going back to Fillory. I expect it's unlikely, but I'd like it very much if he wasn't quite as dark as I suspect he must be, because the actor certainly hasn't lost his charm. I have seven episodes left so should finish Friday . Yey and boo at the same time!