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| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 2:23 pm
A rabbit who keeps blurting out that you're pregnant!!!! 
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 4:30 pm
"A rabbit who keeps blurting out that you're pregnant!!!!" It was a bit ironic coming from a rabbit...remember how it used to be, if the rabbit died it meant a "positive" for a pregnancy. I never hear that term (the rabbit died) anymore. I like the rabbit messengers...I'm just glad the Library didn't use rabbits...I can only imagine a poor widdle bunny zooming through those clear plastic pipes in the library to deliver a message!
Btw, I believe it was Zelda, checking Q's new arm who started brushing something on it and Q asked what it was and she "Skin!" with a big smile.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:01 pm
Hey, I guess I can tell you that music has popped into Fillory. There wasn't a whole ep devoted to it, but a couple of musical numbers happened and I think there was some actual music-magic. Two links to two different musical numbers on TM (from s04): You don't have to watch them, but they don't expose any plot lines...they just reflect particular feelings in the show. And since it happened when someone accidentally gets "high on lizard"? Well, all I can say is that you should never trust a licked lizard. None of the above necessarily happened...but Don't Get Me Wrong, that doesn't mean it did not NOT happen either. 
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 5:16 pm
PS - If I'm not too late, I meant to tell you to watch the 2nd link first, then the 1st link second.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 9:01 pm
Hmmmm...this is interesting...this time the opening credit pic just blowed up. (image from season 5, ep 6 on TV screen)

| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 10:48 pm
Those videos were good, especially entertaining was the dean coming in to the second (first) one and Margo kind of telling him no. And I think in that one there was a quick shot of Therafin. I have never heard of the rabbit test, I only thought of it as kind of a fertility symbol, although I think they just like using rabbits. That opening shot looks ominous... Going to watch a couple more episodes. Should get me to s2e9 if I don't fall asleep! Oh but I was going to say, I've been watching more audio commentaries from Supe. Again and again the directors/producers say how talented Jared and Jensen are, not just as simply actors, but technique too. If you remember the episode called Baby, with Baby's view of a day or two, there's one scene where they sleep in the car, and we see a long conversation between the boys. The director who was doing the commentary said the scene was six minutes long, and the boys did six takes of it, to cover the six camera angles they wanted to use. Every take was perfect, not just with the words, but the pacing, intonation, with the movements they made matching the movements they made in the other angles. He said it was quite amazing. The guys also ad lib quite a few of the parts of scenes between when things happen, for example, the writer would write "the boys bicker while driving" and the boys will just pick something petty to argue about for a minute or so. Pretty and talented .
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 12:10 am
Christopher Gorham! (s2e9) Unexpected! I got my own muscial in one of these last two, a song from Les Mis, as they strode to battle the army from Louria(?). Prince Ess, lol. I missed quite what would happen to Eliot and Fenn's baby in the deal Margo struck with the pixies to clean the well, but I doubt it was good. And Fenn didn't seem happy Eliot is now getting a husband!
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 12:52 am
Dammit...wrote a long post and then lost it. I'll try again tomorrow...I'm getting sleepy so it's bedtime.
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 11:20 am
It happens 
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 1:53 pm
"That opening shot looks ominous..." It scared me! It wasn't just a static image like the others (not counting the movement of the tree shadows) was still and then it went BOOM in live action. " I missed quite what would happen to Eliot and Fenn's baby in the deal Margo struck with the pixies to clean the well, but I doubt it was good." Yes, their baby and the deal is explained later. Nothing is as simple as it seems in Fillory. As for cleaning the well, I hope you took my advice and avoided drinking from the well spring...flavored with Ember's god-doodoo! LOL Ember reminded me of the guy who played Victor Buono in "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane". I knew you'd be a fan of Gorham. I couldn't remember his name and was too lazy to look it up so I just skipped it. He will always be "Jake 2.0" to me! Btw, I had another surprise, castwise. Camrym Manheimm plays a new character in the cast! And then Sean McGuire showed up! He's an English actor so I'm thinking you may know who he is. I haven't seen him in much, but he starred in a weird & funny comedy called "Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire". He was pretty good playing the hero that saved the land from invaders that wiped out a whole village by shooting each and every villager in the taint with an arrow. Back to TM... There was one scene in s05 where I saw Julia looking different...her hair looked darker and curly(!) and my first thought was the she's in disguise to play a joke on Kitt. "The guys also ad lib quite a few of the parts of scenes between when things happen, for example, the writer would write "the boys bicker while driving" and the boys will just pick something petty to argue about for a minute or so. Pretty and talented" Yes, after seeing a bunch of those bloopers it occurred to me that Supe was so special because of the perfect relationship with those two personalities. They had a chemistry that just fell into place at the start and somehow lasted for 15 years. That reminded me of yet another similarity to Supe. A magical character cut it's hand and used the blood to draw a sigil on the wall and then hit it with their bloody palm and made a whole group of people disappear. Sound familiar? Well, I only have 5 eps to go before my reunion with this little gem of a show ends. Today was the first day I woke up thinking about TM. At this point with Supe, I still had about 300 episodes to go....and every day it got richer and better. I do wonder how this show would've turned out after another 300 hours of story. Have you met the character named Josh yet? Total nerd with a Bro attitude. He started out being so obnoxious and I was ready for his stint on the show to end, but instead of driving me nuts he actually grew on me and became one my favorites. Ah...I see that he shows up in season 3 (just about the middle of the show) and he's around for awhile.
| Sunday, September 24, 2023 - 4:58 pm
Yes, I did avoid drinking from the well!! The thing is Ember, who does indeed remind of Victor Bueno, thought he was doing a good thing, by stopping the Beast draining it! ~He meant well...~ He's Jake 2.0 for me too! I also like Sean McGuire, he was in some teen shows and one of the big soaps in England, and was a bit of a thing for a while, releasing songs (to capitalise on his teen fame, as a lot of teen stars did then). I noticed the hand cutting on TM, Ember's cave had an entrance which was a dent of a handprint, with a red stain on it, and immediately I saw that I thought we were going to get the Supe hand cutting! Then Q just poked his hand, but I think they've done cuts since. I half wish they'd made TM and Supe in the same universe, but the magicians/witches in Supe tended to be bad witches, or at least not good. The hand movements would have been really good on Supe though. Yes, I've seen Josh, if he was the one from the missing Brakebills third year, that they met in Fillory. He was there for a couple of episodes then disappeared (or just wasn't featured), so maybe he will make more of an impression on me later on. I was thinking about this ending so soon for you, and in a few weeks for me. I'm not used to (before Supe!) binging anything longer than miniseries at this pace, or at least not shows that are new not rewatches. It's quite a trick on your mind, to be so into seeing what happens next with something and then within a matter of weeks it's over. We watched Supe at quite a pace, but at least it lasted months, not weeks.
| Monday, September 25, 2023 - 12:33 pm
More Supe similarities in s2e10 and e11. Julia without her Shade is like Jack without his soul, and Julia had worshipped Our Lady of the Underground, only to conjure up Renard, but now she finds the Lady does exist, she just couldn't be bothered to show up! Very Chuck-like! And oh the look on Christopher Gorham's face when he realised his supportive wife was actually under his spell! There are so many meaningful stories going on at once now, that one just starting, Eliot nobly taking up his role of saving his part of Fillory, Julia leaving her Shade behind to save Alice. It's soooo good! I think Penny (the character) is being a bit underused with his library stuff. I hope it's going somewhere. Not much chance for him to show any depth there.
| Monday, September 25, 2023 - 4:42 pm
No magic!!
| Monday, September 25, 2023 - 6:05 pm
"There are so many meaningful stories going on at once now, that one just starting" Tell me about it...there's a lot of jumping around in store...For example, there could be a scene with Penny in the library burning all the books and then it jumps to Eliot in a Fillory dungeon, then to Alice having angst with her mommy, then a one eyed Margo sleeping in a magic forest in the past and a drunken Prof Fog in hallucinationville and Q confusing himself in a pocket world because of the giant pregnant seahorse. And some of those disparite scenes could be connected to the other scenes and some could be a single character on his/her own. But remember, these particular scenes are all just examples...mostly. Or are they...? <bwahahaha> "No magic!!" Talk about issues...they're all totally addicted to magic! I guess they've all become muggles. Don't worry about Penny...they have hardly even scratched the surface of his character and what he's capable of. You're probably now starting to see what I meant awhile back when I said the first season is really good but it doesn't even get started until season 2 or 3 when all hell breaks loose. Hang on... All the jumping around is amazing, mostly because they go to several different worlds and sometimes those same worlds in different timelines and it's just crazy....if you tried to explain it to a non-magician it would probably be very difficult. I know it would be totally impossible for me! New seasons means new'll like The Great of the Darkling Woods but he doesn't hang around. I think this is when Marlee Matlin and Candis Cayne show up. I'm not sure if you know who Candis is....she was one of the first trans actresses on TV. I think the primetime soap she was in was called "Dirty Sexy Money" and her bf on the show was William Baldwin. Have fun...once all the wheels are turning (note: They are just getting started), all the characters will be living in orchestrated chaos. Yeah, I felt that they should've have a crossover with Supe, even if it was just one scene when the main TM characters come face to face with the Boys killing witches or something. A great moment would have been Sammy and Quentin locking eyes and staring at one another with the same naive innocence expression. 
| Monday, September 25, 2023 - 9:05 pm
"A great moment would have been Sammy and Quentin locking eyes and staring at one another with the same naive innocence expression." I think I might have enjoyed that ... I've watched up to s3e1 (and seen the new opening title, without the fox face), so I've seen Marlee Matlin, and Candis Cayne, although I hadn't recognised her until you reminded me she was there and I looked up her character. That fairy makeup is quite unnerving, without the eyebrows! The Great _ of Darkling Wood also appeared in this last episode, I wondered what your red-dotted word could be until then!! He amused me greatly . Yep, chaos is the word. I'm not very good with disorder, but I'm doing okay with this, I took your advice and I am just waiting to see whether the situation reveals itself - what time, place, dream/reality - and it usually does. But it's certainly a ~concentrate~ show, I'm keen to see more but sometimes my thinking brain needs a break. Plus there are things I should be doing... Have you finished it completely yet? I've been wondering if they knew they were ending and whether they were able to wrap it up properly.
| Monday, September 25, 2023 - 10:04 pm
Yes, I'm finished with it. I can you tell something about it without giving up any plot or spoiler at all: It did not end with a cliffhanger....and it felt like a perfect ending to me....but the final moment ended in a way that could have still easily supported more story. That makes me think they did wrap it all up, but then left a back door open, just in case. I just discovered something! Tick's full name "Tick Pickwick"! LOL Oh yeah - "I've watched up to s3e1 (and seen the new opening title, without the fox face)" Huh? I never noticed there was a missing fox face! The first change I noticed was the one that had no graffiti at all....maybe the ones before it had subtly changed? Do you think the "no fox face" one had something to do with the bad guy, Renard Fox?
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 12:14 pm
That's good, that they are able to end the storylines. As there's so much going on it'd be particularly disappointing to be left hanging. I found the title screens for s1-4. (You can just click X to get rid of the pop up that appears.) Looks like s1 has a big hand (which actually reminds me of the sloth), a plane and some wasps... and I already can't think what the plane or wasps could stand for. S2 has the plane changed to a fox (yep, I think it's for Renard). S3 has the fox gone and a ram type thing near the bottom right. And a bunny . S4 is all cleaned up!
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 12:48 pm
Just watching s3e2 and the "ram type thing" in the opening title is the muntjac skeleton on Eliot's little ship.
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 4:09 pm
I've seen it I could tell you what the tentacles represent, but I won't. I'll just tell the spoiler box and you can open it if you choose to, thus telling yourself what they represent.
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | The Cracken! |
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 6:54 pm
Release the Kracken! Death from Supe (the male one, not Billie) was on an episode I just saw. He healed Penny's cancer - or possibly not, as Penny appeared to be dead after . Not sure I've mentioned how much I love Margo now! ("Bambi One Eye!") She took a while to grow on me, but she's so smart, and at the same time so caring. Just had the episode where she found out the pirate ship was going to rape their ship, and she was so sweet to the ship. She even (temporarily) melted the heart of a fairy.
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 8:54 pm
"Death from Supe (the male one, not Billie)" I mentioned him awhile back but I just referred to him as that skinny old creepy guy from Supe that played "another creature" on TM and I said he was born to play that role. "Not sure I've mentioned how much I love Margo now! ("Bambi One Eye!")" Margo is the best "mean girl" ever! Add that to her penchant for not being able to say an entire sentence without using at least one top level curse word and that's what you call "entertainment"! (At least, that's how *I* see it....because "funny" always trumps "appropriate" for me) Btw, I mentioned this awhile back too but "detailess" to avoid spoilering: One minute Margo was talking/arguing with the Fairy Queen and then later she just showed up with her eye missing. I didn't remember that event (losing her eye) actually taking place offscreen....I thought it was a big dramatic onscreen shocker. Did you notice that the softer Margo's voice got and the slower she spoke, the more evil she sounded? That slow monotone voice threatening whomever she was speaking to was perfect for her. "but she's so smart, and at the same time so caring" And scary...but that always kept a smile on my face. You are seeing now how this season really ramped up the pace of the action and plot, right? Believe it or gets even better!
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 9:31 pm
Ah, the eye was the thing you thought you might have missed! They definitely didn't show the eye extraction on screen. She went to the fairy realm with Josh to try and get the baby back, and when she wanted to go back to the kingdom, the Fairy Queen told her the price for getting back was more than the price for getting there. Next scene with her in it she only had one eye! I did ah-oh to myself when the fairy queen said about the price, and was relieved I didn't have to see anything gory! And now Margo has squashed the eye so it couldn't spy on her, so she'll have to get used to those fancy eye patches! Oh yes, when Margo slows and quiets down it's menacing! They all know who the real boss is there. It's good writing that she and Eliot seemed so one dimensional at the start - the mean party people - and very quickly began to show their depth. A nice surprise. They are so good together, so accepting. They're my favourites now. Yep, this is quite a ride! By the end of tomorrow I should be half way through the series .
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 11:04 pm
"Yep, this is quite a ride! By the end of tomorrow I should be half way through the series." Wow, did you throw out your schedule? I thought you said that were planning on doing about 4 eps/week? But I know how bingeing gets so good ya gotta see "just one more" and having the means to actually do that is like a true superpower. If you haven't seen s03e08 yet your super close to it, right? I really liked that one just because the format of the storytelling was changed to mini-stories.
| Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 11:48 pm
Well I was just going to watch it on the treadmill, but then it got good. And I was going to do other things, but then it got good. And I was going to interleave it with other shows, but then it good. So the last week or so I’ve been watching two or three a day, but I have got quite a lot else done, so it’s not all bad . I think my next one is s3e5 or e6, so I might get to e8 tomorrow.
| Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 6:47 pm
I only got to s3e7 today. The character Felicia Day's playing might as well have been called Charlie, she's pretty much the same. Real tearjerker of a sequence with Eliot and Q spending their life together trying to fix the mosaic, to find the key. They kind of intentionally broadcast that Fray wasn't really Eliot and Fen's daughter, so I wasn't too surprised. I didn't really understand why at the end the villagers were angry at Eliot and Margo, I thought they'd been a good king and queen!