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| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 1:01 pm
"I looked up "Nick" and his name was Mike." Oh...doorknob boy! LOL I was bummed that Eliot had met a guy who could've become a bf and then got killed off so quickly...although that was all moot after we learned that he was just a meatsuit. " And the old version of Jane Chatwin, I was a bit confused by how she got there, she was another face I can't yet recognise and I thought she was one of the teachers, except she had Fillory style clothes." Jane is a character that I don't really get the point of...but so far she hasn't been an issue in my understanding of the main plot that keeps on zooming along like a runaway freight train on meth! I know that this TV series was based on a book series. I'm sure some characters show up with some of their backstories missing....novels are always a lot more detailed than the screenplays for series/movies. "Whoa (s1)e9 took a turn for the disturbing, with the reveal of what Plover (and his sister, to protect him) were doing. Dark." Yes, this episode and another event coming up (also in s01, I believe) are the reasons I mentioned how TM was an ADULT "Harry Potter" series. On the rewatch so far, I see that there are plenty more events and words that make this an ADULT show.
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 1:12 pm
Oh yeah....another new character shows up in s02 - Marlee Matlin!
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 1:38 pm
Here's a little hint to explain any confusing things you might come across...kind of a little bit the big picture, but without any details. It's in a black box, just in case you don't want to know (but it might already be revealed to you).
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | There is/will be/was magical reasons that result in storylines based on a little time travel here, a portal there, and alternate worlds, etc... I use this magical quirk to explain some of the confusion I have about who/what/when stuff happens. Also, there are times when we get a "re-scene", meaning they show us a scene we've already seen, only from a different POV or with added scenes or lines that explained how something happened. | Btw, if there's a character I'm confused about, if I "wait and see" I may or may not get an explanation...or...I may just forget about that character and it never comes up again anyhow! I do think that they mention some things and maybe give an extra moment to characters(?) that's more prominent in the they throw that character in just to please the TM book readers.
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 3:38 pm
"Whoa (s1)e9 took a turn for the disturbing, with the reveal of what Plover (and his sister, to protect him) were doing. Dark. " Plover is played by the actor who played Mr Shefield on The Nanny. Not sure if you've seen The Nanny, but it was a sitcom. After seeing him in a romantic "will they/won't they?" comedy for 5 years, it made his role in TM EXTRA-dark.
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 6:41 pm
Yes, Mike the doorknob boy! I was sad for Eliot too, he seemed really smitten. Would have probably complicated the Eliot-Margo thing though, he seemed a bit nervous when she'd been with her ex (who had the Margolum, lol!), not as secure about the arrangement as I thought he'd have been. Makes sense that they are going to be throwing in book characters to appease the book readers, and also probably explains a few characters who seem important, but then their storyline doesn't seem to go anywhere. Apart from it being where the Beast is hiding now (or maybe always was), Fillory does seems a bit superfluous. But it's a clever idea, having a children's book being a PG13 version of some sort of reality. And then to make the writer a decidedly bad guy rather than some sort of kindly watcher is unexpected too, and twists everything around. That reminded me of when they lost Book 1 of a series (in one of the first few episodes), took Book 2 to try to find it, and the Books were so happy to see each other then started humping . That I did not expect to see!
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 8:55 pm
I think all the talk about Supe has somehow made it manifest itself and start to follow me. I watched a couple of s04 eps of TM and then decided to see a movie called "Nando Fodor and the Talking Mongoose". About 40 minutes in, a car pulls up to an old farmhouse in England or maybe Ireland or Scotland...and they stop and talk to the wife of the driver. She didn't look familiar at first - until I heard her voice. It wasn't that highest squeaky voice she had on Supe but it was...guess who?- Rowena! I'd never seen her "unglammed up" before. And I don't think I've ever seen her in anything aside from Supe before now. So here's the lovely Ruth Connell...AKA Rowena. Screenshot is from the movie on my TV screen:

| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 9:32 pm
Unglammed suits her, she looks like Kylie Minogue there! She's quite an accomplished stage actress, but I haven't seen her in anything but Supe either. In the special features from the dvd set I'm still working through (up to S11 now!) she was in one of the behind the scenes things, and I was surprised by her accent. I thought the one she used on Supe was her native one, but in real life she has a much softer and sweeter lilt, I wonder if that's what you heard in your movie.
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 10:10 pm
Yep, her accent was a lot more low key than it was on Supe (and not as cartoony) but I recognized her voice in the movie before I recognized her face. 
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 11:56 pm
"Makes sense that they are going to be throwing in book characters to appease the book readers, and also probably explains a few characters who seem important, but then their storyline doesn't seem to go anywhere." Keep in mind that's just a theory of mine....I've not seen any remarks online or evidence pointing to this idea. It could be that I just overlooked bits here and I came up with a theory that explains why I'm confused about a couple of characters.
| Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 11:25 am
Your black spoiler box above became very relevant in S1e11 and 12, which I've just watched. One second Q was with the others near the fountains, he got stopped by the mercenary types, and unless I spaced out for a minute, suddenly he was with the dean in an office, finding out that it was the 40th and last time through the time loop! Takes quite a bit of concentration, this! Eliot (on magic carrots!), Margo, Alice, Penny and the guy they found went through the fountain to Fillory, and Q and Julia went through the phone box in 1942. I think the time doesn't matter and they're all there at the same time. Really really really must do some things today but it's frustrating having to stop watching!!
| Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 1:15 pm
"Really really really must do some things today but it's frustrating having to stop watching!!" Of course you are. You have been bewitched. These characters have a long reach... 
| Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 1:22 pm
"and 12, which I've just watched." So you're up to watching ep 13 next. Brace yourself. Curious how you'd compare this season finale to those of Supe...
| Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 8:31 pm
Well I have had a very productive day... and just watched s1e13 and s2e1! Yep, definitely needed to watch these two together, although I did assume they would all be brought back to life somehow. Julia's part of it was a little hard to follow, I think but am not 100% sure, that she purposely betrayed the others as she wanted the Beast to help her kill Renard the Fox (for obvious reasons). I think I heard them mention Renard before this episode, but I can't remember how, so I'm not quite sure how/why he killed Julia's team, unless they were just unlucky, as he's been going round killing teams. As to how the finales compare with Supe, I'm not as emotionally wrought! I do love Q and Eliot though, together, apart, any which way. And Eliot did at least ask for a hug, which my boys would never do. This is such a sweet show in many ways. And horrific in others. And funny! Or a mixture of both (Ember's seed!!). I'm really enjoying it!
| Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 10:12 pm
{"although I did assume they would all be brought back to life somehow."} Yeah, I knew it couldn't stay the way ep13 ended, but I also know that there are characters in this show that die but I couldn't remember exactly when. Then again, I could be remembering death(s?) where people die but they come back and I just forgot the returning part. "she wanted the Beast to help her kill Renard the Fox (for obvious reasons). I think I heard them mention Renard before this episode, but I can't remember how, so I'm not quite sure how/why he killed Julia's team" Basically, I believe he killed Julia team "because they were there". He's a monster. Julia's story has always been a bit vague for me. From what I gathered, Renard had some kind of obsession with her. Renard is also a true sicko-monster...he likes to eat people while they watch....and he has raped and killed other groups. Renard also has a connection with someone that will be addressed later on. When I realized I had likely missed something about Renard/Julia I just stuck to the fact that Renard is a psychotic monster. Later on I figured their story could have something to do with the 39 time loops...maybe something happened between them in a different time loop and Renard remembers it all but Julia forgets the previous time loop every time she starts a new one... Bottom line is that renard is a monster and a stalker and Julia is just a girl who is more powerful than she knows, which also may be what draws Renard to her. "This is such a sweet show in many ways. And horrific in others. And funny!" Well, you'll be happy to know that s02 is when the humor level is ramped up...and I think it increases even more in s03! (A couple of eps back Eliot had to explain to a Fillorian who was held captive for decades how to use that strange word Eliot uses ALL the time....(the fword)....and that guy uses it a lot trying to figure out the proper time and place and context to use it correctly, the way Eliot does. Oh yeah....aside from all the folks that got whacked in the s01 finale, the part that got to me was Penny having his hands ripped off. No hands means no magic hand gestures....and that wiping his own butt is now extremely dangerous! So now you're in season 2. This is when the buildup to s03 starts and that means it all gets bigger and crazier and funnier more and next season, even more.
| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 4:21 pm
One thing they almost randomly said about the 39 loops is that Julia actually attended Brakebills in one timeline. When Q told her, she said something like she had sensed it. So perhaps Renard senses her from other loops and that has added to his obsession. I just saw one episode this morning (s2e2) and Eliot went back to his farming roots and saved his new village by giving them manure, lol. I hope they can get him out of there somehow, he's taking it like a champ, but is not getting what he needs. And yes, Penny's hands!! And he was running around for a while carrying them in a box!!! Anne Dudek just fixed the spell this morning and he can use them again. I should watch a couple more tonight. By the way, Jensen was trending again today. Apparently Soldier Boy is making a cameo in the new The Boys spin off, Gen V, which starts next week. The funniest thing was Sony Pictures saying they weren't going to tell anyone which episode he was in... Soldier Boy fans will have to watch them all to find out. Guess it's not episode one then .
| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 4:53 pm
"One thing they almost randomly said about the 39 loops is that Julia actually attended Brakebills in one timeline. " I think you got that backwards. I'm sure that at one point when Julia and Q were talking about the time loops, Q told her that every time a new loop started, Jane Chatwin changed one thing in an effort to figure out where events changed so she could fix it. (Ha. I don't even remember what she trying to fix but I think it had to do with the Chatwin children.) Julia asked Q (PP) "What did she change in this time loop?" and Quentin told her that this time the change was that Julia did not get accepted into Brakebills. So I think she got in every time until loop 39. Julia is more powerful than most, so it makes sense that she should've aced Brakebills' entrance exam. Of course, that could make Julia blame herself even more for everything that's happening now. I have no idea what season or ep that conversation took place in, so I hope it's not a spoiler for you.
| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 5:03 pm
" I hope they can get him out of there somehow, he's taking it like a champ, but is not getting what he needs. " I think he needs to be able to connect with people other than the ones he beds or plans parties with. El has been very shallow. He acts like a "mean girl" but he's starting to open up and grow up. So, I think he IS getting what he *needs*, even though it may not be what he *wants*.
| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 5:45 pm
s4e10 - Guess who shows up in s04? Devan Chandler Long....he plays Thorfinn the Viking on the US version of "Ghosts". On TM his character is: "The Foremost Man" 
| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 7:02 pm
Kitt. I keep forgetting to tell you this... Another connection to Supe. Remember how each season of Supe the opening credits would change? Well, I just realized a similar thing with TM's opening credits. (I say "opening" but the credits often don't show up until several minutes into the episode.) Also, just like Supe, there's usually a "previously on..." segment but I've noticed it's sometimes a much more detailed one for the finale....and the "previously on..." does a quick run through of the whole season (or maybe the whole story?) up to that point. And when the show starts they show a big building covered in graffiti of a big hand reaching out and then the shadows of the trees rise up and cover the building until it looked ominous. I noticed in season 3 (I think) that the building had no graffiti on it anymore but the tree shadows still rise up and cover the building. It doesn't seem to be connected to anything unless it's just a hint of a fresh start or something.
| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 7:19 pm
Visual aid for above post: (images from TV screen) THEN:

| Friday, September 22, 2023 - 11:35 pm
Just finished s94 and starting s05. 1. There was no extensive "previously on..." for s05e01. 2. There was, however and new version of the building in the opening credits! It looks a lot ominous this season. (image from the episode)

| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 12:39 am
I hadn't noticed the wall changing. Wonder what it's meant to represent. That last one seems rather nautical. I really appreciate it when they do the longer "previously"! It helps clarify what I was meant to remember. Eliot... he just seems so lonely, he has since Mike. Where I am, he now has the golum in Brakebills but it doesn't seem to be helping. I think you're right that he is getting what he needs, in the sense that he's learning important things, but he seems so sad. Jane Chatwin was looping time every time the kids failed to kill The Beast (so good job they did kill him on loop 40). As Julia was a huge part in how different this loop is, it makes sense that this was the first time she'd not been a Brakebills student, rather than the other way round. I'm not sure who screwed up whose plan, and I know the Beast was distracted by Julia, but he didn't seem that much of a threat compared to Renard, who's still alive. So i don't know if this was the ~winning~ loop after all, with the main group messing up Julia's plan. Alice seems dead (s2e3 and e4). It looks like it's sticking, which is surprising me. And Penny's hands weren't fixed by Anne Dudek, at least not for long, but it seems like the white lady granted his wish. (Wish granting always makes me nervous, I always think there's going to be some side effect.) And Q has a wooden arm?!?! (The centaur surgeon was Gaeta from BSG!). I really don't want to see any more of Renard (geez that cat, and eating her finger), and the Beast is dead in e4, so I'm wondering what's coming next.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 12:45 am
Oh I haven't got to the episode you mentioned with Eliot teaching someone how to use his favourite word, but I'm shocked we hear so much of it as I thought this was a Syfy show. I know they can get away with three or so words a show, but this is much more than that. Also the woman in white with the horns was basically topless, except they covered her nipples (not sure if that will be red dotted) which I also thought wouldn't work for Syfy. I wonder if there was some fuzzing over of words and parts in the original airing.
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 1:11 pm
"And Q has a wooden arm?!?! (The centaur surgeon was Gaeta from BSG!). " When that happened, I was surprised because I didn't remember that at all. And when you mentioned it in your post I was surprised again because I had already forgotten it again! I've seen thru ep-2 of s05 and I think there's only been one reference to Q's "tree transplant" and that was when some (medical? Magical?) character meets Q and mentions, "Oh, wooden arm, huh?" I guess that's a good thing...even if they can't put something back like it was, something like a lost arm can still be repaired and work as well as ever. (I could've overlooked another reference to it, but who knows?) There's a character in Fillory that cracks me up...I've seen him in other shows playing similar characters. I'm talking about "Tick", a perfect name for this ridiculously unctuous a$$kisser! I love this character because every word out of his mouth is sarcastic and duplicitous. LOL "Oh I haven't got to the episode you mentioned with Eliot teaching someone how to use his favourite word" I knew you didn't make it that far yet, but I thought this "light" non-plot spoiler would be okay since nothing about it had any connection to anything else that's happening. I hope that wasn't "too" spoilery. Btw, I made a couple of typos and I think I forgot to hit "post" at the right time...I meant to say the third version of the opening credits pic of the building's graffiti was not as ominous. I like the 3rd has the blue whale and looks more "tree huggy" than creepy. "(The centaur surgeon was Gaeta from BSG!)." I missed that. Coming up is a new character played by Camryn Mannheim. There's also another character in TM that I never recognized before. She works at the Library and has dark brown hair worn "up"....she kind of looks like she's dressed for the 1950s. I recognized her voice right away but couldn't figure out who she was, so I had to look it up. She was Kaylee Frye on "Firefly". That character was played by Jewel Staite. I'm not sure when she was first seen in TM, but I didn't recognize her until just recently. Oh yeah, remember...don't drink water from the wellspring!!
| Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 2:13 pm
Not long after they'd repaired Q's arm (with the wood), someone else painted it to look like flesh... good planning on the part of the special effects/make up team to never have to worry about it being wood unless they want to! I've seen Tick once, maybe twice so far, and have been amused by him. He reminds me of some of Crowley's demon servants on Supe. Light non-plot spoilers are completely ok, and very welcome, I like noticing something you've already suggested I look for . I appear to have a couple of hours of free time on my hands, I wonder what I could do with it... hmmm, I wonder...