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| Wednesday, September 13, 2023 - 7:38 pm
Aww look, and Misha just posted him with Hillary just yesterday!

| Wednesday, September 13, 2023 - 8:20 pm
"Let me know if you do re-start with The Magicians. Then I can ask you questions if I get confused :-) :-). I would suggest we binge together but I'm so busy with moving organisation and house buying stuff I would slow you down way too much." Okay I'll let you know when I start. I started! I watched ep1 to see how I feel about it. Yes, it still has a great pull and I started feeling locked in right away. I was surprised that one important event happened in the first ep because I was sure it was a situation that happened at least a season or two later. That tells me I do remember stuff and also that even the stuff I remember ahead of time can still be a surprise. I never binged any of this show, just like my first viewing of Supe. It really works well to see eps one after the other. I tend to forget character names when I start a show but I get that knowledge a lot quicker when I binge. I think I'll enjoy this rewatch more then my original watch....just like I did with Supe. (Btw, I only remember a few character names from all of Game of Thrones! - Ned, Circe, Hodar, John Snow, Littlefinger, and Daenerys. If I really thought hard and focused I could maybe remember one or two more, but it's kind of pointless now. ) I checked the episode guide and The Magicians is there....just like Supe, click on the episode name to see the main cast, the guest stars, and maybe a synopsis. Cool. Misha likes Hillary. He and I have something in common. Now it's your turn. Let me know when you start. 
| Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 4:59 pm
I was hoping to today, but things happened... so I am going to try e1 tomorrow night . And if it's really good and I'm not too tired, maybe e2 as well! I forget character names too. I'm also really bad on faces unless people have some clearly distinguishing feature I can hold on to. Ensemble casts with generic good looking men or women are the worst, I just can't tell them apart.
| Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 8:10 pm
" Ensemble casts with generic good looking men or women are the worst, I just can't tell them apart." Uh oh. TM has a few young attractive women about the same age (20s?) and long brown hair. I forgot about that but this time I'm trying to pay attention better than I did before. I kept mixing them up on my original watch, but now, seeing episodes a whole lot sooner than a week or more apart, these women are individuals to me and not a gaggle of clones like I felt they were before! I think just being aware of it beforehand it'll be easier for you to differentiate least that's the case for me. The characters Julia, Margo, Kady, Fen are all the same "type" and similar age. Here's the cast on IMDB: Here's something that's not a spoiler but interesting. Remember in Supe how they were always using hex bags in their magic? Well, on TM their spells usually get cast via complicated hand gestures. Both hands make distinct shapes and angles and in varying established patterns. I've tried to mimic some of it but it's such a choreographed set of movements that I just can't manage to keep up with them for more than a half second or so. I swear, I'll bet it took them longer to memorize their hand gestures than to remember their lines! I've seen 5 eps so far and I'm hooked. I know you are too busy to try and keep up with me, but look at the bright side - you have a full life outside of TV. So, I'll just watch eps as I feel like it...and I'll still be able to discuss events and stuff. The more I see, the more it reminds me of Supe...a supernatural theme, young people trying to do the right thing and lots of young people humor and, of course, their antics. I think it falls into the same category as Supe inasmuch as it "feels" similar in mood and atmosphere. There are 5 seasons with 13 eps each, and a total of 65 eps....Supe had about 5 times as many eps! It's an easy watch (for me, anyhow) and it's a tried and true genre, although I think it's a lot more unique than most shows like this.
| Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 9:19 pm
My husband had a meeting so I watched the premiere! Hmmmm all a bit sinister! The dean was the Alpha Vampire from Supe! And he said the word "Dean" when he said what the students could call him, and the way he said it immediately clued me in to who he was! Or should I say he's the ex-dean of the school, given how old butterfly head just plucked his eyes out (and made a cute smiley face!) and might have killed him. I also noticed Sera Gamble was the creater/writer, and she was head writer (or similar) in a lot of the later Supe episodes. The idea of the exam with changing questions was genius, although you'd need some speed reading skills to have taken it all in. I didn't get what the hand movements were at the time, thought they were sign language (which they kind of are), until it was spelled out a little later that the hands were the magic. I always thought the Supe magic was a little basic with the sachets and a little chanting, I thought it should be able to be more spontaneous, which this is (as long as you know the spells). Wonder what's going to happen with the other school?/group? the rejected girl was taken to! I think the show is going to be fun! "but look at the bright side - you have a full life outside of TV" -- highly overrated...
| Friday, September 15, 2023 - 1:19 am
"Hmmmm all a bit sinister!" Yes. I was noticing that it's more sinister than I remembered...but there is fun, too, but probably not as heavily sprinkled in as Supe. And I think there will be more humor as the show progresses. "I think the show is going to be fun! " Just saw (a couple eps ago) a scene that stuck in my head when I first saw it....another moment that surprised me because I expected it much later). Anyhow, you'll know you've seen it when you hear this word: "doorknob". I had wondered (today) if anyone working on TM had any connection to Supe and I was going to look it up...until I forgot. did the legwork! I guess great minds really DO think alike! Nope, I did not recognize the Dean as the vampire king from Supe....until you brought it up, and then I could picture him being all vampirey as plain as day. I also saw something that looked like it came from Supe. Penny goes to the "magic library" that was very reminiscent of the one on Supe where Dean saw his own life book(s) on the shelf. TM's library also had endless rows of every magician's lives in all the books, written and unwritten, contained in that library. I know that Candis Cayne shows up on TM as a queen or princess in a later season. There is a bad ghost that's played by the actor who was "Mr Shefield" on "The Nanny".....and one major character's mother is "Lt Yar" from "Star Trek TNG" (and cannibal cook on TWD).
| Saturday, September 16, 2023 - 10:23 am
I've watched the next couple of episodes now. Don't think I've seen anything about a doorknob yet, or Penny's library. On that you mean it was like Death's library on Supe? That sounds like it must have been a borrowed idea, although if The Magicians ran from 2015-2020, I wonder which came first, Penny's or Death's? I think Death's library only started about season 13, so 2017. The Alpha vampire just poked his eyes back in! You'd have thought with all that magic they'd have also been able to make them see . One actor I know is Anne Dudek, who's a teacher, and was 13 on House (the medical show, not movie). So far I didn't recognise anyone else except the vampire. Quentin does give me Sam vibes at times though, mostly the hair but also the nose. And Olivia looks very familiar, but from imdb there's nothing that stands out that I would have remembered her from. Perhaps it's the Reese Witherspoon thing.
| Saturday, September 16, 2023 - 2:10 pm
"One actor I know is Anne Dudek, who's a teacher, and was 13 on House (the medical show, not movie)." Dudek played a doctor on House, but she wasn't "13". (in fact I think she may have been Dr House's girlfriend for awhile.) Olivia Wild (the ex of Harry Styles) played "13" on "House" took me a long time for me to think of her as "Olivia Wild"....she was just "13" to me. She seemed to have jumped from TV to movies and much bigger stardom shortly after she did "House". Well, I finished season 1 and noticed another similarity to Supe. TM had a season 1 finale that rivaled all those eye opening, mouth dropping finales on Supe! When you're ready to watch the s01 finale, be sure you have time to watch s2ep1 right after. You might want to wait but I'll bet you won't be able to! I had planned to stop at the s1 finale but would up watching the first 4 eps of s2! "The Alpha vampire just poked his eyes back in! You'd have thought with all that magic they'd have also been able to make them see :-)." I was surprised at what they can do and can't do, magic-wise, on TM. I think sometimes it's a lack of training that makes a spell fail or a lack of innate power, or the magical experience a magician has or what other character can be found to help. Whatever it is, they always seem to deal with the option that results in the best drama. Since I got so far into the series already, I'm already confused with the which eps I saw things to comment on. One character that becomes someone's mentor on TM is the actor that played "Mr Friend"(?) on "Lost". "Friend" was piloting the tugboat that kidnapped Michael's son, Walter, on Lost. So far every tidbit I've thrown out here has been in season 1, I think. I did get stuck in a Magic trance and wound up watching the first 4 eps of s02 late last night. I didn't know Olivia Taylor Dudley from anything, but she did remind me a lot of Yvette Mimeu, the actress who played "Weena" in the 1960 movie "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor...and she was also the love interest of "Dr Kildare" in 1964. Yes, the library on TM was similar to Death's library on Supe....I think it was in s01-e12, in March of 2016, so I think the library idea showed up on TM first. On TM, "doorknob" was in March of 2016, ep 7 or 8, so it was in season 1. Not spoilers...more just about the mood of the show: Season 1 was more creepy and serious (with less humor) than I remembered, but season 2 seems to be where the humor was amped up a bit. Pay attention to Margo's surprisingly dirty mouth! That girl is so rude and so crass sometimes, but funny! Their rude language and cursing cracks me up sometimes, because it just comes out fo the blue. LOL [Keep in mind I may be a bit off on the specific episodes for the details in this post...but at least the dates are really close to what I said.]
| Sunday, September 17, 2023 - 12:03 pm
Wow, you're right about Anne Dudek (of course), for years every time I've seen her in things I've thought of her as 13, lol. Olivia Wilde has come a long way. I think it must be Mr Friendly from Lost. He was disturbing as he did a convincing take on nice, but then - if I remember correctly, which I might not - actually turned out to be evil. I watched e4, which had the whole episode with Quentin in a dream. It's definitely all a bit creepy. I'm relatively clear on the characters on the school side, but am having trouble with who's who in the hedgewitches with Julia. I'm also not sure their intentions are good, but I guess I shall find out!
| Sunday, September 17, 2023 - 1:48 pm
" I'm also not sure their intentions are good, but I guess I shall find out!" I think their intentions are just a desire for power...Hedge witches are basically the B-roll of witches who were just home schooled by other loser/drop outs. I finished season 2 late last night. It didn't end in a MUST-CONTINUE-NOW moment this time, so I think I can set it aside for a bit. (Not that it got boring or anything....just a more calm moment than the final omg moments of the s01 finale. S02 has a proper end-of-chapter moment.) I don't consider the above info to be a spoiler, but if that's too much info for you, let me know and I'll do better! I can see why you find Q and Sam to be similar....they both have those innocent expressions because they have eyebrows that always seem to project questioning innocence. They're also the ones considered to be "too sensitive".
(Pay no attention to his neanderthal bumps)
| Sunday, September 17, 2023 - 2:30 pm
"I watched e4, which had the whole episode with Quentin in a dream." In season 2, Eliot has a very sexy dream with a cameo appearance who's from a show that I'm pretty sure you were a fan of. <tease> "I'm relatively clear on the characters on the school side, but am having trouble with who's who in the hedgewitches with Julia." Will this help? On my first watch, I kept confusing Margo (Eliot's besty) with Kady (hedge witch who's sleeping with Penny) and Julia (Quentin's besty). This time I noticed that Penny's Kady is the only "looks-like" that has curly hair and she spends a lot of time with Julia (straight hair). I just know that it was confusing on my first watch but a lot less so (for me) in the rewatch. Of course, I was paying attention to details this time around for that very reason. Oh yeah....I saw another cameo (not in Eliot's sex dream). Do you watch Station 19? One of the hunky fireman is played by Grey Damon. I know you watched True you remember the V-using, high school football player that basically took over Jason Stackhouse's spotlight from his time in high school? That was a young Grey Damon,'s his picture from TM: name: "Dryad") He's just in this one ep...
| Sunday, September 17, 2023 - 9:59 pm
"Pay no attention to his neanderthal bumps"
Don't be so mean to my beautiful Sammy!!! But they do both do the eyes so well! Hedge witches are basically the B-roll of witches who were just home schooled by other loser/drop outs. Ah good, as that's what I got from it, I just wasn't sure if I'd missed something saying they were some shadow organisation or something specifically out to get the school. "I finished season 2 late last night. It didn't end in a MUST-CONTINUE-NOW moment this time, so I think I can set it aside for a bit." That's almost halfway through the series... if it were Supe it'd be about a 15th of the series! Yep, right now I couldn't tell Margo and Kady apart (or recognise them in a crowd), although I do recognise Julia as long as she stays with the hedgewitches, not sure if I would if she was with the main girls. I've no hope with the couple of other girls in the hedgewitches, nor the men. I'll pick them up when there's an episode they're in a lot. Luckily the main men are very distinguishable, and Alice. I think I remember Grey Damon as the high school kid. I don't watch Station 19 so missed him in that. (Jason Stackhouse ) "I don't consider the above info to be a spoiler, but if that's too much info for you, let me know and I'll do better! :-)" Nope, it's perfect, and I enjoy the company .
| Sunday, September 17, 2023 - 10:43 pm
Cool...letting me know I'm not spoiling but teasing upcoming stuff that you'll like just enough. I consider what I am about to tell you "not really a spoiler". Regarding the Hedges...I shortened it because that's basically what that are in TM. They're background characters that border on just being a scene in a big garden and with actual hedges. There's a couple of them you get to know, like Kady. REMEMBER-she's the only one with long curly hair...but if she's wearing makeup it's harder to recognize her but she hasn't been very made up in season 2. Margot is (I think) a lot shorter that Kady and when Margo talks, she is almost always using mean-girl-speak, sort of a loudish mean girl lecturing or threatening an underling or peasant with an angry authoritative voice. Ya just gotta love her....if you can love a mean girl that works so very hard at being mean...but still often manages to do the right thing. Hope that helps a little with the female clones in the cast. Just realized another connection to Supe - both shows revolve around characters who have to make world shattering decisions when it's really hard to even discern exactly what the "right thing to do" is. Some advice - do NOT drink the water from the well spring.....don't forget this advice because you need to remember it for season 2 (I think, unless I mixed up my seasons.) Well, I guess I'll get back to Minx s02. I'm over half done with it already. I'll probably get back to TM sooner than I planned.
| Monday, September 18, 2023 - 11:38 am
Another Supe similarity... they had a door to Oz, this has a door to the land of the Fillory books. I saw Mr Friendly today, I hadn't quite appreciated the perils of being a traveller until he spelled it out! And Tasha Yar was in the episode. The curly hair thing with Kady is working .
| Monday, September 18, 2023 - 1:18 pm
"The curly hair thing with Kady is working :-)." Yay! Kady was next to impossible for me to pick out of a lineup until I realized her hair was so curly. The minute that fact became a conscious observation, it stuck. There are times we see some or just a couple of the women in a crowd, further away, or in shadow and those times it can still be a bit difficult. Anyhow, her hair would be Kady's kryptonite if she had a "curly superpower" of some kind. ---- Well, I finished Minx s02 (fun show) on my TM break and now I gotta decide between starting s03 of TM or maybe going to "Foundation". That's a good sci-fi story starring Lee Pace (finally out of the closet IRL! ). It's a complex story and IIRC, season 1 took place in a waterworld type setting....but then shifted to a castle in an empire with immortal rulers on a network of planets. It's been 2 years since season 1 and with that complex plot, I may need to rewatch s01 before I start s02 which recently aired, so it's ripe for bingeing. ----- The one thing I'm learning with this TM binge is how much the story is similar to Supe. I don't know why I didn't realize that before. Anyhow, TM is one I knew I'd rewatch at some point, but it's a much better rewatch than I expected. I knew my Supe rewatch would be fun because that show had started over 17-18 or so years beforehand and much of it was "new" again (to me). TM is only 8 years old at this point and it just ended 2 years ago...but it's good enough to pull me in and all these cameos I keep noticing makes it even more fun because I didn't remember any of them before this rewatch. ----- I'm so glad you're enjoying The Magicians. I remember when I was trying to convince you to watch Supe, you asked about the use of magic in the story because you felt it was usually a bit of a cop out when a show has a big issue in a supernatural setting and then they just do a magic spell to fix it all. I think it's not the magic as much as it is the characters that turn these shows into masterpieces. If the writers had been forced to sacrifice Quentin or Eliot for stronger magic, it just wouldn't have worked. It just occurred to me that I have no idea how TM ends! No worries. "That's good thing." (Martha Stewart quote.)

| Monday, September 18, 2023 - 7:16 pm
Well, I decided to go back to TM rather than starting a 20 ep binge of Foundation. I figured that takes away the whole point of binge watching! So I'm continuing with TM and I'm at s3e3, So to keep at least a semblance of watching this "together", lets do what we did on Supe. We each watch at our own speed and when discussing, if you can try to remember to include which ep you're referring to (season and ep number is all I need to look it up to refresh my memory) so we can discuss as usual. It is fun watching TM at least "simultaneous adjacent"....where I watch and then you watch later but give me the coordinates so I can jump back in time to discuss the proper episodes! Ta-Daa! Does that work for you? Yes, I'm incorrigible. Even though the core events of TM continue, they seem to be broken up into chapters, one for each season. I guess most shows are like that but TM seems to stick to that style like glue. Btw, a big orgy of sexy strangers in the middle of Central Park is in your future... Oh yeah, another Supe connection is a character on TM that was also in Supe. Of course it's a different actor and a different version of the character, but still... Funny how TM is more like Supe than Supe is like it's own spinoff, The Winchesters. (in reference to the style of the show.) Lots of love in TM unlike TW where the characters didn't even seem to like one another.
| Monday, September 18, 2023 - 8:40 pm
Yep, that works for me, how could I resist? My thing about the witch shows, you described it exactly, but I'd forgotten about it myself because Supe had made me enjoy witches again!! Before Supe, the offending show that got me annoyed was called The Secret Circle, which was a spin off or at least based in the same universe as The Vampire Diaries. I might be doing it a disservice, but all I remember from it was that it just couldn't be bothered to write good stories and they just magicked their way out of things. Doesn't seem like I'll have any need to worry about that with The Magicians . Yep, it's definitely the people, like Supe, TM has immediately interesting and compelling characters. Q, Eliot, Penny and Alice are all intriguing, and I'll probably grow more interested in the girls as I tell them apart more. I was thinking after this morning's viewing though, I want to know what happens next but I'm not yearning to know like I was with Supe (more wistful sighs). So at least it's a healthy kind of tv watching, lol! I did intend for it to just be my treadmill show, (four a week) but that's already not enough for me, so I'll probably be progressing reasonably quickly, not Sanfran quickly, but quickly. Life permitting. So hopefully your memory of it won't be too tested. Errrm I look forward to the orgy... . I'm guessing Eliot will have something to do with that! After Q (the sensitives always get me) he's my favourite.
| Monday, September 18, 2023 - 9:23 pm
"but I'm not yearning to know like I was with Supe " Well, prepare're gonna yearn yer ass off when you finish the s01 finale! I just finished e3 of season 3. Another Supe connection...that skinny old creepy guy that played Death on Supe....the one that looked like he was born to play that role...well he showed up as a different kind of creature on TM. There's another guy that's been in the show for a bit and I keep forgetting to bring it up. IF you watch "What We Do in the Shadows" you'll know what character I'm talking about. Guillermo, the familiar of one of the vampires plays a cartographer on TM. And Margo's language is getting more and more crude and more in-yer-face and funnier than ever (to me). I'm laughing every time she opens that pretty but undeniably vile mouth of hers. She's a perfect mean girl for this and her new job fits her perfectly. "Errrm I look forward to the orgy... :-). I'm guessing Eliot will have something to do with that!" Sorry, Eliot is nowhere near the park that day....but he gets his fair share (and a half) of randy fun anyhow. LOL
| Tuesday, September 19, 2023 - 12:11 am
s3 e6 - another crossover actor from Supe. Charlie! The red haired friend of The Boys who went to Oz, got murdered in our world, and then showed up later on in the Apocalypse alternate timeline. On TM her name is Poppy Kline. It's starting to feel like TM is actually just a Supe reunion! 
| Tuesday, September 19, 2023 - 11:43 am
In one of the Supe audio commentaries the production people were laughing that in filming the same show for so many seasons, they'd exhausted the supply of suitable extras from the Vancouver market, so it wouldn't surprise me if a lot more Supe (minor) people are on there in roles we might not notice. But Charlie, she's a star! And with a character surname Kline, which is of course our nephilim Jack's surname. My yearning is already a bit up from yesterday. I've watched up to s1e7, the last couple of episodes have had them turning into geese and flying to Alaska(!!!!) to train with the weird teacher. At the end of e6 when it looked like they'd turned into geese I wondered quite what I'd seen, and read the byline for the next episode, it said "Quentin and his classmates travel south to train with..." and I did have a few giggles! Then Q and Alice turning into foxes - took me a little rewind and rewatch there to understand quite what they were showing us - and all scenes with them together are expressed in a really tender way, gets me right in the feels . And e7 had the doorknob, lol, be careful with your wording, Margo!! Poor Kady, out from the ties because of her mother's death, but now also (as it stands at e7) out of Brakebills. I was never quite sure if the professor was actually evil... I mean what if you shut two students outside in Antartcia, and they don't think to change into foxes? Were there any safeguards on any of this?! And I wasn't convinced at the end that he wasn't lying to Kady about her having no chances back at Brakebills, it seemed like he could be wanting to keep her and Penny for something. Might have misread that and I guess I'll find out next episode, which I might watch in a bit if I can.
| Tuesday, September 19, 2023 - 1:27 pm
"I was never quite sure if the professor was actually evil... I mean what if you shut two students outside in Antartcia, and they don't think to change into foxes? Were there any safeguards on any of this?!" He seems to know more than he lets on and it does seem like he often keeps his intentions hidden from the students, but don't think that he's actually "evil". At some point everyone's agenda comes to light. But also remember....Brakebills, because of it's very nature (teaching young and often impulsive young people to perfect their magic skills in a world of hidden power and creatures that aren't exactly mythical IRL) is a dangerous situation. I think Eliot and some of the others in their party house have even mentioned how some students have been killed when they make mistakes while testing their magic. I think it's like the military IRL...a dangerous career that can get you killed but also make you a hero to those who have nowhere else to turn. I keep forgetting that you're still watching season 1, back when Margo was less authoritative and pushy than she has been of late. And that makes me realize something....the characters are actually changing, growing up and learning lessons they never expected. I've been thinking it was just like a lot of series when it takes a season or two for a show to gain it's footing...but now I think it was all intentional. The writing is great and the plots go where no plot has gone before...and even when it totally changes direction, it still feels like it's headed in the right direction.
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 10:45 am
Quick comment: e8 and Nick being a "meatsuit!" They've got all the Supe lingo. Poor Eliot. Gonna squeeze in e9...
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 11:31 am
"Quick comment: e8 and Nick being a "meatsuit!" They've got all the Supe lingo. Poor Eliot. Gonna squeeze in e9..." I totally missed the use of "meatsuit"! I checked IMDB to see who "Nick" is but there is no "Nick" listed as any character in TM. (There is a character named "Tick", though...) ---- I am further ahead now....I finished s03 last night. SO MUCH happens in s03! I may need you to help explain some of s03 to me. There was one event I was expecting....and it happened but I didn't see it happen....a character walked into the scene and someone is surprised and the character says <"blah blah blah"> happened. I don't know if the episode had a scene missing or a piece of my brain is missing....but I really expected to see that event take place. In any case, this show keeps surprising me. S03 took things to an entirely new level and as crazy as it gets, it still had me on the edge of my seat and surprised over and over. Nothing in s03 was predictable. I like bunnies.
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 12:03 pm
Whoa (s1)e9 took a turn for the disturbing, with the reveal of what Plover (and his sister, to protect him) were doing. Dark. I looked up "Nick" and his name was Mike. He was the regular guy that the creature from Fillory used as a meatsuit to seduce Eliot and then try to kill Q. And the old version of Jane Chatwin, I was a bit confused by how she got there, she was another face I can't yet recognise and I thought she was one of the teachers, except she had Fillory style clothes. I also like bunnies! One of the last episodes had Mike surprisingly graphically decapitate one and pull the knife out of his spine . I hope S3 brings happier bunny adventures. I will try to remember to help with S3 when I get there. Hopefully I will finish S1 by Friday and have time to s2e1 as you warned me I'd need that. More than most shows, it is rather hard to put down, like a book where you just want one more chapter. It is tempting to watch it all day but I must not...
| Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 12:27 pm
Ok I succumbed. Just starting e10 where Penny goes to the Neitherlands, between worlds. Another Supe link, or at least a Jared P link. The woman who meets Penny is one of the two main women in Jared's Walker: Independence, the cowboy spin off of his main Walker. I also think Penny's just rolled into the Magician's library you told me about. Ermmm and I think this is the orgy episode...! And Kady's online name is Asmodeus, who of course was the guy in hell after Crowley, the one who was the Evil Colonel Sanders.