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| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 8:56 pm
I think they haven't confirmed Season 4 will be the last, although it was looking that way. It's such a unique show, I'd love it to continue. Those girls though, hard to believe one is 18, but they were so NOISY!! Every time she went in their bedroom my teeth were on edge!
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 9:27 pm
Kitt, just finished Baby Jane...even better than I remembered and I've probably already seen it 7-10 (or more?) times. The film should be seen's all dramatic fiction, but it should be followed by the 8 eps of Feud where we actually see that sausage-of-horror being made! (Watching Feud first would give away too many spoilers!) To get back on topic, I wish The Boys on Supe had done a Baby Jane episode of some kind...Rowena could've sent them back in time where they'd have to hunt down a couple of vamps or ghouls named Blanche and Baby Jane!
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 11:58 pm
My copy has arrived at the library so I will probably watch it Saturday . Given Dean’s classic looks - all he needs is a side parting and some hair gel - I’m surprised they didn’t do more 50’s kinda shows in general. They did that one with Elliot Ness, but I can’t think of others. Your episode could have been a great Halloween one .
| Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 1:13 am
Well...since I rewatched WHTBJ earlier today, Feud is doing a little dance in my head enticing me to binge it now! It will happen....soon. When it first aired (2017), I waited for all 8 eps and binged them after they'd all dropped. I haven't seen it since, and this writers strike is making it easy to re-watch stuff since the new shows are getting more and more scarce. Plenty of time to revisit old tv "friends". Btw, just to be clear, Feud is not a behind the scenes documentary. It's also a scripted drama with a lot of laughs if you like campy movies...and it's based on the book that Ryan Murphy wrote.
| Saturday, July 22, 2023 - 4:07 pm
I watched it! Not sure what I was expecting, but I can see why it is a classic. Feels campy and over the top but still works. The bleak ending really surprised me, I was expecting Blanche to be saved more dramatically and before she was so near death (or dead?). Interesting to know the two leads were feuding during the movie as they really had such separate roles, and really not much dialogue between them. And no competition in the personality of each character either, they were completely different types and you wouldn't think there would be much overlap. Except screen time maybe. Btw, the dvd I got from the library was the 2012 anniversary edition, and it has a whole extra disc of special features. You might like it if you can find it.
| Saturday, July 22, 2023 - 8:54 pm
I watched a season 6 Supe audio commentary, and they finally mentioned Chuck and God. They were talking about how they've broken the mold on everything, the made angels dastardly, and made god "basically a pulp fiction author who suddenly disappears in a puff of smoke." (I didn't notice any smoke, but I'm pretty sure that's what the guy said!) So no mention or explanation of why/when they went they chose to go that way with Chuck, but at least they did reference it. The audio commentaries at the moment are with co-executive producers Sea Gamble, Ben Edlund, and Bob Singer, and they're not the most interesting to be honest. But the next episode with commentary is The French Mistake, so that should be a fun one.
| Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 3:55 pm
"I watched it! Not sure what I was expecting, but I can see why it is a classic." That could probably be said by anyone who saw it. The several decades before that the whole world knew those two actresses as beautiful romantic icons that either did wrong or was done wrong in their films....romance after romance with a lot of leading men of their time. I think they'd always been rivals but they'd never actually worked together until Baby Jane. It's fun to note that when I saw it this time, I noticed something I'd missed before. The first couple of segments of the movie were at different timelines....First, 1917 - when they were little girls in Vaudeville and then it jumped 1935 - when they had the car "accident" at the gate.....and then, when they cut to the time the film takes place, it read "Yesterday". I'd never noticed that before ...that the movie takes place in 1962 AND the film was released in 1962.....and yet it's what I would refer to as an "old movie" but not "Old Hollywood. It was, at the time, a "present day" movie about how Old Hollywood just found their leading ladies, chewed 'em up, and spit 'em out. Did WEHTBJ have any special features? (I added the "E" to that acronym because I finally realized that the actual title of the film did not use the all-one-word "whatever") I'm glad you liked it but you didn't seem that overwhelmed with it? Feud was a lot more fun seeing all the antics done behind each other's backs while they kept trying to one-up each other at every chance. I think they should've chosen WEHTBJ to be the first episode of Feud. Context Context Context I think I've created another my sister. You're back to watching Supe already? I'd need at least a few more years to rewatch that one. Okay, I did say I wouldn't do a "hard sell" on "Feud" but since I just finished WEHTBJ, "Feud" has been creeping into my "must watch soon" category. Easy peasy...only 8 eps and you're done. I'll promise to rewatch it by next weekend if you promise me the same! If I watch it now and you watch it in a few months, I'll be too far out of sync to be able to discuss it intelligently. I'm not ready for a "The Magicians" rewatch yet, but I've been thinking about Feud a lot lately and it's a full 47 episodes SHORTER than Feud and on top of that we are BOTH totally primed up for Feud! That all adds up to: Deal? Even with a "hard sell" approach? ---- Btw, when I say "Old Hollywood" I'm not thinking about the real old Hollywood...I'm thinking of how Old Hollywood is depicted in today's films. The fact that the currently produced "Old Hollywood films" are in color which makes them more vibrant but also they make Old Hollywood appear so romantic and classic and beautiful. Sorta like how westerns in the 1950s-60s treated the old west. The old west was dirty and dusty and muddy, nothing like Bonanza when every person in town appeared to have just bathed and put on the cleanest, newest clothes even for a shoot out! Just like Hollywood cleaned up the old west, Hollywood has also cleaned up Old Hollywood and made that era into a love story.
| Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 4:23 pm
""basically a pulp fiction author who suddenly disappears in a puff of smoke." (I didn't notice any smoke, but I'm pretty sure that's what the guy said!)" I had totally forgotten that moment until our rewatch....but I definitely remember the smoke! It wasn't a "puff" of smoke like a stage magician might do, but more of a little wisp that kind of spiraled as it went up. Of course, what I remembered most was that it was a beautiful moment of obvious foreshadowing that went right over my head. And I found that clip.....but I misrembered my once forgotten but recently remembered memory! Below is a youtube clip of that scene and there was no wisp at all....but his body (below his head and around his shoulders) had a faint poofiness....almost like his white shirt kind of turned into cloudy around the edges.
| Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 4:29 pm
Oops. I mixed up your remarks...I thought you were talking about getting an extra disc with featurettes of Supernatural, but you were referring to Baby Jane. Please ignore my asking you if you had an extra disk from WEHTBJ because, apparently, I didn't know what I was talking about.
| Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 6:46 pm
A reply in two parts... Part 1: Supernatural. Me watch the show again like a crazy person after only just watching it all, does that sound like me?! Ok maybe it does, but actually I've been watching the special features on the dvds I bought, which include some audio commentaries, so those shows I have rewatched. It's the audio commentaries that haven't been as interesting as I'd like (for the last few). The producers seem more interested in talking about themselves and on set fun between the producers than the show, but still, it's nice to revisit the episodes. The dvds also are some unaired scenes (usually just slightly different versions of aired scenes) and some outtakes. And different special features like this afternoon I watched a special on the first episode Jensen directed. He seemed surprisingly understated and meek in it, I'd pegged him for louder and more confident. Maybe it's because it was a 2011 episode and most of the online stuff of Jensen is much later, when he had grown more confident. On Chuck disappearing, it does look a bit smokey, but you're right I think, it's just a visual effect, not meant to be a puff of smoke. So weird for them to put that tease about Chuck being God in there, and then not have Chuck in the show for five seasons. Maybe it's just the actor wasn't available. It was such a mind-_ for me that he was God, I was so convinced it came out of nowhere, and that's why I was hoping there would be more about it in the special features. But not so far (I'm up to season 6). Btw I haven't started The Magicians yet, but still intend to. I'm watching a few shows with new seasons that I had on my stack. And I'm off to England for a quick visit in a couple of weeks, so I'll start Magicians some time after I get back. I'm up to date on Outlander, up to the current season that's airing, and now I have to wait for the last two episodes to air! Not to spoil, but this season is a lot of action and not so much romance. And some intrigue.
| Sunday, July 23, 2023 - 7:11 pm
Part 2: Baby Jane and Feud The special features on the anniversary edition DVD were a commentary by Charles Busch and John Epperson; and specials called "Bette and Joan Blind Ambition;" "All About Bette;" "Film Profile: Joan Crawford;" "Behind the Scenes with Baby Jane;" and an Andy Williams show segment on Bette Davis. I didn't watch them, but it wouldn't surprise me if you can find them on youtube or somewhere. I was a little confused by the timing on the movie too, and actually paused it to look up when the movie was filmed. Didn't help that my husband was convinced the 1935 Baby Jane was actually played by Bette Davis yet the 1962 Baby Jane (which was definitely her) looked really old. I wonder if the 1935 clips were from actual old movie clips. Bette Davis was 54 in 1962 so it doesn't seem possible she'd have looked like she did in the 1935 section. (And also that must have been a LOT of make up to make her look like she did in the 1962 segment!). Yes, it's fair to say I wasn't overwhelmed by it. The whole concept of "old" movies and those sort of movie stars just isn't something I'm familiar with. But I have watched old classics and found them quite boring and that was NOT the case with this one, it did keep my attention, but I guess the pacing was slow for me, and without knowing the background of the actors it just didn't have much significance for me. But yes, I am in for watching Feud, I'm sure a modern approach to the whole thing will make it more appealing to me, plus watching with you is fun . But it might take longer than next weekend, the thing is I have to find it online, as I don't get Hulu. I've had a quick look and I think I've found it in a dodgy place , but until I press play on the episodes I won't know what quality they are. And I can only watch them on the one tv connected to the dedicated old laptop for visiting dodgy websites . I will give it a go this week, and see whether I can.
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 12:39 am
" I wonder if the 1935 clips were from actual old movie clips." Yes. they were. 7 seconds of Proof: I meant to send you this link a few days ago but forgot...Bette Davis saying the best line I ever heard her utter....but I never saw this particular film, so feel free to consider my opinion not overly provable. (great line, though) Thanks for jumping on board! "But yes, I am in for watching Feud, I'm sure a modern approach to the whole thing will make it more appealing to me, plus watching with you is fun" That was going to be my next pitch! It is very much a modern miniseries. It's in color and it makes the early 1960s look fresher than the set of Baby Jane's old dilapidated dump. Well, it was decent but not as classy as a true Old Hollywood set. More than "Grey Gardens" classy but less then "All About Eve" classy. Besides, it aired in 2017 and we all know that they can get away with a lot more grownup behavior then than we'd ever see on TV the year Baby Jane came out...the same year I turned 12! " The whole concept of "old" movies and those sort of movie stars just isn't something I'm familiar with." You had a choice, but I HAD to watch old movies. When I still lived on the Texas farm (until I was 12), one of the only 3 networks (that we received spread over just 2 channels after my dad put up a 54 ft antenna in the back yard) started airing "Saturday Night at the Movies" and us kids would sit glued to the TV every Saturday night watching old crappy movies that came out when our folks were kids....and at the time they WERE boring (but still better than looking at dirt and cotton thru the window). However, that was decades ago and I grew up (...not yet) and came to appreciate the finer things in life (...still not quite there) and it was when I found the doorknob on the inside on my closet door and burst out, all gayed up, in my early 20s that I came to admire the movie genre known as "campy". Funny how some old serious movies become SO funny over time! Btw, my Outlander sis climbed to the top of that 54 ft antenna and my mother freaked out! (and that was even before "freaked out" was a thing.)
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 11:10 am
I don't really remember seeing any movies until the early 80s, when the late 70s movies made their way to tv. Before that we'd only have the tv shows meant for kids (BBC educational type, not fun stuff) after I was home from school, and I don't remember anything in the evenings except the odd police whodunnit type shows. On Saturday afternoons my gran would visit and she'd be sat in front of the tv to watch old movies, but she liked Westerns, so I would just read. I read a lot. When I had my own say in what to watch there were so many 80s movies that were amazing, that I missed out on the classic movie genre completely. Unless you call 80s movies classics of course ;).
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 1:29 pm
p.s. Just watched Feud episode 1 and I have a smile on my face. It's nicely done!
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 7:03 pm
"p.s. Just watched Feud episode 1 and I have a smile on my face. It's nicely done!" Yay! I'm happy to hear that because I watched ep 1 last night. Only 7 more to go! I forgot about the amazing cast...Kiernan Shipka who played Don Draper's daughter on "Mad Men" and Mark Valley (Boston Legal) as Bette's ex husband, and I had forgotten about the interviews with other stars, like Kathy Bates playing Joan Blondell, Catherine Zeta Jones as Olivia De Havilland, Judy Davis as Hedda Hopper and Stanley Tucci as Jack Warner, studio head (I kept thinking it was Tucci and then changed my mind and changed it back again until I finally looked it up.) Also in the cast, but I don't remember when they show up or who they play, are Calista Flockhart, Diane Lane, and Molly Ringwald....and more names I didn't immediately recognize. The look on Al Molinaro's face when he first saw Bette in costume was classic. I didn't remember his exact reaction but after watching him for a minute, I reacted for him....I started a slow clap at the exact moment he did and the whole cast and crew were in awe except Joan who looked as if she'd just stepped in fresh dog doo-doo. And I know you'll love "Mamacita", Joan's maid, played by Jackie Hoffman - she actually won an Emmy for this role - Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie (Feud). Her deadpan delivery and eye rolling attitude and fierce loyalty all add up to make her a great villain's sidekick.....not to imply that Joan Crawford was a villain....just a misunderstood diva that believed the world owed her everything. Baby Jane was the start of a trend in the type of shows they started making (well, maybe it was Psycho that started it)...There was one film done by Olivia de Havilland (Lady In a Cage) playing a sheltered rich woman who gets trapped in her home elevator when a a gang of 4 break in to rob the home and they find the freaked out woman stuck in the cage elevator between the first and second floors and decided to mess with her just for fun and they trade remarks about who's the most "civilized". The leader of the "gang" is James Caan who looks like a teenager but he's as hairy as a monkey. Ann Southern is also in it. De Havilland only came up because I know she was not supportive of "Feud" which is, I admit, kind of mean towards Bette and Joan....but sometimes mean is just damn funny, ya know! Shadenfreude, I guess. I had also forgotten that they got all the way into Bette's makeup reveal in ep 1. The looks on everyone's faces was that their friend, actor, mother, etc... had gone entirely insane, not realizing at the time she had just made this low budget film one that will last throughout the ages. So I guess you found it somewhere...hopes it's good copy. Are you making a plan for an ep a day or something! Or 2 per day would have us finishing up by Thursday? Now that I'm thinking about it in "rewatch terms" I know I'll watch the hell out of it and possibly be done before I know it. But ...only 8 eps so I can't too far behind. ---- Just occurred to me...Jensen Ackles would've been great as Bette's ex husband!
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 7:17 pm
Mamacita....I had to LOL when Aldrich showed up at Joan's home for a meeting and Mamacita said "she's waiting for you" and he start up the staircase and gets a half dozen steps before Mamacita finally says..."on the patio". As he comes back down the stairs to head for the patio he glances at Mamacita and I could feel them sizing one another up like two strange dogs on the sidewalk. Personally, I think Aldrich should watch his step...Mamacita always looks as if her mind is already two steps ahead of whatever is going on in any moment!
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 8:48 pm
Yes, I was amazed at the cast, they've got everybody. I thought Bette's daughter was Hermione from Harry Potter, until I looked her up, then I saw others in the cast I'd missed recognising (like you), such as Calista Flockhart and Molly Ringwald. IMDb says they're in all episodes so they must be there somewhere . It's interesting they did their own make up for the movie, and had such say in it. Bette's was more of a catastrophe in colour than it was in black and white! Do you know if the interviews with De Havilland and Joan Blondell are real (e.g. taken from tv or magazine interviews), or were they completely fabricated for Feud? After a false start with a recording that kept stopping, yes, I found a good source, and I have now watched e2 (the Victor Buono character turns up, who's just great!). I was actually kind of surprised how much I liked the show. Not that I don't trust your recommendations ;) just that it's not really like anything I would watch. But I found it really amusing and witty, guess I like devious divas! I will definitely watch one or two a day, so should be done on Friday night probably. Unless Trump's indictment comes and it's really long, lol, then I might need to spend a few hours reading that instead ;).
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 9:56 pm
"Do you know if the interviews with De Havilland and Joan Blondell are real (e.g. taken from tv or magazine interviews), or were they completely fabricated for Feud?" There were interviews but De Havilland (in a new interview done after the miniseries aired) says there was a lot of exaggeration with that part and that Ryan Murphy didn't get it right, but I didn't remember her pointing out any specifics. To be sure, I don't specifically remember if Olivia de H said those couch interviews of other stars actually happened and they got it wrong. There's a lot of "he said/they say" about this, but remember Hollywooders were used to their handlers and studios to protect them from salacious gossip, even if there was evidence that it was true. Btw, this miniseries is based on the book....authored by Ryan Murphy, of course! All those actresses were in the spotlight at the time and I think they just didn't want to rock any boats....who knows what could emerge from the pasts of all money making movie stars? " IMDb says they're in all episodes so they must be there somewhere :-)." Hmmm, I imagine they're in a lot of red carpet, crowds, restaurant scenes. Ooh ohh...I forgot to mention another actress I think you like. She played a role on "The Americans". (For some reason I think you were a fan of that show. I watched for a season or two and got bored with it) Anyhow, she played the co-worker of Matthew Rhys and her character was named Martha (played by actress Alison Wright). On Feud, she was the assistant to Aldrich who presented him with the Baby Jane book and the cooler of Pepsi. There's a lot of stuff on youtube about this series, but I suggest watching all of Feud first for fear of spoilers. "(the Victor Buono character turns up, who's just great!). I was actually kind of surprised how much I liked the show." I haven't seen ep 2 yet, so I don't know what you saw of him on Feud, but I'd already known who he was but Feud reveals stuff about the actor I didn't know about. This guy might just be a younger clone of the real Buono...they look so much alike! It's fun to see these actors and learn tidbits of who they really were IRL. Sure, there's likely a lot of it was based on gossip and lies and great exaggerations about the characters' background stuff but some of those true tidbits get through. I see Victor Buono in a different light now, after having seen Feud. "I was actually kind of surprised how much I liked the show. Not that I don't trust your recommendations ;) just that it's not really like anything I would watch. But I found it really amusing and witty, guess I like devious divas!" The deviouser the better! Funny, I was more worried about you not liking Supernatural than I was about Feud. Yer all over the map, Kitt! Keep in mind Feud is a lot like the stuff Ryan Murphy was been doing lately...the bygone, beautiful, but romanticized history of the industry. I think Ryan must get that "camp" is the best way to bring stories from this era to life for a modern audience. Btw, now that I think of it, I think Murphy did The OJ trial that was a big hit. Actually, Feud feels more Old Hollywood than it does being the early 60s....but slipping out of one era and into another will always result in a lot of overlap. Whatever it is, Murphy's magic works on me.
| Monday, July 24, 2023 - 10:09 pm
"It's interesting they did their own make up for the movie, and had such say in it. Bette's was more of a catastrophe in colour than it was in black and white! " Bette was known for it. When she played the queen of England she actually shaved her eyebrows and her hairline to change the height of her forehead because that's how the real Queen looked. And remember Aldrich was likely more relieved they did their own makeup since it was self funded from a second mortgage on his home to make that movie. One of the youtube clips showed Bette in her own makeup after her character was beaten by some bad guy. She really looked damaged, bruises and scrapes and dark circles around her eyes....not just a little scratch or bruise that was more beauty mark than wound....she did it right and she looked a way that most leading women of the day would balk at. Gee, I'm hungry and I have a Feud ep to watch. The discussion really revs me up. The best thing about getting old is getting to see all the best parts for the very first time again! 
| Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 12:26 pm
"The best thing about getting old is getting to see all the best parts for the very first time again!" Well you will enjoy them! I've just watched eps 3 and 4, and I suspect if you didn't run out of time last night you might have watched more than just e2 too! "but remember Hollywooders were used to their handlers and studios to protect them from salacious gossip, even if there was evidence that it was true. " Yes, the cover ups and planted info . And that reporter woman they go to too. I was beginning to feel sorry for them at one point, it was like they could easily have got along with each other, but someone always plants a story (sometimes themselves!) and ruins any moment they could have. I remember Martha from the Americans (which yes, I did really like). I haven't spotted her so far in this, and I didn't spot Calista or Molly in the last two episodes either. I need to pay more attention to the faces. I spent a while trying to see who Alfred Molina's wife was, but when I finally got a good look at her it was someone I didn't particularly know. I'm usually a Ryan Murphy fan too. Some of them the subject matter hasn't interested me much so I haven't watched, but those I have I've appreciated for more than just the story. You can usually tell a show is his almost immediately. Somehow he reminds me of the 80s, and all those (British) bands like Duran Duran or Spandau Ballet, Soft Cell that I lived on at the time.
| Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 3:47 pm
"Well you will enjoy them! I've just watched eps 3 and 4, and I suspect if you didn't run out of time last night you might have watched more than just e2 too!" I'm so happy to read that....My intent to watch eps2-3 turned into eps2-5. "I spent a while trying to see who Alfred Molina's wife was, but when I finally got a good look at her it was someone I didn't particularly know. " She played a cop on the network cop drama, "Third Watch" and her last name on that show was "Yokas". It took me awhile but I finally figured it out before I had to look it up to verify....but I had it right! "I remember Martha from the Americans (which yes, I did really like). I haven't spotted her so far in this" Well here's a little spoiler that's no biggy. "Martha" from The Americans (played by Molly Price) decides to write a screenplay and direct the movie and she gets a lot of face when she goes to Mamacita to hopefully make her an ally in luring Joan into the deal. I'm only 1 ep ahead of you but that may have happened in ep 5. Otherwise, you've seen her up close and didn't recognize her! She's very distinctive to me...she reminds me of Lois, a woman who owned a hamburger joint in my town in Texas in the 50s. " And that reporter woman they go to too." Ah....Hedda Hopper, that character is based on a real person....the famous hollywood gossip columnist. In The Coen Bros "Hail Caesar" there's a copycat character played by Tilda Swinton but not as "Hedda"'s a different gossip columnist and different name but she had to have been based on the the real Hedda Hopper. I'm not so sure that imdb listing is correct. All those actors couldn't have been in all 8 eps....maybe the assistant at IMDB was a temp on the day that was posted online. I'm pretty sure most of them were just cameos. In the ep that they do the Academy Awards episode, there are lots of celebs signing autographs and cameras flashing and people wandering around at the venue...and I couldn't tell if some of them were clips from the real Oscars or if some of those quick takes were those imdb listed stars doing cameos. I did notice one thing....Sarah Paulson played Geraldine Page, who was also nominated for an Oscar that year. She gets a disturbing phone call from Joan. Aha! I solved it! Calista Flockhart plays Lee Radziwill....I didn't know who that was so I googled "Lee Radziwill on Feud" and discovered that Calista plays a major role in *season 2* of Feud, which will be the Truman Capote feud story. I am assuming two things now....that listing of all the stars are in all 8 ups was an error....and that they just added the s02 stars to the cast list...all mixed in with the s01 cast. Btw, Joan Crawford's silver hair application surprise was a real thing. Oh yeah....this might help, articles showing how the actors compared to their real life counterparts (I found this one but there were several others of you get curious): Molly Price from The Americans is wearing all orange outfit and she's holding an avocado green phone.
| Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 4:08 pm
Btw, if you like Ryan Murphy you'll likely get a hoot out of this one - "Hollywood" takes place in Old Hollywood when the stars were all so decadent and got away with so much....but one man saw a need and filled it. There were plenty of call girls for the male stars but none for the female stars or the male stars with different tastes. So what does he do? Obviously he starts a a gas station that doubles as kind of a cat house for discreet men and a tomcat house for woman and some of the other men....everyone got to play. It shows Hollywood as clean and fresh and stylish and also as seedy and decadent as it really was. Anyhow Murphy was one the creators, Darren Criss is in it and it's a bunch of decadent fun. It's also based on a real guy with a real "alterna-gas station" but I'm not sure if it's just based on that outline or if it it's all about a bunch of real people. I do know that the guy that came up with the idea was real guy though. Don't bother with reading the user reviews (some people just poopoo everything that are not at Sesame Street level), but DO watch the trailer at the top of the page!) Be warned - this is another touchy-feely, not-for-kids miniseries (7 eps) I really enjoyed it. (How could I not? It subversive! ) It also has a great cast including Jim Parsons, Dylan McDermet and David Corenswet (The Politician) and Holland Taylor.
| Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 5:15 pm
oops - I said: "Martha" from The Americans (played by Molly Price). I was mixing up Molly Price who played Officer Yokas on "Third Watch" with Alison Wright who played Martha on "The Americans". It was their faces I knew but I never knew their civilian names so of course I had to underline that flaw with an accidental transposition of identities in one of my posts.
| Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 9:31 pm
Ok, Hollywood definitely goes on My List . ""Martha" from The Americans (played by Molly Price) decides to write a screenplay and direct the movie and she gets a lot of face when she goes to Mamacita to hopefully make her an ally in luring Joan into the deal." I've seen that part, and oh yes of course she was! Her face did jog my memory but I didn't put two and two together. The main characters are very good lookalikes, especially considering you have rather unique faces for the original people, and you need particularly talented people to play them. There's a date next to the number of episodes on IMDb that shows what season they're in... I hadn't noticed, but yes, Calista and Molly say 2023-2024 so will be in season 2! Six years for a S2... must be some kind of record! I don't know much about Capote either, so when it comes out you'll have to tell me if it's worth me watching . Not sure how many episodes I will watch tomorrow as I have a few things I should do... but I might leave my chores until Thursday. I will try to finish it up soon, as I think you will have difficulty not watching through to the end tonight!
| Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 11:25 pm
"I think you will have difficulty not watching through to the end tonight!" Well...the best part about binge watching TV is the bingeing part. I just finished ep 8 a little while ago! <sheepish grin> It's such a fun show but it felt sadder than I remembered....of course, first time around I was floored at so many unexpected things but this time I expected most of them (I still had a couple of rerun surprises, tho)....but the sad women felt more so when the comedy and insane egos weren't stealing ALL my attention! You know that featurette you saw of Bette on the Andy Williams show?...Sarandon re-did the whole clip exactly as Bette did a hundred years ago...singing "I've written a letter to daddy" in that raspy whiskey voice of hers... And the final ep (I think) even had a short clip of Olivia de Havilland trapped in her home elevator in the movie "Lady in a Cage"! Zeta Jones looks a good 20 to 30 years younger than de Havilland did when she made that movie in did appear to be the elevator I remember from that film...I'm 90% sure it was the exact same "cage"! Good to hear you have an interest in "Hollywood"! Jim Parsons (Sheldon on Big Bang Theory) plays such a jaded, bitter and cynical gay man living in a gay-unfriendly's fun to see him with a totally different personality. Goofy nerd is funny but Sheldon is only funny to me in small doses. Ya know, I'm not really a huge "old Hollywood fan", but there are a few old films I like (mostly the crazy stuff like Baby Jane, Psycho, and Cary Grant's "Arsenic and Old Lace" )...but I have become a huge fan of Ryan Murphy's work in the last several years and he's come out as the undisputed king of Old Hollywood send ups. Parodies of real life in old Hollywood is a very narro, specific genre, but Murphy absolutely OWNS it. Well, I'll end this now. I hope you're enjoying this as much as I did. Oh yeah....did you see the clip of Bette saying "I'd like to kiss ya but I just washed my hair. Bye!" I guess she prefers only very passionate kissing. lol