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| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 10:39 pm
Yeah, too much of a shock, even for him! He did surprisingly well with her arrival, took it relatively in stride. She'd been planning it but he had no reason to think she would ever come back. I thought he might assume he was imagining it or something. I'm hoping Murtaugh(sp?) will be back sometime, I liked him. I was happy Fergus was there.
| Friday, July 07, 2023 - 9:03 pm
In the Outlander episode I watched today, Jamie called Young Ian an "idjit." The captions even spelled it that way! Must have been foretelling the coming of Bobby a mere 180 years later . Sanfran, I am near the end of S4 - Brianna is back in the past and Jamie accidentally beat Roger to a pulp and Young Ian sold him to the Mohawks, oopsies - and I am wondering what you thought of the time travel. I have two oddities. Claire, Brianna and Roger all seem to have a 202 year consistent link between the past and the future (1945 went to 1743, 1968 went to 1766 etc.) They did throw out a line that was something like where/when you go is determined by who you are linked to, which accounts for Claire and Brianna, but not Roger so much. Geillis went from 1968 back to before Claire first arrived, so her link is 225+ years, not 202. Just wondered if you had a theory. The other thing is Brianna went back because she found Jamie and Claire's obituary, and wanted to stop their death. At first the obituary didn't seem to exist (or at least they hadn't found it) until after Claire had returned from 1968, but the last couple of episodes they've revealed that Frank had seen the obituary in the mid 1960s, i.e. before Claire returned to the past. So all through that 20 year time period Claire was in the future, or at least the end part of it, Claire was predestined to go back, and the past already included her being there at the time of her death in the 1770s. BUT now Brianna has gone back to try and save her. It feels like she cannot succeed, because if she does/did it would have already happened by the 1960s, so the obituary wouldn't have existed. They also don't seem to have changed any other events in the past, however hard they tried, so I'm not seeing how this can happen. I am guessing their death reports are fake or a mistake. Like two people die in their house but it isn't them. That they'll either jump to the future, or perhaps someone's after them, and they have to escape with everyone thinking they're dead. You might not be able to say much without giving anything away, but if I'm right I guess I'll eventually feel smug for having written it down . Btw, as I'm guessing you watched the show in the years they aired, did you realise the Irish pirate (Stephen Bonnet) is the actor who played Picard's son this last season (of Picard)? Somehow he's appealing in any role, even that of a murdering rapist.
| Saturday, July 08, 2023 - 2:36 am
"(Stephen Bonnet) is the actor who played Picard's son this last season (of Picard)?" Nope.I had no idea....but then, I'm really bad at stuff like adding 2+2 but the only clue I'm given is "4" but I'm not told it's a math equation...and then 2 or 3 years (or seasons) later I run across a "2 +2" reference and I'm expected to put it all together....nope, ain't never gonna happen. That part of my brain is long dead, I'm sure. I just can't seem to pick up on a clue when none of it's context is revealed for years. I had to look up the actor...I remembered who the character was as soon as I saw the name "Bonnet", but when I found his pic he didn't look familiar at all...from Outlander or Picard! I'd thought Bonnet was a lot uglier and dirty and grizzled, but I now realize I was just confusing his face with his soul. lol "BUT now Brianna has gone back to try and save her. It feels like she cannot succeed, because if she does/did it would have already happened by the 1960s, so the obituary wouldn't have existed." IIRC, I thought a lot of the clues they have in the future are just overlooked until it becomes important and then the connection is made....or they can't find them until they need to. [Side bar: On Lost, they somehow changed something that Desmond knew back in the past. He never knew it (whatever it was) but then in a flashback we see him say something about "I just remembered...<whatever it was>"] Anyhow, I get the impression that they aren't changing the future at all....whatever they do is already part of the timeline they want to change. As far as obits and newspapers, etc go, it was a lot easier for folks in the 1700s to get lost in history...they didn't have google or all the databases like Meta and TikTok and Instagram that track people like we have today. And they couldn't find Jamie because he was using an alias. I think they always find some logical explanation regarding these clues and stuff....and it's kind of fun when we see that it was an alias or something that confused them. "I am guessing their death reports are fake or a mistake. Like two people die in their house but it isn't them." Some people might fake their deaths of they are on the lam from some evil character. And with them in the past, they could conceivably plant evidence that would help themselves in the future when they try to figure something out. They did that a lot in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"! "Geillis went from 1968 back to before Claire first arrived, so her link is 225+ years, not 202. Just wondered if you had a theory." No theories here. I just wait for a comment about how some historian misspelled something or that someone changed their name and were faking a death. I don't think it even matters whether it's 225 or 202 years. Remember, it's a magical event. Maybe Clair and Brianna and Roger all have the same link because they are all connected to one another, all part of one family. Maybe Geillis has a link to someone in her past like a great great great great grandmother witch. "I have two oddities. Claire, Brianna and Roger all seem to have a 202 year consistent link between the past and the future (1945 went to 1743, 1968 went to 1766 etc.)" Interesting...I never looked at it as a "consistent link between the past and the future". ...but I was aware of how Jamie's and Claire's lives stayed in synch, so that one decade for Claire in the future equaled one decade for Jamie in the past. Their timelines remained in synch even though they were in two different eras. The only time I was curious about the distance in years aspect was when Claire was about to journey back to the 1700s the first time. I had no assurance (and I don't think Claire did either) that the same number of years (20) passed in Claire's time as it did in Jamey's. I don't remember if Claire wondered about that but *I* sure did. I wondered at the time if she'd go back to the same time she did the first time and if there would be a young Jamie but Claire was 20 years older. I see this show as more being all about the heart than the science and logic of time travel. I'll accept any lame excuse or impossibly unlikely coincidence to explain time travel long as it doesn't separate these two forever. "You might not be able to say much without giving anything away, but if I'm right I guess I'll eventually feel smug for having written it down . " Well, I'm not able to say much because I just don't remember a lot of the details. I have only seen the eps once, when it aired, and I had to do all that waiting for the following season and then watch the eps week by week. That's why I plan to binge it all awhile after the series ends. Also, I was finally disciplined enough to hold back on watching the last one or two seasons and then I binged them after all the eps had dropped. Anyhow, the main thing I remember about Outlander is how it affected me emotionally...the love story and how even when they are separated by the unbreakable laws of physics, love always found a way around it and they'd be able to reunite....again. So glad you're enjoying it....but I feel bad that you'll hit that wall of "gotta wait until next year" at some point. I figure you'll get to binge season 7 that's currently airing....but season 8 (the final season) won't air until some time in 2024.
| Saturday, July 08, 2023 - 11:20 am
I finished the end of the season and Bonnet seems to have perished in an explosion, but I have a feeling he escaped and will be back. I kept thinking they would make him kind of honourable, but nope, just evil through and through. Yes, when Claire went back the second time and just assumed she'd be 20 years later in the past too, not just go back to 1743 like the first time, I was shocked. And then Brianna just assuming it would work that way for her too. I suppose the second times at least they knew what to expect and could turn around and go back if they came out somewhere/sometime they didn't want. There have been some really nice scenes of the past and future where the players are in the same place doing a similar thing (like going down the same road) but in different time periods. It really does feel like they are connected in time and space and it is all just meant to be. And I like how the relationship between Jamie and Claire has evolved and deepened, like there is a confidence between them that has meant they don't even need to be together to be together, if that makes any sense. It's very well done. Idyllic, but realistic, in a time travelly multi century tragic triumphant epic kind of way. That Supernatural Convention at SFO is this weekend. Might be some new videos to watch soon .
| Saturday, July 08, 2023 - 3:01 pm
" I suppose the second times at least they knew what to expect and could turn around and go back if they came out somewhere/sometime they didn't want. " Actually, I don't think that would work. Remember, they need to be carrying a gem of some kind as "payment" for it to work and when they get to their new time, the gem is always gone. If they go through and want to immediately return, I would assume they'd need a new gem. I suppose they could go earlier to hide a gem nearby just in case they need a quick return, but they'd still have to find a new gem there before they could go back home. I guess we don't know what would happen if a person took two gems, but *I* think both would be gone once they reach their destination. How would the <?> know which gem to take? Or does it just take whatever gem(s) the traveler is carrying? "That Supernatural Convention at SFO is this weekend. Might be some new videos to watch soon." You're not that far away...YOU should go! Maybe you can get a kiss and selfie from Jarod. ....but you should bring a note from your husband giving him permission. 
| Saturday, July 08, 2023 - 4:48 pm
I’ve been wondering about the gems, and whether it took all, or just one each time. I’m not sure they’ve made it clear, or at least not yet with where I am. They should have experimented more with the original stones in Scotland, as they have friends on both sides! I’d have gone if I could have been in an invisible bubble where I could just observe . I’m afraid I’d have to meet Jared randomly one day to get my hug, but don’t think I haven’t thought about those long arms .
| Sunday, July 09, 2023 - 12:52 pm
"I’ve been wondering about the gems, and whether it took all, or just one each time" IIRC, I think it was unlikely that most people owned multiple gems. I kind of, maybe remember a time when someone was planning a trip through the stones but had lost their gem (stolen maybe?) and had to replace it before heading out to the stone time depot. The whole needing-a-gem-to-time-travel thing was a cool twist. It pretty much guaranteed each time trip was ostensibly a one way trip. They had nothing but hope that they would find a new gem at their destination. "but don’t think I haven’t thought about those long arms " Keep thinking....if Sammy was secretly a monster he couldn've been "Slender Man". Bwahahaha...
| Sunday, July 09, 2023 - 12:56 pm
I've never been to a sci-fi Con before, but I did once see a Klingon smoking a cigarette outside a venue in San Diego... I assume there was a convention going on, but who knows?
| Sunday, July 09, 2023 - 4:04 pm
I've never been to a convention, but I did see some assorted Star Trek types in costume when there was a Star Trek ride kind of thing in Las Vegas. There was a Quark's Bar, where I got my Quark christmas tree ornament (which is one of my favourites, along with my Daryl Dixon one). Here are some Jared hugs with those long arms pictures they're posting on twitter from the convention. And not sure if I remember that I said in Walker, Jared just can't seem to control his hands, they go everywhere and touch everything... if you can read the fourth tweet, apparently he's much the same in person!

 from twitter posts by @kattieiscool, @miawinchester6, @lexisandoval_
| Saturday, July 15, 2023 - 11:57 am
Sanfran, I have caught up to you in Outlander, up to the end of S6! S7 has aired five episodes so far, and I'm not sure whether I'll watch them now, or wait a while. I probably won't wait until the finale so at some point I'll have to watch week to week. They never get it easy do they? A harrowing ride for the viewer, not just them. Although I think it is an excellent show and I love a few of the characters (Jamie and Young Ian especially) I don't know if I would watch it again, some of it is just so distressing. On Supernatural, one of the audio commentaries in S4 was by Eric Kripke, and he mentioned Chuck. He referred to him as a prophet, didn't give any hint that he might be something else. He said the character was just meant to be for the original episode, but they liked him so brought him back, so I really get the impression they had no idea Chuck would be God back then. I think they must have developed the idea that he was God in S5, as the last episode of S5 is the one where Sam and half-brother Adam take Lucifer and Michael into the pit/box, and the episode is kind of narrated by Chuck as he writes it as supposed prophet. But that's the one where he just disappears at the end, so I think by then they must have decided he was God, or at least something special. Annoyingly that episode doesn't have an audio commentary, but I'll probably watch that season's special features this weekend, and maybe they'll reveal something. Weird though, as I think it's ages before we saw Chuck again, I think it's not until that 200th episode with the girls doing a musical version of the show. So maybe the disappearance at the end of S5 was just an idea they weren't sure would pan out at that time but thought they'd tease us with. Anyway, I'll see if the S5 special features help me, as the change in Chuck has bugged me .
| Saturday, July 15, 2023 - 3:00 pm
"Sanfran, I have caught up to you in Outlander, up to the end of S6! " Yes you have. Interestingly, the S5 finale is one I actually remember! I tend to forget whatever cliffhanger a show uses for a season finale but this one stuck to me. I remember Jamie looking for Claire and learning that she was in that caravan of buggies and that she was being taken to trial as a witch (again) or something... Some of that is supposition by me, with memory fragments stitched together, but I definitely remember Jamie being separated from Claire as he was looking for her at the same time she was being whisked away in some kind of prisoner carriage for trial in another town or city....and jamie was calling out her name when he was informed what was happening. "...and the episode is kind of narrated by Chuck as he writes it as supposed prophet. But that's the one where he just disappears at the end, so I think by then they must have decided he was God, or at least something special. Annoyingly that episode doesn't have an audio com" I was SO sure that you would pick up on that major clue of Chuck just vanishing into thin air. It went right over my head like most of their foreshadowing does, but you were so entrenched in the mythology and details of the show I was surprised that you didn't bring it up when it happened. "Anyway, I'll see if the S5 special features help me, as the change in Chuck has bugged me :-)." No need to feel bugged by Chuck. Just keep in mind that Chuck works in mysterious ways. I'm glad you are finding series that are more than a season or two to binge. Have you see Sense8? (3 seasons and s03 is the movie finale). This is definitely a great sci-fi series (done by the Wachowski sisters...who used to be the W brothers, then the W siblings when one of then transitioned. Finally they became the Wachowski sisters..when they both became what there intended to be.) Sense8 is definitely for grownups...there's some nudity and adult "touchy-feely" scenes not intended for kids. (3 seasons, 24 episodes) There's another show I'd recommend..."Magicians". I don't remember if you've seen that or not, it's about a group of friends at magician school based on a fictional book, that may be less fictional than they realize...for actual magical magicians, not just Las Vegas acts, It's definitely a show made for grownups though...certain scenes and subplots are not meant for children. This one was, to me, just a MOTW kind of show in my head but it morphed into an epic story. Different seasons sometimes took place in their own it's not just a bunch of young people in school having angst issues. Their issues are often definitely big world changing ones. (5 seasons, 65 episodes) Another series is "Why Women Kill", each season is it's own story, so the commitment is only a 10 ep story at a time and there are only 2 seasons. WWK has a great cast (Lucy Liu, Allison Tolman) and it has the look/feel of shows like "Feud" (Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon). Also, there's "Ratched" (the origin story of the evil Nurse Ratched in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest") starring Sarah Paulson, both of which I also recommend to you....they're each one season with a complete story. Just thought I'd throw out some options if you start jonesing for a good story while waiting for Outlander to finish or when you're waiting for s07 to start in a year or so.} Also, we could end up in a drought of new shows if the writers strike gets outta hand again.....the above are some options I think you'd really like.
| Saturday, July 15, 2023 - 5:13 pm
Yep, they're in trouble again in Outlander. That little witch/_itch Malva claimed (spoiler alert for non-Outlander peeps) Jamie was the father of her unborn baby, and then somehow gets herself killed outside their house. So the horrible people down the road try to take Claire to "trial" by force, but one of the Fraser Ridge people negotiates for him and Jamie to go too, to make sure it's handled legally. Halfway into the journey the baddies pull Jamie out of the carriage, and the scene you're talking about is where they're pulling him away, and the carriage with her in it continues on. Luckily the other man stays with her to protect her, and Young Ian got his Mohawk bros to save Jamie, who they were going to ship off back to Scotland. So the last scene is Claire in a Wilmington jail, soon to face trial, and Jamie and Ian and the Mohawks heading (presumably) towards there to save her. Yeah, I was confused by Chuck disappearing, and the way he seemed to almost create what was happening rather than just documenting it, but it never occurred to me why! I have seen (and loved) Sense8 ("touchy-feely," lol, quite a lot of that, as I remember ), and all of Why Women Kill (but good picks for me!). I've looked at Magicians before and wondered whether it is my thing, so with your recommendation I will try that next ! I almost hope it's not as good a suggestion as your others , because although I am doing the things I must do, the things I can delay have really slipped, lol. E.g. I have 45 minutes and I can either email my aunt who's been waiting for a reply for two months or I can watch another episode and... yep, watch another episode! I'm hoping some of the streaming only shows might come to tv during the writers' strike. I have never subscribed to hulu or apple+, and there are quite a few shows there I wouldn't mind watching. More likely though the streamers will just use it to tempt us to subscribe.
| Sunday, July 16, 2023 - 3:49 pm
Kitt, The Magicians has 5 seasons and each season is 13eps (that's 10 eps less per season than the 15 seasons of Supe!) Most of what I remember about it is how it made me feel while watching it. It was a show that I usually watched right away on the night it aired (like I did with Supe). I liked that it was set in a Magic School, but rather than angsty teens they were young adults....but they did get a bit rambunctious at times. I do remember being shocked at some parts and then LMAO at a lot of others. It's not a kid's show because some of the events are definitely not child friendly, but not so much that it would've barred them from airing on a cable station like SyFy. (That sounds a bit like the way I probably characterized Supe!) You didn't mention the other two shows I mentioned..."Ratched" and "Feud". They are both creations of Ryan Murphy (who does American Horror Story) and they have that early Hollywood look to them. Feud is really good....the feud is the supposedly true story of the feud between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. If you've seen and enjoyed "Mommie Dearest" I think you'd really go for Feud. It's set around the time that "Whatever Happened to baby Jane" was was being made...early 60s. (Every time I think of the Academy Awards scene, it makes me laugh even though I'm not looking at it or hearing was a GREAT scene!) And Ratched is set about 15 years earlier (1947) and has a similar vintage style, but with older cars. (also 8 eps) If you liked the look of season 2 of WWK I think you'd really like both of these. Ratched stars Sarah Paulson. (1 season, 8 eps) Wow, I just looked up Feud on IMDB and saw that there's a season 2 listed to start in 2024! Apparently, Feud is an season means new feud. With seasons that are individually bingeable. Season 2 is based on the book, "[Truman] Capote’s Women: A True Story of Love, Betrayal, and a Swan Song for an Era". You'd like both Feud and Ratched. No question. ---- Thanks for the ending update of O's previous season. I distinctly remember the angst of Jamie being separated from Claire again, but I forgot the scene of Claire in jail. Yep, I tend to remember the emotional trauma-drama. I'm really looking forward to bingeing it. 
| Sunday, July 16, 2023 - 8:15 pm
The S5 special features for Supe didn't have anything on Chuck/God in them. I will have to hope they address my curiosity in later special features, when he comes back in S10 or so. I have looked at Ratched and thought about trying it, but never got to it. It's still in "my list." I hadn't heard about Feud (strange seeing as it looks like it had multiple awards), but I will note that to try too. It's on hulu though, so that might be a while, maybe FX will repeat it before they show S2. The old Hollywood genre is something I don't know much about as I've seen very few "classics." I don't know if UK tv missed all of those, or I was just too young even for the reruns, but Betty Davis, Joan Crawford, they're just names to me, I don't have any context for them. But I do enjoy a good horror. Are you going to save the current S7 of Outlander until S8 has aired, or watch once the S7 finale has aired? The trauma-drama was a little too much trauma for me at times, in one of the last episodes when they knew they were going to be taken (before the carriage ride we've talked about) Jamie and Claire make love and I could tell it was tender and special to them as they knew one of them could die, or at least something awful was likely to happen, but I was just so stressed about what we all knew was coming to appreciate it, too worried for them to kind of sit back and allow myself to take in the emotion. Perhaps binging it wasn't so good for me that way, as I had no down time to level set my blood pressure between episodes. I wonder if I'd seen Supe weekly instead of so intensely I might not have been such a wreck with it, but with that show binging added to the emotion for me, it wasn't something I was too worked up to feel. Not sure why the difference, thinking about it, as they were always in danger too.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:38 pm
"Are you going to save the current S7 of Outlander until S8 has aired, or watch once the S7 finale has aired? " I'll watch s07 shortly after the s07 finale airs. Waiting any longer than that just lets me to forget too much and lose the momentum of the trauma-drama. " The old Hollywood genre is something I don't know much about as I've seen very few "classics." I don't know if UK tv missed all of those, or I was just too young even for the reruns, but Betty Davis, Joan Crawford, they're just names to me, I don't have any context for them. But I do enjoy a good horror. " Have you seen "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane"? It starred both Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. They wound up vying for the Oscar when they were both nominated for the same category. You really don't need to know a lot about "old Hollywood" or those two actresses to enjoy Feud. Two Hollywood divas become major rivals and both of them are control freaks determined to come out on top. The fact that it's based on real life makes it more engrossing. Feud even follows Joan Crawford through her last movie...Trog, a B movie about a scientists who discover the last surviving caveman. It was Joan Crawford's final grasp at trying to save her career. It didn't work. When I say "old Hollywood" I don't mean to invoke the movie industry per se, but rather that look and feel of the 1920s-1940s in L.A. Ryan Murphy is great doing stories from that era. It was a beautiful but seedy time...the fashion and architecture of that time was amazing and that idea of the beautiful people of old Hollywood who were worshipped as idols were revealed to be as flawed and broken as anyone. A couple of good examples of that genre are The mini-series "Hollywood" ( on a real story. Also the movies "Babylon" with Brad Pitt (, and the Coen Brothers' "Hail, Caesar!" starring James Brolin and George Clooney. Trust me. I know you'd love these stories... Ratched isn't about old Hollywood at all, but it does look the same when it comes to the fashion and architecture and the feeling that the characters felt they were in an enlightened age of progress. No matter how pretty or stylish the world was, there was plenty of "ugly" hidden behind that facade. If nothing else, if you haven't seen "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" you NEED to see it. At the time, seeing these two actresses, once the queens of Hollywood playing washed up old actresses with all the beauty stripped away was a great hook for a story...and the fact the stars were pretty much grasping at roles to keep their careers from dying completely was a real mirror to the real life actresses.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 12:43 pm
Btw..."Whatver Happened to Baby Jane" is a "twofer". It's about a couple of leftovers from Old Hollywood AND it's a horror movie! A couple of hours is all you need to create a movie memory that you'll never forget. I promise.
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 1:28 pm
Just because it's you I've requested it at the library - it doesn't look like it's on tv soon and it's not free streaming anywhere. It should be ready when I go on Friday .
| Monday, July 17, 2023 - 2:03 pm
Great! Once you see WHTBJ you'll know all you need to know to dive head first into Feud.....and then you'll see the feud that was going on behind the scenes during the making of WHTBJ. Just so you know, I don't plan on doing a hard sell to talk you into the 8 eps of "Feud"....I believe WHTBJ will do all the heavy lifting to entice you into that one. WHTBJ is art imitating life. Feud is the imitation of life inspiring the art that imitates life. (Btw, supposedly true story: Bette Davis came up with her own Baby Jane look/makeup when they made the movie.)
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 11:54 am
I enjoyed e1 of Ratched! I'm glad you poked me or it would have languished at the end of my list forever.
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 3:27 pm
I just assumed you'd seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher. It just occurred to me that if you haven't seen it, you might not know the history/reputation of Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher).....and "Ratched" is that character's "origin story". After bringing up "Whatever....Baby Jane?", I decided it's about time I watched it again. I'll watch it within the next few days. Victor Buono is also in it and the actor who plays Buono's character in "Feud" is the perfect choice for that role.
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 4:21 pm
Yes, I have seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, although probably not for 30 years. Louise Fletcher is good at evil characters like that, she was great in Deep Space Nine. Have you seen Evil? It was on CBS but is now only on Paramount+. The scene at the beginning of Ratched at the seminary(?) reminded me of that, if you haven't seen it I think you'd love it. It gets better as the seasons go on too.
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 5:24 pm
Oh yeah....I watch Evil. My favorite moment was the first glimpse of the devil/goatman. Horror works best for me when it's peppered with (or sometimes smothered with) humor. <Bwahahaha> And whacky "mother", Christine Lahti, added a whole new layer of fun batshit-crazy fun! Side Bar: Lahti once won an emmy but when they called her name to accept it, she was in the bathroom... 
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 5:32 pm
oops double post
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 5:58 pm
Yes, Evil is a really good balance of horror and humour and general weirdness. It's one of my favourites. I remember her being in the bathroom!!
| Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 6:42 pm
I LOVE Evil! I think this might be the last season? Season 4 was supposed to premiere in June and then in July. They had to roll up filming because of the strikes. Hopefully we will get it before the end of the year. I'm sure it makes it's tough when they are filming with children. They are going to have a growth spurt. The oldest is already 18. I would wish that this series continues on, I love it so much