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| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 9:27 pm
Hmm, maybe I'll go for the show and skip the book(s) then. Only 67 episodes (pfft, mere peanuts!) on Netflix right now but the rest are on demand on tv. Netflix warning is "gore, language, nudity, sex, sexual violence, smoking, violence" ! Gonna trust you with my delicate sensibilities . The only question is how quickly my curiosity gets the better of me and I switch out something on my list for it .
| Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 12:40 am
"Netflix warning is "gore, language, nudity, sex, sexual violence, smoking, violence" ! Gonna trust you with my delicate sensibilities :-)?" OMG! SMOKING?! Well, I never!
There is one scene that's pretty bloody, but IIRC it's in the finale of s01. As for the rest of the warnings, that could be said of any number of TV shows...from Supe to "Law & Order", "The Boys", or even "CSI Vegas". The fact that "smoking" is considered to be one of the horrors that needs a warning makes me think the author of that list was a bit overwrought, wouldn't you agree? LOL I would add that Supe was many times more gory and violent than what I remember of Outlander...except one major scene at the end of S01, but that scene set the stage going forward for much of the future of the series. If your delicate sensibilities held up during Supe's 327 episodes of mayhem, Outlander will be a walk in the park. I promise. "Only 67 episodes (pfft, mere peanuts!) " The seasons aren't all 23 eps like most of Supe was. S01 was split up like TWD...8 eps, hiatus, 8 more eps. One of the seasons is only 8 eps total. Depending on how addicted you get in season 1, you could do what I did with Supe...when you finish a season, watch a few eps of something more light and frivolous and less addictive (It's like a brain-palate cleanser) and then go back to Outlander. OR you can push the rest of your life aside and eat up the whole shebang. Yum. This show is pretty linear and straight forward. The conflicts and events aren't left hanging like much of Supe or Lost....but there are some season ending cliffhangers. Good and Bad things happen but the story is really embedded in the relationships. And the history is a main character, too....being from the UK it will be even more special to you than it was me and I love this show. There are still 2 seasons before it ends and I plan on a full binge sometime after it does. This is a series that will touch your soul. Trust me.
| Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 8:35 am
I do. I will finish Queen Charlotte, then start it. I can save the other short seasons I have on my list until I need a break... but from what you say I won't want one! 
| Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 2:54 pm
| Saturday, June 17, 2023 - 7:13 pm
I've watched three episodes and I am definitely hooked! Not Supe ~must see the next episode right now~ kind of hooked but a more appropriate level of hooked . Jamie is almost perfect right from episode one, which helps! So thank you again for providing welcome distractions from reality . Today I ordered Supernatural the complete series on dvd! I mean, what if I want to watch it again and it is no longer streaming?! Or maybe it isn't streaming in the UK at all! A girl's gotta think ahead.
| Monday, June 19, 2023 - 3:03 pm
"hooked but a more appropriate level of hooked" I predict that will change and you'll eventually do this: "ordered Supernatural the complete series on dvd!"...just change "Supernatural" to "Outlander"! That's what my sister did (Blu-Ray!) I just got my sis hooked, but then she got her book club hooked, and then she got my other sis hooked...and who knows how many other innocent people they got hooked!? I told you she's gone to Scotland a couple of times, right? (Personally, I think she's looking for Jamie!) I think Outlander is kind of like COVID that way. Just talking about it spreads be careful who you talk to about the addictive "O"! Is the hubby watching with you? I started watching for the time travel but I stayed for the love (and the hunk, of course). just occurred to me that I'm kind of a Typhoid Mary, only with Outlander, aren't I? 
| Monday, June 19, 2023 - 5:21 pm
Spreading SlĂ inte Mhath wherever you go! (I admit, I had to look up how to spell that!) I mentioned it to a friend and she had started the book, but gave up after a while because she said it was repetitive. I've suggested she try the series instead and she said she might. A little visual might make any repetitiveness less important . It's a nice mixture of mystery and romance. Not so much the scifi, at least not in the episodes I've seen so far. You want her to be able to work out a way to be back in her time, and you want her to stay and make babies with Jamie. No, hubby isn't watching, I think it would be too slow for him, plus he'd cut down my watching rate significantly. He has committed to my eventual Supe rewatch though, he saw a few episodes over my shoulder and enjoyed them, but the whole 327 episodes thing wouldn't really work for him right now!
| Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 2:00 pm
"It's a nice mixture of mystery and romance. Not so much the scifi," To me, it's interesting because just the fact that they know that there IS time travel, it helps the story by adding another option to deal with in an already difficult and formidable society. The 1700s are hard. I gotta avoid the Outlander thread because I'm doing what I did last season...waiting for the whole thing so I can binge it. I get a lot more out of it that way, but I do miss out on the thoughts of others along the way. That reminds me....the season finale of "From" is coming up in a few days and that's also a save-it-til-ya-I-have-it-all show for me. Kitt, I'm sure you're loving the fact that you can binge the first 7 seasons....but if you finish 1-7 before season 8 starts, what are you going to do? Will you hold off and wait until it's all been aired and do a final season binge or will you break the binge habit and try to survive by watching them week by week over a couple of months or more?
| Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 3:13 pm
I am learning the 1700s were hard! Especially as a woman. And vicious too. I had a few romantic episodes, with the marriage to Jamie, but now it's quickly gone crashing back to reality! I'm recording all of S7, so I'll watch it straight away after I've caught up with S1-6. I'm prepared for a long wait for S8, I've had to binge and wait on a couple of other shows I've heard about late in the game. As we're moving back to England next Spring, this time next year I should be over there, so it depends how/where it's available how I'll watch it. If it's weekly though I'll watch weekly, so I don't get spoiled mid-week. Btw FROM is good again this season, I don't think it's been cancelled but it feels like it's rushing to a conclusion now so it's possible this Sunday's is the series finale. You'll enjoy your binge .
| Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 7:19 pm
A tiny bit spoilery but not very specificy about the time travel on O:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Claire knows stuff about the 1700s history and there's something specific about her and Jamies's future in the 1700s that worries her and may affect her decisions and/or actions...but I have no memory of when this comes up...maybe s02 or s03-s06? I guess you'll have to wait and see. | Time travel on Supe was simple because it was mainly a one episode event every time. But I still ponder the finale of The Time Traveler's wife....with dozens(?) of Theo Jameses of varying ages that popped back in time simultaneously to witness the death of their mother.
| Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 11:27 pm
I've been wondering what she knows from history, and also what she could potentially change by her actions. Having heard from her original husband about the evil ancestor, she might know quite a lot, and some of it could be specific to the McKenzie clan, as they're the ones he's currently focused on. Which I think is what you're getting at in the spoiler box. And what if she creates more rivalry between the two groups and starts something that didn't previously happen? Even if we ignore the effect on history, it might reduce her own chance of going home, or she'd go home and her life could be completely different. Lots to think about. Also... they're having a lot of sex. I can't help wondering how long it will be before she's pregnant!
| Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 1:56 am
My sis was saying she couldn't wait to see their wedding night scene because Jamie was a virgin and I assumed the book was a lot more graphic then the tv episode! I didn't even pick up on the fact that he was a virgin in that scene until she told me that. BUT....Jamie made up for his late blooming pretty quickly.
| Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 10:47 am
Oh yes indeed, he's a quick learner .
| Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 2:09 pm
And they both practice a lot, too! 
| Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 4:17 pm
I have noticed that . But the inevitable has now happened, and she is pregnant. After two really traumatic episodes at the end of season 1 (prison, hangings, rape by evil Randall - I minimised the screen to the size where I could hardly see it, but the sound was still too much) I had to go straight to the first episode of s2 to wash it away. And then suddenly there's time travel stuff, after very little in S1. Kind of confusing as she's pregnant when she appears back in 1948, but also pregnant (with I think the same child) in France in 1744. I guess I will find out with time what's going on... Meanwhile in Supe-related watching world, I'm about halfway through the last (aired) season of Jared Padalecki's Walker, and a guest star over multiple episodes is Jake Abel. He's the actor who plays the Winchester boys' half brother Adam, that John W had with another woman. I liked him on that, and I like him now, he always has a fun spark in his eye.
| Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 5:09 pm
Looks like supe actor (Jarod) is using the pool of Supe actors from his old show...also from his home! His actual IRL wife is playing his fictional dead wife on the show.
| Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 6:20 pm
Yep, they definitely keep it in the family. Mitch Pileggi, who is the Winchester boys' maternal grandfather in Supe, is Walker's (Jared's) dad in this show too. And I've noticed Richard Speight Jr (the Trickster) is a director sometimes. It's a strange show (Walker). Walker (Jared) is a complete mess in it, and I presume it's intentional. He means well, but he's borderline manic at times, with his facial tics and his very long arms that just go everywhere and touch everything. Sometimes it's just delightful like an enthusiastic child and sometimes it makes me squirmily uncomfortable! I assume it's all an acting choice by Jared, but I wonder if it might be an extreme version of Jared himself, as I've seen convention clips of Misha or Jensen describing Jared as a whirlwind or chaotic or a naughty child. The character really does mean well though, which makes him very likeable, but often you just want to tell him to sit down, shut up and listen. It's an unusual choice for a main character to be so unconventionally flawed (i.e. it's not that he's got a temper, is a womaniser or the usual "hero" bad traits).
| Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - 3:55 pm
Sanfran, off topic but I'm at the end of Season 2 of Outlander now. Jamie was meant to be killed at the Battle of Culloden so sent Claire and foetus (second baby) back to the future to keep them safe, where after 20 years (with his 20 year old daughter) she's found out Jamie survived, and so wants to go back. After what seemed like almost no time travel in S1 (except the initial jump) S2 is full of it. After all their work to change the past, and all their information, nothing worked, and it seems there is no real Team Free Will there either. Obviously I am very much enjoying it . It really draws you in and I keep wanting to know what happens next. The subject matter is pretty difficult though, S1 until the last two episodes was basically a love story, now it's a love story in a war or at the very least in constant danger. One benefit of binging an established show is I know the main characters will still be alive five seasons later, or there'd have been a few more tears. Meanwhile I've just started watching the audio commentaries on my Supe dvds. Eric Kripke is pretty interesting in them, not so much Jensen and Jared, strangely. Kripke was really invested in the story, had been working on the scripts in various forms for 10 years, I think he said, before s1e1 went to pilot. I've only watched the S1 commentaries so far, and the S1 special features, which were a J&J special, something unmemorable and the gag reel. One thing that stuck in my mind that I hadn't considered, is that - as actors who in real life are not actually the characters(!) - when J&J watch scenes they think about the whole day of filming, not just what happens in the scene in situ in the episode as we see it. So one scene they were talking about in one of the commentaries, Jared said he's just so distracted by what he'd eaten that day, before filming, that he doesn't really have much to say about the scene itself. One thing I've wondered about, and haven't really wanted to think about too much in case it spoils the illusion, is how detached the actors are from some of these really emotional scenes they play. Guess I might find out as the commentaries go on through the series.
| Friday, June 30, 2023 - 3:26 pm
"she's found out Jamie survived, and so wants to go back." Okay, not really a spoiler, but a moment to be remembered... Jamie's reaction when he sees Claire for the first time since her departure was both surprising and perfect. I'm sure you're already aware that they would be back together sooner or later, since you already know that they still have a half dozen seasons of story to tell! The big surprise I had was the two decade time jump! On Supe, I loved the characters but I know the IRL versions of the Boys is different than Kripke's version but I do think their personalities were center stage and visible throughout all of Supe. It was so much more fun than watching TW with a solemn, always serious but never "fun" was a total downer. I like to watch Supe's endless blooper reels (They sure had fun messing with one another during a take!) Even though the bloopers are from Supe, the Boys showed us how much their IRL personalities (Boys will be boys) were very similar to that of their characters. The emotional scenes with with other show real talent. If I know too much about an actor, it can affect how I view their acting. I used to like Tom Cruise's films but discovered I just couldn't watch them anymore. All I see onscreen is the guy with the damaging views on anti-depressants and his condescending attitude when it comes to that fake religion "scientology". Maybe I just fall into that category from the saying, "Never meet your heroes". lol I never met them, but I didn't go digging around for gossip. Padalecki just didn't engage me on Walker...I think any decent actor could pull off that role. Ackles was a hoot on The Boys. I've often thought it was cool that we rarely, if ever, hear about those two in entertainment media. They seem to exist outside the Hollywood lifestyle of dodging paparazzi and trying to get through or suppress one scandal or another like so many other actors. Btw, none of this is based on your deep-dive on the Boys! if watching their commentaries on DVD can be called a "deep dive"! I just got on a roll and voila', stream of consciousness. "S1 until the last two episodes was basically a love story, now it's a love story in a war or at the very least in constant danger." As I recall, each season of Outlander seems to kind of build it's own world. Of course, I think each season is basically representing one book...although I'm sure there's some plot overlap. If you read the books after you finish the show, you might be going down a dark path of OutlanderFanism, like my sister! LOL I did learn a couple of things from O. "Kin" means "know". It's one show I must have subtitles on because trying to understand some fast talking Scot is like trying to understand what the gurgle in the drain is trying to say!
| Friday, June 30, 2023 - 11:55 pm
I'm the same with Tom Cruise, and some others. It just takes you out of the show/movie. And I also generally avoid seeing the human behind the character while I'm watching a show. With Supe though it helped, as - as you probably noticed! - I was so emotionally involved in the characters that I needed to detach, and seeing them as humans, and nice ones at that, helped get me over the series finale. Jensen seems to be somewhat of an enigma. I've noticed at conventions he often slips into the Dean character, and when, say, Misha wants to answer a serious question seriously, Jensen uses humour to avoid. He seems to control his image quite carefully, or maybe he's just a private person. I find Jared quite intriguing. He seems to spend a lot of energy trying to be the person he wants to be, and I think if he just accepted the really quite lovely person he already is he'd be a lot less anxious. He does seem to do or say the wrong thing at times, but he never means to harm, and seems to beat himself up a lot for it. I have quite a lot of affection for him (exacerbated by watching Walker, as he's an extreme version of what I see in Jared) because he just seems to try so hard at everything. And Misha's just this wondering, wandering nomad who wants to experience everything and make it all more harmonious. I've wittled down to a few favourite videos of them (outside of the shows) now, that I still watch, just to get my fix. These are my two favourite ones, and let's just say I have watched them or clips of them often. This one is from the S14 gag reel, when witch-altered Sam straddled Castiel, and Jared spent about 15 minutes torturing Misha while filming. What gets me the most is the look on Misha's face. I might be seeing what I want to see, but Misha just seems to treat Jared as a pesky younger brother, it's clear what Jared's doing hurts physically, but he loves Jared and loves seeing Jared happy, so he doesn't care about the pain. Plus Jared is hilarious in it. The second is the multitude of gifs that come from outtakes of the EW photoshoot near the end of S15 where they shake several bottles of champagne over each other. OK there is alcohol and they're emotional as it's a goodbye but the amount of love they have for each other is so evident it just warms me. Like this: or the gif here (just look at Misha's face!) There's also a good one somewhere where Jensen walks up to Jared to hug him and he actually goes on tiptoe to do it. Their completely unabashed affection for each other, and how carelessly they let us see it, is just so comforting in this upside down world. Sigh, Sanfran, I blame you for all this!
| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 10:54 am
I got carried away with Supe devotion and forgot to say what I wanted to say about Outlander! I was really disappointed at the 20 year time jump for Claire (although the episodes I've seen since have filled in some of the gaps) because of what it meant for Jamie. But at least they are showing the Jamie side more gradually. There are a few episodes or parts of episodes I've had real difficulty watching (and not having it come back to me at random moments) but since he's been in the prison after the war it's been really fascinating again. I'm mid S3 now and he's just left his son and the family of the nice red coat to go back to Scotland. I'm just hoping there won't be any more fighting... I'm not sure they could have had more perfect casting for Jamie. Everything about him is just right, even his voice. Yeah, thinking about it, maybe I can squeeze in another episode right now before lunch...
| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 1:50 pm
"Sigh, Sanfran, I blame you for all this!" All I did was offer you the heroin, you chose to partake in it. <Bwahahahaha> (Successfully matchmaking married English women with fictional characters since Dec 2022.)

| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 1:58 pm
Have you seen s03e06 yet?
| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 3:06 pm
I saw s03e05 before lunch, and it ended with Claire finding him, so of course I had to watch e06 too! Oh my! Not sure I've ever been as rapt in an episode before ! I'm still smiling .
| Saturday, July 01, 2023 - 4:09 pm
No one would've ever guessed that the big strong Jamie Fraser would faint when he looked up and saw his beloved Sassenach . Great moment in TV History.