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| Sunday, May 21, 2023 - 12:16 am
Call the Midwife. It is gentle, but very good.
| Sunday, May 21, 2023 - 8:13 am
Hi Christy, I love Call the Midwife, but I’m already up to date with it! Something else I keep meaning to post here… I read an interview with Jack actor, and he said he was told when he was hired that they needed someone for a big role to allow Jared and Jensen more time off. If you think about it, until Castiel arrived, and for 95% of the scenes afterwards, Dean and Sam were in every single scene, every episode, for 20+ episodes, every season! Getting Jack, and giving him scenes with Castiel, finally gave J&J some downtime. Can’t think of any other show that has had just one or two leads like that for anywhere near as long. All the long running shows I can think of have been a group cast, often changing.
| Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 9:59 pm
I succumbed to the pull of Gotham Knights with Misha Collins, mostly due to the buzz on twitter about his Two Face portrayal. They are amazed at how he transforms so completely from good Harvey Dent to crazy/evil Two Face. Of course Supe fans saw a bit of that when Castiel was Lucifer, so I don't think it's going to surprise me. The episodes are free on (but with adverts), and some are still on demand. The finale on tv is next Tuesday night. I've only watched two episodes so far, but there are only 10 overall. It's a bit like Batman The Next Generation, it's very CW but quite dark themes (as it's Gotham). Still not sure it's my thing but... Misha. I'm guessing CW will announce whether that or Superman and Lois gets renewed next week, after their finales. There's still a lot of twitter talk about renewing The Winchesters but no idea if it will happen. The Supe guys really do have a HUGE number of fans on twitter, I've seen #SaveTheWinchesters and #Jensen trending often, and tonight #Misha is (not #TwoFace, which is more what you'd expect if it came from people watching Gotham Knights who didn't know Misha by name).
| Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 8:58 am
Re the above, this morning "Castifer" is trending! So seems like the Supe army are relating Misha's Harvey Dent/Two Face switch to Castiel/Lucifer. And at the same time I see a tvline article saying Gotham Knights "eyes audience low." Unless the Supe enthusiasm actually translates to viewership, CW aren't going to care.
| Friday, June 02, 2023 - 8:15 pm
The Winchesters has officially not found a new home, they shopped it around but no takers, so S2 is definitely not happening. No decision on Misha's Gotham Knights yet, there are still a couple of episodes yet to air. I'm watching now, got caught up, and I don't mind it. It's all a bit dark (it is Gotham) but a few of the kids are good characters, particularly the girl who's meant to be the Joker's daughter. Misha as Harvey Dent seems to be the only adult who has a major role, it's definitely a teenage show. He is exceptionally good as the bad version of the character, and the twitter people who got "Castifer" trending were pretty spot on, he's a lot like when Castiel had Lucifer in him. I think the big Two-Face reveal will be in the finale, so all that prep for nothing if it's not renewed. Meanwhile the real Misha is in Ukraine right now, he met with Zelensky while promoting the U24 charity.
From Misha's twitter, I'm mid S2 on Jared's Walker (S3 is the season that's just aired, and it's been renewed for S4). I really enjoy it, it's quite a simple show so very watchable, all the stories you think are going to be big arcs get resolved within the episode, at most two episodes. It is very hard to believe Jared as a hothead though, which is his backstory on this. He's just too sweet. His kids on the show are totally adorable too. So it's easy viewing. it's possible I still watch Dean and/or Sam and/or Castiel or even Jensen and/or Jared and/or Misha hugging gifs when I'm stressed, to help relax, but don't tell anyone .
| Saturday, June 03, 2023 - 2:59 pm
Well, I recently started bingeing (rewatching) "Preacher" starring Dominic Cooper and Ruth Negga. Did you ever see it? I've seen the whole thing like I did ep a week. It ended in 2019 after four seasons. (Supe ended in 2020). Anyhow, when P started getting more complicated (as in "GOOD" complicated, not bad) I started to see a lot of similarities to Supe! I never noticed that before....but then again I never binged both of them back to back before... Preacher has a plot that includes rebellious angels, and a war in heaven, and guess what?....god is missing. He left without explanation. But wait, there's more...souls are being taken and given to others, and Preacher even has vampires! Dominic is sort of like The Winchester boys on Supe...fighting the good fight from his pulpit based on a promise to his dead daddy (also a preacher), and guess what...he is reluctantly pulled into a "save the world" situation and he has to wing it. Does any of that sound familiar? Of course, Supe at least made perfect sense...after putting aside one's disbelief of magic and/or heavenly creatures. Preacher gets really "out there" but in a wonderful and violently fun way! (You should understand that if you like Supe). Oh yeah, hell is featured in Supe and P....but one scene in hell reminded me of Supe's heaven...individuals in their own personal hells reliving their worst moments...and their rooms are in a long hallway. I haven't seen any archangels, but there is a Saint...and oh yeah, there is a hybrid angel/demon! Just thought I'd let you know where Ive been....I'm flying through these eps like a bat outta hell! Literally! (kinda of). 
| Saturday, June 03, 2023 - 6:19 pm
I watched the first season, and really enjoyed it, but I think I only watched part of S2 as it got really manic with some drunken Northern guy after a while and I couldn't cope! I remember you liking it at the time, but me not being able to keep with it. I can't remember much of the story, perhaps it hadn't matured by the time I stopped watching, I think it was beginning to get complicated around when I stopped. Looks like it's on Hulu, which I don't get. Might be one to try again when I'm in the UK, as it's on Prime Video there. But I am always interested in what you're watching.
Hubby and I are finishing a couple of the short season shows on Netflix, and then are going to rewatch Eureka. I think I've only see it once, when it was on tv, but maybe I've rewatched it once, I'm not sure. Anyway, I remember the first two or three seasons being very good, then maybe going down hill a bit.
| Saturday, June 03, 2023 - 7:02 pm
"I think I only watched part of S2 as it got really manic with some drunken Northern guy " A "northern guy"? Do you mean north of England, as in Cassidy, the drunken vampire from Ireland? Or Herr Starr the German guy in a white suit and a rheumy right eye? Or maybe Hitler, who shows up in season 2? But he isn't a drunk. After my post above I found the Preacher thread and read it...only two pages of comments! I was thinking how P would've driven you nuts. It is totally bizarre but it does unfold a coherent story that makes sense in a "Preacher" kind of way....BUT it is irrevocably UNPREDICTABLE. That means you just can't watch it like you rewatched Supe. On Supe they would do something and one could guess what might happen or why something happened. On P, when something happens it may look totally out of context and appear meaningless and unguessable. However the purpose of <whatever> would reveal itself in a few more eps or even the following season. You'd have to just take the bizarre for what it is and avoid trying to figure it out. It can't be figured out...It just can't. Ya gotta just ride the rollercaster even though when you into the distance you don't recognize the world you see because it isn't what you saw when you got into your seat. In other words, you'd need to embrace the surrealness of it and forget about what it might mean...until it jumps up and embraces you back later on! 
| Saturday, June 03, 2023 - 8:25 pm
The drunken vampire from Ireland! Last episode I saw I think he was shut it a sealed room and going completely crazy and my brain just couldn't cope with him! I've found binging - even if not as quickly as we binged Supe - really suits me, and I'm okay or even happy with things I gave up on with first watch. I am terrible with remembering who's who, and with names, until they're really drummed into me, and binging helps that so I tie a lot more things together and don't get so frustrated. But if you say Preacher would have driven me nuts you are probably right!! I do like to know what is going on as I watch it, or at least know an answer is coming soon, and above all chaos and unpredictable people make me on edge. So maybe it isn't one I'll give another try to .
| Saturday, June 03, 2023 - 9:22 pm
"The drunken vampire from Ireland! Last episode I saw I think he was shut it a sealed room and going completely crazy and my brain just couldn't cope with him! " He got better by the next episode. Then they went to New Orleans and stayed with his pal, Denis, an old grumpy man that must've been in his late 70s....and it turns out that Denis was Cassidy's son! (Cass became a vampire in 1901)....and his son finally talked Cass into turning him. Dumb idea. See how everything makes sense when you just accept the nonsense part? Well, Jesse (the Preacher) has now met the messiah and it was a bit of a surprise. Apparently Jesus fathered a child before he died and ever since then a religious group (that now secretly runs the world) has been preserving his bloodline over the ages (via inbreeding and cloning, I believe)...and today's version of J is a bit less than ideal...he has big buck teeth and he goes by the name of "Humperdo" and like to perform modern dance...and hump the legs of people who happen to be standing nearby. It's hard to discuss this show without sounding sacrilegious because this show has a decidedly sacrilegious POV. each his own! Besides, it all in fun. I'm almost done with season 2 (of 4) and I know that S03 features Betty Buckley as Jesse's evil witch grandma....can't wait, cuz she is BAD. If you're interested....I found Preacher on the same episode Guide and Recap site that has Supernatural. It's here: I haven't really looked at it...I wonder how well it translates a bizarro-show such as P into something that comes close to concise and logical...?
| Sunday, June 04, 2023 - 12:31 pm
The episode summaries are very short. I do remember Tulip turning up and it getting more complicated. I also remember Eugene and what I think was the name they called him. The imagination people have to create these type of stories always amazes me. The out of box thinking and just plain weirdness that goes on in people's brains! An inbred buck-toothed Humperdo is just perfect. And a bit of sacrilege never did anyone no harm . I randomly came across something the other day that was talking about angels in the bible (or whatever lore it was) traditionally being creatures that terrified people, but over the years they have been sanitised and made beautiful for people's consumption. I think they mentioned that in Supe at the beginning too. If humans were made in god's image then they have to follow that god and all the other things he supposedly created are flawed too.
| Sunday, June 04, 2023 - 1:36 pm
"talking about angels in the bible (or whatever lore it was) traditionally being creatures that terrified people, but over the years they have been sanitised and made beautiful for people's consumption.? the story of Sleeping Beauty: [There are several versions, so here's two different ones] How does the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty differ from the original? <snip> "If you go to previous versions of the folktale the story gets even darker, retains most elements, like an evil fairy putting a curse on the princess that wil die when she prickles her finger with something, the good fairy that changes the curse to a deep sleep instead… but the main difference is that in several of those versions while the prince does fall in love with her, she doesn’t wake up with the kiss… instead the prince actually marries her, consumates the marriage, she gets pregnant and have twins, all while still in deep sleep. The actually doesn’t wake up until one point when one of the twins puts her mouth in her finger [Should be "finger in her mouth" lol] instead of her breast to nurse, and while sucking pulls out whatever it was she prickled her finger on and she wakes up. The Brothers Grimm also made a version called Little Briar Rose which ends like the disney one (but retains other elements of the perrault story), ending when the sleeping beauty, named Rosamund in this version. Basile’s version was called Sun, Moon and Talia, with Talia being the name of the sleeping beauty and Sun and Moon the names of her children. There are no wheels or fairies in this version, the King learns from an astrologer that his daughter will die from a splinter of flax, which later turns out to be a deep sleep (of course). This one goes back to the original tale, Talia’s father goes away because he couldn’t bear seeing his daughter like that and is never seen again, another king wanders to the castle, sees Talia, and, well, as the story put it, “gathers the first fruits of love” and leaves. Talia gets pregnant, gives birth to twins, one of the twins suck the flax splinter out of her finger and she wakes up with no idea what happened. Eventually the king returns, and to make a long story short, he tells her what happened, fall in love, and the king returns to his kingdom where his wife the Queen finds out about the twins, kidnap them and orders the cook to cook them and serve it to the King, but he prepares lambs instead and hide the babies. The Queen then brings Talia to the kindgom intending to burn her in a stake, the king finds out, and the Queen is the one burned into the stake instead. The King rewards the cook, marries Talia and they live happily ever after. So we have rape resulting in pregnancy, the girl falling in love and marrying her rapist, infidelity resulting in attempted infanticide and murder… not exactly the type of story Disney would tell.. " ------ Makes me wonder what the original story of Supernatural was! Actually, I know that. Originally Supe was based on the MOTW format with two brothers, going from town to town and finding/killing monsters...this is pretty much the plot of the old series, "Route 66", only it was "adventure" they found on 66, not "monsters". But, as Supe went along they just started getting more and more creative and the boys' relationship became more and more the center of their universe until the magic happened and it became what we saw - a huge, epic, serialized story. Yay for them! And Yay for us!
| Sunday, June 04, 2023 - 2:52 pm
What's worse than raping an unconscious woman... raping an unconscious woman and then eating her babies! I guess the original version weren't intended as bedtime stories . Yay for us indeed! The magic most definitely happened. :wistful sigh:
| Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 9:42 pm
The Walker I watched tonight, S2E14, had this oddly titles caption: "Cordell and the Walker family carry on with a day at the Rangers fair, but it's not all fun and games when Cassie runs into familiar faces from her past" and during it there was a concert, and the live band was Kansas, singing "Carry on my Wayward Son!" They sounded pretty good too, seeing as the original was from 45 years earlier!!
| Monday, June 12, 2023 - 12:27 pm
LOL I had to reread your post several times before I understood what you were talking about! At first I thought "why is she talking about the TWD in the Supe thread?" Then I picked up on "carry on" only to me, it was a reference to Fear of the Walking Dead where the Padre folks refer to walkers as "carrion". I thought it was something about how "carrion" could be construed with "Carry on" my Wayward Son, but I didn't connect that with the song or any connection to Supe. It hit me when I Finally connected the reference to the song played so many times in Supe and that "Sammy" is now on "Walker" a show that is "walker free" like every other non-zombie show. There were so many references among Supe, TWD, and Walker that I guess I just got dizzy trying to decrypt a post that was actually as clear as day. Yes, I am getting old. 
| Monday, June 12, 2023 - 3:02 pm
There are quite a few little things I see on the shows I'm watching with ex-Supe people, that I often think ~I should tell Sanfran!~ but then I don't because you'd think I was crazily obsessed with Supernatural and anyone in it and we all know that isn't true . So sometimes when I do actually post I'm already mid-conversation with you in my head, just I haven't actually had the first part of the conversation with you, so my post starts halfway in! Like this lunchtime was e10 of Misha Collins' "Roadfood" on PBS, where he goes around the country eating local cuisine. The person he visited in South Louisiana runs the Rougarou Fest. If you remember from Supe, rougarou are vampiry type things who eat humans, and according to the man Misha spoke to, when they were kids in LA, the rougarou was basically the local bogeyman, who parents used to keep their kids in check ("be good or the rougarou will come and get you!"). Hence the Rougarou Fest. So of course Misha had to go visit the rougarou guy . I don't think anyone could escape from Jared as Walker as a walker, there would be nowhere to hide from his long splaying arms.
| Monday, June 12, 2023 - 7:25 pm
And talking of Misha... the CW have just announced his Gotham Knights has been cancelled.
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 1:54 am
"There are quite a few little things I see on the shows I'm watching with ex-Supe people, that I often think ~I should tell Sanfran!~ but then I don't because you'd think I was crazily obsessed with Supernatural" Well, since I don't watch Walker or anything Misha is on, a lot of the things you find would be totally lost on me! Just remember that everyone is crazily obsessed with something so no worries there. (Besides, I already know how obsessed you are with Supernatural, but that just seems normal to me. ) I think those Supe guys understand how their fans just love connections and surprise supe easter eggs all over the place. They're a bunch of nerds that love to mess with us! They probably drop easter eggs everywhere they go... LOL
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 2:06 am
Btw, I'm really happy that you jumped on the Supe train with me. I never expected to prod someone to take the time to watch 327 hours of a TV show with me and actually get a "Yes"! I'm so glad I was able to help create another supernut. LOL
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 8:09 am
I’m so happy you did!! I assure you the pleasure was all mine .
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 1:00 pm
Thank you. It's always great to give someone a free (neither of us had to pay for it!) gift that was a huge success. The last time I accomplished that was a gift to my sister. I spent 3 years trying to get my sister to check out the series Outlander. My mistake was telling her it involved time travel...I'm sure she thought of some big sci-fi production, a genre she's really not into. I'd try to explain it wasn't like that but her mind was closed to the idea. She's a big reader (book club with wine included) and she used a I finally had the idea to get her the ebook from Amazon. (She had previously given me an Amazon gift certificate so it was still "free" to me. ) Anyhow, she got it and thanked me but didn't bother checking it out for months while she bought and read other books. I practically harangued her about it until she finally checked it out. I believe she expected to not like it and give up on it after a few pages or maybe a chapter, but she didn't. She was hooked immediately. She devoured like a starving man who was given a hot Big Mac in his hands! She read the book twice. They read it in her book club, too. I told her there was a whole series of book and after our phone call, she ordered the ebooks for all of them, which she read immediately. After reading all the books she finally found the tv series (Blu-ray or a streaming service) and watched all three seasons of the series that she missed back when I was begging her to give it a try. Nope, this story isn't over. She has now visited Scotland twice, the second time with my other sister. And she's going back for more...she and my other sis are going back and this time she said they would do the Outlander Tour. I guess there's a bus that takes them around to places in or referenced the series. She's already visited the castle that "Claire" visited in her "present day" (1940s) in season one. But wait, there's more! She's been doing some research regarding our genealogy. Guess what. I'm related to a Scottish king! It's supposed to be a bit shameful but it didn't bother me. Some great great (a bunch of "greats" but I don't remember how many) grandmother...or maybe it was her sister...was a maid for some royal family a million years ago and she had a dalliance with the king that resulted in a baby that has a branch in my family tree. That baby was never recognized by the royal family more than being the b*****d child of the king. So alas, I'll never inherit a castle or title or anything. But I did get a fun story! I think this is WAY off topic for this thread because as far as I know, there are no demons in my family tree...well except for a cousin I had but he died in prison. I guess the point of this story is that it's great when you give a free gift to someone and it turns into a major slice of that person's life pie. ....and then Sammy and Dean drove down the road in Baby towards their next Supernatural adventure... (I guess it wasn't totally off topic after all!)

| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 3:23 pm
That's quite something that you can create that amount of joy and life experience from a book!! Even if it did take a little extra nudging to get there! I'm not surprised at all she fell in love with Scotland, it's impossible not to. What a shame you're not co-owner of a castle or a little prince, that would have really topped it all! It is funny how certain subjects, or certain relationships in books or tv can really affect you. Just hit that special place at the right time. Like Sam and Dean <-- see, also on topic . ::immediately puts the Outlander books on her reading list::
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 4:17 pm
Have you not seen Outlander...or have you just not read the books? Or both??
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 6:30 pm
Both/neither... haven't seen or read them. It sounded like it had lots of Game of Thrones type violence and I don't like believable gory stuff and especially not knives. But if you recommend them I'm probably going to like them... and I could probably manage the book easier than the show as words are easier to ignore than pictures.
| Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 8:43 pm
Uh oh. I have a feeling that I have just created another "outland-ish" fan! Yes it has some violence but, like Supernatural, there's nothing but heart when it comes to the core story...the love between the two main characters, Jamie and Claire. Also there is MUCH MUCH less violence than Supernatural. Supe had maybe a beheading and several sword kills per ep but Outlander is nothing like that. The violence is pretty much connected to the revolutionary war. Just don't get too worked up when the Scotts insult the Britts. It's a love story first and foremost...and it's one that not even time can touch even though time really tries hard to do so over decades. I KNOW you'll like LOVE this one. I think there are 8 (or more) books and about 6 seasons so far. Season 7 starts on the 16th of this month and the final season is season 8 that airs in 2024. Oh yeah, my sister tells me that season 1 of the series pretty much follows book 1, and so on, although there are some differences and overlap like any film adaption of a book. I'll give you a heads up for something if you turn into my might want to get a t-shirt I saw at Amazon. It says "All I do is watch Outlander and make chocolate chip cookies". Oh yeah. that episode guide also has Outlander in it, but I didn't see recaps in the couple of eps I checked. I guess Supe fans are just more enthused...of course, they had close to a decade longer to build enthusiasm!