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| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 12:48 pm
I just watched e21. Did not enjoy the brief foray into dead Sammy. Lucifer is going to get to Jack one way or another, so I am not too bothered about him being there now (especially as he saved Sammy). That might be unwise of me, lol, but it's up to Jack what happens with Lucifer now. Yeah, chance of me not watching the final two episodes later this afternoon is pretty much zero at this point .
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 4:03 pm
Have a cocktail ready for when you finish. 
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 5:47 pm
I'm going to need more than one. Ok, that was bad. Very bad. And it's not even clear what Michael-Dean is going to do. Or why he needs to do it. He's the most powerful being in the world, why would he destroy it and make it some hellscape like Apocalypse World? They're all just at his whim now. So many almost deads in this episode. I spent a lot of it fearing what damage Jack was about to do, he seemed so close to snapping so much of the time. And Castiel just seemed so impotent, I wanted him to guide Jack but he seemed to just miss what was happening. Sam and Jack, the only option was to fight over who would sacrifice themselves, at least Michael-Dean stopped that, I did think Jack was going to be gone almost as soon as we got him. And Lucifer better be permanently dead now. The good side is human Jack is probably the best option. Not so dangerous. Just angst. And they have a big team to get Dean back. But stepping out of the show, OMG Dean looked mighty fine in that final scene. I generally appreciate his looks, lol, but his personalty just makes me want to cuddle him. Whatever that ~I am God~ attitude at the end was it gave me a hot flash.
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 8:42 pm
" He's the most powerful being in the world, why would he destroy it and make it some hellscape like Apocalypse World?" I wouldn't call him Michael-Dean because Dean's locked in the basement. This is just Michael's doing. Adding Dean's name to M's kind of minimizes Dean and his altruistic efforts. All he did was take a risk because they were all so desperate. and when you look at it objectively, it paid off...they got rid of Lucifer for good (hopefully)....and that may've saved Jack as a result. I think Dean will be able to find ways to sabotage his intruder....we've seen a lot of that in Supe....a vessel's true owner sometimes breaks through for a few minutes here and there. The ep's highlight lasted such a short time. When Dean showed up and stood there tall and proud with those magnificent wings stretching out, it was exhilarating and then he ganked the Devil! I wanted to hear and see Cheers! Confetti! Trumpets blasting and music welling up...but before you know it, Michael is being a typical a******-ngel and stealing Dean's "perfect" vessel that would last forever. I knew that HAD to happen because you can never trust an angel, especially one as duplicitous as M. but still, that's when my heart sank. Do you see why I needed a break? We must assume this won't get resolved in the premiere of s14....heck it might take all season! It's just such a roller coaster! We got what we've all been wanting since we first met Lucifer ("years" ago in original airtime) and now Lucifer's gone (Yay!) but replaced with someone even more cunning and selfish and relentless. "He's the most powerful being in the world" I don't really think so. I think Jack is! They've said that a nephilim is more powerful than the angel who sired him. Lucifer was an archangel just as Michael is, so Jack must be more powerful than Michael. Jack just has to learn what needs to be done, what he can now do, and how to balance his power with his emotions. Jack still has some growing up to do....he may have super "latent" power that he doesn't even realize is there or. Talk about teen angst! Gee, only 2 seasons to go! I really wish Dean had at least gotten at least a whole episode or two with those wings and got to do a lot of do-gooding all over the place before he was kidnapped and stuffed in the trunk of his own head. S14 could be Dean fighting for control for a long time. I really don't remember! I'm surprised I didn't remember the arrival of the majestic WingDeanMan! Cheers! <clink>
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 10:46 pm
I couldn't decide between Dean-Michael, or Michael-Dean, but just calling him Michael didn't express the horror of Dean being trapped inside him. But otherwise I agree, that Dean just isn't in there right now. And boy did he look sure of himself! Like he could just do whatever he wanted. I bet the set designers put so much effort into angel-Dean, and he looked so splendid, and you're right, one second and then it was over. I wasn't sure about the choice to actually have him and Lucifer fly at each other, you just can't put people on wires and have it look right, but it did the job! I don't know what powers Jack now has. When Castiel had his grace stolen, wasn't he essentially just human? That was when he first had to eat and drink and sleep and everything. I was hoping as Lucifer died somehow Jack's grace could go back to him, but that didn't seem to happen. So without it, Sam and Jack are just human/hunters, although they now have Mary, Bobby and Charlie to help them, plus a Castiel without wings, and Rowena if she wants to play with them. Not even a demon! No match for Michael unless Rowena's spells and new strength can help Dean break out from within. Yep, this could go on all of next season. I can't see how Michael's going to give up Dean's vessel. And with so few angels left it's not going to be easy to find another vessel that's strong enough. If only Crowley were still there he and Rowena could maybe lock him in the box with the original Michael but they'd have to make sure Dean doesn't go with him. I'm sad we won't get Sam and Dean together for a bit, or at least in a good way. I have some simmering anxiety(!) about this all ending and I at least want as many episodes as there can be of them close and happy(ish) before then! And yes, they get us so close to a happy ending, with everyone saved, even getting Bobby and Charlie back and then oops, no, back to almost the end of the world again. Just one more second of smiting of Michael by Lucifer and this all could have been avoided!! I might catch up on some other tv tomorrow, but I will probably start s14 on Thursday. Are you ready to go again!?
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 11:35 pm
" I was hoping as Lucifer died somehow Jack's grace" We've never seen grace just going back home on it's own, but we did see Luci not resting...he was using up Gabe's grace like crazy and now he's toast! BURNT toast!! HOO-YAH! I think when one angel takes grace from another angel, it's like keeps them going for awhile but it eventually gets used up like gasoline in a car....or maybe a thieving angel syphons some (or all) of it out! I've heard from different angels that if you lose your grace you need to rest and heal until you build it back up...I guess sort of like if you lose a lot of blood it takes a time for your body to manufacture more. Oh yeah and if the angel is damaged it takes a lot longer to replenish their own grace. "I don't know what powers Jack now has." I don't think Jack does either. He did miss Cas and wished he'd return...and suddenly Cas is back from a place that Billie said, "no one EVER comes back from". Yes, I'll be watching Supe again very soon....I still have couple of eps to finish of something else first. Who knows? If I start S14 tomorrow I might slip into power-binge mode and be finished by Friday!
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 2:35 am
Is this who you think Jack looks like?
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 9:05 am
He definitely looks like a cross between those two, but it’s the slanty mouth, slightly open that’s bugging me, I’m sure someone else has it but I can’t think who. The top of their face might look nothing like him. I keep almost getting it then I lose it again! Jack might be able to regrow his grace, it would be a good way for him to gradually learn and control his powers (and emotions) as they redevelop. But Cass seemed in such difficulty when he lost his, I’m thinking they won’t make it easy for Jack.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 12:46 pm
Well I was going to not.... but then I did! I've watched S14E01 and E02! Spoiler you shouldn't mind reading: Sammy has a beard!
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 1:15 pm
I'm pretty sure my mouth recognition thing with Jack is Skeet Ulrich, in his Scream days. Not the top of the face, but the mouth. This pic isn't so sneery, but sometimes he did the lopsided thing too.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 2:16 pm
"Well I was going to not.... but then I did! I've watched S14E01 and E02!" Ditto. (last night) Yes, they mentioned that Jack's grace would replenish after awhile. I guess that's why I was so unconcerned about Jack losing it. I was surprised at the end of ep2. Michael just left Dean with no explanation? That moment seemed a little bit familiar, but I wasn't expecting it. I have no idea if it's a trick or not. At first I thought M intended to build himself a monstersuit, but then our hunters did kill a bar full of werewolves with grace using a non-magical machete' because angel blades didn't work. I guess M just wants to build a monster army. Still, I can't imagine this Dean/M roommate situation is totally over...maybe he wants to use Dean as his summer home. LOL If it's all real, then the good news (aside from Dean being "just Dean" again) is that I'd assume he now knows all of M's secrets, plans and strategies. I don't know about the full beard on Sammy....I liked the scruff look. (I think the same about Dean...even though in general, I am pro-beard for myself and most others.) I won't hold it against him though. Sammy just looks more haggard and older than he really is with the beard, but that might just be his acting as a worried, working-too-hard, not-getting-enough-sleep hunter. It was pretty obvious he's a great leader even though his brother wasn't around as evidenced by the wolf bar fight...once Sammy ganked the wannabe hell-king, all the other demons smoked themselves! Oh yeah...we learned something else that I never knew...the angel blade was designed to not kill the meatsuit when it kills an angel...provided the meatsuit is still alive (unlike Cas's). I found it hard to take the Dean/M situation seriously because when M spoke via Dean's mouth, he had that soft, kind sounding voice that was devoid of emotion and expression. Dean talking without emotion/expressions is just weird. Dean is is usually a pretty animated talker.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 2:26 pm
"I'm pretty sure my mouth recognition thing with Jack is Skeet Ulrich, in his Scream days." I can kind of see it if I look for it, but it doesn't jump out at me as similar to Jack. So Skeet Ulrich was in the movie Scream. Did you know that Alex was in the TV series, Scream?
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 2:59 pm
I didn't know he was in the tv series, no! I watched it, but I don't remember him, wouldn't remember any of the cast (by sight) I don't think. It's the mouth, not much else, that makes me think of Skeet. "Ditto. (last night) " Yey!! I have lots of words and I might not remember them by tomorrow! Although you summarised most of them! Yep Jack's grace should come back, but it looks like it will be slowly. They said it was three weeks after Dean left, and no sign of it yet. It gave a chance for there to be some sweet Cass-Jack moments though , and if he learns as the powers reappear it might be easier for him than if he had to always pull back on their full force. That Jack is such an emotive actor, you could feel every thought of his when he was with Kelly's parents. And he's right that if they can't save Dean they have to kill Michael, as awful as that is, and Castiel would have thought the same not too long ago. I hope Jack stays good. Yeah, I don't know that that's Dean. Michael did say he'd set a trap, so did he mean the werewolves, or does he want to just listen to what Sam and team will do for a bit, hiding in the background of Dean's mind? But he's already decided humans (and angels) aren't worth worrying about, so why would he waste time on Sam? I think it's safe to assume Michael is in there somewhere and all is not well. And is that all of the suped up werewolves that Michael sent to be killed, and he just made a few for proof of concept? If he has actually left Dean I'm guessing he is in that head werewolf's body. I like Sam taking charge, and that the demons understood it, and respected it as much as demons can. Must be strange to be the younger brother but more naturally the leader. Really, despite his mistakes, Sam's been the voice of reason all along. It's been such a respectful relationship, with Sam letting Dean be Dean but with Dean also mostly able to take on what his younger brother says. I prefer the scruff look too. (Although clean shaven Dean is quite a treat!). "Oh yeah...we learned something else that I never knew...the angel blade was designed to not kill the meatsuit when it kills an angel...provided the meatsuit is still alive (unlike Cas's)." That bit of exposition was so there to tell us they can stab Michael and Dean can live! On Dean's voice when Michael, for a while he was really channeling Brad Pitt, when he was Louis in Interview with the Vampire. Same cadence, similar light New Orleans accent. Then after a while he dropped that and was just more soft spoken. And at one point he even gave a Dean kind of wink! It was a bit distracting. Nick. I could tell from the beginning that Nick was going to be trouble. Kind of a good reminder (in Supe world) that humans don't necessarily have to be good people, every time someone frees a vessel it doesn't mean that a totally innocent life can reform, like it would be with Jimmy Novak. And when Nick snapped his fingers!!!!!! I gasped! Maybe Nick's journey will end with this tale of revenge (presumably that neighbour was actually the killer) but I think even if he's not going to re-become Lucifer, he's going to be a problem the gang will feel is their responsibility to manage. And is there a spark between Bobby and Mary?! 
| Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 8:47 pm
"he was really channeling Brad Pitt, when he was Louis in Interview with the Vampire." Exactly! I tried to think of someone with that voice to use as an example and couldn' hit the nail on the head! Sidebar - A friend of mine bent the tubes for the neon sign on the hotel in IWAV....he just happened to work in the neon sign place that the studio ordered the sign from. "Nick. I could tell from the beginning that Nick was going to be trouble." Hmmm...I said Jack was the strongest of the two, but then Luci took Jack's grace which probably made Luci the strongest of them all....Maybe Luci's death in fire from WingDeanMan just resulted in a coma and he's dormant in Nick's head for a bit. Ya never know with angels and monsters. "That bit of exposition was so there to tell us they can stab Michael and Dean can live!" I must be losing it....that is SO obvious and it never even occurred to me a teeny tiny bit! So now's there's a obvious and literal "out" for Dean. Waitaminute. It just occurred to me...what if Nick was a serial killer pre-possession? Maybe his behavior is who he really is? Maybe he has MPD... "But he's already decided humans (and angels) aren't worth worrying about, so why would he waste time on Sam? " If M said it out loud, he's probably just lying to manipulate someone. Never trust an angel except for Cas. M is such an assbutt! I thought M might want to create a monstersuit for himself with his experiments, but why? He already has the "perfect" vessel. Why would M trade that in to wear a nasty old wolf? They are the most unsophisticated of the monsters genus (IMHO) and besides. why would M wanna get fleas and smell like dog? I think he's just trying to build a "monstarmy" so he can sit in a throne and order all his stupid worshipers around and eat bon-bons. "And is there a spark between Bobby and Mary?!" Not unless they're sitting around a campfire. 
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 11:21 am
I don't know on Bobby and Mary, I think they're hinting at something! With Nick, it makes sense that Lucifer would choose someone bad to jump into, they're more likely to say yes, and more likely to be amenable to Lucifer's actions (not that they'd have much choice). I know Nick said yes because he was grieving, but still, a more ~good~ person might have still said no to the devil... I've watched e3, and e4 seems like a MOTW, so I'm watching that now. I'm guessing you have, but if not DON'T READ further than here until you have! E3, so we find another way Michael can be injured, and a possible reason why Michael left Dean (or is suppressed), because alt-Kaia's spear damaged him somehow. And it does seem like Michael is creating a monstarmy, and if he's still sending the monsters after Kaia, he must actually now be in a different vessel to give orders. Unless they're following old orders from before Dean took back over. But it's a mystery why he would leave an, as you say, perfect vessel like Dean, so I still mostly think he's in Dean somewhere. Seems like Nick's power right now is thinking outside the box. He's got real teen emotions! Just needs to know Cass is proud of him. E4, Sam shaved . In the comic book/monster store, Sam is wearing a pocket protector!!! I've only heard about those, didn't know you could still find them! Dig Dean's insurance adjustor jacket!
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 3:35 pm
Okay....I have watched ep1-ep6 "I don't know on Bobby and Mary, I think they're hinting at something! :-) :-)" Looks like you may be right. I don't like it....for no legitimate reason other than, to me, it just feels wrong and shark-jumpy. I wouldn't mind if Bobby and Mary found mates, but I just don't see them together. It would be like Angie Dickinson ("Police Woman") hooking up with Barney Fife ("The Andy Griffith Show"). LOL Hopefully, the fact that I have no memory of them hooking up might mean they don't. "But it's a mystery why he would leave an, as you say, perfect vessel like Dean, so I still mostly think he's in Dean somewhere." As *I* say? I found the answer that explains why I said what I said. I was sure they'd said Dean was the perfect vessel for Michael at some point but couldn't remember when or why. I also wondered if I confused it with the Sammy/Gadreel possession or something. So I googled and found this (mostly unread) article: 25 Days of Dean-mas Day 7: What made Dean the perfect vessel for Michael? by Alexandria Ingham In Supernatural Season 5, we learn that Dean is the Michael Sword, the perfect vessel for the archangel. Just why is that the case? What were the hints? "Supernatural‘s first five seasons built up to the big ending...." continued... ----------- I stopped reading after the first line of the article...that line looked like it might get very spoilery. "Seems like Nick's power right now is thinking outside the box." Can I safely assume you meant to say "Jack's" instead of "Nick's"? If not, what the heck are you talking about? "E4, Sam shaved" Both Dean and I are happy with Sammy's correct decision. 
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 3:51 pm
"But it's a mystery why he would leave an, as you say, perfect vessel like Dean, so I still mostly think he's in Dean somewhere. " I was wondering that, but remembered when Dean returned that neither Cas or Jack felt the presence of Micheal...and don't angels always recognize when there's an angel in a vessel? They've talked about how angels could track Jack when he was out and about. But there is also the fact Jack hugged him but Cas didn't. Do angels need to touch someone to learn that's a meatsuit with an angel in it? Whatever the situation is, it'll become clear when they think we need to know. And I think that must be coming before long...there have been a few shows in a row that were mostly MOTW.
| Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 4:52 pm
I agree, Bobby and Mary seems like a push, but I did sense that's where they were going. I suppose we could say that we don't know what happened those few weeks(?longer?) they were in the Alt-world, maybe something dramatic pulled them together, and only being outside in the safe(r) world did they try it out. Whatever "it" is, I haven't seen that yet. I can imagine Dean is going to be amusing about it. I remember Dean was Michael's perfect vessel - his blade - from when Sam was Lucifer's. But I do admit I thought you were making a pun with that and a more personal observation ;). "Seems like Nick's power right now is thinking outside the box." Can I safely assume you meant to say "Jack's" instead of "Nick's"? If not, what the heck are you talking about? :-) Arg yes, I meant to say "Jack's!" Because of him realising the necklace linked the girl to the dead witch when nobody else did. Cas did touch Dean later, when he tried to read his thoughts to see what happened when Michael was in him. But I don't know if he would be able to sense Michael in there otherwise. Alt-Kaia also said that she could tell Dean was "weaker," when Dean told her Michael wasn't in him anymore. Although I suppose weaker doesn't preclude Michael being there, weak and trying to strengthen. I'll watch e5 tomorrow morning, then probably two or three episodes that night. So should at least be up to S14e8 soon. Pretty much halfway through, so quickly, these last two seasons only have 20 episodes. I watched a Gilmore Girls this afternoon to remind myself there is streaming tv life after Supe. Not the same but I think I will just about survive ;) ;). I'm getting a bit pre-sad about it all, like when you know a vacation or something is ending soon. I've enjoyed it, and the chat, and the chatter, so much.
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 10:18 am
S14E5... the djinn tries to read Dean's thoughts and pulls back, saying "You, You're..." before stopping. I wonder if he saw Michael in there? But then afterwards he seemed to only talk to Dean as Dean, so perhaps it meant something else. I did agree with Bobby that Sam sending little Maggie out alone, barely trained, was stoopid. What happened to the buddy system! A while back (mid s13?!) I meant to mention Dean coming back in with Negan's barbed wire bat. And then there was another Walking Dead and walkers mention in this e5. I guess 2017 was the height of Negan-mania.
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 10:57 am
"But I do admit I thought you were making a pun with that and a more personal observation ;). " LOL He's pretty but I think Sammy is prettier. My "perfect" remarks really were just referring to the plot, not the hunks. I've seen ep1-9, so my next one will be 10. You will soon come upon an episode with a finger snap cliffhanger that will force you to continue to the next ep. They've never ended an ep with cliffhanger that powerful before! "I watched a Gilmore Girls this afternoon to remind myself there is streaming tv life after Supe." I know what you mean...I did watch a 6 ep show called Plan B staring Patrick Adams (time travel stuff) this week and I still keep up with several shows I watch,but I've gotten way behind on some shows I've watched for years. When I wanna watched something besides Supe, I tend to skip over some of those regular shows Grey's Anatomy, I'm about 5-6 eps behind and the same on L&O Organized Crime. Those are two I may just end up dropping...weeks behind and they're never my first choice when I decide to what the "regular" shows. I haven't missed them at all. Bingeing is my new TV style. I haven't watched any ST Picard S03 yet, but now that it's over I have a nice binge to look forward to! " I'm getting a bit pre-sad about it all, like when you know a vacation or something is ending soon. I've enjoyed it, and the chat, and the chatter, so much." It's such a fun ride and bingeing the whole thing has been an amazing event for me! (Remember, when it aired I watched most of it without having a co-fan watching at the same makes a difference to see it again through my own eyes and the eyes of a newbie that had never known these amazing characters!) I realize the characters of Supe will stick with me for...ever, especially post binge, so I refuse to get sad. When it ended the first time I saw it, I had 15 years of living with those characters so it wasn't like one day I was ghosted (pun intended) and left hanging. I missed the show because it was one that I watched immediately when it aired each week (no binge/streaming option at the time) but I felt emotionally satisfied with the characters and I've always planned to rewatch it. I didn't really plan to start the rewatch until it came up during TW and talking about (what was to me) it's lesser spinoff, motivated me tyo praise it. I'm happy that caused someone to join me! Suddenly, Ta-Daa...a Supe partner! Thank you so much. For me there are only about 30 eps to go (and DON'T FORGET that there was a behind the scenes special that aired the same night of the series finale. It was heartwarming how they seemed to really appreciate me personally, even though it was directed to all their fans. )
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 11:09 am
"A while back (mid s13?!) I meant to mention Dean coming back in with Negan's barbed wire bat." I was going to mention that too!...but I also forgot. "And then there was another Walking Dead and walkers mention in this e5. I guess 2017 was the height of Negan-mania." I will give you a little spoiler....there is an arc sometime between now and the end where I cheered "FINALLY...ZOMBIES!!!" It was the zeitgeist height of Walkermania, so that arc was very well placed. (That was the same cheer I made when AHS Witches had their zombie episode). You've seen the Djinn ep?...I believe that's the one that addresses the Bobby/Mary mismatch mistake (in my mind anyhow)! ;)
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 4:39 pm
Yes it's nice that after binging a relatively recently ending show there is a lot of online stuff already available. It's not like "when will I ever see these people again?" That wouldn't have been the case after the original ending date (apart from that behind the scenes special you mention), or for shows that ended before the easy youtube era. So there's that . But I'm going to be a bit of a wreck! When Justin left Brian in the QAF finale I cried off and on for days. Same when Col. Adama flew off in the finale of BSG and let Apollo, I'm still not really over that (why so final??!)! And this has probably been my favourite show, and definitely show-experience, since those. But hey, I've got The Winchesters to (re)watch, that will definitely make up for it, hoho. But at least I'll get a bit more Dean . And might understand the references this time. Yes, e5 had the djinn, and Mary admitted to Sam she had feelings for (Alt-)Bobby, but Bobby was all messed up from losing his wife and son. So they went for a break together... not sure where that will go. I just watched e6 and that had the zombie. I do like Jack, his no nonsense statement of the facts, a bit like with early Cass, appeals to me. "It looks like she's in love with me so I'm going to need the sex talk now." Then the other story was the fly-man, so weird then dressing up like flies off to work! Black suit, shirt, tie, oh and lets put a black lampshade over our heads so no one is suspicious because we have fly heads! Looks like Charlie is out of the show, which is a shame. Original Charlie was quirky, this one seems like she really does need a break. I'll watch from e7 tonight, but if you're up to e9, and you've seen the one that has a cliffhanger and needs the next episode instantly watched, if that's e8-e9 not e7-e8 I guess I will be having a late night!
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 8:08 pm
Just saw a very serious scene and I recognized it from one of the blooper reels. I was looking for signs that they were trying not to laugh but I didn't catch anyone stifling a giggle.....and that blooper was a laughing-while-trying-not-to one! "I'll watch from e7 tonight, but if you're up to e9, and you've seen the one that has a cliffhanger and needs the next episode instantly watched" I didn't mean to imply that it "needs" to be watched, just that you will feel compelled to watch'll understand exactly what I mean when you see it.
| Friday, April 21, 2023 - 10:59 pm
No, I got it . If you think I will be compelled then it is very likely I will be compelled!! Here goes...
| Saturday, April 22, 2023 - 12:12 am
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | I predict you will cry, so have a hankie ready. | 