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| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 1:28 pm
Ep9-10 came across (to me) like it was a back door pilot. Much of it was more about the recurring women in Supe working together for the first time than just the main the end, I was thinking this group would've work as a spinoff. This story has haunted me lately but I couldn't remember any details and every time I tried to remember details, I wound up envisioning Anna Torv as the main character in an ep of Fringe about a beat up abandoned ship with some kind of sci-fi portal....a plot line I don't believe ever happened on Fringe. I wondered why this kept popping up in my head but I just couldn't mentally fit it into the Supe I just tried to let that nagging thought go. Anyhow, it was a great moment for me as soon as I saw the ship. It was my big AHA! on the season. It was a fun arc and pretty unexpected, especially the ending when the hooded character was revealed! ---- Ep11 - Jeez, this was REAL "horror". I imagine that scene of Sammy as he was about one second from death wound up in his own "possible death" book! I really like the blonde sheriff. You bet'cha! Ep12 - Dean cracked me up when he was bewitched...he was an over-the-top love addled idjit...and I loved the mother zombie fight at the end....and when the girls went berserk? Priceless. Rowena is always fun even though she has such a long history of a being an evil conniving rhymes with her "job".
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 1:35 pm
Ep13 - FYI - Just a reminder that "Jo" is Jensen's real life wife. When I mentioned her previously, the info I'd found and posted said that they had one child, but that was old info. Apparently they have 3 kids now!
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 2:11 pm
Did you notice e10's episode name was "Wayward Sisters?" It did seem like there would be at least other episodes starring them, if not a spin off. The angels de-warding of the ship was unexpected. I didn't know they could do that. Jack is creeping me out a bit, his intense demands of the male dreamwalker, for instance, seemed intimidating more than pleading or explaining. He needs a Cass side kick to keep him on the straight and narrow. Yes, e11 was particularly horrible! And e12, Rowena shocks me with her evilness at times (like killing Crowley's son) but at other times I can't help but like her. Someone should tell her witches don't have to be evil. And those glowy eyes... I wonder what her new powers will be. Thanks for the reminder about e13, I'm just going to watch a couple of episodes now.
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 3:42 pm
Ep13 - I predict that you judge some angels for being total idjits. I did. In the final scene look closely at the face you see....I didn't recognize it (for good reason) when I saw it but when it became clear later on, I was shocked!
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 3:49 pm
"The angels de-warding of the ship was unexpected. I didn't know they could do that. " I didn't know that either, but luckily it didn't do them any good because they didn't know how good their opposition was! Arrogance gets them every time! I loved the markings they left behind....the row of angel wings on the wall was very Banksy-ish! "Jack is creeping me out a bit, his intense demands of the male dreamwalker, for instance, seemed intimidating more than pleading or explaining." Yeah, Jack can be scary, but he's still only about six months old. (That was casually pointed out in one of the eps between now and the finale.) The power of a god with the emotional experience of a baby? It's like driving on the freeway at full speed and seeing a baby driving a car erratically right behind you! Jack's still got a lot to learn but most people learn by their mistakes...but still, most of Jack's mistakes are lethal ones. What's a baby to do? "Someone should tell her witches don't have to be evil. And those glowy eyes... I wonder what her new powers will be." I dunno....I love her new blue eyes, but it's hard to imagine her ever redeeming her herself. She's charming and smiles a lot but then does the most evil things without a second thought! Even when she does something good, she does it in a pretty evil way....casualties are not something she worries about.
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 5:11 pm
E13, Asmodeus has Gabriel, they said... had to google who Gabriel was as I didn't know what you meant... Loki!!!! I wouldn't have recognised him so grimy and his mouth sewn ::shudder::. I'd forgotten he was Gabriel. I thought it seemed ominous when he was revealed and wondered if I'd missed something! Funny the angel Jo is Jensen's wife. Another of the female angels who came that episode (Duma) was from BSG too. They seem to be happy hiring friends and family. Jensen and Jared both have three kids. Or maybe three nephilim ;). Lucifer is god now??! It really amuses me how crappy the angels are, they'll have anyone their leader if they think it might benefit them. And because he promised them their wings... how will he get their wings when they couldn't!? Curious! E14 Gog and Magog were funny. Like a dumb Sam and Dean! But Castiel was rather extreme with Donatello. When he (Cass) thinks the cause is important enough he seems to lose his humanity, and seems overly quick to dispose of people. I guess Donatello had a already lost his soul, and had gone mad or whatever it was by the tablet, and was reporting to Col Sanders, but I still felt Castiel was quick to essentially kill him (not sure if he intended to or not). "Whatever it takes," hmmm. I guess we will get a new prophet now.
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 7:41 pm
"Funny the angel Jo is Jensen's wife. Another of the female angels who came that episode (Duma) was from BSG too" I don't remember her from BSG but I think she was the deputy on "Eureka" and the A.I. on "The 100" that a lot of fans hated!). Wait, let me check...<a few minutes later> Yep, she was on both, plus a bunch of other things. "I wouldn't have recognised him so grimy and his mouth sewn ::shudder::." So when I saw Trixter on that ep, same thing as you, he was too messed up to identify. But in the next ep I saw, there was an angel soldier of Michael's that I thought was the same angel that Asmodeus had in the cell (before they said it was Gabriel) That's when I told you there was an angel in Apocalypse world and his counterpart in our world and they didn't know about the alternate versions of themselves or their worlds. I since realized that my observation was just BS! ...but later on I recognized a different angel (correctly this time) in both worlds that didn't know about one another. But it doesn't matter in the plot. "Lucifer is god now??!" Like I said..."IDJITS!" Those whiny angels deserve everything they get. But at least it's obvious that Luci is a crappy god...apparently getting to sit in that big white chair makes him feel special, but he's SO under qualified at all. And he promised them wings, right? Guess what? Up to you if you want to know:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | He lied | "But Castiel was rather extreme with Donatello." I'm giving Cass a pass on're right, Donatello has no soul and he wasn't helping and he was now a danger to them all. Looks like Cass is learning the opposite of what Jack is learning. Cass is learning that sometimes you can't hold back and Jack is trying grasp that there are times you must hold back. Interesting dynamic. Speaking of prophets, remember when it appeared that Kevin was given a promotion to angelhood? Well, he couldn't have been...I've heard, a couple of times now, an angel saying that "there have been no new angels made since they were first created". I guess when Kevin was sent "up" it was just to be in heaven so he's not an angel. That's probably better for Kev anyhow....from what I've seen, those angels are a "bad crowd" to hang around with. Am I right? 
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 7:45 pm
"and was reporting to Col Sanders," Can I assume from that nickname that you noticed the fried chicken, bucket, and the KFC knockoff joint where they were meeting? LOL
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 8:13 pm
Oh, of course she was the female sheriff from Eureka! I forgot about that. My mind went to BSG and I looked it up and she was there, so thought that was it. But more likely I recognise her from Eureka. Not surprised Lucifer getting them wings was a lie. But they're probably surprised, as they are angels and therefore idjits . Another mess for them to get themselves out of. Yes, interesting that Cass is going one way and Jack the other. It seems Cass is always so weighed down with the responsibility he puts on himself. I wish life was simpler for him. I don't remember Kevin being sent to be an angel just being sent up to heaven. For a while he was stuck as a ghost in the veil at the bunker, I can't remember why, then after Dean rescued his mother, she somehow took the ghost with her to her home to look after it. Then in a more recent episode Chuck sent him to heaven to impress(?) or make the boys happy. Yep, he definitely would be better off in heaven than angel-land (the clouds??!). That Kevin on Apocalypse World seems to have had too much redbull. Col Sanders... ha, I did notice those things but didn't tie them to Col Sanders, oddly! But you called him Col Sanders before, and Dean did, and it fits so well! The amount of wings Donatello was eating and all those yucky leftovers!
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 9:17 pm
"Yes, interesting that Cass is going one way and Jack the other. " But think about it....yes, they are going in opposite directions, but they're heading towards one another, not away. Hopefully, like Goldilocks, they'll both wind up together in one spot where it's "just right". "I don't remember Kevin being sent to be an angel just being sent up to heaven." I swear I heard someone say "Kevin got his wings", but I thought that was you (saying it in text}...did someone else say that in the show? Geez, maybe after watching so many angels getting fried from the inside of their heads it's starting to affect MY head... I'll have to try and hold back on feeling too much empathy for these divine idiots when they get ganked. Hmmmm...Of course I pretty much thought all of them deserved it so that can't be it. Maybe I just hallucinated hearing that...or maybe I have another personality in my head that I didn't know about. <twilight zone music> Anyhow, Yes, ghosts haunt a place or an object. I think they went through his things and found a ring or a watch or a pendant his dad had given him. His mom said Kevin was close with his dad and he always kept it with him. She took that sentimental item home and Kev came with it.
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 9:21 pm
" The amount of wings Donatello was eating and all those yucky leftovers!" If those had been MY leftovers they would've been bare looked like he left half the meat on every one! (I must've been hungry when I saw that.)
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 9:29 pm
"Yep, he definitely would be better off in heaven than angel-land (the clouds??!). " Yes, he was able to be reunited with his mom who was murdered by a demon and left behind when she went to heaven.
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 10:55 pm
"Kevin got his wings" That does ring a bell, that I might have said it, but I was just being flowery if I did, I meant he'd gone to heaven. Yes, that's it, his ghost was attached to his dad's ring, which was still at the bunker, and then his mum took the ring (and his ghost) with her to look after. I don't think she was murdered though, I think she's still alive. She was missing presumed dead for ages, but a demon had kept her locked in a room, Sam tried to rescue her, and she did something clever with the electronic lock on the door that got them out.
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 12:27 am
""Kevin got his wings" That does ring a bell, that I might have said it, but I was just being flowery if I did, I meant he'd gone to heaven." Aha. Now I know I'm not crazy! When I heard (AKA "read") that, I just mentally agreed, thinking "cool" without delving any deeper into it. When I was a kid we were told that when you died you become an angel and got wings. I don't remember anyone saying otherwise until I was grown, but by that time, I knew it was ALL lore and mythology. So "getting your wings" always meant a specific thing in our house. I found a wiki page about Linda Trans, Kevin's mom, and you're absolutely right...I think seeing her locked up by and tortured by a demon and Crowley's lie and hearing Kevin talking and/or crying about his mom being dead a few times over several episodes is what I remembered. They should've had some kind of chart or counter on the screen since Day 1 to let us keep track of who died, who came back, how many times they died, how they came back, and who went where when they died for good, etc... 
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 11:28 am
Funny, because probably why I said it that way is that on our nextdoor message board, people tend to announce animal deaths as "little Miffy got his wings," so I just associated it with dying, not with angels. Silly, as they are clearly associated it with angels! I just saw e15 and e16, and e16 was Scoobynatural!!!! "Dibs on Daphne!" "Sam, Sam, look how big my mouth is" when eating a Scooby sandwich!!!! Hilarious!
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 1:59 pm
e15 - How did you like this film noir episode? They even used the name of a character in The Maltese Falcon..."Greenstreet" and the nickname "fat man". The holy man was so obvious, it was surprising it took so long for the Boys to consider him! e16 - I knew that the Scooby one was on the docket but I kept my typing fingers shut because I wanted you to be surprised. I didn't realize that's what it was when I started it and immediately saw the boys in a life or death fight with an 8 ft plushy dinosaur! I knew something fun was up... It was a nice break from all the stabby and shooty episodes I saw this weekend. And yes, giant mouthed cartoon Dean was pretty funny. When I first saw it years ago, I thought it was cute but a little boring...I was never a Scooby Doo watcher so I couldn't appreciate the parody side of it. (but I do say "Ruh-Roh" sometimes.) So ep17 is coming up for you....that's another one I referred to awhile ago and then had to take back my comment. I'll just say it was what it was but it wasn't where I thought it was. Funny that those two eps I talked about were back to back eps. Gee, it's hard to believe I have only 2 seasons to go! Btw, I still haven't started s14. I've gotten behind on the regular shows I watch so I have plenty of distractions from diving back into Supe so soon....and the e15 finale was a doozy....more it was TWO doozies!
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 2:47 pm
E15, yes, the holy man was rather obvious, but I wondered about them taking the chance on him not being enough, until he said the Pope had called him that. It wasn't a stand out episode for me, but I did appreciate the style. I watched e15 on the treadmill, and on there the summary for the next episode pops up, and I did catch that it was an animated episode and groaned. But then (after getting washed/dressed and calling my mum) when I started e16 was so much better than I feared. Mostly because of Dean being so ~boy in a toy store~ about it. I laughed so loud on the Scooby sandwich part my husband came in from the other room to check on me! I've seen quite a bit of Scooby Doo, many years ago, and the Scooby Doo movies, so I was much amused by them. I looked it up and Shaggy was voiced by Matthew Lillard (he plays Shaggy in the movies) and Velma by Kate Micucci (who is the unmistakable voice in the current cartoons). I should really put some tomato seedlings in bigger pots but I might just watch an episode instead . I think I'll probably be up to s13e23 on Thursday. I'm surprised you didn't watch s14e1, almost always they've kept us hanging and I've been desperate to watch the next season premiere. Such restraint! 
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 4:15 pm
E17, Sandy, the blonde woman/monster who'd been kept in the Men of Letters haunt was Magda Apanowicz from Continuum (and also Caprica). Gabriel seems actually traumatised, not just up to something, but if I were them I'm be very careful...
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 5:32 pm
"E17, Sandy, the blonde woman/monster who'd been kept in the Men of Letters haunt" When I first saw it (5 yrs ago?) I think I must've missed a few minutes of the beginning. I have zero recollection of any discussion about a second MoL bunker. It was very similar to the boys' bunker so it could have easily been the same one, but I do remember when it was over I kept thinking about how there was a living girl/monster lying on a table in a back room somewhere during all the time the boys were there (not counting the 80 or so yrs she was there before they arrived). The idea was so if you went up to the attic of your home that you'd lived in for many years, an attic that you'd never realized existed and you had to navigate through an area of dust and cobwebs to get to that room, only to find a living woman strapped to table. YIKES! It was unnerving enough that I remembered it to this day, thinking it was so wrong that they were living with a couple of monsters for several seasons and they never even suspected they weren't alone....and now I find it wasn't even in the same bunker as the boys'! LOL " I'm surprised you didn't watch s14e1, almost always they've kept us hanging and I've been desperate to watch the next season premiere. Such restraint!" Well, I had a couple of reasons for taking a break. 1) I had just watched all 23 eps of Supe in 3 days and the finale was on the 3rd day....a break was due. 2) The season 13 finale was a BIG episode and it had a HUGE cliffhanger, followed by a seemingly mundane clip at the end...but it was very, very disturbing to me. I'm pretty sure the cliffhanger wouldn't be wrapped up in the season 14 premiere anyhow....way too much was going on. I love horror and I've always got my eyes wide open and I sometimes even lean in towards screen in scary parts...I know I'm safe here at home so most of my scares are the "jump out at you!" ones. However, the end of that finale left me feeling very uneasy and actually a bit scared in a not good kind of way. I don't think I've ever reacted to this series in that way or that strongly before... You'll know what I mean on Thursday. Or maybe not, we do sometimes react very differently to parts of this show. 
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 7:13 pm
E17, wow, that would be unsettling, for them to open a new wing of the bunker and there she was, and had been for all that time! Yes, if you'd missed just one or two minutes they'd have been nothing left to tell you they weren't in their own bunker. Not quite the same thing but I have difficulty with the CSI type episodes where they find someone had been living in the attic, watching you, or entering your house when you go out. Eurrrgh. E18 had Ketch kill Asmodeus (yey!!) and bring Gabriel to the bunker. Once you know who he is, he's easily recognisable, they should have done a better job of making his features clear at the end of that episode where they first showed him. Sam and Gabriel didn't have the foresight to save just a teensy bit of Gabriel's grace?! I suppose at least we should be grateful Gabe left without causing some sort of mischief. I'm not sure I like psychopaths being rehabilitated, so I am a little resistant to the Ketch story (I never could forgive Negan). But hey, maybe he will save the day, and possibly even bring alt-Charlie back too. OK, I am forewarned for S14E01. Thank you. At the rate I'm going I will watch on Wednesday now, which is good, as so far I have nothing planned for the afternoon. I can watch in daylight, lol, in case that makes it less intense. From what you say though, it sounds like you're not talking about that kind of disturbing.
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 10:45 pm
"OK, I am forewarned for S14E01." Well, okay...uh...just remember it was S13E23 (the finale of s13) that messed with my head! Who knows? S14E01 might be a skip down Candy Lane with pink rainbows and Lollipop trees. I have no idea cuz I haven't seen it yet.
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 10:50 pm
" Not quite the same thing but I have difficulty with the CSI type episodes where they find someone had been living in the attic, watching you, or entering your house when you go out. Eurrrgh. " Exactly, I ain't ascared of no witches or demons or monsters or even evil angels because they ain't real! LOL Intruders and serial killers and creepy mentally disturbed and sadistic humans are all too real...
| Monday, April 17, 2023 - 11:20 pm
Sorry that was me, you said s13e23, and I knew it was s13e23, but for some reason I wrote s14e01 .
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 11:45 am
E19, 9+2 angels left, including Castiel!? So they want Gabriel too, I hope Castiel makes sure the boys are done with Gabriel before he gives him to the angels. E20, I still don't trust Gabriel. In fact I'm not 100% sure Gabriel is even Gabriel at the moment, there was a comment right at the end when Sam asked him how he was, and I wondered if they suggested he could actually be Loki (the Norse one) and they swapped somehow! Quite a juxtaposition between that story and Apocalypse World. At least Alt-Kevin told them what Michael was planning before he killed himself (good job Alt-Bobby wasn't there yet!). Jack's face in close up is giving me huge deja-vu at the moment. But I can't think who I've seen that looks or perhaps just talks like him. It's distracting me! Sam telling Dean if they die they will die together was rather ominous. Dean gets persuaded that they must do everything together and then unless that is continuously reinforced he gradually slides back into the mode where his job is to protect Sam. He doesn't seem to think what it would be like for Sam to be alone or the guilt Sam might feel for not saving Dean, or letting Dean die. I think I might watch another episode now, as what I had to do was cancelled. I have a shingles vaccine at 2pm, so if I'm feeling sorry for myself after that I might watch the final two today too.
| Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 12:28 pm
"I have a shingles vaccine at 2pm, so if I'm feeling sorry for myself after that I might watch the final two today too." You go Girl! If you finish the rest of s13 as quickly as that (AKA as quickly as *I* did) then I predict that you're in for quite a ride!