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| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 8:30 pm
Oh yeah....I heard another demon say "We're making hell great again!" again. Funny that I didn't remember that because i get a kick out of current affairs coming out as an inside joke in a totally unrelated show. Around the time of the Clinton impeachment, on an ep of Voyager, The Doctor had to deal with a photonic life form and since HE was a photonic life form, he had to pretend to be the President of Earth. After the mission someone asked the Doctor how it went and he announced, in all seriousness, "My performance was unimpeachable."
| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 9:59 pm
Yes, I saw e23. I was sure Crowley was safe because I saw that rat. I was really hoping his meatsuit would be safe, as he just wouldn't be the same with another body, and was relieved he was. I was in a bit of denial with Rowena, thinking that had to be a trick and it was someone else there burnt, but then he was twiddling a lock of her hair!! So I mostly believe she is gone. I would have expected them to make her be present during her death scene though, so I'm 10% not sure. But my Cass! Nooooooooooo! I thought for a while he didn't have the black angel ash wings around him, so something different had happened, but in one shot the dead wings were clear . I am assuming the writers knew everyone loved him so much that they have a plan to bring him back. Ghost-Angel Cass maybe?! But I want him back!! I liked Mary, but I don't mind her being stuck in Mad Max World. She never quite fit in the old world, and she can find Bobby and Rufus and they can be like the Resistance over there. I half thought they would have to step through the cut to the other world, like they did in His Dark Materials. I hope Sam and Dean don't spend too much energy trying to get her back. I hadn't thought about Mary being the start of all their problems, by making the deal with Azazel. I can see why Dean could blame her for that... lucky for Mary, at least in one way, that they showed Sam and Dean what happens in a world where they weren't born, which is how it would have been had she not made that deal. It should make them all feel better about her choice. Also, what a relief (that's an understatement) to Sam and Dean's souls to know that all they'd been through, and even with the current precarious state of the world, that their contribution to the world changed it from Mad Max to this. Got to make them a bit happier! Ouch on "unimpeachable!" I would have watched back then but wouldn't have paid enough attention to the Clinton stuff to know what it meant. The demons should get MHGA hats . Amusing how completely disloyal and self-centred they are. They'll be for whoever in the room can give them something. Lucifer making Crowley hop and particularly stick out his tongue was nicely done, so subtle at first that Crowley didn't even notice it. Kind of weird that these are episodes from 2017, seems so new, relatively. Must especially seem so for you, as you watched them before. And how much the technology has changed! Mary's commented on how much it's changed from 30 years ago, but when they started the show 12 years ago they hardly had cell phones, and when they did they were flip phones. Now their tech is newer than my phone! So I guess the question is whether the creature is good or bad. Or neither. Or plays good but is secretly bad ! For instance what was the purpose of the tear in space, just a random thing that happened, or did he want something from there to come here, or was he hoping they could actually send Lucifer there somehow? And now Cass can't be the baby-Nephilim-daddy I guess it falls to Sam and Dean again. If he lets them. I should see s13e1 and e2 tomorrow morning. I really wanted to watch them tonight but I suppose I have to be present in the real world .
| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 11:12 pm
"Kind of weird that these are episodes from 2017, seems so new, relatively. Must especially seem so for you, as you watched them before." Actually, to me the tech of the MoL is the only thing that looks recent to me. I have never owned a cell phone so I wouldn't know how new the ones they're using are. Even the very beginning, their flip phones were the only giveaway that they weren't in the present. "For instance what was the purpose of the tear in space, just a random thing that happened, or " Yes, they said when the nephilin is born that all of heaven and hell would know it....or something like that. I think of it as the birth of an angel/human hybrid is so out of synch with the universe that it caused our universe and the apocalyptic one to tear apart. It closed after he was born. None of it really makes logical sense, but this isn't something that I remember ever being an issue or a mystery. It was just a typical random devil-baby event. "And now Cass can't be the baby-Nephilim-daddy :-( :-( :-( I guess it falls to Sam and Dean again." The boys could write a kid's book: Jack the Devil Baby Has Two Daddys"! Jack and his intentions and his powers, etc are a mystery to the boys and life itself is a mystery to Jack. Think about it - all that teen angst stuffed into a 3 day old adolescent boy? YIKES! Now it's all about how to understand each other and figure out whether they should be scared or protective or just kill him, just in case. Teens are a little bit of hell anyhow, but a teen with the powers of the devil and the emotional experience of a tween is gonna be the parental challenge of a lifetime....or a nightmare. "I should see s13e1 and e2 tomorrow morning." After I finished the s12 finale, I kept watching. I have already seen eps 1-4 of season 13. Still exciting, and still "edge of your seating" but some how calmer now they have <snip>... Not sure if what I had already typed was in s12 or the beginning of s13 so I deleted it.
| Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 10:50 am
S13E01 Jeez Supernatural, can you not make me cry when I'm on the treadmill? The opening credits had Misha in the main section (with Jared and Jensen) not in the "guest starring" with Mary, so I am still staying in my state of denial that he's not gone, but... that looked pretty final . Oh, and I'd forgotten Crowley sacrificed himself! Jack doesn't seem innately bad but I wouldn't want to make him angry! Did they deliberately choose an actor who looked like every other character!? He looks like a cross between Castiel and Lucifer with a bit of Ian Tracey thrown in! Also Austin Butler(?), the one from the Elvis movie, not that he's a Supernatural character (although I could quite see Elvis being some supernatural being...). Oh, and the opening title is an eye this season!
| Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 11:32 am
And Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack is very Leo at times. Just watched e2... feel so bad for Dean again, yet another huge weight on his mind to be responsible for making such big decisions over Jack. Not that he'll have the control he thinks he will. Not a fan of the white demon. Hope he's not meant to be a long term replacement for Crowley.
| Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 12:43 pm
Don't read until you've seen ep 4! I think I blundered regarding the chronology of events....but I have NOTseen anything past ep 4, so I know it won't spoil anything if you wait until after seeing ep 4!
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | When the white suited demon showed up, I knew I did not like that character at all....but I didn't remember exactly why. Some of it may be that villains on this show tend to show up right after a previous villain has been bested by the boys. Then they immediately start exerting a lot of authority and start bossing everyone around and changing the status quo. The Brits did that and Lucifer is trying to do that now (again) and the Leviathans did it a few seasons ago, not to mention the angels' attempted takeover. Anyhow, whenever I see that guy I think of Col Sanders with a scar. I hope we get to see a flashback of how that scar's always fun to see the baddie get messed up....and I'm sure he deserved it. I like how MOTW eps are starting to involve Jack, so MOTW eps become part of the core plot. When I first watched this I remember not really liking Jack....not the character but more his "look". He looked too devious to me...all the time. Interestingly enough, I didn't react that way to him this time....I was thinking he would, but he seems much more vulnerable this time. I wonder if it has to do with bingeing. Before, if I had a negative opinion of a character, it might be a week or so before they showed a positive change....and then there might be some some eps showing "one step forward, two steps back" developments. It's just easier to understand a mysterious new character when you can see the back and forth changes next to one another. It allows a sense of direction of the changes more than just random back and forth flip-flopping. In a way, I think Cass would make a great confidant to Jack...they both came into this human world and had to start learning human ways and human emotions and how human relationships work because they both had little or no experience interacting with humanity. For millennia, Cass just followed orders. He didn't get down and dirty in human matters until The Boys came along and piqued Chuck's interest. I don't think Cass would've been quite ready to be an actual parent to Jack because Cass is still learning the ropes, too. Now that I think about it, Cass and Jack are more like brothers, so the Boys are the perfect humans to be their guides. Supe really is an entirely original twist on the whole genre of Horror. |
| Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 2:15 pm
Lol, a little red devil emoji shows through the spoiler box, how appropriate!! I might watch e3 and e4 in an hour or so. Probably should do something else but I guess I'm a as well as whoever/whatever that references in your spoiler box.
| Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 5:05 pm
Watched them! Most importantly, Cass is back . Annoyed whoever that empty space keeper was enough to dump him back on earth, lol! Bet Misha had fun with that accent. Crowley had that certain charm, you enjoyed him even though he was bad. Lucifer sometimes has that, but so far nope, not a thing from this white suit guy. I just hope he doesn't last long. It's going to be really hard to have a demon who's likeable now, perhaps the story will move away from them. Yep, Jack has a kind of snarl which makes him look secretly evil. I don't think the actor's doing it, I think it's just his face. Cutting his hair might help too. (Btw, entity magically grows through baby to adolescent in 45 minutes but makes sure to give himself a floppy Leo haircut .) I think they're trying to make us unsure whether he's good or bad, he's mostly acting as if he's just learning, and could be good if guided that way, but there's just that certain something about him that makes you think he's going to turn. Yes, the binging helps take things more as you see them, I think, with less sorting/filtering between episodes. Less time to wonder whether that ~whatever~ meant he was bad, as you're quickly into the next episode which provides you with more info suggesting he's just a boy. And Dean is softening a bit to him now too. I knew he would. I love how Sam understands Dean's attitude and accepts it, and how Dean, in his more aggressive way, understands how Sam is, even if he can't understand why. They're just so accepting of each other. Sigh. I see a lot of Cass in Jack, and I'm not sure if it's Jack (the actor) mimicking Cass' new to the world innocence, or it's because Jack (the character) listened to Cass' way/mannerisms while he was ripening so naturally acts like him. Yeah, Cass doesn't understand enough himself to be able to take on his raising alone, but he'd be a good protector. I think Jack needs Sam more than anyone right now, and the experience of seeing how someone like Dean thinks will help him grow too. So when Cass is back with them it will be perfect . That's assuming next time Jack isn't just the devil incarnate of course .
| Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 6:48 pm
" Most importantly, Cass is back" That was my big mistake and why I just put the whole post a spoiler box. I couldn't remember if he came back ep3 or ep4. "Annoyed whoever that empty space keeper was enough to dump him back on earth, lol!" Btw, this empty space was that "nothingness" I mentioned several eps back when Cass disappeared the last time. I really thought he was gone for a lot longer, so I was surprised that it was such a short visit to "empty space". " (Btw, entity magically grows through baby to adolescent in 45 minutes but makes sure to give himself a floppy Leo haircut :-).)" That's what you call a "miracle" in a divine setting like Supernatural. "Yep, Jack has a kind of snarl which makes him look secretly evil. I don't think the actor's doing it, I think it's just his face.x" I agree. I think they picked him for the part because when he's interacting with people he often smiles like like a happy kid, but it just takes a subtle move of about an eighth of an inch twitch of a couple of tiny muscles in his face to change his expression from a sunny day in the park to a cat 5 hurricane in hell....a perfect talent for a good?/bad? half devil boy. Well, it looks like we are both at the same spot in this rewatch....ep 5 is my next one. <buckling my seatbelt>
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 10:28 am
I watched E5 and after the ending needed to go right into e6 to get what I needed! If you need to pause, you can do so with a very happy face at about eight minutes into e6!
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 12:50 pm
"I watched E5 and after the ending needed to go right into e6" Same here....but then I kept going and going (like the Energizer Bunny). Now, my next will be ep 13! It surprises me (even though I already knew this) how fresh this show still is in season 13! I'll try just holding back until you watch something and, if I don't remember the ep, I can check the recaps to make sure I won't spoil anything. ep 5 - Did you catch what Billie said in the THEN? She threatened to throw Dean into the empty space and she added that was a place that NOBODY can come back from. I remember that scene, but the foreshadowing went right over my head...even though I knew about the empty space! I liked that she got a promotion which opened her eyes to the bigger picture. Before, she was a low level reaper "just following orders" now she has some leeway just like the old Death that Dean killed several eps back. Jack said he didn't think he brought Cass back, but he really wanted him to come back and he really missed I think Jack's power is bigger then he knows...after all he the power of an archangel, only it's greater) and the emotions of a human. Looks like his emotions are a key...previously when he became angry enough to scream and release a burst of energy, he killed people. I think his emotions of missing Cass was similar, but it took Cass back from a place where people cannot come back from. ep 6 MOTW, but with a newbie onboard....and he makes a BIG mistake! Yes he wants to be a good guy but he still has a dangerous power that can affect anything and everything, as far as anyone knows. AND he's an emotional teen with the greatest power on earth...just his birth ripped a hole leading to an alternate universe. He does seem to be learning to handle himself in the world, but he needs time to learn how to handle his emotions. I like this direction of the series more than the MoL "human monsters" running around trying to take everything over with their high-tech shiny weapons.
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 5:16 pm
Team Free Will 2.0 was fun while it lasted! YES! I definitely noticed Billie in the e5 THEN, I thought it was to help the audience who weren't entirely sure where Cass was, but it turned out it was to explain the storage area she took Dean too. Looks like the Big Empty has a library section. Yep, things sure look different when you're outside your little bubble, Billie! Perhaps she won't be so mean anymore ;). I kept wanting to tell Jack not to try so hard. Not to focus on moving the pencil from here to there but to focus on it being at the there. That's what works in the other shows! I think that's what he did with Castiel, he didn't want to bring Cass back, he just wanted Cass there, and that made it happen. E6 Jack got so far, then one mistake and he's full on teen again. I really needed to stock up on some happy foursome episodes before they were split up again! I particularly don't want Cass to leave and go after Jack, and us not see him for a few episodes. Tell me, why don't these guys hug more!?!? I might be waving my second x chromosome too much but I'm not sure I would have been out of touching distance if I could help it, given all they've been through. Men! I don't get it. Dean needs a hug. Jack needs a hug. Sam always needs a hug. Cass doesn't know he needs a hug but he does, so just hug, touch, something! Yes, looking back on it, the Men of Letters season didn't really go anywhere, didn't really have any mystery. A little bit one dimensional. I prefer these monster-monster stories too. I will probably watch e7 and e8 tonight. Might be a few days before I catch up with you though!
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 7:07 pm
ep 13 Just a surprise guest star... Danneel Ackles plays Sister Jo, a faith healer in ep 13. She has been married to Jensen Ackles since May 15, 2010. They have one child. (This was all new info to me...I had no idea his wife was in the show!)
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 7:56 pm
"but it turned out it was to explain the storage area she took Dean too. " Huh? I thought her THEN moment was just to remind us of her, but if she said anything about the Empty being part of the library of deaths, I missed it. Did I miss an important remark? I know sometimes just a couple of words in this show can tie up a lot of loose ends. Previously she'd basically said the empty was the landfill where they dumped the ones who didn't belong anywhere else. I never got the impression that she said the Empty and the Library were in the same place. Why would they keep their "garbage" with their analog data bank of deaths? And did you notice when she was listing all the times Dean has died (he had rows of Dean death books on the shelves), she seemed to have a lot more Dean Deaths on record than WE ever knew about! Btw, on the subject of the Empty, do you recall what Cass was saying when he first woke up in the black oily pool of Empty? I was sure he mumbled something but I forget what it was...but now I wonder if he was saying Jack's name or something else that was a hint that Jack woke him up. I think it could be that Jack's wishing was like a prayer that woke up Cass, but it was just Cass's whiny melodrama that actually got him evicted by his obnoxious German doppelganger/landlord. "Tell me, why don't these guys hug more!?!?" I know that one! If they hugged all the time, their latest hugfest when Cass finally showed up (initiated by Dean no less) wouldn't have had nearly as much emotional impact! That even tingled MY x chromosomes a little. 
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 9:22 pm
As the library of deaths was all black, I assumed it was part of the Empty, but I suppose that was never told to us. Castiel said the Empty was the place where Angels and Demons went when they died, no mention of Death being there, and Billie just used it as a threat, so I guess they are unrelated. The mention of The Empty, therefore, in the THEN, was probably simply to remind us how much she hated Dean and wanted to end him (before she saw that big picture). The possible death options were weird. She seemed to react to Jack's rift in space as if it was unusual, but then what are all these possible deaths? Just scenarios Death plays out to be prepared? Why would Death even need to be prepared, they could just take the deaths as they find them. And you remember in Heaven when "the Bobbys are surly, I repeat, the Bobbys are surly?" Who were all those Bobbys if not Bobbys from different worlds, like the rift Mad Max world? Seems like Death's library would have all those Bobby deaths listed, not potential ones, but actual ones that happened elsewhere. So why is the rift a surprise? Actually, scrub that, the rift is different from the world it led to, she could know about the alternate worlds, but not know how a rift could form between them. Yes you're right! Castiel heard his name, probably Jack calling him, and that's what woke him up! Then was mumbling, confused, as what he'd heard and where he was. So Jack didn't bring him back, he just woke him up which led to a series of events that got him back. So Jack's voice/thoughts can travel to the big Empty. Might be significant at some point. I still think they could squeeze in a few more hugs .
| Friday, April 14, 2023 - 11:06 pm
"As the library of deaths was all black, I assumed it was part of the Empty," Sometime in the past couple of days, in an ep I cannot pinpoint, a character said something about the creation, starting with (PP) "Before creation there was nothing but a black void of emptiness and then...blah blah...blah..." When I heard that it made me wonder if the Empty is an area of what was before creation, outside of all worlds and all realities. But heck, who knows? " She seemed to react to Jack's rift in space as if it was unusual, but then what are all these possible deaths?" I think the rift was happened when a super unusual event happened - the birth of a nephilim. Maybe her list weren't times Dean died and came back like I thought. But also, maybe they weren't "possible" deaths either. I'm now thinking maybe she was talking about "intended" deaths....all the listed deaths were when reapers were sent to a location to reap him, but he either died and came back, or more often was supposed to die but somehow was saved or wiggled out of what were likely impossible situations, because there was a bored douchebag named Chuck writing exciting last minute miracles that saved Dean over and over just to amuse himself....but Dean wouldn't have known that and neither would Billie...she had to get promoted to learn to know more than how to escort people out of life. "And you remember in Heaven when "the Bobbys are surly, I repeat, the Bobbys are surly?" Who were all those Bobbys if not Bobbys from different worlds," Occam's Razor is my answer to that. In heaven, apparently everybody gets their own "heaven room" and they probably keep it all in order by alphabetizing the rooms by name. "Bobby Singer" could be a very common name (some families pass a name down for generations...there could be dozen rooms for Bobby Singer for just one family tree alone!). You and I know two "Bobby Singers" already, the hunter and Bobby Singer the Producer of Supernatural. Over the ages there must have been hundreds or thousands of them. Or, since there were only a couple dozen of them, maybe they were all ancestors of "our" Bobby who had the name passed down. "So why is the rift a surprise?" I'd assume it was because it wasn't part of Chuck's Big Plan for Creation. It was the result of a rogue Devil and a human breaking the rules and coloring outside the lines without a condom. When it happened, it shook hell or wherever Crowley was because I remember it scared him. "she could know about the alternate worlds, but not know how a rift could form between them." I think that wasn't in her job description. I'm several eps ahead of you so I can answer this question and I'll do it without a blackbox. I don't think Billie knows about alt universes at all because sometime in the next 10 episodes we see an angel in the Apocalypse World that is also present in the regular world and they have no idea each other or the alternate worlds exist! Also I don't remember this ever coming up as an issue in the series. 
| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 12:21 am
Watched e7 and e8, but a bit tired... have a few comments for tomorrow if I can remember them then . But I remember that "in the beginning" speech too, and the mention of a void or emptiness. I would say I'm not even sure it was in Supernatural, but if you heard it too it would be a big coincidence if it wasn't! I'll think on where/which episode we saw that tomorrow too. I very much like the idea of it being the deaths that should have happened... but that also makes me wonder if each ~should have~ actually plays out in another world. Or maybe I shouldn't think that the existence of one alt world means there are many, maybe there's just that one... the Winchester brothers were born and the Winchester brothers were not born. Maybe they're that important. Sleep...
| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 11:03 am
I think the "in the beginning" speech must have come from The Darkness when she was in the fog at the very beginning, explaining everything to Dean. And yes, I think it makes sense that that emptiness would be where they send the dead angels and demons. Sometimes I make the mistake of thinking this is real - not actually real - but that there is a reason and answer for everything because this is a real fantasy place that we are hearing about. It makes watching it more immersive that way. But it means I sometimes overthink things and try to link things that probably were not linked by the writers. So I think you're right about the likeliest Bobbys being just all the people who were named Bobby Singer, and not alt-Bobbys. And the surly comment was just a (very) funny line, and not a suggestion that they were versions of our Bobby. Or further evidence relating to all the Dean deaths! I really like your guess that these are the written deaths of Dean, before something intervened and saved him yet again. Some of the deaths never happened at all, like if Castiel saved him, and some happened but didn't stick, like when Castiel pulled him back from hell. E7... is Lucifer different?! I know it's the same actor, but he's always been so snakelike in his way of speaking before, and now he speaks like some generic guy on the street. Maybe I've forgotten what he was like when they originally introduced him, and he's back to that. I didn't think Ketch was that good of a character last season. "Just" a psychopath, rather that a particularly enticingly evil or charismatic one. So I was surprised to see him back. But the mention of Rowena, and her ~bringing yourself back from the dead~ spell makes me think there might be hope for Rowena yet! E8 I was getting lost at who these extra people suddenly were. Obviously a bit too sleepy to watch! I got that Bart was the new King of the Crossroads but I wasn't sure who the other man was, the immortal one. But he had his head cut off, so I guess I don't have to worry about that now .
| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 1:18 pm
"So I think you're right about the likeliest Bobbys being just all the people who were named Bobby Singer, and not alt-Bobbys" It occurred to me after my last post that I have a vague memory of Bobby being on his phone talking to one of the boys during that surly Bobby scene. Didn't he say something like "It's nuts here...I just had a conversation with my great Uncle Bob who died 20 years ago!" or something to that effect? (That "quote" is my way of presenting a memory when I have no actual details of it, but I think I remember the gist.) "E8 I was getting lost at who these extra people suddenly were." Just the disposable characters in a MOTW ep. "But he had his head cut off, so I guess I don't have to worry about that now :-)" Right. Btw, did you recognize Bart? He played the detective partner/friend of Patricia Arquette on Medium. "E7... is Lucifer different?! I know it's the same actor, but he's always been so snakelike in his way of speaking before, and now he speaks like some generic guy on the street. Maybe I've forgotten what he was like when they originally introduced him, and he's back to that." Luci has always been hateful, sarcastic, and obnoxious but I do think he has become more and more "smarmy" lately, a word I don't think I've ever used before but fits him to a "T". smarmy adjectiveinformal adjective: smarmy; comparative adjective: smarmier; superlative adjective: smarmiest ingratiating and wheedling in a way that is regarded as insincere or excessive. "a smarmy, unctuous reply" definition from ------ I've seen 18 eps of season 13 and he has been getting more and more smarmy! He's like a cat playing with it's food (victim). It makes me think that the writers saw that the fans liked that attitude on him and so they're laying it on even how Supe started out with amusing wisecracks from the boys and then started getting funnier and funnier, and sometimes hysterical. "I think the "in the beginning" speech must have come from The Darkness when she was in the fog at the very beginning, explaining everything to Dean." I am pretty sure I heard that recently, meaning sometime in season 13. It could've been Asmodeus(sp?), or Cass, or some other angel (I think). Don't quote me on this...but I do remember when I heard it, I mentally noted that I was hearing some of that story "again".....but this time I associated the original "emptiness before creation" with "The Empty" where Cass was....or I just had a mini-stroke. ----- Btw, you can stop worrying about something else being in the Boys' HQ that they don't know about. I saw the episode I was referring to. I just remembered it wrong.
| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 4:49 pm
You will reach eo 18 in about 10 eps from now. You will like it. In it, a reaper talks to Dean and the subject of the books of "possible deaths" comes up. Dean has a whole shelf of 'em. There was also a statement about how people are dying "before their assigned deaths". Don't ask me to reconcile those two...but so far, ep 18 relays just enough info to infer how "possible" death and "assigned" deaths can both be true. Btw, I'm only halfway though ep 18, so it may turn out to be even more informative than what I've aready seen! Now you have something to look forward to! 
| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 5:57 pm
season 13 ep15 A very film noir episode...
| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 9:16 pm
I just finished the season 13 finale. OMC! "Oh My Chuck" I just couldn't stop...I just kept watching "one more" until the season ended. This season was a lot different than past seasons and when you finish it you'll see what I mean. Don't worry, I won't continue on at this frenetic pace and leave you in the dust. After watching all 23 episodes of S13 in just 3 days, I can safely say I can take a break from Supe until you're caught up! If you have a question, comment, or theory along the way just be sure to post which episode it's about and I'll be here to comment. I ain't goin' anywhere. I feel saturated with Supe enough at this point to just let it simmer for awhile before starting the penultimate season. I may have to check the recaps to make sure I don't accidentally let something slip like when Minerva dies after a spell went wrong and turned her inside out. (Of course, there really is no Minerva, spell, death, guts, etc...) I do think you'll really enjoy the rest of this season (and maybe even consider it a favorite season!). It is spectacularly satisfying! I give this season 37 thumbs up! Imagine that this is a thumb, that it's pointing up and that there are thirty-seven of them:

| Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 10:55 pm
Lol, this season, so far, seems a lot more personal, which I like, and with your 37 thumbs up recommendation, I am looking forward to the rest! Yes, I think Bobby did say something about talking to dead relatives. And smarmy is indeed what Lucifer is. Assigned deaths... hmmm. Well I can't sit here chatting to you, I've got 15 episodes to watch! Will watch at least e9 and e10 now and try to stay awake!
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 1:09 am
E9-11 had a continuation of episodes, which is quite a change in style. Looks like it will go on to e12, but I haven't got there yet. Jack arrives next to Mary and then we're left waiting! And no one called Cass to help?! ;)
| Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 10:52 am
E12... Rowena's back! And maybe Cass soon too, if he can shake Lucifer.