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| Saturday, April 08, 2023 - 1:05 am
I saw e9 and e10. The Secret Service guy in e9 had the air of someone who was going to be around for a bit, but Ketch saw to that. Seems like the Brits don't really know much about what Sam and Dean do. They seem stunned they'd dealt with the actual Lucifer. If they thought it was all werewolves and vampires, what did they think happened when Sam and Dean saved the world a few times? By SOONER, do you mean about Ketch killing all those soldiers? Hope it isn't blamed on S&D . I also have a memory of someone typing into a typewriter, like the male MoL did, and getting a supernatural reply, but I don't think it was on this show. Something on tv the last few years. Does that ring a bell with you? I thought Alicia Witt was going to be food, or at least dead, pretty quickly, but that took a turn. At first she really reminded me of that Savior character. But instead, evil Ian Tracey. (He wasn't an angel last time he was on, was he?) Seems like angels have always just been monsters, or at least have been as flawed as humans. Yet far more arrogant.
| Saturday, April 08, 2023 - 4:40 pm
" The Secret Service guy in e9 had the air of someone who was going to be around for a bit, but Ketch saw to that. " Are you referring to the guy who was a main character on "Continuum" where he played a time traveler bad guy? Maybe it felt like he was going to "be around for a bit" because he was around for a LOT of bits in Continuum? I thought he'd be around longer too, because I know he's been a recurring character in a few various shows previously. " Seems like the Brits don't really know much about what Sam and Dean do." They're as bad as angels in the "respecting the Winchesters" department. The boys are just second tier monkeys in the eyes of angels and the British MoL. "By SOONER, do you mean about Ketch killing all those soldiers?" Yep. You learned of this sooner than the boys did. Killing a bunch of humans without feeling any pesky remorse is just a typical day at work for that Ketch psycho, a serial killer who found his dream job. "I also have a memory of someone typing into a typewriter, like the male MoL did, and getting a supernatural reply, but I don't think it was on this show. Something on tv the last few years. Does that ring a bell with you? " I think there was something similar on "Fringe"...I think typewriters were how they communicated with the alternate universe? And/or also in "X-Files"? " But instead, evil Ian Tracey. (He wasn't an angel last time he was on, was he?) " No, not an angel. In season 7 ep 11 ("Adventures in Babysitting")...Ian Tracey played a little girl's father/hunter who'd disappeared.
| Saturday, April 08, 2023 - 11:11 pm
Yes, it was Fringe with the typewriter! Might have been Faux-livia. And you're right, it must be because he was on Continuum, why that guy seemed like he'd been in it for longer. It's quite confusing sometimes, when the characters are very similar between different shows. Just about to embark on 11 and 12, so I will be where you were on Thursday .
| Saturday, April 08, 2023 - 11:48 pm
Looks like Dean/Jensen enjoyed that bucking bull!
| Sunday, April 09, 2023 - 12:22 am
Ah-oh, Lucifer's got his meat suit back!
| Sunday, April 09, 2023 - 5:25 pm
Ep 11 - The one about Dean's memory slipping away. I read something in the recap of this one that I don't remember being pointed out in the episode. The recap said: "Sam is forced to call in Rowena when a witch hits Dean with a spell that causes him to lose his memory... and if the spell continues, Dean will soon die when he forgets how to breathe." Yikes! I didn't realize it was a "life or death" situation. I thought it was just a "dumb or dumber" situation. ep 12 - Aha! This is where we learned that the MOTW demon was "special": From the recap of this ep at that link I posted but you stopped reading because of all the spoilers: "Crowley explains that he's the King of the Crossroads, and Hell sent him. He offers the Lance of Michael, and Ramiel admires it. The second gift is from Crowley: a box. Ramiel examines the contents and is surprised that Crowley found it. Crowley says that it's Ramiel's coronation gift, and he wants Ramiel to be king of Hell. Ramiel is next in line, but Ramiel says that he doesn't want it and suggests that Crowley take it. Crowley asks about the other Princes, and Ramiel says that all of them except Azrael are happy where they are and aren't interested. Crowley quickly says that he'll take the throne, and Ramiel warns him there is one thing. Crowley has to leave the Princes alone and makes sure that everyone else does. If he doesn't then he will piss the Princes off, and they'll be pissed at Crowley as well. Crowley immediately accepts." .......... Kitt, I think I said before (when you asked about different levels of demons) that I thought Crowley's self title as king wasn't "official" but just a claim he made. Apparently I was way off....the recap listed the hierarchy of who can become King of Hell....and Crowley claimed it because the other "Princes" wanted nothing to do with it. Here is the link to that recap for ep 12:
| Sunday, April 09, 2023 - 8:25 pm
I think e11 was an allegory (if that's the correct word) for alzheimers or something similar. The spell was like a disease that was destroying his nerves and would eventually destroy all function. So a race against the clock as well as everything else. E12, yes, it was interesting. At the start of one season Crowley was suddenly the King of Hell, not just head of the Crossroads demons, and they never told us why or how... until now. I'm not sure the summary is quite correct though, I think Crowley ummed and ahhed for just a second, and Ramiel gestured as if in that case he would offer it to that random demon who was standing next to Crowley, and then Crowley immediately accepted, lol. It's strange that Crowley doesn't have special powers. I know he's extra powerful, but it seems like he can simply do things better than the other demons, whereas the Prince of Hell had a whole new level of skills, including simply ignoring the circles on the floor they paint, and putting out the holy oil ring. And once again, we have entities with god given (or in this case Lucifer given) jobs who choose just not to bother. I hadn't noticed the boys didn't have the colt anymore, so that was a surprise to me at the end. And Mary should really know better, I'm not sure why she wouldn't run things through the boys, given that she knows very little of what's happened the last few years. It was an unusual episodes with the timings too, going back and forth over the evening.
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 10:48 am
Have you watched s12e13 yet? The THEN on that episode (not a spoiler, if you didn't miss it the first time round!) showed Mary in a diner with the MoL man, and he told her they wanted to rid the world of all monsters. It didn't click at the time, but that's why Mary is working with them, if they really can rid the world of monsters than her family no longer have to be hunters, which is what she wants. I couldn't work out her motivation for working with them, but that seems to be it. (btw, I didn't have any THEN and NOW on s11, but they're back for s12. Don't know if they were coded wrong (??) into Netflix or they were brought back by popular demand, but I am happy they're back!)
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 1:03 pm
"I hadn't noticed the boys didn't have the colt anymore, so that was a surprise to me at the end." When Dean was trying to get rid of the mark of Cain, didn't Crowley hang on to the colt just so they wouldn't be in close proximity to each other because that makes the colt AND the mark a lot stronger? That "where's the colt" detail is vague to me, so I may be off on my explanation....but as I watch the show I rely on their "continuation" specialist to be correct. I figure if I miss a detail here and there it doesn't mean much in the long run. " I couldn't work out her motivation for working with them, but that seems to be it. " That's deeper than I went...I just figured she had a different opinion of the MoL than the boys do. The boys disagree with one another all the time, so a "mom vs the boys" is almost expected. She must've been dazzled by all their electronic toys. Considering she didn't know what google was when she got alive again, the fancy tech of the evil Brits might have seduced her a bit. "It's strange that Crowley doesn't have special powers." That doesn't bother me....all these guys have powers that come and go for whatever reason. I don't even remember where Cass falls on the "powers spectrum" anymore. Also, I think referring to Ketch as a "low rent Christian Bale" was a trigger for Ketch to get even more badder. Btw, have you seen Crowley's red smoke yet? They replayed one of the red smoke appearances in a then or now and I grabbed it. The screenshot kind of makes it look like a pool of blood but it's red smoke coming out of the mouth while he was face down on the concrete.
(screen grab from the episode)
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 1:24 pm
ep 13 I didn't notice until I just looked it up, but Crowley's son was named Gavin Macleod? LOL My next unwatched episode is s12 ep19.
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 3:08 pm
It was the jawbone knife that Crowley kept, I think, to separate the mark from the... can't think what they called it, but Cain's knife. The last time I remember the Colt was when they were in the past, and Old West time period, with some famous man who realised they were time travellers, and then became a hunter himself.... Found it, it was S6E18, Frontiersland, where they went back to the time of Samuel Colt. But although they lost the colt there, it looks like they found it at the end, so that doesn't seem to answer where it was. Must have lost it some other time. Yes, I have now seen the red smoke. And it's a good red too! And very useful for working out what's going on when there's more than one demon involved . "I don't even remember where Cass falls on the "powers spectrum" anymore." Me too! For example, I was sure he had his wings back, and yet he still has to use transport. When he's not damaged, which seems like most of the time nowadays, he can at least heal, so that's something. Can't have those pretty faces scarred for too long. We have ingested such a lot of demon-monster-angel-Lucifer information in such a short time, I hope it's perfectly normal that I am forgetting a lot of what's what now, because that's what's happening! 200+ episodes and the area of my brain for supernatural trivia is full, lol. E13 with Gavin MacLeod - I googled the name as it didn't ring any bells for me, and I see a comedian, was that your reference? I thought about the MacLeods in Highlander, which was a show I almost watched many times but never did. I was a little shocked at the end, that Rowena was happy to kill Gavin to give Crowley the pain of losing a child, like he made her do with her other son, Oscar. When that happened (he made her kill Oscar) it seemed such an awful thing but she did it relatively quickly, without much fight, not that she had much choice, but I guess she holds a grudge, with reason. I suppose she had no real bond to Gavin, but still, you'd think she'd want to keep her grandson safe. I'm probably going to watch e14 in a bit, on the bike, but that's where I'm up to now.
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 5:00 pm
E14 did you notice the hapless double-crossing hunter was Chief Tyrol from BSG? I'm surprised Sam didn't bring up, to the MoL, that they shouldn't kill the Vampires who survive off donated blood.
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 5:45 pm
"E13 with Gavin MacLeod - I googled the name as it didn't ring any bells for me, and I see a comedian, was that your reference?" The Captain on "The Love Boat" was played by an actor named Gavin McLeod....before TLB he was a regular on the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" and he played a writer for the news dept named "Murray" "Me too! For example, I was sure he had his wings back, and yet he still has to use transport." Cass lost his wings when god took the wings of ALL the angels. That's why the angels fell to earth. He has his grace back but when that archangel stabbed him with an angel knife, he didn't die, but got really REALLY weak and he was already weakened from healing others...or bringing someone back to life or something like that. Duh! Of course, it was the jawbone knife (AKA The First Blade), not the colt. "like he made her do with her other son, Oscar." Oscar wasn't her son unless I missed it. She had said when everyone was after her to burn her or hang her or whatever, a kind family yook her in and Oscar was their son, with whom she became best friends. When she left them she did a spell to give him the gift of immortality....which we now know, she could apparently override. "E14 did you notice the hapless double-crossing hunter was Chief Tyrol from BSG? " Yes! When I saw him I thought "I gotta remember to bring it up to Kitt". I forgot. "I'm surprised Sam didn't bring up, to the MoL, that they shouldn't kill the Vampires who survive off donated blood." I'm about 4-5 eps ahead of you but I figured that Sam gets that they don't do mercy. Period. However, I have no idea when the Brits first made that point...although I think it's been made by them several times now. I'd just assume that Sammy making a point like that to the Brits would just be a waste of breath. It's their "CODE" to not leave ANY monster alive. I wrote this and when I was about to hit "Post" it occurred to me that you likely haven't seen this yet. It's spoiler about character, not a plot point....and it's the first scene of an episode.
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Btw, I was completely surprised when we learned that the kid who killed the other kid (as a final exam) was Mick and not Ketch! |
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 7:11 pm
Ah yes, son of the family who helped her, not her son. It would be a hard judgement call, keeping to principles and killing only the bad vampires, or having some good vampires die in order to get rid of them all. And it could be argued that every good vampire is an accident waiting to happen. Might be a lot easier to rationalise on the large scale than when he finds a nice vampire, or whatever monster, and sees it up close and personal. I haven't seen that (spoiler box) episode but that's ok . I thought Mick was going to die this episode and found myself relieved he survived, so if they're going to kill him off at some point, which right now seems like it could happen at the end of this season (as there doesn't seem to be a ~big bad~, just the MoL) it'll be good if they remind me he's at least baddie adjacent .
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 10:33 pm
The spoiler box references season 12, ep17, titled "The British Invasion". The next ep on my list is ep 19. You're pretty close to ep 17, right?
| Monday, April 10, 2023 - 11:04 pm
I should watch e15 and e16 tomorrow. Possibly e17 too if I can't resist .
| Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 11:14 am
Watched those two. Crowley really does have the upper hand on Lucifer, or at least for now he does! And Claire wolfs out! I'll probably watch e17 this afternoon, I'm curious how Mick will act when the rest of his team are restocked.
| Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 5:01 pm
Guess I won't get to find out how he acts with a new team! Awww, I still liked him, even after he murdered his best friend! And Mary Winchester! I don't think this is going to turn out well!
| Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 6:16 pm
I watched e18 too. Seems like it's only just occurred to Ketch that Mary Winchester is way too young to be the boys' mother.
| Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 10:22 pm
I forgot which episodes I saw this in, but there have been at least two. Demon: We're going to "Make Hell Great Again!"

| Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - 10:50 pm
ep19- I wonder if the actor who plays Dagon has "Lucifer's side piece" listed on her resume'... --- Kelly's motel room has a room divider that looks like a garden trellis. --- Great episode....stuff happens and then MORE stuff happens! Too much to tell you anything more than the stupid trellis. It's one of those eps that doesn't just add a fact or two at the end of a GMOTW (Goat Man Of The Week) ep but it actually takes off and goes somewhere. It's ALL about Kelly, her little unborn niphilin, Dean, Cass, Sammy, Luci, Dagon, and the core story progresses quickly and a bit unexpectedly! Looks like we are about caught up again. My next ep to watch is ep 20.
| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 8:44 am
I watched 19 and 20 late last night. After the excitement of 19 I had to go straight into 20 but it was mostly motw. The pain Cass seems to be in over his own (to him) failures and how he’s disappointed Dean, drives me almost to tears, I feel so bad for him. I really hope this nephilim can actually be good and Cass isn’t being manipulated again. Can’t believe only three episodes left until another season finale, it suddenly occurred to me yesterday that this will eventually end! 
| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 12:44 pm
"Can’t believe only three episodes left until another season finale" Only two left for me...I was up late again because of supe-momentum and then I promised myself I'd stop with only 2 eps to go....and I managed to do that, but I don't know how. The end of 21 was great...a couple of revelations that could (did?) change everything. The final moment of e21 is a beautiful scene...but it will also make you worry about the boys...and the rest of all humanity. I know you will want to watch 21-23 today. All I have to go on by that statement is ep's that first big hump on the've reached the very top of the first big hump and suddenly gravity takes over and gives a big nudge and you're zooming into...god knows what! "it suddenly occurred to me yesterday that this will eventually end! " I know what you mean. When it ended for me the first time, I really missed it...but THIS time the momentum has been so consistent and exciting I think I'm hooked more than ever. There are plenty of bloopers and other Supe youtubes out there to kind of ween myself out of the Supernatural universe. I will be watching the final two eps of season 12 sometime today. Funny, I was about to say it was a good time to pause...then I remembered that most Supe finales aren't like a foot on the brakes...they're often more like a foot on the gas! Anyhow so much happened in ep 21...I'm am ready for whatever direction the story is headed. After today I'll have only 3 seasons to go...I bet that goes for you, too.
| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 5:08 pm
But but but but but but but but but I'm going to choose to believe that what happened is reversible!! Let me know when you've watched the three episodes... and yes I did want to immediately watch the next but I probably won't be able to today.
| Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 8:21 pm
I've watched season 12 e21-22-23 ....and of course, season 13 ep1-2 So I'm hoping you did see the s12 finale, e23, right? I remember seeing that when it aired and for me it was NOOOOO! They can't kill blah-blah and then kill blah-blah AND blah-blah, too! It's okay that they shoved blah-blah into blah-blah why did blah-blah have to go there, too! That was a long summer with that finale ending the way it did. At least a lot of loose strings got tied up and issues got resolved....but now there's a whole new set of issues to deal with. I had forgotten a lot of those details and hoped I hadn't oversold it....and as I watched I saw it was as thrilling as I remembered.