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| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 11:19 pm
I did . Didn't he call Dean and Sam, Spears and Aguilera a while back, he obviously likes his female singers. I wish I recognised all of the boys' name pairings. I did recognise Collins and Gabriel a few episodes back, but often they're names I don't get.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 11:21 pm
Same here on names going over my head....but "Agent Beyonce" was over the top!
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 9:34 am
S12E1... leave my Sammy alone!!
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 10:49 am
I should've warned you to watch this ep through your fingers with your hands covering your eyes.
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 1:48 pm
Don't worry, I didn't need warning, it's automatic! I mean jeez, she didn't even have a discussion, give him a second to ask why or say he'll speak to some people and see what they say! I did squeeze e2 in afterwards so at least Sam is safe now, and with the aid of Cass isn't even physically wounded. The literal mind f__ might be an actual mind f___ however. Surprisingly (because of TW), I really like the mother! So far she's the perfect balance of feeling like their mother, but being her own person, with her own wit, needs, thinking. And they didn't make her either clueless or a warrior woman, which many shows would have done (including TW).
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 3:44 pm
Did you catch the season finale of TW yet? I keep thinking when it comes back for season 2, if it doesn't have some humor in it, I'll like it even less. I'm hoping Rowena comes back to TW and adds some fun along with her usual murder, mayhem, and Machiavellian personality. I'm still giving it a chance though. Supe got better and better every season, so I'm hoping for that on TW. Bottom line: TW needs more than serious talk about suspect monsters and capture/kill strategies. That show comes across like Law & Order a lot more than Supe! They need a Cass, or a repentant demon, or a toothless tooth fairy with a filthy mouth, especially if Rowena doesn't stick around. 
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 4:49 pm
No, I'm going to watch it all (mostly again, but the finale for the first time) after I've finished Supe. As I wasn't paying full attention because I was annoyed with it, and because I didn't realise the significance of some of it, not having seen enough of Supe, I think I'd do it better justice if I waited. For instance in that episode with Rowena, I'd no idea who she was. Of course it might just annoy me more second time around . My guess is we'll find out about renewal a couple of weeks after it goes out on HBO Max, they'll wait to see if it gets some traction there before deciding. It really does need a complete personality re-write. The stories might be ok if they could just, like you say, add characters with some sort of spark or charisma.
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 4:52 pm
Oh I forgot to say, my answer to myself was no, I wouldn't have recognised Rick Springfield if you didn't say to look for him! I was thinking what hard living he must have been through to look that rough, then of course when Lucifer was in him and invigorated him I realised it was just haggard make up!
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 5:23 pm
"when Lucifer was in him and invigorated him" I dunno....he still looked pretty beat down and used up even after his Luci-makeover! I only know him by name and when I see it, I always confuse him with another name - Bruce Springsteen. LOL When I first watched Supe he looked like some hasbeen celebrity so I looked him up. This time I knew he was some musical hasbeen(or is he still going strong?) but I still had to look him to peg the name. I might know a bunch of useless TV crap, but musical knowledge eludes me. The only fact I know of Rick Springfield is that he sang "Jessie's Girl" and I only know that because Alexa told me. 
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 5:52 pm
I think he was pretty much a one hit wonder with that. I confused him with Bruce Springsteen too, although Bruce stayed around and Rick didn't. He's Australian so maybe he's been a big hit there.
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 8:16 pm
I'm now watching ep7. He's reinvigorated (again) and this time he looks a lot better. Alexa told me he's 73 (older than ME...and I'm an old coot now!)
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 9:10 pm
The question is do you sport the black eyeliner? 
| Tuesday, April 04, 2023 - 9:44 pm
Nope....well, maybe once in 1993 when 3 friends and I went out on Halloween as a group of white trash brides of Frankenstein (we all had blue eye shadow and wore some kind of animal print)! LOL
| Wednesday, April 05, 2023 - 11:27 am
I watched e3 and e4. Mommy dearest upped and left them! But I'm sure she'll be back. Seems like Rowena has seen some sense though. So after not being able to kill Sam and Dean, instead the Brit Men of Letters follow them around, doing the easy bit after the boys have done the hard work?! Classy. By the way, e4 had them dressed as Fathers Penn and DeNiro, I caught that one! And earlier Crowley joked about being Agent Jay-Z after Cass used Agent Beyonce, then Cass introduced him to someone as Agent Z!
| Wednesday, April 05, 2023 - 2:55 pm
"So after not being able to kill Sam and Dean, instead the Brit Men of Letters follow them around, doing the easy bit after the boys have done the hard work?! Classy.?" It's more like they're doing the "immoral bit" than the "easy bit"! Those boys have gone through so much angst learning to leave innocents and redeemable "monsters" alive when hunting. They don't kill innocent people or monsters that they truly believe can adapt to not killing humans "just in case" like they used to. At the end of ep4 that gung-ho MoL psycho, Ketch, murdered a little girl human just because she was psychic....I'm sure he would've killed Sammy had he known Sammy was psychic a few seasons back. That psychic girl's murder was just the "reveal" of Ketch's overkill attitude...he gets worse! (too spoilery?) The MoL Brits act like they're the only ones who have the authority to decide who lives and who dies.
| Wednesday, April 05, 2023 - 3:31 pm
Yes, "easy" wasn't the best choice of words. I meant though that they don't even put themselves in danger, just take out the easy kills at the end, the ones that Sam and Dean have deemed safe and worthy of living. I'm not surprised Ketch gets worse, the way they were talking about him earlier was as if he was the torturer they call in. Like that scary guy who the baddies used to torture people in Alias. As long as he's a human psychopath not a monster psychopath (tbd??) hopefully he can be got rid off, but I am prepared for him to be some kind of creature.
| Wednesday, April 05, 2023 - 5:13 pm
Hopefully the boys can sort it all out. Heck, they won the debate with a very stubborn god and reunited him with his much trouble can a it be to rein in a couple of psycho Brits? (This is a fun conversation to have with a certified Brit.)
| Wednesday, April 05, 2023 - 9:23 pm
I don't know, we're pretty wily! 
| Thursday, April 06, 2023 - 12:24 am
<slowly backing away from a wily Brit...>
| Thursday, April 06, 2023 - 1:15 pm
I've watched e5 and e6. E5 was the one with Hitler, so funny that they made him cuckoo. Loved how proud Dean is of himself for killing him! In e6 there were young brother/sister hunters, and the male was someone I've just been watching in How to Get Away With Murder, he was Caleb in S2 if you watched that (I'm slowly making my way through it, finished s2 but am pausing before s3). There's no mistaking him . No idea what that mean reaper's deal is. I don't remember other reapers being like that. Even Death was quite personable. Seems like Dean's getting over Mary's need for space. Interesting that Mary still did some jobs - closing loose ends - after Dean was born. Nice tie in to remind us that she is/was the one with hunter in her blood, not John.
| Thursday, April 06, 2023 - 6:38 pm
Yes, "Hi!...I killed Hitler!", "I'd like a cup of coffee...I killed Hitler!", "Nice day today, Ma'am..I killed Hitler!"etc, etc, etc. He was SO proud! "No idea what that mean reaper's deal is." I don't think Billie was evil or anything....she's just doing her job and the boys keep getting in the way. She's just pissed for having to reap the same handful of people over and over. Ep 7 Someone goes on tour. Ep 8 Someone finds a dream home. Ep 9 Shawshank Redemption. Ep 10 has a guest star I like. Alicia Witt...she played Cybil's daughter on "Cybil" a long time ago. She was also on an episode or two of TWD...where her role was "food". This is an episode I was looking forward to but I wasn't sure it was even on Supe! There's a flashback and stuff happens 100 years ago but every time that ep comes to mind, I see Amanda Tapping in it as her "Sanctuary" character. Oh I know. It's an interesting ep and Cass wears a dress and that guy you like is there, too (Ian Tracey). Ep 11 is all about Deans brain. LOL . I finished ep 12 last night. Pretty much MOTW, but it has some info you might like. I know you like this ep we learn a bit about the hierarchy of demons. Also, "Trust" is a theme. My next episode to watch will be ep 13. Hope this wasn't too "spoilery"!
| Friday, April 07, 2023 - 10:30 am
S12E8, "Do we have a plan? Impeach LOTUS and find Rosemary's Baby." Why did they stay with the president! They could have nipped out the side door with the others! Hope they're going to be wary of Ketch, they're not going to just think he's like their Q or something.
| Friday, April 07, 2023 - 11:31 am
"Why did they stay with the president!" For the drama. "Hope they're going to be wary of Ketch" They'll learn of some shocking activity about Ketch sooner or later...but YOU will learn it SOONER! ---------- "Why did they stay with the president! " Speaking of the president did he resemble Nathan Fillion to you, too? At one point early on when he was first introduced, I thought it was Fillion but then it became obvious that it was lighting or camera angles. They seem to share the same head and face shape....I'd bet if his face was compared to Fillion's with facial recognition software there would be a higher than normal partial match,
| Friday, April 07, 2023 - 2:43 pm
Yes, he does, now you mention it. He also makes me think of Alexis Denisoff. I am intrigued by your Shawshank Redemption description, although now I've seen e8 I assume that's about them getting out of prison. Yes, Alicia Witt was destined to be food in TWD, right from the start! If something bad happens to her on Supe, she'll be in danger of being typecast that way ;). I should watch e9 and e10 tonight.
| Friday, April 07, 2023 - 7:17 pm
"I am intrigued by your Shawshank Redemption description, although now I've seen e8 I assume that's about them getting out of prison." Oops, sorry for spoilage! When I watch several eps in a row I tend to remember them in "arcs" rather than "eps". When I mentioned Shawshank, I didn't realize that was one "arc" spread over two "eps". I think ep 9 is the where you learn something about Ketch "SOONER". "Yes, Alicia Witt was destined to be food in TWD, right from the start!" Just realized something...the link between Supe and TWD...Alicia's character was a "savior", one of NEGAN'S (Sammy and Dean's father) acolytes who got away when Rick's group killed all the humans in that bunker that was one of Egan's compounds.