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| Sunday, April 02, 2023 - 7:15 pm
<Just noticed that my previous post was the 900th post in this thread!> Do I get a balloon or anything? 
| Sunday, April 02, 2023 - 8:03 pm
Ok, thank you, I will ignore those thoughts then! . Will a happy gold star do? 
| Sunday, April 02, 2023 - 8:19 pm
| Sunday, April 02, 2023 - 8:30 pm
"Ok, thank you, I will ignore those thoughts then!" Looks like my foreshadowing needs work, but yours needs a sedative! If we keep working together we can catch it all by combining our opposing foretelling talents. lol
| Sunday, April 02, 2023 - 11:15 pm
season 12 e2: Guest Star Rick Springfield!
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 12:46 am
"So I have 18-23 left. I'll probably watch three episodes tomorrow, and hopefully three Tuesday." That's a perfect way to watch those 6 eps...the first 3 are the build up and the second 3 are the results. That's where I intended to take a break, but I just couldn't stop. ep1 - the music is a bit different now and there's a lot of BMs...but even more action! The story is going where no episode has gone before....we're in new territory, folks! ep2 - Good blonde vs Bad blonde You'll be on the edge of your seat hoping for the violent death of someone...and you just might get it! Btw, I really hope you're not a spy, Kitt.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 8:07 am
I wonder if I would recognise Rick Springfield out of context… I’ll have to see. Hmmm, probably not a spy. You tease, now you’ve got me thinking! Here we go…!
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 10:35 am
Rowena's back! But no more effective... And the sheriff in e19 is the cadet(?) in Battlestar Galactica that main hunky guy was with when he wasn't (and sometimes when he was) sleeping with Kara Thrace.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 11:23 am
So your next ep is s11 e20? My next one is s12 e3...I was planning on holding back a bit today....I hope I can do it! Anyhow, I'm really curious what your reaction will be on ep 20.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 11:56 am
Chuck is God!!!!!! And he has a blog of cat memes!!! Not sure if he saved the world or just that town... think I'm going to have to dive straight into e21!
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 12:43 pm
"Chuck is God!!!!!! " When I first watched this years ago, I was shocked! I had suspected Chuck was god for about a minute and then discarded the idea and wondered who it was for years and years and finally it was revealed and my jaw dropped. There was SO much foreshadowing. Chuck said he was "god" the first time he met the boys....and in a subsequent meeting with them he said it again and Dean (I think) just yelled, "No you're not a god!" <ETA - or maybe the 2nd time was a flashback...> In the rewatch I saw something I don't remember seeing before. I think it was at the end of the first ep Chuck was in and he was sitting at his typewriter and just before they cut away, he just vanished into thin air! I don't remember that from my first viewing years ago. This time I thought "Foreshadowing!!" You know the kind of foreshadowing that tells you outright what's what. Bottom line, in retrospect, it was so did we miss it? (I'll admit I misled you a bit when talking about Chuck, but it was such a fun reveal for me, I thought you should be surprised by it, too) His writing what the boys were doing in real time was hysterical. Chuck proudly showing up to see his words put to use on the stage for the high school play, "SupernaturaL" was inspired. And he was still alive so he wasn't a prophet after all. God turned out to be the purloined letter. Oh can watch the TW finale now. This is the big reveal that was spoiled by Dean at the end of that finale. Also, the recaps website in that Supernatural link I posted here (when we started this) had a huge spoiler. Every time Chuck was on an episode, the credits showed that he played "Chuck/God":
image from HERE (I was sure you would notice that before we got to this episode.)
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 12:58 pm
"And the sheriff in e19 is the cadet(?) in Battlestar Galactica that main hunky guy was with when he wasn't (and sometimes when he was) sleeping with Kara Thrace." Are you thinking of Michael Trucco? If so, he wasn't in Supernatural, but in e19 there was a guy that kind of resembles Trucco...his name is Damian Mavis. Google Images link to Damian Mavis
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 1:00 pm
I watched s11e21 and have been ~able~, lol, to pause there. I might watch the next two this afternoon though, if I can. So God's just a complete loser, is that what we're getting?! Although he did just save them in the end of e21 (when he transported the car to the bunker). Bit stunned at how realistic he was as a, well, not even a caricature of that sort of person, just spot on as a narcissistic loser without any empathy for mankind, they're just too annoying and complicated. My annoyance at him almost took me out of the show for a bit! Not sure about the comment telling Dean not to confuse him with his father. I think that was more of him just not wanting to admit the truth. Did Metatron die, or whatever happens to once angel humans when the sister of god is annoyed at them? I guess so. I won't miss him, although I hope they haven't lost the info on the tablets. That new prophet will have to get up to speed quickly! Also, quick disposal of Kevin to heaven! Like they just wanted to tie up a loose end! Amara just seems so disappointed in everyone. It makes me uneasy, like she just doesn't care to do anything, which is somehow more dangerous than being straight up evil. There were some sharp cuts in the story - one second Dean is with her in the woods, next he's back in the bunker - so it's like we don't know exactly what she's thinking and if she's angry with Dean now she knows he's been with god. And I just want Cass back. Horrible seeing him all Lucifery all this time.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 1:18 pm
I've stopped looking at any summaries for Supe now, once you warned me! Occasionally I read the couple of sentences Netflix shows for the next episode, without thinking, but that's about all. I even try to resist looking people up on imdb because I looked up Tahmoh when he was on, and saw he had two names, which was a bit of a spoiler although one I didn't quite understand at that point. I missed the foreshadowing except I knew there was something unexplained when he was doing those speaking engagements at the convention. Something wasn't quite right there, but I couldn't put my finger on it. And yes, so that's why he was still alive when he should have been dead for Kevin to become a prophet! The sheriff (female) I mentioned was Dualla from BSG, Kandyse McClure. She was with Apollo even though Apollo secretly and not secretly wanted to be with Starbuck and everyone knew it. Oh and I saw that The Winchesters series will be on HBO Max from April 16th or similar. So I think once I finish this, which will probably be May sometime now , I'm going to give TW a proper go, pay more attention to the Men of Letters stuff and try not to hate on the English accent girl so much. I feel like I owe it to Jensen, lol.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 2:00 pm
Thinking about it more, so God saw what a hard time two of his subjects had fighting the monsters he created, including Dean going to Hell, Sam's death, and just wrote about it to make money and get adoration and girls?! Didn't try to help them, just let it all happen for the funzies?!? What a dick!
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 3:31 pm
I think he just used an outline when he started creating the animal kingdom and stuck to it. The angels often referred to humans as apes or hairless monkeys. In the animal kingdom, humans believe themselves to be the top of the food chain. I think god just threw in werewolves and vampires etc to be the true top of the food chain and it got out of hand because humans were smarter than expected! (Just imagine if cows were smart enough to invent guns and they decided to defend themselves!) None of the various "tribes" (demons, angels, gods, and earth monsters) think of humanity as being particularly special or superior to themselves. They never lived as humans, so they all just consider themselves "better than" like humans do with animals. I don't think god or angels are necessarily evil characters, but they do seem to think of and treat humans the same way humans treat wild dogs or something. It was just an oversight by a god that didn't properly think things a kid that wants a hamster and then lets it play with the cat. Anyhow, I don't like Chuck either...his ego is just too big and he's too shallow. But we have to remember...he INVENTED the ego and his role models were...absolutely nothing. I don't remember if/when Chuck returns, but if I had my way he wouldn't. The boys will have their hands full enough with more self proclaimed "bosses"!
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 4:30 pm
Just a quick addendum...since I forgot to add the point I was trying to make... I think he just created everything and then, instead of trying make everything fair and even and balanced, he decided to give earth's inhabitants free will so they could sort it out for themselves. Unfortunately, it wasn't the cream that rose to the was the crap. Crowley declares himself king of Hell, Metatron declare's himself the new god, and the angels were mostly too stupid to do anything except look for a new shepherd to tell them what to do, but some of them did try to lead the rest and failed miserably. Far be it for me to defend god, but I don't think he was intentionally evil...he was just thoughtless when he let his pets play with each other unsupervised.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 4:55 pm
I have watched to the end of s11! I think that was what I meant with Amara, and her being so disappointed with everything. She didn't want to do any harm she just wanted to feel better. So nice they smoke-wibbled off together to make up. And of course Dean didn't have to kill himself. Usually they sacrifice themselves in the midst of some very big active event and it's over before it started, but that/those quiet goodbye scene(s) this time really got to me. Those Brits though, always sticking their nose in when they're not wanted. . But Dean and mum (not sure I particularly like that twist and how it might change the boys' dynamic, but oh well) and Cass will save Sam! You are too kind to Chuck! Although you're right, why would he know better. The ultimate ~privilege~. But he did have time, lots of time, to learn and grow, and he didn't. He didn't look at all his apes trying to love and be loved by helping and caring for each other, and think maybe if I treat them well then they will be happier, or could accomplish even more. He just let them at it. I completely believe Amara's version of things, that God created the world so that there would be people he could lord it over, and feel better about himself. You said a little while back that it was funny that there wasn't more backlash against Supernatural for the portrayal of god and angels. I thought the season with the fallen angels might have been missed by them after so many season without angels, but I can't see how this storyline was. It is odd that there wasn't much resistance. Perhaps they thought it best not to give it more attention, I mean pointing out the stories of two handsome young men to the flock might not have the result you'd expect.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 5:03 pm
Yes, I agree in thoughtless not evil. Or not caring instead of wanting ill. I'm not sure I accept this "free will" idea (not your idea, god's and the angels'). Seems like an excuse to me. He made them and he can stop the pain and he chooses not to. If he let the major paths playout, like maybe towards war, or those sort of things, that would be one thing, I can understand the reasoning there, that even if it results in pain, this is humanity's problem to solve, as they chose that path. But it's all the little things, the sick kids, the unnecessary pain that solves no ills, serves no purpose. Those, I don't think a benevolent god could ever allow, only one who ultimately cares more about himself.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 7:41 pm
"Those, I don't think a benevolent god could ever allow, only one who ultimately cares more about himself." Who said Chuck was benevolent? He's just a douchebag....with too much time and power on his hands! His problem was making man "in his own image"...they turned out as self centered and controlling as he is. He just walked away from it all like a puppy mill owner abandoning all those puppies like in the commercial we see on CNN all the time.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 7:49 pm
I've finished ep 3 of s12. Mainly MOTW but with some BMM (Boy/Mama Melodrama). Btw, I know where Lucifer is now...
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 7:56 pm
Btw, did this feel like it was meant to be a final season to you, too? Right up until the mean Brit lady showed up...I think Dean referred to her as "Angry Spice" or something similar. It felt like she was added to the end after they got renewed.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 8:20 pm
I just remembered something that cracked me up. I think it was in ep 2 or 3. It's a spoiler that doesn't mention the plot, but just a name I found to be funny! Cass is helping on a case and he's doing the old fake-FBI thing and introduces himself as:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Special Agent Beyonce |

| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 8:36 pm
Lol, old Cass is back! Yes, it really did feel like it could have been a series finale. Everyone works together to save the world, and lives happily ever after, even resurrecting mummy dearest (who I thought was going to be daddy dearest, although I should have known from the graveside scene). Most seasons I've really needed to see the next e1 to get some resolution, but this time it wasn't necessary to rush. I think Chuck fooled himself that he was benevolent. Had justified everything in his mind as doing the best for the world. He definitely was not though . Only four seasons left . Minus three episodes for you.
| Monday, April 03, 2023 - 11:02 pm
Well, lets just hope he stays away. Of course, since Dean told the TW hunters about Chuck, I kind of expect Chuck to make an appearance on TW. That also makes me think that Chuck comes back to Supe, too. If Dean mentioned him after Supe ended, Chuck must have been still causing trouble at the end of Supe. "Minus three episodes for you."'s minus four episodes now. Did you read the name in the spoiler box?