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| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 3:09 am
ep 6 is fun in sort of a entitled adult brats whudunit kind of way. Bobby Singer, what have you been up to? But ep 7? You are gonna love it! I promise. It connects a few dots...and it adds a dot or two you didn't know were missing. Some characters start becoming more easily surprised me with heartfelt sincerity and sensitivity. A couple of nonhumans are looking at one another in a whole new light...and petite Rowena is back with a grudge and a roar. Seems like everyone is coming to a fork in their respective roads and nudging their personal journeys in slightly different directions. Hope this was vague enough and not too spoilery.
| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 2:39 pm
I kept meaning to mention the season 7 opening title to you. I wondered all season what the big splat was about, and then right at the end, there was the big splat killing the main Leviathan! I should have noticed the smaller splats/goo before, but it took me to the finale to make the connection! S8 had angel wings, so I got that immediately ;). I hadn't noticed Crowley's red smoke. To match the red eyes? Although yellow eyed demon didn't have yellow smoke that I remember. I watched e6 this morning, I thought when "the cute dumb one" entered the hidden room that it had hunter stuff in there, and that maybe the dead woman was Bobby's hunter friend. :: damn, power has gone off again! :: But they didn't mention it after that, so I guess it was just general old stuff storage, not hunter storage. Yes, so how was Bobby involved! I wanted to watch e7 but my mum was having e-billing issues and she stole my extra Supe hour from me, how dare she! And I would get on the bike and watch it but not unless the power comes back on! So e6 had that moment when Dean shot the baddie several times, when one would have done. Sam is concerned - and this is just going to make the two unsettled with each other again, Sam because he can't fully trust Dean, and Dean because he doesn't like how Sam doesn't trust him - but I suppose Dean's explanation might be reasonable. My guess is either every kill is going to make him worse, and it will be a slow build up to him being more demonic, or there will be some sort of trigger some episode and bang he'll be demon-Dean instantly. Or they're having fun with us and he'll be fine. I'd like him to be fine . Better see if PG&E has an update, sigh.
| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 4:14 pm
" Or they're having fun with us and he'll be fine. I'd like him to be fine :-). " I believe he won't be fine until he gets rid of the MoC. After all, it's what pushed Caine over the edge and he certainly seemed ready to get rid of it. The MoC and the first blade together is what took over both Caine and Dean. But...I remember hearing that the more killing he did, the stronger the hold the MoC on Caine became. Caine did the same as Dean...put the first blade out of his reach and he got better. However, Caine also stopped all killing and just hung out on a farm. Dean is getting back into killing because that's "his job"....and I think the more he kills, the stronger the Mark gets and it wants to pull him all the way back to the dark side. And yes, the first blade is not in Dean's possession, but it's in Crowley's possession...and when was the last time Crowley was a trustworthy King of Hell? He seems to be a bit better since he got hooked on human emotions so completely he cried just watching an old B/W drama on TV, but my guess is the further he gets into recovery from his addiction, the easier it'll get for him to get all bad and badder again. He cannot be trusted with the one item that could cause Dean's complete downfall! So I think Dean has all the best intentions (just like Caine did) but I also think that the MoC has gotta go before Dean can fully recover from it. He's really torn between his need to do his job and also get better, but right now he just cannot do both! Funny, but I think we both long for a Dean that can kill without guilt or dangerous ramifications again. Is that twisted or what?
| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 6:31 pm
ep 8 "Hakuna matata, Lady."
| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 6:46 pm
Yes, that's definitely what I want, lol! Sam seems to be able to, yes he doesn't want to kill people/monsters he thinks can be saved or can reform, but in general he's come to terms with the killing and mostly to the life. But poor old Dean, he just feels and can't let go of it. Just watched e7 (power came back, yey!) and he told Cole he's basically doomed... then told Sam he was just telling Cole what he needed to hear. More likely he was just telling Sam what he needed to hear. I did enjoy e7. I liked that they finished the Cole story in a kind way, and that the female angel with Castiel left, and that her host was still alive underneath. Added benefit of that of course is Cass can go back to Dean and Sam! Ermmmm.... mother?????! Re the mark of Cain, yep, it's not like Crowley can be trusted to destroy the blade. Although I like to think he's secretly fond of the boys in some ways, certainly enough to stop something bad happening to them that would make Dean trouble for him. Like he wanted Castiel to go help Sam get Dean back to normal, he didn't just go kill Dean himself to get rid of that issue. Poor Dean.
| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 6:47 pm
E8 has warthogs?! 
| Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - 7:33 pm
"E8 has warthogs?! " Maybe, maybe not... Btw, this spoiler is for reading AFTER you watch ep 9:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | I impressed myself with my timing! Much of what I said in my previous long post is referred to in ep 9! ...and I'm not even halfway through it! Even the "Then" showed clips about Caine and the mark. And Dean says he's feeling the pull of the mark less and I think Cass says something like "the longer you have it the worse it can get." And the characters nudging their paths a bit are continuing to nudge. Looks like Hannah inspired Cass... | Anyhow these are direct spoilers so just wait...even if it kills you and eats your heart! ------- Yes, Crowley's MOTHER! They have a dynamic I wouldn't even wish on a demon...well, you know what I mean. You have to wait for this one, too...AFTER you finish ep 9 (It's a revealing I'll go back and watch the rest of it...):
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | In ep 7, after recognizing his mother at the end of the episode, in ep 9 it's WEEKS later and he's left her chained up in the dungeon all that time! Who woulda thunk Crowley had mommy issues? They have a kind of Loathe/Hate relationship, but she's still his mommy. I really like Rowena (as a character) even though she can be a complete <red dots>! |
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 9:29 am
I’d maintain, even though Dean didn’t, that it actually was him or them. But arrrrrrg! What now? Good job Cass is back to help. Maybe a trip back to Cain, although I think he said he would have to move now the demons have found out where he was. Not sure who’s more sneaky, Crowley or Rowena. That’s going to be quite a twosome.
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 1:09 pm
I have watched through ep 11 and my next unwatched one is 12. There will be good news and bad news for you. Random comment - "Demonic tramp stamp" Yep, Crowley and Rowena are a pair of weasels all right! The best part is when Rowena focuses her manipulation efforts on Crowley! She's kind of the Luthor to Crowley's Supermanjerk. But sometimes she does something long as it benefits her too. Ya can't always hate her, but you never know when that sweet spot of likeability is...but you can always love her when she's messing with her little demonboy. I wish they'd made a "Mommie Dearest" parody episode but they didn't. 
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 5:04 pm
I suppose the good news is Dean is aware what the MoC is doing to him and he doesn't want it. Since Chuck was back a couple of episodes ago, if he is still a prophet, I wonder if he can write a happy ending! I mean, how much difference is there between a scribe like Metatron and a prophet anyway?! Maybe the prophet can only write his books after things have happened. One thing about Rowena, why does she seem to need the little sachets for her spells, why can't she "Expelliarmus!" her way out of things? Although perhaps she can, but it serves her weaselly purpose to be a martyr, like letting herself be tied up for weeks. E10 is the last episode I've watched, so I'm just one behind.
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 6:30 pm
" I mean, how much difference is there between a scribe like Metatron and a prophet anyway?!" I'd say that a prophet is a prophesier who comes up with prophesies. Don't tell Metatron I said this because he'd probably go into a ego-rage and kill me, but isn't a scribe basically someone who takes dictation? a secretary!? Yes Metatron, I said "SECRETARY"!) Oops I'm in for it now... "I suppose the good news is Dean is aware what the MoC is doing to him and he doesn't want it. " Yup. Your bad news is ep 11.
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 6:41 pm
"One thing about Rowena, why does she seem to need the little sachets for her spells, why can't she "Expelliarmus!" her way out of things?" That's pretty standard on Supe...when something seems amiss the boys often look for hex bags and I think Sammy has even made and employed a few of his own. It seems that most of the witches on Supe need spells and ingredients and hex bags. It's just demons/angels that can raise a hand and toss someone out of a widow, generally, right? She did say that witches are taught and some are born that way, so I figure there are different kinds of witch magic. Besides, I think Rowena prefers drama. All her spells are like little performances...and let's face it, Rowena is a ham! 
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 7:03 pm
Haha, yes Metatron is indeed God's secretary! But with the part with Cass from a few episodes ago, where he wanted to have Cass create a possey of angels, he seemed to be making things happen as he himself (rather than god) wrote them. I wondered if Chuck (Chuck wrote the Supernatural books that Becky was a fan of, didn't he?) was writing as things were happening, or he just knew what had happened only once it had happened. Because the normal meaning of prophet is knowing something before it happened. Just was wishing Chuck could write something helpful and then it could play out! But I'm guessing e11 has something else going on ;).
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 7:07 pm
"but it serves her weaselly purpose to be a martyr, like letting herself be tied up for weeks." I think Rowena is in a hell jail right now, but I'm not sure...Hell and dungeon motifs are really very similar. Anyhow, witches, just like demons and angels and humans and vampires, have their weaknesses. I got the impression Rowena was really caught and restrained against her will....but she proved she could get out without witchcraft, just verbal manipulation! Things like a sigil on a pair of handcuffs can trap a witch...and I'm sure there are other tricks of the hell trade that can be an obstacle to Rowena.
| Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 7:41 pm
" I wondered if Chuck (Chuck wrote the Supernatural books that Becky was a fan of, didn't he?) was writing as things were happening, or he just knew what had happened only once it had happened." There was one episode where it looked one way but it was hard to tell. The boys went to see Chuck and they stepped on the porch, went in and saw Chuck typing. Chuck looked up and the boys looked at the paper in the typewriter and saw: "...and they stepped on the porch and saw Chuck typ...". It seemed like he was just seconds ahead of real life. WTH? I love all the little twists and turns and quirks in this epic story. I do remember someone asking about Chuck the Prophet and Dean(?) said (PP) "there can only be one prophet at a time...Kevin is the prophet now, so Chuck must be dead". I think we'll come to understand the prophet issue at some point. We've now watched far enough into it that a lot of eps are starting to be more familiar to me. Of course when we started the premiere of season 1, I hadn't seen it for about 17 years. The eps we're watching now aired "only" about 7 years ago to me. I do catch on to what's happening a bit quicker now, but it's still sketchy...I had been waiting for Rowena to be revealed as Crowley's mother for the last couple of seasons, but I didn't know it was going to be just two eps after her first appearance on Supe. Also I wasn't watching it with anyone else the first time around, meaning I wasn't comparing notes or discussing it week to week or theorizing about it. The whole thing feels so much richer, complex, and layered now. Thank you!
| Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 10:41 am
Yes, discussing it has really made this show extra special for me. So thank you too. Despite the time commitment of 15 seasons, it seems a particularly good show to binge, as there are a lot of characters and lore than are in the show for a bit, then go again, and if I'd been watching in real time I'd have missed a lot of it. And it keeps the tension and emotion high. E11... I thought he was going to kill her. But he did stop without too much trouble once Sam came out, which is better than it could be. I don't think he can feasibly hunt right now, they need to concentrate just on removing the mark.
| Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 11:30 am
I called that ep "bad news" because It was a follow-up to the Oz episode. Hey, you're gonna love ep 12! It has something that has delighted you in the past!
| Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 11:44 am
They;'re doing really well with some MOTW eps while still adding a lot to the core issues. ep 14: I haven't watched it yet but I saw a recap and read the first couple of sentences and it said something I didn't know! In fact I posted the opposite! Wait until after you see ep 14 to read this:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | I was under the impression that Cain was no longer a demon after having given the MoC to Dean...but the recap I saw referred to him as "demon Cain"! However, he apparently used his demon powers to do something not so "demony"... | ETA:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Come to think of it...AFTER Cain gave the MoC to Dean, he did zap all the demons that had gotten into his house. He still must be an extra powerful demon to simply zap other demons so easily, even without the MoC! | I have watched through ep 13 so my next unwatched ep is 14.
| Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 5:58 pm
OT Kitt, is it just me or does Martin on "The Rain" look a lot like TWD's Rick Grimes at some angles? At first I thought there was a just a vague resemblance, but then suddenly I'd see Rick's features in Martin's face...particularly nose, brow and eyes when not viewing him in profile.
| Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 6:30 pm
I didn't see it at the time, because he looks even more (to me) like a British soap star (also called Martin), and that's all I saw. But now you mention it I see what you mean, particularly in the top part of his face when he was serious (which was most of the time, as I remember it). I didn't mind the Oz part in e11, as it didn't have the caricature of a wicked witch. And it did have Charlie . Young-Dean is even better at being old-Dean than he is being age appropriate Dean! It would have been amusing if the rest of the series had played out with him, might have become a bit of a farce but they could probably have pulled it off ;) ;). I expect Downton Abbey wasn't your thing, but the witch from this episode was the cook from Downton, not a very different role if you got rid of the witchy nose and chin! And I saw e13, not sure I like the idea of Dean just going on without thinking about the mark, but I suppose in his eyes he doesn't have much choice but to live his life, it's not like they know when or if they'll find a solution. I think if they can be choosy with their cases and Sam does the nastier stuff he might be ok, but they rarely seem to have much choice. I did wonder if the age spell might have given them some sort of solution. What if they could make him just a year younger? Although pinpointing a moment in Dean's recent life when he wasn't possessed by something nasty might be difficult . Need Cass back to help!! My next is also e14, after which I will read your black boxes .
| Thursday, March 23, 2023 - 7:41 pm
"But now you mention it I see what you mean, particularly in the top part of his face when he was serious" Exactly! His face is longer than Rick's but the top half is very similar. Since I thought about it and posted about it, I've seen another ep of The Rain...and now my brain is making me see Rick in his face all the time. I still haven't seen ep 14 of spoilers were from reading part of an episode recap not a viewing. That means we are exactly caught up! In fact you might get ahead. I like it when we remember to note what episodes we've seen at the start of a's like a Watch Out For Falling Rocks sign. You're so right about young Dean doing such a great job as "old Dean", lol. He had Dean's mannerisms and speech patterns down pat, it made me wonder if Dean had done the scenes on tape first and the kid studied them to get every nuance....or if that little actor is gonna be an Oscar winner someday. Never saw Downton, so to me she was just a nasty old witch. "I did wonder if the age spell might have given them some sort of solution." Supe had fun with that, I'm sure. They come up with a perfectly acceptable solution and get us all happy that it'll be okay, and suddenly just snatch it away. The solution seemed to written ONLY to be taken away! I appreciated the old Bait & Switch. They "got" me! "after which I will read your black boxes" I found that doing a spoiler box right away when I see something I want to comment on works best because. I might a see a couple or three eps in a row and then I forget what I wanted to say or I forget the chronology of events and if I get it wrong it could turn out to be a big spoiler. I may not get to ep 14 until tomorrow...I have 3 eps left of The Rain's second season so I may just finish that first.
| Friday, March 24, 2023 - 10:35 am
I didn't know he was a demon either, but I thought he was a something else, something more powerful. I mean if Cain was a demon, you'd think someone as powerful as him would be King of Hell, not Crowley. Maybe he could have been had he not gone on his little retreat . E14 is a bit of a rollercoaster!
| Friday, March 24, 2023 - 3:45 pm
I wound up watching ep 14 and 15 last night after finishing s02 of The Rain. 14 really was a roller coaster....and it appears ole "Lefty" is dead. I was thinking that the MoC might've vanished after it's original owner was poofed away. Ep 15 was pretty much a MOTW with a returning guest star...and of, course, some BMs. 
| Friday, March 24, 2023 - 4:02 pm
Kitt...I hope it's OK to go Off Topic again,but we're the only ones here, so I think it'll be okay. 1. This post and the next are all screen shots from The Rain. 2. None of them are Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln)

| Friday, March 24, 2023 - 4:03 pm
The last 2:
