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| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 2:03 pm
He's so pretty . I have been studying his forehead over the last few episodes and I am almost wondering if his weird fixed thumbprint between the eyes and the lines that come from it are because of an acting choice. He switches quite quickly from relaxed like that to pensive fixed centre, and then the lines when he raises his eyebrows. So I wondered if it's his ~show I'm anxious~ face that started it all. I haven't watched the Walker show he's on, but I wonder how his forehead is going to age, he must be 40 by now. Next few years young man... time's gonna come and get you. I'll be very happy with Sam/Dean/Cass for a while . I've missed Cass particularly. I only had time for one episode this morning but it was the one with the case at the boys' home Dean lived at. The writers are so good. Dean's contented new and normal life, then his dad comes to collect him and there in the car is little Sammy, and that's it, normal life goes forever. It's good that Sammy, although he can't know it all, recognised that Dean had a good thing going there, and he gave it all up at least partly for him, even if actually it was almost (per my reading of it) almost entirely for him. Before I started watching I had the idea that the dad John, played by Negan ;), was a beloved character from the show, and like the best dad ever to them. Since watching I've found out he wasn't even in many episodes, and that although Dean did seem to hero worship him at the beginning, he's really come to understand that John made bad choices for them, wasn't a great father or husband, and, well, not much of an heroic man even if he was an heroic hunter. Meanwhile Dean, particularly child Dean, really did make some sacrifices, taking up the responsibility of being his little brother's father figure when his dad didn't step up.
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 4:02 pm
Argggggg he's not even Ezekiel!
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 4:15 pm
"Argggggg he's not even Ezekiel!" Aha! That's what I was thinking about when I said this upthread a bit: "...of the Dean/Sammy/Cas/Zeke story progressing and presenting all kinds of complex layers..."
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 4:23 pm
I just finished ep 20. Alert! Guest star from the show "Manifest"...the female main character cop, Miss Iforgothername. Also remember when I said something about a backdoor pilot? I didn't think this was it...(none of the characters were familiar from what I thought I remembered)...until the final scene when it felt like a new series was starting. Anyhow, ep 20 MAY have been a backdoor pilot for a spinoff that never got off the ground.
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 4:47 pm
And now he's killed Kevin!!!!!! I had worries about Sam's ~situation~ from the beginning but got really worried when in the earlier episode the angel touched him and said he was all messed up inside. I don't think the bad-angel has healed him at all . But Cass is back to being an angel, although I don't know if, because he sucked up a bad angel, whether he is completely Cass now. So maybe he can save the day! When you said earlier there wouldn't be any resolution for a while, I thought Sam wouldn't be fixed, now I think we might not see Sam and Dean together, Sam will be off being bad and Dean and Cass will be after him! Argggggg! Thanks for the warning though, as I would be all just one more, just one more thinking they will fix it next episode. And I was thinking that Kevin was bored and miserable and how to resolve it, but I was not expecting this!! 
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 5:43 pm
"And now he's killed Kevin!!!!!! :-( :-( :-(" Ya know, I had forgotten so many details of this show, but seeing Kevin with his eyes burned out has always remained vividly seared into my brain. "When you said earlier there wouldn't be any resolution for a while, I thought Sam wouldn't be fixed," What episode are you up to now? When I finished ep 18 ("to be continued") I said that the core story totally stopped and MOTW eps were back...there were a few MOTW and now the mix of MOTW and core story is back again... As for "resolution"...there's always something they're fighting and one issue/fight always overlaps with the next and conflicts continue. Every time something is fixed, something else gets broken. IF there is any true resolution (of the core story) on Supe it would be in the series finale.
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 5:52 pm
Don't worry about Sammy so much...Heck, he might get fixed and Dean might break....or Cas might break again and Dean might make it worse. It's a real carousal of drama with those three! Just try not to predict or expect anything. If you think you know how something will play out, or how someone "gets fixed", believe you me, the Supe team has already thought of it and decided to do it a different way! Supernatural's best characteristic is it's unpredictability.
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 7:07 pm
That was episode 9, my next is e10 which is called Road Trip. I'll probably get to e18 by the end of the weekend, unless my dh insists we watch too many mere mortal shows ;). Sorry but I can't help but worry about Sammy! It's funny, as I know nothing too bad will happen (there are six more seasons with them both in after all), but both those brothers are pretty imprinted in my brain by now, especially with all this binge watching I am thinking about them a lot. Cass too, and Cass is more at risk as I have no idea how long he makes it in the show! Yep, certainly unpredictable! 
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 7:44 pm
I just finished ep 23, the finale of season 9... OMG. I had no recollection whatsoever of this episode...and I am now left dumbfounded as to what will come next. Of all things that could've happened, what actually did happen was so unexpected I don't know how to react. But this is Supe and Supe has a way about fixing a bowl of spilled supe, right? I just have to have the writers. I'm going to try to lay off even going to ep 1 of season 10 for awhile. I am already feeling exhausted from holding so much physical and emotional tension for the last 3 hours. <whew> I just hope I don't have dreams of the final image of this episode!
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 7:55 pm
eps 10-11 are more intense core story episodes, followed by ep 12 which is a "Garthisode"! I really like that little freak. He's scrappy. 
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 8:23 pm
"Cass is more at risk as I have no idea how long he makes it in the show! " It feels like Cass has always been there doesn't it? But he didn't show up until season 4!
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 9:55 pm
That does not sound good!!! They'll fix it, they always do . Unless it's Cass, then maybe they won't .
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 10:29 am
Sammy's back!! And as a bonus Tahmoh is back, I had presumed we'd seen the last of him. Shame he's inhabited by a bad angel though. Oh dear, Dean going off alone again. I expect that to last one, maybe two episodes ;).
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 1:39 pm
I went ahead and watched ep 1 of season 10 and I didn't understand it because it seemed that what happened in the finale wasn't what it appeared to be seriously could not have been anything else! Anyhow rather than riding out a suspenseful plot point started in the finale, it kind of just abruptly slowed down and skidded to regular stuff. Some of my irritation is that my planned trip to Costco today got canceled after I got up early, showered, washed my hair, and got ready for my friend (an hour away) to be here at 1pm, only to wait and wait and then finally call him...and my call woke him up! So we decided to go later in the day when the crowds are worse. Then he called back and said he'd forgotten that his Tesla was in the shop. My bad mood is 100% the fault of Elon Musk. In the meantime, I have to pay TWICE as much for a quart of half & half. I feel better now. Venting works. I just wish I could cast spells like Sammy, too!
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 1:54 pm
I'll tell you HOW BAD [the s09 finale] was without telling you WHAT it was, okay? I'll put in a spoiler box anyhow so you can think about it before opening it. I saw a special 30 minute Supernatural ep before I started ep 1. They had comments/interviews for the first 9 seasons and the special was to drum up excitement for season 10 but there were no season 10 spoilers. If you can find that streaming, watch it before you start ep 1 of season 10! They had fans on and clips and all kinds of stuff regarding the show. They showed....
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | They showed some youtube clips people had posted of young teen girls watching the season 9 finale's final moment. There were sudden fierce shrieks and "NOOOO!" and girl said he cried herself to sleep that night. These girls were traumatized! Btw, if you search around there are a lot of clips of people watching the end of the "Red Wedding" episode of GOT and a lot of them were impossibly fraught with grief rage and sadness and hate, too.  | So let me know if you read the spoiler of the degree of reaction to the s09 finale.
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 3:24 pm
Just think how many episodes you could have watched instead of waiting for your friend! Hmmm, that sounds EXTREMELY bad. Sounds like they must have, I don't know, sliced them to pieces or something VERY permanent! I wonder if they rethought it during the break between S9 and S10, or whether they always intended it not to be the way it appeared, and just misplayed it. Your first post about it (7.44pm yesterday) you mentioned you didn't recollect the episode at all... the switch in stories in S10E01 must be why, if the plot didn't carry on it makes more sense to forget it... or wipe it from your memory because it was just too horrific ;). I am intrigued and nervous about it! Trying to think how I can cram some episodes into my next few days to get to it quicker! I'm 13 episodes away.
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 6:10 pm
"Your first post about it (7.44pm yesterday) you mentioned you didn't recollect the episode at all... the switch in stories in S10E01 must be why, if the plot didn't carry on it" Well, the plot did carry is a not very good metaphor, followed by another weird mixed metaphor: It was like if a Buffalo came into your home and smashed it to smithereens and then died from a dozen knife stabs, fell to the floor, and leaked blood and guts everywhere...leaving you in absolute shock! <Fade to Black> Next ep opens with that same buffalo in a 7/11 convenience and you are seeing it on the news from your immaculate, undamaged home. And you're talking about how awful it was to see his grisly death and wondering why it didn't get the slurpy, instead of the can of Dr Pepper. Same characters, same event in your home, but the aftermath was just weird, not horrific as one would rightfully expect. But like I said...Supe is good at cleaning up a bowl of spilled supe. There's a time lag and all the intense drama was just folded and put away rather then being immediately addressed in the heat of a psychotic moment. It'll all be addressed successfully sooner or later, but the momentum from that final shocking moment of the finale just went <poof>. But no big disappointment was likely exacerbated by wacky Elon Musk causing the sudden collapse of my Costco plans. 
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 6:16 pm
"I am intrigued and nervous about it! Trying to think how I can cram some episodes into my next few days to get to it quicker! I'm 13 episodes away." I may have exaggerated the drama because of my bad mood. If you ruin your schedule or lose sleep just because I'm a big drama queen, I'd feel bad. 
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 6:24 pm
After the death of ... someone... (Bobby??) they kind of did a montage of Dean and Sam just having difficulty dealing for a bit, then came back to the plot with the understanding that they'd grieved off camera. Then later on they kind of went back to what had happened in those missing weeks. Maybe that's what will happen. I am two episodes down, I watched e11 with Timothy Omundson as Cain (that's right Dean, get the mark of Cain on your arm, definitely not going to be any bad side effects with that) and e12 with Garth the lycanthrope, very unexpected! 11 to go!
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 7:14 pm
"and e12 with Garth the lycanthrope, very unexpected!" Yup...looks like Garth got Garthed!
| Friday, March 17, 2023 - 7:20 pm
"After the death of ... someone... (Bobby??) they kind of did a montage of Dean and Sam just having difficulty dealing for a bit, then came back to the plot "... Remember when they ended a season with Dean Chained up and suspended in the air in Hell? When the next season started he was just back with no explanation. Didn't Cass eventually tell Dean that he was the one who rescued him?
| Saturday, March 18, 2023 - 10:47 am
I may have exaggerated the drama because of my bad mood. If you ruin your schedule or lose sleep just because I'm a big drama queen, I'd feel bad. Too late now, the damage is done . Nah, I'm really enjoying both the show and the chat, so I will happily forgive you if - which I doubt - I am disappointed . My next episode will be episode 17. I've seen the one where they were sucking the fat out of people (where do I go for that? ;)). Ghost Kevin but at least they saved his mum. Thinman. And then addicted Crowley(!!) and the Man of Letters in the invisible bunker. I really think Sam should be nicer to Crowley, better the demon thinks of you fondly... And btw, they need another episode with Cass soon so he can heal those scars on Sam's face! I want Sam and Dean to be friends again!!!! It's like watching a marriage break down at times! I understand Sam is trying to communicate how he feels but it's so harsh. Maybe it will make Dean understand a bit better and stop trying to control Sam so much but I don't know how much that's in Dean. When Sam said he wouldn't save Dean if their roles were reversed, jeez! At least give context so Dean doesn't assume he just doesn't care enough! But Ghost-Kevin told them to get over it, those two Ghostfacers made them think about it too, with that empty chair story, so I'm hopeful something will change. One issue that's worrying me now is with Dean having the mark of Cain, and the whole bible backstory about Cain and Abel. The last episode where Dean got the First Blade and wouldn't put it down and Sam was right there, I almost thought he would stab Sam! Hopefully that is just my imagination. Or some sort of big moment before they hug it out . The hugging it out moment is becoming very important to me right now!
| Saturday, March 18, 2023 - 10:51 am
Remember when they ended a season with Dean Chained up and suspended in the air in Hell? When the next season started he was just back with no explanation. Didn't Cass eventually tell Dean that he was the one who rescued him? Yes, they dragged that one out for ages. Heaven said they needed him or something, so Castiel pulled him out. Dean had Castiel's red handprint on him for a while, which, thinking about it, I don't think is there any more, although I suppose we rarely see his upper arm to know.
| Saturday, March 18, 2023 - 12:58 pm
I did realize something....Bingeing is a great option but there's a drawback, too. Getting so used to jumping into the following ep to get an answer, a clue, or some kind of closure can be a disappointment just waiting to happen. If I'd had to wait a few months to see the 1st ep of season 10 (like I must have when I saw it when it first aired) the wait would have slowed the roll of that roller coaster and I wouldn't have felt the sudden loss of the story's momentum and suspense like I did this week. ------- Yeah, I was hoping they'd do something about having Kevin show up again. When that ep [when Kevin was killed] first aired I was shocked (his face seared in my brain) and, of course, I started waiting for when they'd bring him back to life, but with this rewatch I knew he was truly a goner....but I had forgotten his ghost/haunting! And with him "living" with his mom, he might turn up again...and luckily I don't remember of he does! So you're up to 17?...I could hint that it's a MOTW ep that explains part of the history of the core story....but maybe I won't. And 18 is one I've already commented on....but don't go back and read what I'll remember what I said when you watch it. 19 is a MOTW that I believe is also an origin story....I didn't remember this origin story but I did remember the character involved in a future season's ep and I had wondered where said character came from. This is another good example of how foreshadowing often escapes me. And ep 20 is a good ep, but it really feels like a pilot for a spinoff. And the final three eps 21-22-23 all lead up to finale scene I mentioned before. I would recommend that you watch eps 1-2 of season 10 back to back....because ep 2 fills in some of the plot-gaps that I was expecting in ep 1. I am guessing that you will want to see those last 3 eps together like I did....but I'd suggest waiting for season 10's ep 1, until you can watch 1 with 2. Just watching season 1 right away doesn't least it didn't satisfy me! YMMV.
| Saturday, March 18, 2023 - 1:26 pm
Btw, I started watching the final season of "You" to avoid having a dozen ep binge of season 10 of Supe. Of course I'm now already halfway through You's 10 eps. If I can avoid Supe for a few days, we'll be caught up again...maybe this time for an entire minute! I have learned that I can occasionally find a spot to take a break from Supe for a bit, but when I go back to it, I am absolutely ravenous and I devour episodes like they are Costco's exclusive Signature Kettle Brand Himalayan Pink Salt potato chips (under $6 for a 2 lb bag)! <unless it's gone up in the last month...>