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| Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 8:48 pm
"That's a good observation that the lair might actually be under that building." It's funny how they can now have a base of operations to work from, in the form of an underground fully stocked bunker) and still jump into Baby and drive across the country, kill some monsters, and get back to the lair so effortlessly. LOL Yes, they still stop at a motel now and then but it feels like they're somehow just a couple of hours away from their lair whether they're in Idaho or Missouri. But plausible or not, good for them...they have a bonafide home sweet home now.
| Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 8:52 pm
from some unknown future ep...
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Did you ever wonder if they are alone in the lair? | Not a real spoiler, more just a hint of suspense.
| Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 10:06 pm
Lol, no I absolutely did not wonder, but I will now!!! After reading your comments about the lair being underground I paid more attention, and they definitely enter the basement from the one side that's open (because it's on an embankment or hill or something. I did notice it seemed to be quite a comfortable drive from almost anywhere! By the way, look at the motel layout next time you see one, they seem to have changed from a door/divider/beds/divider/kitchen layout to sometimes the kitchen on the left as you enter, and beds behind it. And the divider is less of a divider and more of a narrow decorative column. I think we've seen about three of these new designs now. Yep, hot messes describes them both. And yep, Dean is so reactive, and that's what this needy thing is, he's decided that right now he has to live happily ever after with Sammy, and later this will pass and he'll find something else to motivate(?) him. I think the reaction to Sammy might also be as a substitution for Benny, he bonded so well and seemed so dependent on Benny's loyalty (with good reason) that with Benny gone (and now back in purgatory if not dead ) he needed that security from Sammy more than he did before. I love Tahmoh! He has a good voice too. Looking forward to that. I watched e19 and e20. Crowley currently has few redeeming features, he at least used to be a little bit playful, now that seems to have gone. I'd be happy if Crowley gets ganked at the end of the season. I was surprised they trusted Charlie with the location of the bunker.
| Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 11:34 pm
"I love Tahmoh! He has a good voice too. Looking forward to that." Tahmoh's only 2 and a half inches shorter than Jarod. I'd like to see a snapshot of those two behmoths standing to the right and left of little Ackles! When you watch ep 21, have your hankie ready, and also have some rocks to throw at someone that you'll find yourself mad at. It's what I'd call a real tear-jerkin' and ass-kickin' episode. These last three eps of season 9 are what I considered "the finale" because none of them are a MOTW. They are gettin' down to business now!
| Monday, March 13, 2023 - 10:37 am
I'm near the end of e21, had to cut it short on the treadmill as I woke up late because my brain was still on winter time, so am I going to blow off everything I was meant to do this morning and finish that and e22 and e23... why yes I am!
| Monday, March 13, 2023 - 12:17 pm
"and finish that and e22 and e23... why yes I am!" I know what this is all about. You're in a mad rush to get you some Tahmoh! 
| Monday, March 13, 2023 - 1:03 pm
And I got some... e23 didn't end it so I had to watch s9e01 too! This is all making me a bit anxious. What if Tahmoh isn't a good guy? What if something happens to the vessel he left in the hospital? Crowley must be so mad - or possibly not as powerful given that he almost became human again - and Castiel is so vulnerable. Good things are that Kevin is safe in the lair, and Castiel knows where it is so just has to get there. And nothing major is happening right this second so maybe they get some time to rest. Going to take me a while to process this!!
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 11:21 am
Kitt, looks like we are completely caught up....unless you've watched ep 2 of season 9 since your last post. I took a break and binged all of The Last of I have yet to watch ep 2. Since you've seen what I have seen, I can ask you a question. At one point I thought I heard someone say "he's a demon" in reference to Kevin. Did I somehow confuse who they were talking about? I replayed it several times and that's what I believe I heard. I'm not sure if that was ep 1 of season 9 or the final ep of season 8... Btw, how did you like the "fireworks", "meteor shower", AKA falling angels display? If all the angels were kicked out of heaven I'd think the Winchesters and the rest of the world could be in for a world of hurt! This makes that earlier finale when they managed to close the gates of hell (but not before a couple hundred demons escaped) seem pretty mild, as far as global catastrophes go. Yikes! (I forget which season that was)
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 12:04 pm
I didn't notice that, re Kevin being a demon. I don't believe he is, I think he's just still a demon and a prophet. Yes, "meteors," aka falling angels. Oh the conspiracy theories there must be about that one. I'm not quite sure what the fallen angels can do, like Tahmoh clearly had some powers. I think there's a difference between Castiel, where Metatron took his grace, and the others now on Earth. I have now watched e2 and e3, and was part way through e4 when the power went out with all this wind. Hoping it will come back on soon as I left the boys in a precarious situation ;). Castiel has his moment in e3, he uses his angel blade, lol.
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 12:40 pm
"I didn't notice that, re Kevin being a demon." Good enough for me. I'll just assume that whoever said that was referring to Crowley. "I'm not quite sure what the fallen angels can do," Wasn't Castiel already a fallen angel who got back in god's graces and brought back to heaven to be a soldier? (or something like that?) Anyhow, he's basically human now, I think...since Metatron stole his grace. I'm thinking all the fallen angels lost their wings but still have their powers. Also I'd assume if they were summarily rejected from heaven all at once like that, they'd all have the same powers or the same limitations. The girl angel who made the Grand Canyon had powers, didn't she? Ezekial has powers, too...but he's damaged and needs to heal. At the moment I don't remember how Zeke got damaged...the fall shouldn't have done that. ---- Yes, I've been concerned about the wind, too. Years ago I woke up in the middle of a VERY windy night to the sound of glass breaking. I found that the wind had broken it. Not a fun thing to try and cover a window in a storm at 3 am. When they sent a handy man to replace that window, he asked me how it happened, I told him and he gave me a "you're lying" look, saying "but all the broken glass is outside, not inside". He probably had seen too many lame detective tv shows and also missed physics class in school. . It really was the wind...I assumed there could've been a funnel cloud that never touched down but still affected the air pressure for a moment. I know we've had water spouts before. Besides this old Victorian building was built in 1904 and a really strong gusts of wind can shake the whole structure and wake me up thinking it's an earthquake...until a I realize how windy it is!
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 12:54 pm
Angels still have some powers, but I don't know about them all. Perhaps the damage Ezekiel had was something to do with how he fell, and that's why some are stronger than others. I suppose if we do get Ezekiel back as an angel, he'll find a new host as his vessel was left back at that hospital. Bit of a shame, I could have done with more Tahmoh! Sounds like that was definitely the wind causing a lack of pressure outside your window. It is pretty wild right now, I don't know how it came on so quickly, there was hardly any wind until about 10am but now this is the worst wind we've had in all these recent storms. Rain has died down though. Still no power, and it seems like no landline. So I have an hour or so left, fingers crossed, on the battery backup for internet, then I'm going to have to do fun things like tidying or some paperwork I've been putting off!
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 3:26 pm
"I don't know how it came on so quickly" ABADO-O-O-O-ON!!! <Fist in the air like Kirk screaming at Kahn>
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 6:44 pm
Definitely seems like some demon at work. We still don't have power. Even the cell phone internet was down until about 5pm. Not sure how long our cells will last. Hope your building survived!
| Tuesday, March 14, 2023 - 8:05 pm
I always worry about losing the internet on high wind days...I can see the cable hanging from a telephone pole and stretched about 20-30 feet to my building, swinging back and forth in the wind and being jostled by some tree branches at one end. If that one stupid cable goes down, I lose TV, internet AND telephone. The last time Comcast was down I felt like I was on a deserted island all afternoon. I have now seen the first 6 eps of season of them is tied to a popular fairy tale and one has Dean in a close relationship with the animal kingdom. I laughed many, many times watching this one!
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 8:12 am
I have power and internet, but no phone! AT&T say phone repair by Saturday, lol, but we have our cells, and nobody calls us except my mum and telemarketers anyway! I know exactly what you mean about being on an island, it’s a weird situation to be in these days, completely cut off. I mean, yesterday we almost considered leaving the house, lol, and that’s a rarity! Well… Supernatural. The one where sweet Cass slept with the nice lady and was so happy, and then it turned out she was a demon!! They didn’t even make it that she turned into a demon the next morning, she was a demon all along! Poor Cass, although I have to admit he didn’t seem too cut up about it. Tahmoh inside Sam is still disturbing me. It’s Dean lying to Sam again, and I don’t know how he’s going to feel when he finds out. Especially after those two are trusting each other again. And what if Tahmoh wants to exert more control, like with demanding Cass leave the bunker… he can do what he wants as Dean can’t say no. Looks like I have fun episodes to come. Hopefully Netflix remembers where my episode crashed yesterday!
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 12:21 pm
Just watched the dog one! So funny! Driving with his head out the window, shouting at the postman!! And did you notice Leslie Jordan was the voice of the yorkie dog who wanted Sam to scratch him!? I was staring at the bad guy, thinking I knew him, but it wasn't until he took his hat off that I recognised him as Steve Valentine from Crossing Jordan, and a lot of small roles. I wasn't keen on the Wizard of Oz one, that was a little bit too out there for me. They made a good show of it, of course, but the whole idea was a bit much, even with the cartoon one where they had anvils falling onto crosses on the floor, at least they could justify it by having the man be a telekinetic. Not sure how they could have Oz just appear... but maybe it's from the movie, I've seen it but it was many many moons ago. I'll probably watch e6 this afternoon, then I'll be where you are... or were, yesterday .
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 2:07 pm
"And did you notice Leslie Jordan was the voice of the yorkie dog who wanted Sam to scratch him!?" That's what I forgot about! When I heard Leslie Jordan's voice I thought I'd hint to you that Jordan was the guest star but not mention that he was also a yorki. Btw, I saw Leslie Jordan on the recent reboot of "Cribs" on MTV...I believe he actually had a yorki. I wonder if his "character" on Supe was also his baby at home... Yeah...Dean riding in a car like a dog and "barking" at the mailman...and I cracked up when Sammy told him to stop playing fetch...the look on his face after the last throw - you could see how desperate he was to run and get it! ...And who knew Dean would ever get in an argument with a pigeon?? LOL "I recognised him as Steve Valentine from Crossing Jordan" When I saw him I thought "oh that's the guy I always confuse with that Brit on Crossing Jordan". There is another actor out there that is a similar type and I always confuse them. ********** Btw, OT - Did you recognize "Northern Exposure's" Marilyn when she appeared on The Last of Us? ********** "Not sure how they could have Oz just appear" The witch had possession of that key that had been tucked away in the lair. It was a key that, when used, opened (any?) door which became a portal when used to the real, but dark and dangerous, and bloody land of Oz. On Supe, Oz and the story was a much scarier place than the children's story that Dorothy's father wrote. I think it was meant to reflect how so many fairy tales for kids originally had horrific endings but were changed by Disney and whittled down to "innocent kid's level": "I'll probably watch e6 this afternoon, then I'll be where you are... or were, yesterday " I did TRY to stop watching. I did stop at around ep 6 or so and watched a movie that was less exciting than I expected (and with Supe popping into my head every few minutes) I watched the latest 9-1-1 Lone Star which was predictable and I've seen versions of a hundred times before... That's when I gave up and went back to Supe. I went to bed after seeing ep 11. There are a few MOTW eps ahead of you, but also LOTS of the Dean/Sammy/Cas/Zeke story progressing and presenting all kinds of complex layers that enlighten us as to what is going on but hasn't been shown yet. eps 7-11 Cas vs slurpy. You'll see Dean at 16....the actor who plays young Dean three times between 2013-2015. You'll see Dean/Sammy as virgins! You'll learn that nuns and bikers don't mix. You'll see something you don't expect to. You'll see a rock star angel. The main guest star in ep 11 is Timothy Omundson, the actor who played the constantly frustrated and angry detective on "Psych". I know these hints are safe enough because they are intentionally too vague. 
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 4:56 pm
"When I saw him I thought "oh that's the guy I always confuse with that Brit on Crossing Jordan". There is another actor out there that is a similar type and I always confuse them." I've just been googling to try to find his name, as I know exactly who you mean... but I can't find him. Northern Exposure was another one of those American shows I didn't see when they aired, and tried to watch much later. I have seen most of it I think, but it didn't stick with me, and no I don't recognise Marilyn. When I was young we had original(ish) style fairy tales, especially Grimm's fairytales, which were a "thing" for British kids. I'm not sure they were as gruesome as the real originals (or some of the endings in that article) but they definitely were not pleasant a lot of the time! I think the book was one of the ones my mum took away from me because it was upsetting me too much. (She also took away a children's bible my gran gave me, because I cried so much at all the animals dying in the flood, and she has many tales of how embarrassed she was when we saw a nature documentary at the cinema and I cried so loud when animals got eaten by others. To be fair, I'm not much different now ;).) E6 had Crowley inject himself with Kevin's blood. Are they trying to suggest he misses being as human as he was with Sammy's blood? And that's another danger of Sam not knowing he has an angel in him... what could Crowley do with his current Sam/Angel blood? Poor Cass, not a date but a babysitter! She totally did not make that clear! Can't Dean get him some place to live with one of his many fake credit cards!? Dean must be flush with cash now they're not paying for all those motels! Rock star angel... modelled on L'Estat perhaps!
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 6:48 pm
They stayed in a motel in ep 13:

| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 7:29 pm
"E6 had Crowley inject himself with Kevin's blood. Are they trying to suggest he misses being as human as he was with Sammy's blood?" I wasn't sure when I saw that but I wondered if it was to mask his demonism or something. I also wondered about the missing humanism idea but I thought he'd never reveal such a weakness to the boys. Come to think of it, maybe he got addicted to human blood...after all, Sammy got addicted to demon blood. Maybe they gave him a fix just to shut him up. Usually when there's something like this that I don't understand, it eventually explains itself or it was insignificant. Did it have something to do with Crowley making his phone call using a bowl of blood? If so,maybe it has to come from a human...Meg always took it from a human I think. Maybe using demon/human blood for the call made it impossible to trace....didn't he call the NSA or something? Demons are too damn complicated! I give up. I'm now watching ep 14 and I don't recall that blood thing coming up since ep 6.
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 8:45 pm
Ep 15 (This is the best one so far.) Ox, Paul Bunyan, Pine tree - hand carved wooden relief screen/divider panel
What appears to be Sammy's horns are the Ox's horns in the panel behind him.
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 9:32 pm
"I give up. I'm now watching ep 14 and I don't recall that blood thing coming up since ep 6." I spoke too'll understand when you start ep 16. Let me know if that was too "spoilery".
| Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 9:57 pm
That first room, them having a table near the door seems to be new this season, but at least that one has the bed on the same side. I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple with the beds on the other side of the room. And wow on the second room! They must have had some extra budget for that one!! Nope, nothing too spoilery . OK, I will patiently wait for e16 to find out what the blood meant. It would be interesting if Crowley were to want to feel more human.
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 12:07 pm
Just so you know... A lot of the eps ahead of you center around the Sam/Dean/Cas core plot. When I finished ep 18, it felt like a season finale (even though there were 5 more in season 9) but it had a "To Be Continued" at the end, so I thought, "YAY for bingeing!". I jumped into ep 19 immediately...and it was a great episode but it was strictly MOTW with no mention of the previous several eps. I intend to finish this season soon (only 4 more eps) but my edge-of-the-cliff-anticipation has subdued. Just thought you might want to know, in case you think you're about to get to the continuation of the core story with great anticipation when you finish ep 18. I hate letdowns and I assume you do,too. 
| Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 12:27 pm
Btw, I saw something amusing. We both know Sammy's forehead has a mind of it's own when he's worried, talking, angry, etc... However, there was a scene I saw recently, about 5-6 days ago (I don't remember which ep it was) where a young woman was praising Sammy for being so great and strong and brave and I laughed when I realized that adoration is apparently the kryptonite of Sammy's forehead wrinkles. I did NOT photoshop it! I had to get a screenshot:
This almost looks like a head shot made in a professional studio or something, but he was sitting on a bench next to a sign, I believe.