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| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 5:54 pm
You can watch three episodes in 2 hours...that's how I think of it! Think of time like money. You can spend 2 hours watching some random show on TV with commercials...OR you can binge 3 shows in the same two hours. That way, you've saved a whole hour. Yes, Breaking Bad! that's one I'm planning on bunging, but I already watched it twice when it was airing. Once by muself and then a friend would come over and we'd binge several eps. You mentioned those sci-fi shows.....have you ever seen Farscape? That's a VERY rewatchable show...I've probably seen all 5 seasons 4 or 5 times. If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself to check it out. The characters are amazing and there's a lot of humor and plenty of, in that limited respect it's a lot like Supe, but the similarity ends there. Yes, I've seen the TNG, DS9, and Voyager multiple times, too. I think ST Discovery may only do one more that's one I'd binge. And the same with ST Picard.
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 6:48 pm
Kitt, if you haven't seen the TW finale yet, wait until June to watch it! Just kidding because I know wouldn't do it...but you know how Dean can have a big mouth? Well, he proves it when he crosses time and space to go to the 1970s and gives up a really big spoiler! Why did you do that, Dean? Idjit! 
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 7:50 pm
Ha, it's just efficent - three shows in two hours instead of two - I like it!! I have seen Farscape once, maybe 10 years ago. That's the one with the muppets, right? They were a bit weird but that's all I remember, maybe I will give it a rewatch some time. I think I will wait until I finish Supe to watch the TW finale then. I'm not particularly invested in that, so would rather wait then spoil Supe. Just have to try to remember not to delete it off the dvr. I've watched the next two, e6 with Garth, and e7 when Castiel returns. Some truths there in e6, when Dean picks up the angry coin. And a good reality check for them when Garth points out Bobby was everybody's, not just theirs. It's good how receptive Dean is to criticism, and so open to receiving another point of view. Probably a useful trait when your world is one crazy thing after another. And then e7 poor Kevin lost a finger!! I thought when it happened Cass should be able to fix it! Lol at Mrs Tran finding a witch on Craigslist! Sam and Amelia: two broken people. I'm pretty invested in that story already, which is silly really in Supe world, as it's bound to have some tragic ending.
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 9:31 pm
"I think I will wait until I finish Supe to watch the TW finale then. I'm not particularly invested in that, so would rather wait then spoil Supe. Just have to try to remember not to delete it off the dvr. " Really? Great! I remember that spoiler that Dean spilled being one of the great surprises I had while watching Supe. I looked it up and the spoiler happens in episode 238. The ep you just watched was it's *only* 82 eps ahead of you....the one called "A Little Slice of Kevin". (season 11 ep20) It's good how receptive Dean is to criticism, and so open to receiving another point of view." That boy is actually growing a 2 steps forward and 1 step back kind of way. But still, that's progress. I'm on season 18 ep 14. Starting with ep 17, there was a big change in environment, attitude, and chaos level, but is it good or just the calm before the storm? Btw, in ep 14 a young lady looked really familiar and finally, halfway thru the ep it hit was Luciana from Fear of the Walking Dead.
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 10:09 pm
"I have seen Farscape once, maybe 10 years ago. That's the one with the muppets, right? They were a bit weird but that's all I remember, maybe I will give it a rewatch some time." No muppets at all,but two of the characters were alien/puppet hybrids. Yes Jim Hensen's son was involved with that show. Only the Pilot of the living ship and Rigel had any puppet in them...the rest were either human or alien and human/alien hybrid and one is part plant. Rigel does look like Trump and he's also a greedy pompous ass that's a lazy coward, but still entertaining unlike his doppleganger. I'm so fond of the Farscape characters, when you said "muppet", for a second I didn't know what you were referring to. All of those characters are so real to me that I don't think of them as puppets or muppets at all....just weird looking aliens with attitude. It's a serial like Supe is, and they aren't afraid to kill off main characters and they add a new character or two or three every year....and the early characters grow and evolve. It's 4 seasons and 88 episodes according to Alexa. I am pretty sure after that, they put out a 2 part mini-series to wrap it all up. When you check it out again....don't think "puppets"...just think "Aliens". Here is Rygel and his doppenganger:
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 10:13 pm
oops typo 2 posts up. I meant the one you just saw was "A little Slice of Kevin" (ep 156). The spoiler one is season 11 ep 20.
| Thursday, March 09, 2023 - 10:31 am
That is an unfortunate similarity! I think seeing the show (Farscape) for the first time when graphics/cgi had moved on, might have made them feel a little clunky. And now you mention killing off main characters, I think I enjoyed it until that main guy left, and then it didn’t feel as good without him. But maybe I‘ll suggest to hubby we watch that next time we need a show, as he liked it first time more than me.
| Thursday, March 09, 2023 - 11:37 am
S8E8 was the cartoon one! The writers are so clever that they can create a bizarre scenario and yet justify it (in the Supernatural world) so that you're persuaded it could actually happen. And Amelia's husband Don is back! Awkward! Makes me feel a little better about him leaving her in the middle of the night though, if she's either torn about who to be with, or Sam has kind of fixed her a bit. Guess I'll see how that works out, probably completely differently ;).
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 10:58 am
I've just watched e11, which is where you were on Wednesday lunchtime. If they're done with Sammy's backstory I'm a little disappointed they didn't show what happened the day he left (or we saw him leave). I think they want us to think either a) that was the day we saw when he packed his bag, and it was nothing to do with Dean, or b) Dean called coincidentally when Sam was going to leave anyway to give Amelia space. I assumed Dean called, so I guess b)?? And I suppose we won't see Benny again, or for a while. Nice that Dean misses him so much. They seem to have found a new normal(?) which shouldn't be so fraught... at least for a while. And they LARPed, lol.
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 2:52 pm
I think when Sammy snuck out of bed, he was just going to Dean for a hunt or something, not "leaving". Sammy was conflicted when he was with Dean and still seeing Amelia. Sammy had the meeting with her husband. Then he did what he thought was the right thing, leave the relationship. It was a Solomon and the baby decision. His brother? Or the married woman he loved whose husband had returned and who was apparently a good man that loved her? He packed up his stuff and left after his meeting with the husband. But then I think Sammy went back to her because he thought she was in danger from her husband (Dean's call). When he got there he saw they seemed happy together. Sammy finally understood and accepted that his lifestyle was dangerously bad for any romance, she was married anyhow and she still loved her husband. Besides, he saw that his brother needed him. That's why he decided to watch TV with Dean instead of meeting Amelia at the motel at 7pm. It was all for the best. Both Sammy and Dean have now experienced a year of a "normal life"....I think that just makes them understand one another a bit better. (If that scene of packing his stuff was out of order or something, I just took it as a flashback for explanation....they have been a bit flashback-happy this season!)
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 3:10 pm
" And now you mention killing off main characters, I think I enjoyed it until that main guy left, and then it didn’t feel as good without him." Did you mean woman instead of "guy"? I can't remember a male main character that died....but a female one did...she was in 50 of the 83 episodes. She was a fan fave, but, like Rick in TWD, if you don't keep watching you don't see where their journey ultimately got them...and this series had a real finish, unlike so many that just stop after getting canceled. If you could do it over again, would you have stopped watching TWD after Rick was gone? 
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 3:18 pm
episode 12 Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Grandpa! |
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 3:23 pm
ep 13 I just discovered that the character I couldn't quite place was played by... Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | by Hal Lindon. Good job, Hal! |
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 4:56 pm
Farscape: I might just be confusing the show with something else then, possibly one of the Stargate shows, as was thinking the main man left. I must watch it again, as I guess I don't remember much. If it's streaming somewhere I subscribe to! For Sam and Amelia, I thought the time line was slightly different. When Sam leaves in the night as shown in the very first episode this season, it was his first re-meeting with Dean since the time apart - remember Dean spraying him with holy water and checking his blood. But you're right, that clip must have been a continuation of the scene we saw in one of the last episodes, where he decides to give Amelia space, after Don gets back. I thought in e1 he crept out in the middle of the night without letting her know (although she noticed), but given the flashbacks, I think she knew he was packing, but just decided to get in bed at some point. Not sure why no kiss/hug goodbye, but I think that has to be the way it happened. And then yes, he was with Dean for a bit, then Dean tricked him into going back to check on her, and after their brief liaison he realised she was better/safer without him and decided to stay with Dean for good. And yes, that Dean actually needed him, so it was better both ways. And he seems at peace with that. And Dean seems to be comforted by the fact that Dean is all in, rather than half in half out. Going to watch e12 now, then I will read your first spoiler box!
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 6:07 pm
Oooo interesting, yes, Grandpa! This ties everything together for me. I was getting a bit irked by The Winchesters "making up" some backstory for the Winchesters, when I "knew" from Supernatural that the Campbells were the hunters, and John W just kind of stumbled into it by meeting Mary. But with this "legacy" with the Men of Letters it makes so much more sense that God or Heaven or whatever it was forced them together. Wish I'd paid more interest in the MoL subplot in TW now!! After I've watched Supe, hopefully the TW wiki pages will help catch me up, and I'll be ready for the TW finale. So the key in the box unlocks a bigger box of spells and artifacts?!? Handy! By the way, you posted Sam's forehead earlier, with the horizontal lines... it all seems to come from just between his eyebrows, it looks like someone pressed their thumb there and fixed it, stopped it moving. So as that bit of skin can't move, everything around it is tied to that centre part, and I think that's why the lines form. It's weird. if he needs me to massage it for him I'm willing.
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 6:58 pm
"Farscape: I might just be confusing the show with something else then, possibly one of the Stargate shows, as was thinking the main man left." I'll bet you're talking about Babylon 5. The main guy left, thought to be killed, and the new guy was Bruce Boxleitner....but original guy wasn't really dead and came back from some alien planet and he had been behind the scenes and a big part of all the stuff that was going on before he returned to the show...maybe 2-3 seasons later. I think it was he that was foretold in the Minauri's prophecy.
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 7:06 pm
" I thought in e1 he crept out in the middle of the night without letting her know (although she noticed)" But, but, but...Sammy would never do that to someone he cared about! That's a real dick move, something that Dean would do. 
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 7:34 pm
\i"I'd paid more interest in the MoL subplot in TW now!! After I've watched Supe, hopefully the TW wiki pages will help catch me up, and I'll be ready for the TW finale. "} Be sure you don't wiki TW before the red words above. Remember, too, TW took place before Supe. There's nothing in TW that you need to know about to get the full impact of Supe. And that includes what a time traveling idjit might go back and say in the 1970s. The MoL stuff is just starting and it has a big impact on Supe and the characters but it was barely mentioned in TW as if it was really nothing important enough to bother with....I think someone mentioned MoL by name when going through documents in an early episode of Supe. Heck, it hasn't really come up on Supe and it's halfway over with. Then again, that casual mention might've been on TW. Remember, I told you I'm bad with spotting forewarnings, and then, when they later prove to be important, I'll have forgotten their original context. Like maybe right now. 
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 7:38 pm
ep 13 (season 8)
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Oh no! Hal Lindon spontaneously cumbusted! Damned Nazis... |
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 8:55 pm
Babylon 5 makes sense, that's another show I didn't watch at the time, so probably only saw about 10 years ago. I can't remember anything about it, so there's a good chance I am confusing the two! But, but, but...Sammy would never do that to someone he cared about! That's why I waiting for another scene to give it a better context! I think the Men of Letters were mentioned a few times in TW, but the first time was kind of in passing, when someone (Mary's father maybe??) said that it was Henry Winchester who gave him something from the Men of Letters. Or similar. Then it was all about the thing he gave (which I've forgotten) and the MoL reference was just left hanging. After the first couple of episodes weren't too good I wasn't really paying enough attention to keep the backstory straight. I am very curious about what happens in Supe with it! This season's been unusual as it was split in two, first clearing up the missing year relationships, and now maybe this... can't wait!
| Friday, March 10, 2023 - 9:54 pm
"I am very curious about what happens in Supe with it!" You're in the perfect spot for that curiosity. Ep 13 reveals a lot about the MoL and the boys benefit from that knowledge in a big way. Dean is as giddy as a kid at Xmas. Things change in some significant ways. Ep 13 Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | What? A brand new safe and secure base of operations? With libraries of books of the supernatural nature and more weapons than ever...and their own bedrooms? It's reminiscent of TWD when they found Alexandria...a safe refuge with comforts of home that they had forget ever existed. But all the monsters (plus more) are still something to contend with. |
| Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 11:39 am
I watched e13 and e14 last night. Their new hideout and the one with the hellhounds and Lucia from FearTWD. Poor Dean had never had his own room! Can't quite imagine that! He is just like a kid! I liked that Sam was documenting their stuff to add to the records at the end, it seemed totally in character. I knew Nazis would turn up somewhere, they always do! And Crowley's not telling people the full deal when bargaining their souls, seemed important but I guess that was 10 years earlier, so not really relevant to today. I've already forgotten what the other two challenges are (other than bathe in hellhound blood) but with Sam doing it, not Dean, I somehow think it will go more smoothly. Less recklessly.
| Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 10:36 pm
I wrote a big long post and when I came back a couple hours later it wasn't there...I must have forgotten to hit the "post" button and closed the window. Oh well... " I've already forgotten what the other two challenges are (other than bathe in hellhound blood) " challenge 2 -get an innocent soul out of hell and into heaven. challenge 3 - Cure a in UN-demon a demon. Tough challenges. One down and two to go! Letsee...what was my vanishing post about... I was referring to the new digs as their "Lair" because they're in the basement or maybe just underground (like Batman!). I say underground because there is huge building right above the low door entrance to the place, but I don't think that building is part of their lair because I don't ever recall seeing a window in the lair...this is a permanent or semi-permeate they've got it for a long time or the duration....we'll see. The place is bigger than it looks at first....they have secret rooms that they'll discover along the way. All kinds of Occulty books and stuff are there in storerooms and it and a well equipped home base to work from adds a whole new aspect to their job. Yeah Crowley is a liar....but so it another demon who makes a surprise visit...this one is called out on it and laughs "because I lied! Hahahhah" The nerve of a demon not being honest. Of course Crowley initially claimed that his word was his whole reputation...tsk tsk tsk --- ep 23: I got caught up the story again and stayed up late, but only until I finished season 8 in the wee hours. Best. Season. Finale. Ever. Times, they are a'changin', and they should give a an Emmy to Jarod cuz he sure earned it. I'll wait up getting more ahead for you to catch up a bit before I say anymore...
| Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 12:41 pm
That's a good observation that the lair might actually be under that building. Because if the building has been abandoned for decades someone would have been curious if there weren't at least some sort of maintenance of the top visible part. Perhaps the top is held by some sort of agreement (like maintenance on stately homes) but those people never accessed the inside parts with all the goodies. I've watched up to e18. Cass having a mental sexy moment with Meg was quite a shock for the system, got me all a flutter. This torture between heaven and the Winchesters has made him grow up a bit. An eurgh on all those dead Deans, when Cass was practicing killing him! And even though Cass didn't kill Dean, in fact fixed all the injuries he created, that's gotta mess with your relationship a bit!! I wasn't sure if Crowley killed Meg, it looked like he did. I bet she'll be back in some form later, but although that actress stood out, I found her way of talking a little... disturbing... so I'd be happy if Meg had another face (and voice!). I don't like Sam being sick . And something major seems to have changed with Dean, and how he's let himself feel about Sam. I don't know if it's because he committed himself to living (finally, I mentioned last season how distressing it was to see Dean just day after day assuming he would die at any minute) and actually believed some sort of life could happen for once, and then was kicked back to reality when Sam started obviously hiding something from him again, but he seems far more needy than before. Yep, those remaining two challenges seem a little tough. I might be able to watch a couple this afternoon, but I'm excited about the Best. Finale. Ever!! 
| Sunday, March 12, 2023 - 8:36 pm
I went ahead and watched (ep 1, season 9). There's a new recurring guest star...I've liked this actor since I first saw him, which was on the Battlestar Galactica remake a few years back. The actor is Canadian, his name is Tahmoh Penikett. I've always found him interesting because he comes across to me like a sensitive but possibly brutal viking! That's kinda how he always seems to me but I've only seen him in a few things. Anyhow, his role in Season 9 is pretty interesting...something we haven't seen much of before. "And something major seems to have changed with Dean, and how he's let himself feel about Sam." I never really think of either of them as "changing". I just see two brothers stuck in a cycle of doing a horrible job which sometimes entails killing friends or making choices that can adversely affect others on a global scale...or save humanity from an apocalypse! It's stressful and there is no manual or job description. It's tough and they often don't know if what they're about to do, or just finished doing, was the right thing. I guess what I'm saying is they live in angst 24/7 and there's so much chaos, they're always looking for reasons that aren't really there....or just a problem that will eventually work itself out like it always has. They're both a bit unstable here and there because they have died so often, been possessed, killed so many monsters (including kid monsters), been attacked so many times, had loved ones turn on them, and been manipulated so much that everything must feel like a threat. They have been to hell and back - literally! Their chaotic feelings reside pretty close to the surface, especially with Dean. He's always reacting before thinking...and he always thinks his immediate instincts don't need to be discussed because he's always right. (He isn't) And Sammy tends to overthink everything before reacting so he'll know exactly what to do (He doesn't) while expecting Dean to overreact. (He will) And so on... They're just a couple of hot messes at this point, but they're still the same as they've always been...well, maybe bit smarter and a lot more grown up than they used to be. It's funny when you think about it...Dean acts like he's the parent trying to protect Sammy, but Sammy is really the most mature of the two. Don't worry...they always come back from whatever dark places they find themselves mired in. Hey, they're the Winchesters! And Winchesters tend to bounce back.