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| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 2:22 pm
"and I don't know how that will change" And you might not know for awhile... One thing that might help (or not) is a tiny teaser of a context change I have shared once before...Season 8 starts one year later than the end of season 7. And no matter how you perceive Dean's or Sammy's or anyone else's state of mind today, the main characters have all made adjustments in the year we didn't see happen. I do remember from a decade ago that Dean's year is told in flashbacks over several episodes so don't expect to understand everything about his attitude/behavior when you start s08. Some of these characters may see the world with a different POV now. Whatever has (or hasn't) changed, this show is still topping itself every time you think they've gone as far as they can! We're only halfway into their story.  
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 3:44 pm
Ok, that sounds a little hopeful! Like perhaps a reprieve for them. I have just watched e21. Poor Kevin Tran, lol! I thought they were just going to send him happily (in a way) back home but nope, there's a leviathan waiting for him. So many lols at Dick and his high fructose corn syrup and wanting to make the humans "live longer and taste better" ! But what I came here to type was Metatron!!! When they had it on His Dark Materials I thought what a strange name, I never dreamt it was an actual archangel name, despite the other names they have being mostly classical. And now Supernatural has it! Or rather had it first! Doesn't seem like he's an uber-angel like on HDM but I was so surprised to hear the name. I should get to e22 and e23 tomorrow, and s8 on Tuesday.
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 4:31 pm
Do you want to know who plays Metatron?
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 5:56 pm
Yep, go for it!
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 6:06 pm
Curtis Armstrong -------- He's not exactly the same "type" as the Metatron on HDM. 
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 6:14 pm
I was going to say "blast from the past" as I remember him from the 80s, but it looks like he's been in things all the way to now!
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 6:19 pm
He was a judge on "King of the Nerds".
Metatron is on the right...
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 6:49 pm
Oh yeah, and he was in both "Revenge of the Nerds" movies! 
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 7:17 pm
I think I remember him most from Moonlighting. He was the other main woman's boyfriend.
| Monday, March 06, 2023 - 11:54 am
Don't crash Baby! Don't leave Sammy alone! Don't leave Dean in Purgatory! Going to have to watch the next one now!
| Monday, March 06, 2023 - 12:53 pm
It's all very interesting. Dean doesn't seem too bad, although I've said that before and he was just hiding it. But the friend is some sort of vampire type which doesn't bode well. I don't know how the story will play out, but I do kind of buy Sam hitting a dog, and then that dog taking him out of the life and helping him choose something different. It seemed like Amelia woke up as he was leaving, and if so perhaps he had prepared her for... an uncertain future. Kind of curious how Dean blamed Sam for moving on this time, when other times he really wanted him to. When Dean was telling Sam what happened, in the cabin after the two just met, for a second I thought they were replaying the reunion after Dean disappeared for a year the last time. I assume that was intentional. But he said Cass just gave up and was dead, which I don't believe for a second. Oh though, one thing I did believe in the season finale was that Bobby was actually gone this time. It seemed much more sad and final to me. I will miss the Dick humour.
| Monday, March 06, 2023 - 3:00 pm
"But the friend is some sort of vampire type which doesn't bode well." Not a "sort of", just a straight up Vampire! "It seemed like Amelia woke up as he was leaving, and if so perhaps he had prepared her for... an uncertain future" That's how I took it, too. "curious how Dean blamed Sam for moving on this time, when other times he really wanted him to. " I understood that. Sammy was the last Winchester left alive, for all intents and purposes....and when he just walked away from it all without a word, he left a whole network of hunters without a "last hope effort" that the boys often provided...and their "job" was basically their legacy of saving the world, like it or not. And leaving Kevin hanging was probably the most thoughtless thing Sammy's ever done! Besides, if Sammy had left before Dean wound up in Purgatory, I'm sure Dean believes he could've taken up the slack himself.....but Sammy leaving after Dean vanished made Sammy the last one left, and that's a whole different story. It's not fair to have to make decisions between "worst" and "even worser". Nobody wins...some just lose a tiny bit less than others. They've both changed in significant ways. Dean is now friends with a Vampire whom he pulled out of Purgatory and freed in our world. And Sammy just turned his back and walked away from it all, even that 16 year old naive kid he promised to help! Each brother did an about face on a behavior/attitude that had pretty much defined them for years in many ways. It may take a minute for them to find a way to being the "dynamic duo" that they were, but who knows? (I don't remember and I haven't rewatched any eps after this one!) "I will miss the Dick humour." I actually mini-flinched at one point when Dick was being a dick. He was being interviewed and said something like "and the people will taste better". The interviewer corrected him, and he turned and looked directly into the camera's lens and said (PP), "Yes that's what I meant...and the people's food will taste better." It was that sudden gaze directly into the center of the lens of the camera that got me...because when someone does that it can feel like he's looking directly into your eyes, especially when it's unexpected. I've noticed that a time or two on BB. It's like when you casually glance at a stranger in your peripheral vision on the sidewalk and that person is staring directly at you and there is instant eye contact. ------ Hey, so if you stopped watching eps after seeing the season 8 premiere ep....we are exactly caught up! ------ Btw, I spoke too soon late with my last spoiler box. The band is already broken up again...disbanded by death(pun intended). 
| Monday, March 06, 2023 - 5:05 pm
Yes, this time there was Kevin to look after, that wasn't the case last time Sam was left alone. He should have done more for him (although surprisingly Kevin seems to have done well on his own!). What Dick said was sneakier than that, he said something about his products keep people "living longer and tasting better," the interviewer said, "you mean the food will be tasting better," and he says "exactly, the food will be tasting better." I do enjoy sneaky evil . Was he looking right into our souls?! Licking his lips! Yes, caught up for now, but I'll be back on the treadmill with them tomorrow morning!
| Monday, March 06, 2023 - 9:01 pm
Watching ep 2 pf s08 now. Saw a young male angel and my first thought was that he looked like Tom Cruise and when I looked him up, others on the interwebs were saying the same thing. Looks like Tom Cruise His character on Supe was Samandriel (sp?) and I discovered he's a regular character on Letterkenny (he's in 74 episodes of LK)...he's one of the "Skids" I believe. Btw, I just LOVE Kevin's mother.....a no nonsense tiger mommy, for sure!
| Monday, March 06, 2023 - 10:25 pm
A guest star in ep 3 was Patty McCormack...she played the murdering little brat, Rhoda, in "The Bad Seed" (1956). I saw her for a brief moment as I was walking down the sidewalk and she was entering the Castro Theatre...there was some premiere or retrospective thing going on. That also describes how I saw Ann Miller, too. Meanwhile, the boys are already bickering about staying in the business...Sammy acting like he wants out and Dean not liking it. They seem to be stuck in their attitudes that resulted from their one year forced vacations from each other. They are such realistic siblings! Well, at least the bickering kind that would risk their lives for one another...
| Tuesday, March 07, 2023 - 12:27 pm
The costume distracted me too much from the Tom Cruise lookalike, but I see it in the imdb photos. Yes, Kevin's mum was good but I had to look her up as I was sure I knew her and her voice... she was Ross' girlfriend Julie on Friends!! Hopefully she and Kevin will be back. I thought the older lady on e3 would be a star, but I don't know who she is, I don't know many of these older American stars/starlets. Well I've watched e4 now too, which I won't spoil, in case you haven't, but it's a motw and a really interesting idea for a show. I like that Dean is less troubled. I like that Sammy seems to have the emotional intelligence to want another life but not be tortured by it. At least so far, don't know if it will get worse for him, but I've felt all along - apart from when he didn't have a soul or had his wall shattered - that Sammy can handle all of this a lot better than Dean can. But I don't know how Sammy could live a normal-ish life and not know what Dean is doing out there, or without worrying that Dean is in danger and if he were there he could be saving him. I think he has to keep up with the hunter life unless Dean stops too, and the best he can do is try to get Dean to step back, so that then he too can step back. They showed a quick flash of Amelia in the "Then" for one of these episodes, so I get a feeling she'll be back. Hope Sammy remembers what happened to Lisa and Ben!
| Tuesday, March 07, 2023 - 1:45 pm
Here is that older lady in 1956...if you ever get a chance to see The Bad Seed (1956) - not the modern remake - then watch it!
| Tuesday, March 07, 2023 - 1:45 pm
oops double post
| Tuesday, March 07, 2023 - 2:17 pm
"but it's a motw and a really interesting idea for a show" As soon as I read that I thought "I know what ep this is". I still haven't watched it, but my guess is that it's about a different group of hunters. I do remember at some point, Supe had a show that centered on another group of young people hunters and there was a lot of talk about it being a "backdoor pilot": <snip> "An episode in which the show's primary characters take a back seat to brand new characters in order to test the waters for a separate show. Whereas the traditional Spin-Off involves main/recurring characters becoming popular enough to break out on their own, the characters described here are clearly jammed in there just for the sake of the new show. Rarely do these pilots get picked up by the network, however." <snip> ---------- And as it turned out, it was exactly that. This was in season 8, quite awhile for a series to make it that far, but in the final several seasons of Supe, it was renewed only one season at a time...and it was always "on the bubble" so it was just likely to be canceled as it was to be renewed. This BDpilot ep was likely a test for a replacement if the show ended...but as far as I, and a gabillion other fans go, it just ain't Supe without Dean and Sammy! (TW is close to proving that theory.) I just now peeked at the cast for this episode, and even though I didn't recognize any individuals, they are all the right age and type that I remember from that backdoor pilot when I saw it years ago. So the fans wanted no part in it and they dropped the idea. Now I'm gonna go watch it!
| Tuesday, March 07, 2023 - 4:00 pm
I finished s08 e04 and apparently that was not the backdoor pilot after all! I looked it up and I think it will be s09 ep20. I don't think it's a spoiler to mention a BDpilot for a different show that never got off the ground, right? However, the wiki article did say they could do another one later after that. And it said the producers are "still open" to that so I realized the article was written while the show was still on the air. I didn't go research more or check dates because in the grand scheme of Supernatural, it's pretty irrelevant, IMHO. Bottom line - I think we can expect the BDpilot mentioned in season 9. Btw, I didn't remember this episode at all...
| Tuesday, March 07, 2023 - 4:26 pm
Supe without Dean and Sammy... never! That's kind of borne itself out to be true with The Winchesters, where even with a tie to the main show, it just isn't the same. They really lucked out with the casting*, you have one movie star looks who can do humour and really show honest emotion, and one sensitive, also easy on the eyes, sincere puppydog(?!). I'm never sure which one I love more. * I'm going to call it "lucked out" even though they probably think it's casting skill, because even with the best of pairs, like Mulder and Scully, things happen where you have to make changes. But 15 years, and I'm assuming the standard stays high, that takes luck.
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 1:10 pm
I kinda got hypnotized watching last night. I've seen through ep 11 (season 8). This season is a bit different so far...the boys are having issues and there are a lot of short flashbacks in most episodes that tell both Sammy's and Dean's stories during the year they were separated. It gets pretty dark in some eps, especially with the blood and torturing scenes (evil Crowley, of course)....but there are other lighter eps that are funny. The wormhole episode was a fun surprise, but it's not what you think. There are also some very emotional episodes that really delve into some of the characters's secrets and deep feelings. The boys often have trouble expressing their emotions....but they also have trouble recognizing what those feelings are to begin with! I think their feelings are easier to deal with when they have each other to talk to...even when they get snippy with each other, they're still seeing things from a helpful POV. That was a looong year of isolation from family for each of them. And there are some interesting guest stars...Amanda Tapping (Stargate tv series) showed up and also Mike Farrell (BJ Hunnicutt on M*A*S*H). Garth is back. Oh yeah and I think 3 (or maybe 4) new motel room dividers...but I didn't get screenshots. I just got mesmerized with the drama parts...and I had a great opportunity to stop my marathon and take a break but I wound up seeing one or two more. The ep I could have stopped after seeing was one where their typical chaos was a little more settled and the boys sat in their motel chairs to watch TV together. End Credits roll. It was a peaceful moment on Supernatural! When you're discussing an ep, let me know which ep you're referring to. The boys flashback eps were scattered all through most of them and if I'm not careful I can easily mix up the chronology of how the drama plays out....those FB parts add up to what felt like a whole ep or two, chopped up and spread out over 8-10 eps! Hope this post doesn't give away too much..I tried to be really stingy with the details!
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 1:56 pm
I watched e5, Blood Brother, this morning, where we see more of the beginnings of Sam and Amelia, and a big chunk of the story for Benny the Vampire now, and Benny, Dean and Cass in Purgatory. I was so keen to know what happens next for Sammy and Amelia that I started the next episode, only to come to my senses a minute or two in (because I had other things I had to do), when it didn't continue the Sammy story immediately. Have you watched The Winchesters finale yet? I saw a headline saying Dean was in it, and something about how it linked to Supernatural. I'm wondering if I should wait to watch it until I've finished Supernatural. That would have seemed silly at one point, but the rate we're going we'll be done by June! What do you think?
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 3:15 pm
" That would have seemed silly at one point, but the rate we're going we'll be done by June! What do you think?" I think June is very doable, if not sooner (for me anyhow). During the first year or so of the lockdown, I watched ALL of the Star Trek movies, All of the seasons of AHS, ALL of True Blood, and ALL of Lost. I know there were a couple more, but I can't remember for sure. I need to rewatch Preacher and Leftovers, and Sens8, too. I don't care what they say, I LOVE getting a bit dotty in my old's like watching my favorite shows for the first time. I was just thinking about a TW tie-in for the finale an hour ago, hoping that they do something cool with the show they're showing the origin of. Well, last week, Rowena's appearance was a decent tie in, but I want more! And I have no idea if Rowena will even be back...could've just been a cameo for the fans. Ya know...I can't actually remember seeing anyone laugh out loud on TW...Dean laughs at Sammy all the time....AND they make me laugh all the time! TW just makes me roll my eyes sometimes...
| Wednesday, March 08, 2023 - 3:54 pm
Oh yes I've rewatched shows: all the ST series several times, Lost, many of the scifi series, TWD several times, Red Dwarf several times. I also like to repeat the short comedies like Big Bang and Friends, and lately I've been watching teen/YA shows I've missed (like the Gilmore Girls) which I found quite relaxing during covid. And I've done Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul in quite a bingy way, but I've never done a long running series like this in such a short time. I can hardly believe I've watched 150+ episodes since about mid November! Less than four months, so that's an average of 10+ episodes a week, but I'm watching many more now than I did at the beginning. About 170 left I think (which means where you are, you must be almost exactly half way through!). Wow. I'm starting to think of my free time as chunks of 40 minutes to see how many episodes I can fit in ;).