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| Wednesday, March 01, 2023 - 6:34 pm
Sorry but I didn't finish that clip because I didn't know what they were talking about or who the characters were or why their remarks made the audience laugh. Context is everything when trying to understand a show like that. Of course, your comments made me think of "Q"...who was kind of his own version of Osiris putting humans on trial. Seems to be theme in sci-fi. Humanity is always defending itself! You're getting close to eps that will surprise you and turn your world downside up. I promise.
| Wednesday, March 01, 2023 - 6:49 pm
I've been watching a lot today as I really don't want to do the things I should be doing. And I think they've killed Bobby. Like properly killed him! I watched one more episode after he was shot in the head, thinking it would be resolved, but this last one, e10, was such a full send off that I think he's gone, even though at the end he hasn't told the reaper where he wants to go. Maybe he will haunt them or something! Another tear in Dean and Sam's hearts. Yes, I suppose out of context that clip might be not quite what it is in context. I just love Red Dwarf, back in ye olden days when the internet was mostly just usenet, off and on I worked in a lab and we used to try to keep ourselves awake during night shifts by doing things like reading the scripts from the show, which some kind geeks had transcribed online. If netflix ever picks them up you should give it a try.
| Wednesday, March 01, 2023 - 11:16 pm
" And I think they've killed Bobby. Like properly killed him!" I'm afraid so. Yes, Bobby Singer is truly dead. R.I.P. Did you know that the role of Bobby Singer was suppose to only one episode? But they liked what they saw and kept him coming back for another 5 years or so? R.I.P. Btw, if you saw Death's Door, then two eps before that you saw Sammy's wedding! What a hoot. Sometimes Sammy comes across like a hapless idjit. Did you recognize DJ Qualls? He played "Citizen Z" on Z Nation. Did you see that? There were several mostly MOTW eps after Bobby's demise...I think they were just giving the viewers some lighter eps to break up the grief a bit. But with ep 12 you'll have another time travel ep coming up! A Veronica mars actor is a guest star. Plus a great character from the past. And then there's ep 13 that I had no memory of at it surprised the jelly beans outta me! And it even complicates Dean and Sammy's working relationship. SO MUCH happens in just one ep! How could I have forgotten that one??? Watch ep 14 closely...the rainbow farting unicorn is a quick scene....and Sammy is hysterical in this one! That boy has issues... My next ep is 16, so we're almost caught up again. ------ Btw, I'm surprised I'm saying this but TW took a surprise upturn for me! There's a crossover character from Supe, one that you may have seen in some of those blooper reels. If they keep her character true to form, she'll be lot of fun. If not, it'll distress me, so I really hope they don't duck it up.
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 9:58 am
No, I didn't know Bobby was meant to be one and done! He didn't stand out to me at first, but the grumpy attitude soon won me over, lol. Fitting his last words were to call the boys "idjits." Yep, I recognised DJ Qualls. Poor old Sam, he does hapless well. This morning's one was e11 with the girl's missing father. The father was Ian Tracey, who I had a crush on way way way back when he was Huckleberry Finn in one of the adaptations. Anyway, he might also be considered a scifi person, as he was in Continuum for that final couple of seasons arc. I'm glad they fastforwarded through "week one" and "week two," suffering Dean is really hard to see. And nice episode to come back with, with him finally feeling he did something good in getting the girl and dad out of the business. I also thought this week's The Winchester was better! A lot more real interactions and a good story. Plus Lieta (sp?) kept to one mostly consistent accent all through the show, which is a first. Next episode is the finale, not sure if it will be renewed given they only allowed 13 episodes int his first season. I didn't recognise the character you mentioned though.
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 1:15 pm
Ian Tracey - I knew him from "Sanctuary" with Amanda Tapper and I know I've seen him in other sci-fi shows. I just checked IMDB and he's been in maybe a dozen shows I've seen. (Btw, Amanda Tapper makes a appearance on Supe in a few seasons.) I looked up Nida Khurshid who plays "Latika Desai". I always thought her accent wasn't typically British, but more of a British-India. When she speaks it makes me think of a previous English speaking, Indian actress I've seen but can't quite put my finger on. I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to identify who the crossover character is. But be careful looking her up because she's a well known Supe actor/character. It's "Rowena" the witch who is helping Ada with magic issues. In a couple of the bloopers (in the reel that was about an hour long) "Rowena" was the short woman with long red hair and a Scottish accent...just like she is on TW....and IRL, too. Btw, don't ever trust her, she's already shown her true colors...she ALWAYS has an agenda, just like she did on last night's TW....but sometimes she helps (but only if it benefits her, too) I hope she's going to be a regular character.
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 1:23 pm
Kitt, you don't seem as grief stricken as I expected about Bobby's death. Is Bobby the character you read about early on and discovered was going to be killed off? I remember you saying something like knowing about a character's tragic fate or something so you stopped delving into the show so much for fear of finding even more important spoilers.
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 5:03 pm
No, I didn't know his death was coming, it was something about the Supe finale that was randomly written in the first thing I read about The Winchesters, that stopped me looking up Winchesters stuff. Whether or not it's true (don't tell me!!) I'm of the impression that Dean is dead (the point of mentioning it in the article was, how could he be doing the voiceover for TW?), not sure about Sam. So I'm hoping I misread that, but am mentally prepared, kind of, for that to be the case, but not until the finale. But I'm not too cut up about Bobby, no. I think two things. 1) I haven't really "known" him long, probably for two months in real time?? It might be an artifact of binge watching, but I don't think I've known him long enough to imprint on me, I haven't known him for six years, like I would if I'd watched the shows as aired. And he was relatively self sufficient and until his last few storylines he hadn't shown much vulnerabilty(?) to make me attached to him. And 2) I suppose I don't really relate to him, so I am sad at his loss through the eyes of Dean and Sam, not through my own eyes. Well, I am a bit sad, just not very sad. And very sad at seeing Sam and Dean very sad. Also 3) while I think of it, what is death really, when you can travel in time and there are ghosts and spirits? Another thing is they've really been warning us that they are going to die early. Again and again Dean has said something like "we might be dead by then," and I'm taking it in with respect to Dean and Sam, and trying to process that and particularly what it means for these two young men to live their lives and know that in a very real sense. So somehow it doesn't seem so bad about Bobby, like it was almost expected in the grand scheme of things, even if not at that moment.
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 5:14 pm
Latika (I didn't know if had a k in it!) has a really posh English accent, but the thing that gets me is she throws in some really un-posh ways of saying a few words. Like she's heard them on some UK reality show and they sounded English so she throws them in to sound more recognisably "English," but less authentically English. Like imagine a Texan having heard the funny "a" sound of people from Boston, so everytime they say an "a" they do a Boston sound with it, when every other part of their speech is Texan drawl. Hard to explain, but it's just wrong, lol. And while her general posh intonation is quite accurate, it doesn't sound a natural posh, but a studied posh. A lot of the Indian/Pakistani immigrants in the UK adopt a very refined "BBC" accent, and are incredibly well spoken (not to mention pleasant sounding), but that's not what she's doing, she's putting on something she's heard or had to learn. It bugs me, as you can probably tell! I suspect she is either straight American, or if she grew up in India/Pakistan she was taught American English not British English. And I'm going to look it up and will probably be proved wrong... looks like she was born in Pakistan and moved to the US when she was three. So I guess that accounts for the fake English accent!
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 6:09 pm
Btw, I watched the next, time travel one, with Elliot Ness! I recognised the Veronica Mars guy, but I didn't actually watch that show. But Elliot Ness was Krycek from the X-Files! Been in a lot of things since, but that's what I always think of when I see him. Funny how Ness had his own (female) Bobby.
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 8:31 pm
"But Elliot Ness was Krycek from the X-Files!" I thought he looked familiar, but I figured he was just some actor that played a cop or crook on various detectives shows I've watched. Yes, I remember Kryceck!...a friend of mine was a big fan of that actor and everytime I saw him in something I'd tell my friend that this show or that show had Krycek in it. In fact I remember he showed up in Kyle XY. As soon as I saw "Krycek" in your post I could see him in Ness. Thanks. Dean seemed to love the "rubber hose type" of cop interrogation work back in the 20's. So your next two eps are the one that totally surprised me followed by the rainbow fart episode. You're gonna love Sammy in that one. 
| Thursday, March 02, 2023 - 8:42 pm
"I suspect she is either straight American, or if she grew up in India/Pakistan she was taught American English not British English. " Lauren Cohan has the same problem. I believe she was born in the US but raised for awhile in England and then moved back to the US. In interviews, her English and American accents kind of float back and forth....she'll sound perfectly British and then she'll say a phrase or word that sounds perfectly American. I was born in Texas but we left there when I was 12....but I still have some texas twang here and there, but if I'm around any Texas relatives for even a short while...Ah stort ta sound lak a hick agin. Yesiree. 
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 1:59 pm
Have you watched e16 and e17... just watching them and don't want to spoil for you!
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 3:37 pm
Yes, I have watched through ep 18 where I already knew (and now you do, too) that Garth is back in Town! "You have been Garthed!"
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 3:52 pm
So you've seen the Amazonian ep...which was a huge surprise to me...I may have just missed that one altogether when it first aired. I usually see moments that seem familiar when I watch an episode but I had zero recollection of this one. I drew a total blank. And you've seen the unicorn indiscretion ep...Big strong brave Sammy, slayer of vampires and werewolves and sworn enemy of Lucifer, and demon hunter extraordinaire is scared to death of...Clowns?

| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 4:04 pm
I just finished 18 too! Party on, Garth! Everybody's back, at least in some way. Poor old sweet Cass as sweet Emanuel, and now he's in a psych ward! And ghost Bobby is just a frustrated real Bobby . I have a lot to say about the episodes, but then I have to go and do something else (real life is very inconvenient ;)) and I forget what I was going to say. Dean had a baby... for a few hours before it was full grown. I believed she wanted his help too, good job he didn't. Then Sam and his clown issues, lol! When Sam was covered in glitter at the end and both the boys were laughing it seemed like they were as much themselves as the characters. I'm still not quite sure what the Leviathans are up to, but I'm pretty sure it isn't finding a cure for cancer. Unless that makes humans more tasty or something. It doesn't seem as simple as they just want to kill all the humans. Oh, do you know what happened to Baby, the car? I think after that episode with the doppelganger shapeshifters they decided it was too visible, and they weren't going to use it for a bit, but I expected them to go back to it by now.
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 4:07 pm
Yep, seen the Amazon women. And they escaped too, so they could be back later. Wonder how long it's going to put Dean off finding women at bars! Sometimes Sammy is like the comedy sidekick, his facial expressions are getting more and more extreme! Mind you some of those clowns were actually scary!
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 4:28 pm
\"Oh, do you know what happened to Baby, the car?"} I was gonna ask you the same thing...and then I assumed the same thing you did. During the doppelganger episodes I do remember someone saying (PP) "They have your pictures all over the place and they are driving THIS car", indicating Baby. Somehow I missed them saying they'd stash Baby or something. "Wonder how long it's going to put Dean off finding women at bars! " The moment he gets thirsty? 
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 4:44 pm
"Unless that makes humans more tasty or something. It doesn't seem as simple as they just want to kill all the humans. " ETA - First - humans are FOOD. Not sure but I wouldn't rule out wiping humans off the face of the earth. I think they're angry and jealous that even though they were god's first creation, he sent them all to hell when they started eating his newly created humans. THEY were first, so the levias think THEY deserve to be the top of the food chain again...and since god is still AWOL, like the angels, they are seeing an open window of getting some control. That's my working theory until they spell out every detail of "why". Seems to me that a lot of these celestial beings just act impulsively and then wind up in chaos. They don't, for the most part, understand nuance and intricate strategy like humans do. (Remember how Balthazar's Titanic plan panned out). Angels and maybe Levias, don't appear to be nearly as devious as Demons...or humans! I don't like you, Human. SMITE! or I don't like you, Human. CHOMP!
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 5:11 pm
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | "Ghost orientation" LOL |
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 5:48 pm
Kitt, I said: "That's my working theory until they spell out every detail of "why". " Guess what? Episode 20 just spelled out every detail of "why".
| Saturday, March 04, 2023 - 7:50 pm
Wow....I'm about to start the final 2 eps of s07 (eps 22-23)...the show's momentum is exerting so much pressure (in the form of suspense and revelation) on me I simply cannot stop. A new character has entered the Supeverse. Yay...I always liked this one...innocent characters have so much room to act in a show with lots of evil. Plans have been revealed. New goals are being evaluated, and the boys are on a roll. If these next two eps are as thrilling a ride as the last two, I'll be an exhausted, but happy, camper. And a spoiler that you might want to hold off on reading until you have finished ep 21:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | The band is back together! |
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 12:17 am
I watched 19 and 20, will have to leave the final three for another day. So Leviathans basically want to farm the humans for food! And Bobby is a pretty powerful ghost... where I left it, they were anxious about him becoming more vengeful and therefore unreachable. Still can't quite believe how watchable this show is after so many seasons!
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 12:53 am
"Still can't quite believe how watchable this show is after so many seasons!" Funny to hear you say I watched the last couple of eps of s07, I was thinking how much this show has stayed engaging and suspenseful and fun for so long, too! I often start getting tired and/or bored of shows after awhile because they seem reach a certain peak of enjoyment and then they start to slow down, level off and become repetitive....but not Supe! I was wondering how Supe can stay this fresh and rather than leveling off it just gets more and more complex and fun and the characters just get richer and more layered. It's quite a feat. I finished s07 and had to watch ep 1 of season 8 rather than just screeching to a halt. I was in that momentum of the ending of season 7 and needed an ep to slow down. A lot of things have changed in s08 but no matter what direction it's heading, the roller coaster manages to keep you on your toes. (How's that for a mixed metaphor? ) Can't wait to see your thoughts on 21-23. A new character in the first ep of season 8 is the actor who played "Snow plow guy" on "Men in Trees" years ago. I may take a short break aqain...I seem to enjoy it most when I see a half dozen or so eps and then wait a bit and do another handful.
| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 1:01 am
Just a little screen grab of a unicorn running away...

| Sunday, March 05, 2023 - 11:25 am
You do like that unicorn! I think one of the things that is unique with this show is even the MOTW episodes have something else with them, either some growth in the relationship between the boys or with someone else, or something else happens near the end that brings the main story forward. Like the thing with flask when they weren't sure if Bobby was haunting it. So there are never any throwaway episodes that don't matter. And on the rare occasion when the MOTW isn't that thrilling, you feel like you're glad you watched it, for the other stuff. Dean's state of mind is really distressing me though. I thought he actually found some happiness a few episodes back when he persuaded the girl and father to stop being hunters, but the "Then" on the next episode made it clear he was just following Frank's advice and (fake) smiling through it. Dean just doesn't want to be there anymore, and I don't know how that will change, given the life they lead.