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| Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 9:16 pm
I was intrigued by the "at least they're talking" comments. They always come across as real friends, so unless they are just exceptionally good actors, I'm surprised if it ever got so bad. But I did see something yesterday, reasonably randomly, that said Jared was a big supporter of a charity to provide support for those with depression, partly because of his struggles with the condition. Not that that means they didn't get on in real life, just that it probably wasn't as ~omg this is the most fun thing I could ever do with my life~ acting in the show as it gives the impression it is. I choose to believe they were all happy together as it makes me enjoy the show more, thinking they are friends as well as brothers. I did wonder if they were the real Bob Singer and Eric Kripke! Eric Kripke's death was quite epic, even the pose he was in when he was lying there, like a giant X! Very fun episode .
| Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 11:29 pm
The reason I said I wondered if there were "rumors" about a rift was because I just can't imagine them not being friends. They worked side by side from their mid 20s until their 40s. Besides there are always stories about famous duos that feud...Bette Davis and Joan Crawford...and I remember gossip about The Laverne & Shirley duo being at odds. I'd bet there was some idle, untrue gossip saying Jensen and Jarod were they took it and made lemonade. Btw, what did you think of that shot of Jensen in a soap opera when he was practically a baby? I have seen some blooper reels where they come across like lifelong best friends. Here's one I watched that's 38 min long...and there are some parts with characters in it that haven't been on the show yet, so you won't recognize don't ask me questions about who they are because the only way to answer them is to reveal a spoiler. Anyhow, other than that, as far as I know there are no big spoilers in this one. Just a warning that I think there are a lot of various bloopers from Supe you could find (or they can find you if you follow this link), but they might spoil future stuff. You have been warned: PS - I'm not sure if this reel includes the time Jarod farted in the car and it was so bad Jensen started to gag while Jarod just looked so proud.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 1:30 am
I looked at another gag reel and got trapped watching it (and more) for a couple of hours. This one has the fart bloopers and other pretty funny outtakes...there's even an outtake of the bad acting scene in French Mistake. They were "bad acting" so badly! 55m: Towards the last third or so of this video there's a lot of repetition, but with a lot of other new ones mixed in. I think a lot of these blooper reels were just additions and re-edits but they seem to have about a million hours of bloopers to draw from. Those boys played around as much as they acted. Jarod seems to have a thing for doing the "model/pouty lips look" and Jarod is a bona fide clown. It's a real rabbit hole and hard to stop.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 11:36 am
I've watched a chunk of it, might put the rest on later. Yes, they definitely seems very chummy . Baby Jensen on Days of our Lives!! Yes, sooo young looking. I checked his imdb and he was also in Sweet Valley High, take a look at him here, he was 18! I noticed from the bloopers that Jared has really changed in these first few seasons too. I didn't notice it so much at the time, just the big jump from the episodes I was watching with him at 18 or so on Gilmore Girls, compared to Supernatural. I guess he's just those few years younger than Jensen where he was still significantly changing. Well this morning I watched the alternate reality one where Fate was trying to correct after Balthazar stopped the Titanic hitting the iceberg. That's the episode with the brothers' cringe faces from your screencap upthread. That part (the guy being hit by a bus) didn't give me Jared-face as much as a scene at the beginning where a man was in his garage, and a series of "accidents" mean things kept almost killing him until finally the garage door comes down on his head. I was watching through my fingers for most of that, but flicked back fully just at the wrong moment went the door came down squelch. So it sounded like Castiel ordered Balthazar to unsink the Titanic to give him 50,000 souls to fight with in his war against Raphael. I'm not entirely sure what the war is about to be honest, but I'm assuming Castiel is on the good side . Still, pretty dodgy to be messing with history that significantly.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 3:44 pm
"Still, pretty dodgy to be messing with history that significantly." This is the episode that I alluded to awhile back. They UNsunk the Titanic to gain souls for the heavenly civil war. In doing so, they got their souls (the souls came from the descendants of the Titanic passengers that didn't die) Aside from creating 50,000 new souls, they created 50,000 new lives lived and changed history, so a lot of things since that point had changed... ----------- "Watch01:01 Fandom Xfinity 10G Gaming Lounge Highlights 6x17 RMS Titanic.png The RMS Titanic, or simply Titanic, was the largest transatlantic liner of its time. It made its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City. It sank on April 15, 1912 after colliding with an iceberg. Contents 1 History 2 Salvation 3 Appearances 4 References in other episodes History Initially, the Titanic had no known connections to the supernatural. However, its fate was temporarily altered by the angel Balthazar. At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, lookouts in the crows nest spotted an iceberg. The ship started a turn to the left but the ship struck the iceberg. While The Titanic could stay afloat if only four of her water-tight compartments were flooded, unfortunately five were flooded, dooming the ship. There were not enough lifeboats for the 2,200 souls on board. Only 705 survived the sinking, with over 1,500 drowning. The Titanic broke in two and sank beneath the waves. Salvation Balthazar as first mate I.P. Freeley on the RMS Titanic. The Titanic was saved by Balthazar under orders from Castiel. This was to secure the souls to help them combat Raphael during the civil war in Heaven. Balthazar masqueraded as the first mate under the name I.P. Freeley. This led to the survival of people that were supposed to die, as well as the birth of their descendants. The alteration of events also led to Ellen Harvelle being wed to Bobby Singer, with Jo as their daughter, as well as the Winchesters owning a Mustang instead of the Impala. The Celine Dion song "My Heart Will Go On" also ceased to exist. " ------ When we were discussing the skewed timeline between The Winchesters and Supernatural I said I saw a way that your questions could be 100% answered. Well, this is my theoretical answer. If time was altered and it caused all kind of other smaller changes over the years, maybe the Winchesters meeting and Impala buying events were some of the other changes. The scenes on TW where John and Mary met, could have happened after the Titanic was unsunk but before it was re-sunk, just like Bobby's and Ellen's life together. Then The Winchesters's plot could have been altered. Since Supe is the future, relative to The Winchesters, things changed for BOTH series. If Ellen and Bobby's relationship was altered, who's to say that the Winchesters meeting wasn't altered, too? Maybe just that part of TW story changed...and subsequently changed back as it did on Supe....but they just didn't show it. There had to be millions (billions? trillions?) of other changes in that 100 years across the globe they also omitted from the shows. Maybe the change and it's reversal just weren't shown on the TW series because the Titanic event story was told from a POV in their future, decades later. When they re-sunk the Titanic in the past, things went back to the way they originally were. In other words, maybe the beginning of TW is the only alt timeline they showed us without explaining it? Does that logically, although verbose, answer your skewed timeline question? I say this is a viable option to explain the discrepancy of the timeline differential. I rest my case. Come to think of it, using this scenario, Supernatural could claim it was the cause of ANY more skewing of the timeline on BOTH series. -------- Btw, if you follow that link above, just don't start clicking around or spoilers will get you. I'm pretty sure that single page doesn't have any spoilers past the eps you have already seen. Also, note at that link that the Titanic event was being set up for awhile. I had no idea. Under the References in other episodes section (above link), it points out subtle foreshadowing from 3 different previous episodes going back to seasons 1, 5, and 6.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 4:15 pm
" I'm not entirely sure what the war is about to be honest, but I'm assuming Castiel is on the good side " I'm not sure exactly how much they've explained...but in my mind it's just a power grab among the angels...the good, the bad, and the they scramble to take over the heavenly throne because their boss is gone and he/she/they left no forwarding address. We know some of them want to wipe out mankind because they feel the "human experiment didn't work". They're just a bunch of petty winged soldiers with a lot of attitude...but with no orders and Daddy has left the building. It does seem like more specific issues come up that explain it more than that though. Meanwhile there's kind of a similar unrest in Hell. The obnoxious Demon Crowley crowned himself King of Hell which is also just a power grab because Lucifer is... Hmmmmm...I just realized I forgot where Lucifer is these days. Do you remember? I think the last time I remember seeing him it was in the future wearing Sammy who was wearing a Colonel Sanders suit. Besides, with Crowley, he's always got an ulterior motive and I have no idea what his ultimate goal is.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 5:45 pm
They joys of time travel! As well as wondering what things did happen during the 12 hours (or however long it was) that could have had an effect on the timeline, there's also what didn't happen, or we didn't see happening. Or maybe that's what you're saying? I.e. If this Titanic unsink/sink reversal hadn't happened, in the original world that existed before and after, and retroactively during this event, there was a Sam and Dean doing something for 12 hours while the Sam and Dean we saw were in the other world. That could have been when Dean went back to The Winchesters world, and it just instantaneously had happened without actually happening once Castiel/Balthazar fixed everything. I'm not sure if I'm just repeating you there or looking from the other direction! Also, realistically but not as much fun, presumably Dean and Sam do things off camera and could have done it when we don't see. I think Crowley is currently dead, although he went really quickly (Castiel burned him up) and I wasn't convinced he actually died or at least died permanently without more fanfare. Maybe he was just smited somewhere. But they haven't addressed who's King of Hell now, so I'm wondering if there will be more on that. (Same with Samuel in a way, he was killed (I think) a couple of episodes ago by Eve during the ear worm ::shudder:: event, and that also seemed too unceremonious that I'm not sure it happened.) But as far as I know, Lucifer and Michael are still in this "box" thing in hell, which is where Lucifer-Sam and Michael-half-brother took them when they jumped into the crevice that appeared in the earth, in order to save the world. Sam was pulled out, and then his soul, but the rest are still there. Someone at some point even mentioned that maybe they can pull out the half-brother, although I thought the half-brother was actually Michael using the dead half-brother's meatsuit, he didn't inhabit it when the brother was alive, so I don't know how that would work. I'm fully expecting Lucifer and Michael to reappear should the story need it!
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 12:06 pm
"I.e. If this Titanic unsink/sink reversal hadn't happened, in the original world that existed before and after, and retroactively during this event, there was a Sam and Dean doing something for 12 hours while the Sam and Dean we saw were in the other world." You lost me....totally. What "12 hours" are you referring to? The terms "during this event" and "12 hours" don't make any sense with this event. That "event" lasted for 100 uninterrupted years. When the T was UNsunk, history started being different. Aside from just creating 50,000 more people, history started changing when 1,490(according to Alexa ) more passengers came home from their Titanic cruise. For 100 years, history changed daily when "new" people died, got married, had accidents, invented something, had a job, committed crimes, or when one of them saved or murdered someone, etc... Those changes affected EVERY point in time between the time of the Titanic NOT sinking until the present (of this episode). (Just imagine if your parents had 4 more children before you were born...would your life be different today? Or what if your grandfather died in a car accident (caused by an unsunk T descendant) when he was just a 5th grader? Would I be talking to myself right now?) These changes affected the world for 100 years unabated and we saw SOME of those Bobby being married to Ellen. Those changes continued all throughout the time TW took place AND all the time Supe took place. There was no 12 hour gap. Both shows, decades apart, were in a world where their past history and their futures changed, unbeknownst to them. IF you can accept the idea that maybe TW's John and Mary had a slightly different early romance before the T was sunk than when the T was UNsunk, then you get it. If you can accept that the world was different for everybody during TW and for everybody on Sup during that 100 year span, you should be able to understand that maybe Dean never went back and met his mother or helped his father pick out a car. This could have absolutely been the case IF what we saw at the beginning of TW had ONLY happened in the altered T-unsunk timeline....just like that scene when Bobby Singer was happily married to Ellen ONLY happened in the altered T-sunk) timeline. Just remember this is a theory that is a logical answer to the discrepancy between TW's and Supe's versions of John and Mary's romance and car. However, IRL I don't think the writers of TW intended to make the beginning of John and Mary's relationship part of the T-UNsunk timeline....but if one must have a logical understanding if it, one can assume this happened. Or one can just accept that the TW writers are stupid, or didn't care what happened on Supe and blew it when they wrote the TW's version of John's and Mary's romantic beginning. I hope that makes better sense. Sorry for the repetition of points, but it's hard for a sentence to make sense if it can be interpreted as being in the wrong timeline or something. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. -------- Footnote - if Sam and Dean ever go back to the past again, they will be the original (sunk) timeline. That 100 years of change just I understand time travel rules and Supe craziness. 
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 12:15 pm
"But as far as I know, Lucifer and Michael are still in this "box" thing in hell, which is where Lucifer-Sam and Michael-half-brother took them when they jumped into the crevice that appeared in the earth" Thank you. It gets confusing for me rewatching these early shows and also watching bloopers from shows up to 9 years later! Now when I think of Sammy, I envision a hundred different images of him in a hundred different places across the whole 15 years of Supe. Damn those (very funny) bloopers.
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 12:56 pm
I'll see if I can explain what I mean better in a drawing... I'll be back later today after a booster shot and some shopping! 
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 4:07 pm
Eureka! Kitt I found the answer to your "why was the meeting of John and Mary different on TW and Supe?" This article addresses that exact question. However, I did notice a TW spoiler about how this discrepancy was a mystery and how it was handled. Here is the article: Supernatural prequel The Winchesters rewrites very important moment -------- Btw, it has nothing to do with any of my theories or the T or time travel. Think "Occumm's Razor".
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | the writers, of course! |
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 4:31 pm
This was the best I could do, lol. Coloured line lengths not to scale! My thought was that we don't know what happened between those two bars at the 2011 side in the restored timeline. The first bar is the time when Balthasar UNsinks the Titanic, the second bar is when Castiel restores the original timeline to one in which the Titanic did sink. In the red (Titanic did not sink) timeline, the elapsed time between those two points is how long Sam and Dean spent in the fake Supernatural world, getting the whatever-it-was they needed from that other angel. Let's say that period was 12 hours. While Sam and Dean were there, basically my question is, was time passing in the original timeline while those two were in fake Supernatural? Were a Sam and Dean also living in an alternate timeline where the Titanic hadn't been sunk, and if so, what were they doing? Could that Sam and Dean have gone back to The Winchesters time? Or, because Castiel later returns the timeline to the original, were Sam and Dean retroactively (because the unsinking and therefore unsinking timeline never happened) in the original timeline, and if so, what were they doing? Could that Sam and Dean have gone back to The Winchester time? A hole in my theory is that when Sam and Dean zapped back from fake Supernatural world, they appeared at the moment in time we first saw them in the episode, before they went in to see Bobby, i.e. at the first of the two 2011 bars above. That would kind of suggest the missing 12 hour period of time didn't exist, and the ~time~ in fake-Supernatural world went by in an instant, like it didn't happen. But while that means that that's when Castiel re-inserted them, it doesn't necessarily mean that time wasn't running in that timeline when S&B were in fake Supernatural world. I think what you're saying, is that some knock-on effect from the unsinking meant that in the Unsunk timeline that was temporarily in existence, the The Winchesters events with Dean and the car could have happened. But surely if that was the case, they would have been undone when Castiel REsunk the Titanic, and the red line between 1913 and 2011 was changed back to the original blue line. The only part of the timeline that I can see that is unknown is that 12 hours when S&D were in the fake universe of fake Supernatural. But maybe that 12 hours didn't even exist. Wibble 
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 4:36 pm
Lol, your link.... they just decided to write it differently!!! And we spend all this time thinking about it and trying to work out how it happened, when actually in the writer's room they just said "nah, I don't like that, let's just do it a different way...!" I think our way's more fun .
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 5:05 pm
I always assumed when the boys came to the Supe set, they returned at that same point that they left. If true, no 12 hr gap. "I think what you're saying, is that some knock-on effect from the unsinking meant that in the Unsunk timeline that was temporarily in existence, the The Winchesters events with Dean and the car could have happened. But surely if that was the case, they would have been undone when Castiel REsunk the Titanic" I don't understand what "knock-on effect" effect means. However, the The Winchesters events with Dean and the car could have happened in both sunk and unsunk timelines. Not *everything* changed during unsunk. Dean was still Dean, the boys were still brothers, and Bobby and the boys were still hunters. Bottom line is it's all moot...since I found that article.
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 5:16 pm
Waitaminute... *I* was just trying to find a plausible time travel explanation so the whole thing could be put to bed. In any case, did you read that article? There was a mystery about the discrepancy that the article said was solved by...
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | ...wiping memories on Supe. I'm a bit unclear about how that worked, but I'm satisfied. |
| Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 5:55 pm
By knock on effect I meant the "butterfly effect," that it's not just the obvious changes that would happen (like the extra people, extra descendants) but also the connected things, like a person's new mate would now not procreate with their original-timeline mate. I wasn't sure which parts of that article came from "those behind the scenes" and which came from the writers of that article. I thought the possibility of wiping Supernatural people's memories was one of the article writer's questions/ponderances. I think the answer is more the earlier paragraph, that it was just written this way, even though they said they were going to keep to cannon. But it would be really good if the writers do sort it out that way (or another) in an in-cannon way.
| Friday, February 24, 2023 - 5:17 pm
" I think the answer is more the earlier paragraph, that it was just written this way, even though they said they were going to keep to cannon. But it would be really good if the writers do sort it out that way (or another) in an in-cannon way." Yeah, they said they did meet in front of a movie theatre....and a couple of other kinda-almost bits of the story John and Mary told because the true story was a lot darker. Maybe it was just simpler for John and Mary to tell a sweeter, more family friendly story to their young innocent kids, or anyone else who asked (like one of their grown-up kids named Dean who came from the future). ---- Btw, remember the Bloody Valentine episode? s05e14.... Anyhow, I just wanted to point out a character....the naked adult cupid was played by a regular character on the current CSI-Vegas. His name is "Beau" on CSI-Vegas, IRL it's Lex Medlin. On CIS-Vegas he's the lab worker that stopped doing any field work so he's always in the lab...the big guy with a beard. Fun seeing the kind of grumpy & distracted lab guy 13 or so years younger and playing a silly bare cupid freaking Dean out with a big hug. 
| Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 11:41 am
That guy's a bit Greg Grunberg-ish. Well last night I ploughed on through to the end of Season 6! I don't know what to say, the last few episodes made me so sad. Dean saying goodbye to Lisa and Ben! OMG give the guy an Emmy, it was so heartbreaking! And everything to do with Castiel... His cause - which I hope I understood was basically to stop Raphael restarting the apocalypse - was righteous but the things he had to do along the way. Not just the whole Titanic thing, but the lengths he went to to get all the souls from Purgatory, his deal with Crowley and keeping it all from Dean and Sam, even taking down the wall in Sam's mind, just to distract him. And he both seemed to know how wrong it was and feel ashamed, but also seemed to feel he'd started this path and couldn't stop it. So now he's power crazed and God, but the boys still love him and so many complicated feelings about when go people do bad things! I was thinking during the episode that was from Castiel's point of view, how carefully the writers made me fall for him, and care about him as much as I do about Dean and Sam. Partly it was his innocence and naivety, and partly how much he really did care about Sam and particularly Dean. I just hope that next season they don't turn him completely bad, that he begins to redeem himself and they keep up that these people do actually care about each other, even when they are acting badly. Argg, it has all disturbed me!! I can understand why you were ok having a little break with it. I probably won't watch anymore this weekend, but will start again on Monday's treadmill. I have a few shows I need to catch up on anyway and my brain needs a break!
| Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 12:43 pm
Gee, we 're all caught up now? The next ep for both of us s07e01? Yes, Castiel's sudden all-powerful attitude was disconcerting, but I still see him as a naive baby-angel. He never had much of an ego before all this started, so I'd like to think he's just growing up...he's like a kid in his terrible twos who first learns the power of the word "No" and suddenly wields it as if it's the greatest world in the world. Free will is one thing for humans because they can hurt other humans in their orbit...but it's a whole other ball game for a power wielding angel who can all of both humanity AND heaven!! I don't think Cas will stay bad...I don't remember the details but the fans would have revolted and there's still a whole decade of show to see! I don't remember how/when/if he returns as the wide eyed newbie he was when we first met him in season 4, but I know he seems to almost always be there when the boys need him. He's always had good days and bad days. If he's bad today wait a little bit because I'm sure his "good" is down the road a bit. I need to scan through the s06 finale before starting s07...Oh waitaminute, hopefully s07 starts with a long THEN that fills in my gappy "senior memory". If not I'll do the scan thing.
| Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 12:58 pm
I felt like I needed to watch eps 20-22 again almost immediately, so much happened, but I did resist! Yes, they are very good with their "Then"s so I think we will be ok . It does seem that over everything, Castiel cares about the brothers and therefore will go back to caring about what they think of him, and that will influence his ways. It would have been shortsighted of the writers not to return him to at least a big chunk of what he was before, seeing as baby-angel Castiel was such a hit. A lot of my favourite shows - and this has become one - I think of as basically big soaps. It's got to have interesting and hopefully amusing stories around it, but essentially what keeps me so involved is the relationships between the people. I think with this the relationships between the brothers, and between Dean and Castiel, are extremely realistically written and quite special. Makes you really care about them.
| Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 3:38 pm
Well,, I just finished watching s07e01 (Btw there was a great THEN that filled me on the status of the boys and is my full review of ep 1: OMG I just built my taco salad and sitting down with it for ep 2. 
| Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 4:20 pm
Lol, may February 25, 2023 go down in history as the day we were on the same episode for an entire 12 or possibly 13 hours! You've got me tempted now, for s7e01. Sounds like it is one to make the treadmill go by quickly!
| Saturday, February 25, 2023 - 5:26 pm
Heheh....I just can't help myself. You would enjoy ep 1 right now, I swear. A lot of stuff is exacerbated and/or resolved...I'd say that covers it. I finished ep 2. One of the guest stars was named "Amy Pond". It made me think there must be some connection between Supe and Dr Who. Dean even pointed out that she had a sweet name , as if to highlight it. Also, in ep 2 another very young guest star made an appearance and he'll be back at some point in the future. I knew that someone shows up on Supe a second time (years?) later and it's this character, only older. When I originally saw the ep where he returns, I couldn't remember who he I think I'll remember him. Everything is better with cheese.
| Sunday, February 26, 2023 - 12:30 am
Everything is indeed better with cheese. OK, you made me watch them! But now Castiel is dead, or turned into leviathans or something! How is that an improvement!! He did briefly repent, so I guess there's that. I'm assuming Bobby will be ok as there's no body, and no body means no death in these sort of shows.
| Sunday, February 26, 2023 - 2:18 am
Okay....couldn't help myself...I watched the first 12 eps of s07! This is an amazing season and there are some MOTW eps, with some angel stuff mixed in, so there are breaks in some of the more dramatic eps. And there is some great twists and great drama ahead for you. When I saw Supe originally, it was a lot different than it is now when I have the ability to binge and get the story and retain more details than I could waiting week to week between eps and then waiting months between seasons. It just occurred to me that I'm at the middle of season 7...that's seven and a half seasons of the 15 season series, so I'm already half way through! Ep 12 is called Time After Time....and guess what? Time travel. And that reminded me, you never mentioned that other time travel ep you must've seen....when Dean (without Sammy IIRC) went back to the old west. (I saw it a couple or 3 weeks ago so when you caught up with me it meant you had to have seen it, too). I think we should hold off discussing how all the time travel eps could affect the main plot lines. If there's an issue the writers will have just done it the way they done it and I'll just accept it. LOL Btw, here are 2 screenshots from s07. Basketball room divider in their motel room:
Looks like Sammy could get a job as a Star Trek alien without the need for prosthetics:
