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| Monday, February 13, 2023 - 8:48 pm
"I think you mentioned a favorite episode before, any idea what number it is?" I know exactly which one it is, but I haven't identified it for fear that you'll look it up! When I first saw it over a decade ago, I had no idea what it was about but as the plot became more and more clear, it got better and better and a lot more fun. I remembered how much I liked it, but when I rewatched it recently, I was surprised I had forgotten so many details and even which characters were in it. That link I gave you to the Supe episode guide with the descriptions of each ep is WAY too "spoily" with the details of this particular episode. (In fact, I think *I* probably gave away too much about it here awhile back when I was talking about the show....but hopefully you'll not remember all my blathering about it. ) So, it's...
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | ep s06e15, "The French Mistake" | ...but try to avoid looking it up! Mainly because it would be too much of a spoiler, but also because I'm enough of a control freak that I want others to be as surprised and entertained as much as I was when I first saw it. (This is me being vicarious in my own weird way, wanting to see it for the first time *again* through the eyes of another fan.) Just be sure to clue me in when you're getting close to it...I want to rewatch it again around the time you see it because I know you'll notice some things I missed and/or because I've never discussed/shared this favorite ep with anyone else that has seen it! 
| Monday, February 13, 2023 - 8:57 pm
"I’ve just watched e3 on the treadmill, and Dean is also concerned that Sam is not himself. " Yes, that's when I realized it wasn't just me wondering about Sammy. If the Dean character was concerned, that means I can't blame the writers for doing a poor job with Sammy's had to mean Sammy was meant to be a bit "off".
| Monday, February 13, 2023 - 9:10 pm
This weekend I finally watched the 3rd and final season of "His Dark Materials" and I was feeling a bit Deja vu-ish. HDM is about a world populated with witches and dameons and fairies and magic all caught up in a massive war against the Angels! Sound familiar? Like maybe they stole some plot points from a favorite Super-series of mine?

| Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 4:17 pm
I'm about 10 eps away from that episode, so maybe next week or this weekend if I'm lucky! I appreciate the coyness over the content, I do like surprises and have mostly stopped reading even the little sentence Netflix gives for each episode, unless I forget and read it without thinking. Just watched s6e5, where Dean is turned into a vampire and then cured. What is going on with Sam!!!!! He definitely let Dean be fed the blood, and even though he knew Samuel had a cure, that's way beyond just being emotionally ripped apart, or whatever mental state he must be in. At the moment I'm even wondering if it is Sam, or if it's a shapeshifter or demon/angel in Sam. If he's just changed to being distant and not caring, I don't like it .
| Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 4:28 pm
I am about three episodes from the end of His Dark Materials. As it involves really paying attention it gets neglected as if I have time to pay attention I try to pay it to Supernatural! It is a little difficult keeping the angels straight sometimes. That and The Sandman's angels and other ~things~ they have there get me a bit lost. I am always relieved when the episodes have a "previously on." Or a "Then!"
| Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - 10:45 pm
"What is going on with Sam!!!!! He definitely let Dean be fed the blood, and even though he knew Samuel had a cure," I know, right? I wish I had a picture of the expression on my face when I saw Sammy just standing there with a quizzical look on his face watching a Vamp "turn" Dean without lifting a finger to help. I must've had quite an expression...I distinctly remember feeling confused, angry, shocked, betrayed, and afraid all at the same time. This just reminded me (again) that when we started this rewatch, the brothers didn't even believe in vampires OR angels! Now ya can't swing a dead cat without hittin' one or the other of the damn things. 
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 12:47 pm
Arggg, just watched the next episode in my car and the truth vixen said Sam wasn’t human! Sam said he’s just lost all feelings but I don’t believe him, and neither does Dean by the way he beat that pretty face up! And now I haven’t got enough time before I get back to see the next one, so I’m left hanging!! I know you can’t really say anything, because everything at this point would be a spoiler, but I have to vent!
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 2:41 pm
Okay then....let's test your patience:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Na na na na naaanna...Made you look! |
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 6:36 pm
Meanie! Tomorrow it looks like I have a short lunch hour so might not get to it then either... wonder if I can squeeze it in tonight...
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 7:27 pm
Did you peek? (I'll know if you're lying!)

| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 9:18 pm
I peeked! But my excuse is that I trust you to not make it too revealing! I just watched e7. Poor Sammy has no soul! Someone stole his daemon! They seemed to take it pretty well, I guess knowing it's not something unfixable - given the other strange things that have happened in their lives - is a comfort, especially compared to the alternatives. And Samuel is Crowley's b__h, lol! And Crowley can get young Sam's soul back, at least I think that's what he said, so I am not too worried about that. Those cousins really were expendable! Another one dead and then the other is revealed as a demon. Now we're just left with the female who can best be described as a bland weirdo. Oh and Purgatory. Somewhere new! As that's where the souls go, first thing I thought was that Sammy's soul is there, but Crowley kind of suggested he could get the soul anytime, whereas he doesn't know where Purgatory is.
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 9:22 pm
By the way, I think Dean's daemon would be some sloppy dog, like a retriever. Loyal, with charm, not as fierce as he thinks he is. Not sure about Sammy.
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 11:43 pm
"And Samuel is Crowley's b__h, lol! And Crowley can get young Sam's soul back, at least I think that's what he said, so I am not too worried about that. " Wait...what? So you think Crowley could do that just because he said he could? Rule 1: Never trust a demon unless they're telling the truth! Rule 2: See Rule 1. Maybe he does have the ability to get Sammy's soul back...but maybe he just won't do it. That's telling the truth with a lie by omission hidden behind it. Demons are slippery little buggars and that's the only thing you can really count on with them. But to be fair, you can always hope what he says is true and then there's a slight chance he is. --- I think Dean's daemon would be a German Shepherd. Sammy's would be a big adolescent Irish setter puppy that bounces around a lot on his huge paws. Bobby Singer...can't not be a gator, right? 
| Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 11:57 pm
"I peeked! But my excuse is that I trust you to not make it too revealing! " I feel relieved. I was worried you were gonna stress about it for days until you saw that episode and knew what was going on. Sammy "just" losing his soul was kind of a least he's not actually evil, just kind of a...well, sociopath.
| Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 6:08 pm
That's perfect for Sammy's daemon! Yes, good point, I am almost too trusting that what the demons say is true. As long as he gets his sould back soon I'm good, lol.
| Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 6:40 pm
The truth is...sometimes demons DO tell the truth and sometimes they DO help the boys...but with demons it seems like there is ALWAYS a reason why, a reason the demon "forgets" to mention. For example, Crowley might help them to find someone that could help the boys escape from somewhere, but then Crowley might kidnap that "someone" and trade him for a thousand extra evil demons. Always try to figure out why Crowley (or a different demon or an angel) helps the humans...there's almost always a backstab or doublecross of some kind waiting in the wings.
| Friday, February 17, 2023 - 6:39 pm
Lunchtime I watched e9, where it's a leprechaun who tells Sam he can get his soul back for him! The episodes started as if it was the X-Files, but made a quick turn for the fairy/leprechaun world. Sometimes they have a guest star - this time it was Robert Picardo, the holographic doctor from ST:Voyager - who has a part at the beginning, and even if they don't show him for a bit you know he'll be back for some big role at the end. So I kind of guessed he would be the big baddy. But oh it amused me greatly that you defeat leprechauns by dropping salt, because they have to stop and count the grains! I am done with the court case! Guilty as charged! So relieved it's over. So I will be back to daily treadmill+Supernatural, plus more at the weekend. Not that this has slowed me down much, because of mostly long lunchtimes and the joy of Netflix downloads . I'm guessing it will be at the end of S6 by the end of next weekend (not this one).
| Saturday, February 18, 2023 - 12:18 am
" I'm guessing it will be at the end of S6 by the end of next weekend (not this one)." Don't forget that you are only 6 eps away from the one I'm anxious to hear your thoughts favorite episode. S06e15 is the sure to keep me in the loop a day or 2 before you watch it so I can get my re-re-re-watch in. And be sure to pay attention...I know there is some important angel stuff in that ep, but my favorite part is what happens after the angel stuff when all the blah blah blah happens. I had already forgotten that the Leprechaun one was the one that started like the X-Files (fun ep...Dean cracked me up. I guess that Leprechauns were another thing he didn't believe in until he saw one! lol). Btw, I do believe I remember there was something x-filey (or easter-eggy?) about something in that ep that now escapes me. You know how when you remember that you forgot something, but then forget what it was you forgot before you can remember to tell anyone about it? Don't you just hate it when that happens? Oh well...
| Sunday, February 19, 2023 - 10:21 am
I watched up to e11 last night, so I think I will get to e15 Tuesday or possibly Wednesday. The leprechauns didn't really fit my idea of the world, even though I enjoyed them. But I suppose it makes sense that fairytales are as real as legends or folklore. There were a few X-filey words and actions at the beginning of the episode, petering out quite quickly, unless I missed some, which is very possible. I was hoping Mitch Pileggi would have done something X-Filey (as he was the X-Files boss), but they didn't seem to have him in that episode at all... missed opportunity!
| Sunday, February 19, 2023 - 11:58 am
I is kind of weird that the ep's X-Files opening was for a leprechaun "monster"! If those leprechauns had been eating people, it would've fit into Supeworld a lot better! Yes, "Skinner" would'be been a nice touch, but I'd like to have seen Jennifer Aniston in a cameo! (You know that "Leprechaun (1993)" was her first movie role, right?) Thanks for your schedule estimate...I'll rewatch it before Tuesday.
| Monday, February 20, 2023 - 4:34 pm
I did not know that about Jennifer Aniston! In fact I don't think I've seen that movie. Might have been too scary for me . Well I've watched e14 so I definitely should watch e15 tomorrow . Sam has his soul back, but he keeps scratching at that wall between Sammy and hell. I hope he handles it well because I like having sweet Sammy back. They keep making quips about him being gigantor so I started looking at him more . He's not just tall, he's also wide, but not in a beefy way, just in a scaled up way. Most of the tall men I know are either overly skinny, or big as well as tall, but Jared is kind of in the middle. In one shot of this hands I noticed his wrists and I'm sure they would have been twice as wide as mine, I'm not exactly delicately boned.
| Monday, February 20, 2023 - 6:21 pm
I had never noticed Sammy's height until you mentioned it...and then I suddenly started seeing "Gigantor" I noticed that they often have him a foot or two farther from the camera than Dean.
| Monday, February 20, 2023 - 7:59 pm
"I did not know that about Jennifer Aniston! In fact I don't think I've seen that movie. Might have been too scary for me . " Warwick Davis was the Leprechaun! I didn't remember it being actually "scary", but I did check it out sometime later when "Friends" was still airing and I learned that Aniston was in it. Seeing "Rachel Green" running around screaming while being chased by an obnoxious Leprechaun was hysterical! (Would've been even funnier if the Leprechaun was pleading with her saying "But we were on a break!
| Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 3:04 pm
I watched e15! How do they come up with these things!? Some of this was just hysterical, Jenson's "grim" face when he was meant to be acting, Jared trying to stand still in the background. Dean's joy at seeing Jensen's little helicopter! And Misha/Cass was great too, with his instagram! I meant to mention in a previous episode, a lot of their humour is very sneaky and kind of more like British style. There was a scene a few episodes back where Dean and Sam were in Scotland to get Crowley's bones, and they were driving in a ~normal~ British style car. It wasn't even particularly small, but they were both - not just Sam - all scrunched up as if they could hardly fit in it, but they didn't say a word about its size!! American humour would have them making some quip about the tiny cars but British humour would have it just there sneakily in the background of the scene because the viewer is assumed to be clever enough to see the humour without being told about it. Lots of Supernatural humour is understated like that.
| Tuesday, February 21, 2023 - 8:32 pm
There are a couple of things you may not know about that French Mistake episode. One of the Supe producers is named Bobby Singer and they did indeed name Supe's Redneck/hunter after him. When that scene with one of the boys telling the producer how egotistical it was to name a character after himself, he agreed....that was when they cut to another guy (big guy with white hair) sitting at a desk shaking his head in shame and I believe that "other guy" was the IRL Bobby Singer! Also, remember when Rafael, in his new big bad gangster looking meatsuit, was approaching the set and "Bobby Singer" went to the SUV that just pulled up to talk to the driver? That driver was meant to be Eric Kripke and yep, that was the IRL Eric Kripke who played himself. This is the producer that got the big dramatic death scene and fell to the tarmac. Ha! Bobby Singer and Eric Kripke, the two names you see on the screen first at the end of every episode. Too bad Misha died, but in this alt-world he was pretty much of douche anyhow. I think a few of the other crew member extras on the set were real life portrayals, too. I just get a real chuckle seeing Dean and Sam pretending to be Jensen and Jarod pretending to be Dean and Sam....and doing such a horrible job portraying THEMSELVES! At least Sam got some alone time with a non-demonic Ruby and who knows? Maybe that's what sealed the deal for him to actually marry her IRL. (They now have three kids and live in a modern ranch house outside Austin Texas.) I did like how they finally figured out they were in a world that didn't have magic or monsters...and how that technicality saved their lives when Raphael came after them. Oh yeah...using this bizarre opportunity to max out Jensen and Jarod's credit cards was hysterical. And Dean jumping up and yelling, "SAMMY! They put MAKE-UP on us!" I really think there must've been rumors of Jensen and Jarod not getting along IRL around the time that ep was shot. Several people commented on how "Jensen and Jarod were finally talking to each other again." I think it's obvious why I claim this as is my favorite episode.