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| Monday, January 30, 2023 - 1:19 pm
Well, I looked up Gabriel and found a fandom page that explains this guy's back story. He's in about 10-12,eps throughout the series, so do not follow the link to the fandom page if don't want to be spoiled! 1-Was the Trickster always Gabriel? 2-Are Trickster, Gabriel, and Loki supposed to be 3 different characters? 3-Are they all the same entity who is just pretending to be various entities at various times? I'll spoiler box it's up to you if you want to know. The only spoiler I'll reveal below is the answer to my 3 questions above...but BE WARNED, if you follow the link (that I'm withholding but will gladly give it to you if you ask nicely. ) will discover Gabriel's whole back story which contains many spoilers and some other spoilers not associated with Trickster are right at the top of the page! YIKES Gabriel's back story explains who he is and how/why he is associated with three different characters. I have no memory of this back story being in the show, but, come to think of it I should assume some of this *must* be on the show or the fandom page wouldn't have these tidbits.
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | "Gabriel, also known as Loki or The Trickster, was the fourth and youngest of the four archangels created by God. Despite the fact that he is the youngest of the archangels, he is still very powerful. Gabriel was very compassionate towards his family. Although he was the very first celestial to be seen on the show, he was the last archangel to be revealed. According to Gabriel, The Apocalypse was an issue he had to cope with on a daily basis. When his older brothers, Michael and Lucifer, turned on each other and began fighting one another, he couldn't bear it, retreating to Earth as an escape. Gabriel loved both his father and brothers, but he was unable to choose sides between Michael and Lucifer, so he left Heaven and "skipped out" to Earth. He rescued and befriended the Pagan god named Loki and soon went under "witness protection" and he began posing as the Norse trickster god himself. Gabriel described his experience at obtaining a vessel and taking on Loki's form as having a "face transplant." After that, he made quite a name for himself among other Pagan deities, and was in fact known as the famous Norse god, Loki. As Loki he killed people across the world that he deemed to be douchebags, though some he spared to spread the word, and eventually encountered Sam and Dean who foiled his plans on more than one occasion and discovered his true identity". <Stopped at a spoiler...> | I don't like spoilers either, but I'm glad I looked this one up...I would've been trying to figure it out for the rest of the series and it would've distracted me too much!
| Monday, January 30, 2023 - 1:21 pm
Jury duty? Don't get too excited and jump up and yell "The Trickster did it!" in the middle of the trial or something!

| Monday, January 30, 2023 - 5:53 pm
There is literally no chance of me being excited! We are in jury selection and it's all very tedious so far. Unfortunately my number was called and so far they haven't dismissed me, whereas they have dismissed some others, so I think that means I am almost certainly in the jury . They finalise tomorrow. They predict it will be a six week trial so it's going to be pretty bad . That's interesting about the Trickster. It's quite a backstory from Trickster, which I think is an established nymph (or whatever it would be called) to Loki, who's an established character in Norse mythology, to an archangel. I almost wonder if they intended him to stick at being Loki until the Avengers shows were being produced, and perhaps they thought they should move away from that in case it clashed with the character Marvel were going to introduce, which was bound to be pretty popular. Archangel Gabriel seems like a kind of afterthought. Or maybe they just loved the actor so much they wanted to keep on finding reasons for him to be on the show.
| Monday, January 30, 2023 - 6:32 pm
I assume there is a reason he's doing this. When I looked up that actor's role on Supe, I saw that he played the role of Trickster in his first and second appearance. Then he was Gabe, and that later on he was Loki and Gabe and Trickster again. Looks like he didn't just do one alias for awhile and then drop it to do the next, and dropped that one and went on went on to #3. If he was jumping back and forth into those three personas, it would seem to imply that he was following a planned agenda. Hmmm....unless some of those eps were just flashbacks! That could explain it. I guess until we know differently, I'll just think of him like I did to begin unpredictable entity with an obnoxious personality and twisted sense of humor...and just add three aliases to the description. In other words, if it doesn't have any deep plot twist value, it just makes him more colorful and the show more complex. Btw, I got stuck in a binge loop and I'm now up to s06e02! S05 really built up and there was one heckuva finale that left me speechless so I was FORCED to check out ep1 of s06 and it left me hopelessly stupified. Wait...what?
| Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 12:53 pm
Yes, his alt identities are something to bear in mind, but so far his behavior is mostly just consistent with being a trickster. It’s good you are not waiting for me, as I am now officially a juror . But we have two hour lunch hours and the court WiFi reaches the car park, so I just watched e09! It was a fun episode, and kind of a clever thing at the end that the prophet had written stuff Dean And Sam didn’t know in his books. Useful! Anyway, I might be able to watch a few shows a week, depending on mood, but it’s expected to be a six week trial so I will be very behind you by the end of it.
| Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 2:01 pm
"It’s good you are not waiting for me" It's good that you don't mind. My next unwatched ep is s06e09! I blame the finale of S05. That's the thing I love about this show...exciting finales sometimes really affect the direction of the whole story...and still continue to keep viewers engaged! Talk all you want about the eps as you watch them and I can either draw on a recent memory of it or consult the synopsis to refresh my memory. I'll always have opinions to discuss anyhow...and I know you'll be able to answer nagging questions about details that I may have missed. I think I missed the Gabriel reveal because it was an ep I watched while tired and I start to nod off. Sometimes in a minute or two or 5 is where the whole show does a 180! I have surprised myself in the past when I replay something I missed due to a sudden nod drop of my head and an immediate recovery. Imagine if I nodded off just as Sammy says "Dean, you don't get it. I am a ghost! and then immediately became alert again. No. Sammy isn't a ghost as far as I know. I promise you that was just a jolting example of what could happen during a nod off and not a spoiler.

| Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 5:13 pm
It's quite remarkable a show stays as good as this for so many season, that we'd want to binge it. I did start looking upthread back to 2009 comments, and there seems to be a sentiment that they jumped the shark. There was also an outtake (I think that's what it was) at the end of this last show I watched, where the prophet guy seemed to be ad-libbing to he crowd about his Supernatural books, and one of his comments was something like "I like to think that it's not jumping the shark if the shark never comes back down again." Makes me think during the original run people got fed up with it, but I love it all! It's hardly even had any what I would call slow episodes. Of course loving Sam and Dean makes it a whole lot easier to love the show. Yes, I nod off too. I always want to see one more then sometimes can't make it through. And I hope Sammy's not a ghost! I was spoiled when reading something about the Winchesters that a certain someone dies at the end, which has saddened me, but I'm trying to forget it. Ghosts might be a bit better than that!
| Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 6:33 pm
Here's a fun Supernatural game for you. There are no rules, no prize, and you can't win or lose or tie. When the boys are in one of their motel rooms, all you have to do is check out the room divider that's usually between the kitchen area and rest of the room. The room divider is a design from the 1970s (or maybe the 60s). It's not a solid screen, but more of a tacky "art" piece. See example below:
image source This general design of divider is in many of the motel rooms the boys stay in. I recently saw an ep where Dean was running in a corn field and the divider in his room were big cutouts of ears of corn on poles. I think there was one that had aliens as a theme. Always the same set up, always tacky, always fun to see. If you see one, you get a point. That's need to even count up the points because it would be pointless....remember, there are no winners or losers.
I even found a discussion of this topic online:
| Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 6:43 pm
After making the post above I started a new ep and guess what? divider on the left foreground

| Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - 7:19 pm
oops... image above sourced from a screencap of the episode
| Wednesday, February 01, 2023 - 12:11 pm
Okay...s06e09 started out with an X-files type credits/intro and it had a cornfield in it. And the room divider in the motel was...corn!
(Image is a screenshot from the episode)
| Wednesday, February 01, 2023 - 1:22 pm
I’d noticed the room layout and divider here and there, but not how elaborate and theme matched they were. I will keep my eye out! Just watched the next episode in my lunch two-hour. The introduction to Crowley (the lawyer on Battlestar Galactica, and also the fourth guy in the Netflix thumbnail). And Jo and Ellen died! But Nick-Lucifer resurrected Death… doesn’t sound ideal.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2023 - 1:52 pm
I didn't realize "Crowley" was on Battlestar Galactica. He's one of my favorite demons even though he often makes me want to kick him in the somethings!. So I guess you're up ep s05e10. "But Nick-Lucifer resurrected Death... doesn’t sound ideal." All I can say is that "ideal" isn't a word I've ever heard used in reference to this show! BUT...Death matters on Supernatural. Touching moment for the way Ellen and Jo went out though...
| Wednesday, February 01, 2023 - 1:55 pm
"but not how elaborate and theme matched they were. I will keep my eye out! " I don't think they're all theme matched...but the corn one was the first time I took active notice of the dividers and the fact that it was a theme match.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2023 - 9:15 pm
Not currently rewatching Supernatural, but love reading your comments. I think I have watched it in full 4 times. Keeping up with The Winchesters on the CW.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2023 - 10:58 pm
Hi Christy! I am obviously not paying enough attention to the Winchesters, as they started yesterday's show with John holding a photo of Dean and the car. From googling, it seems John found it in his dad Samuel's photos at the end of last week's episode, but I must have missed that. Very curious. I'm up to s5e10 and so far Dean's gone back in time twice that I can remember, once he was there he helped John choose to by the car, and this photo can't be that, as John doesn't have the car. The other time (or was it the same time, I only watched it a few weeks ago and have already forgotten) he was there at dinner with Mary and her parents, and the parents were killed by demons... that also hasn't happened yet. So I wonder what Dean's there for and if it will be on Supernatural, or just concocted/back-written for The Winchesters.
| Thursday, February 02, 2023 - 7:34 am
As with any time travel, there are problems. (Except DR WHO, because we know we would need to be time lords to understand) I am not sure how this can work out. He has seen Dean in the first episode of the Winchesters. Now he has seen Dean in a much older photo. How then can he not recognize Dean when Dean helps him pick out the car later?
| Thursday, February 02, 2023 - 1:08 pm
It’s hard to know how many years it would be between those two events, it might be reasonable that he’d forgotten the face, but realistically I think if the writers have a storyline they want to play out, they’re going to play it, even if it clashes with past Supernatural.
| Thursday, February 02, 2023 - 1:10 pm
S9e11 at the mental hospital: “Pudding!!!!” and with sound effects!
| Thursday, February 02, 2023 - 2:10 pm
Okay, on the TW Carlos and his "holy hair" was equal parts ridiculous and hystericaL. Talk about a drama queen! They just need squirt guns so they can put a little more distance between themselves and vampires. And a water wiggle could take out a whole backyard full of vamps! Kitt, I couldn't remember all of the details of those time travel events you mentioned, but I can say that if you look at all the Supe episodes you've already seen, you should notice that between the angels, archangels, psychics, demons, past gods, and all the other supernatural beings on Supe, just about anything that happens could conceivably unhappen. A s06 ep that I recently saw had a major event unhappen with no explanation at all....well, until later on at the end of the ep (or maybe the following ep?). That's why I don't always stop an ep and scan back thru it to figure out what I missed if I see something is completely out of place....but then it often gets explained by the end of the episode in question anyhow. I've decided that the only way the time travel contradictions can be sorted has to be supernaturally. (Unless it was caused by a new set of younger writers that think their ideas about Winchester history are better). Then again I also know a detail or two that you won't get to until you're around the middle-end of s06! Details which may, or may not, be pertinent. The details could answer some of your questions but I don't remember if they do. Come to think of it, I just realized that I saw something that could completely answer your time travel questions 100%. We'll talk about it when you're getting near the end of S06. A lot of this show feels like the entire plot was already totally mapped out before they aired the first ep.
| Thursday, February 02, 2023 - 5:54 pm
Well I am making reasonable progress, watching a show at lunchtime, so I might get to S6 within a couple of weeks. Better progress than I feared!
| Friday, February 03, 2023 - 12:27 pm
Lunchtime watching, just writing note to myself after the s5e13ish “Now:” Dean went back to 1983, when the yellow-eyed demon killed Mary’s family. Mary made deal to save John’s life in exchange for the blood drop in Sam. Was also when he chose the impala car for John. Afterwards Cas said you can’t change destiny, all roads lead to the same destination. Now to watch the “Then.”
| Friday, February 03, 2023 - 12:41 pm
Make that April 30 1973. That’s when Samuel (Mitch Pileggi or Tom Welling, take your pick) was killed. And now they are back in 1978 trying to find Anna.
| Friday, February 03, 2023 - 12:43 pm
Cas, Cas, Cas...<smh> Angels think they know everything.

| Friday, February 03, 2023 - 1:03 pm
"all roads lead to the same destination. " But roads split off at forks and turns and detours so one could take the long way around to arrive at <whatever destination> and get there minutes, hours, years, or centuries later. One could also say that every human in the world will eventually die (IRL) ultimately, all roads lead to death. There may be some loopholes in Supe-World....(I'm sure this theory is not a spoiler at this point.) Also, have you noticed that angels seem to not believe in "free will"? Are they correct? Are they lying? Are they just stupid? Seems to me that "free will" and "destiny" aren't really compatible.
