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| Saturday, January 21, 2023 - 3:34 pm
Yes, being flayed alive (or dead, I suppose) would put a crimp in an otherwise fine afternoon of viewing . If you feel the desire to watch you should watch! I've binged a few rewatches of things like Breaking Bad, TWD, so I know the urge, and I would be tempted with this, but my husband isn't watching so I can only watch when he's busy and I'm not. Sounds like I have a lot to look forward to in the next few episodes. I have a date with e15 and an exercise bike right now in fact! Might try to sneak in e16 too. Off the bike ;).
| Saturday, January 21, 2023 - 5:05 pm
Noooo, Sammy is drinking demon blood! And I knew Uriel was a baddy! More mind-f on Dean with telling him his dad lasted a century in hell without giving in.
| Sunday, January 22, 2023 - 4:52 pm
I am back to almost caught up! I've seen the one with the alternate lives (Messrs Smith and Wesson); the one where someone had written about their lives in a comic book (with fan fiction with the two of them together, "they do know that we're brothers? They do but it doesn't seem to matter," lol); the secret brother who was already dead; Castiel or rather Jimmy, and now they've locked up Sam to detox(? presumably) him. You were right that there is so much information here, looks like there will be even more in the final two eps of the season!
| Monday, January 23, 2023 - 12:40 pm
I've watched up to s5e1. Wanted to see them in case I run out of time with other things. I feel they are being too harsh on poor Sam. He didn't ask to be fed demon's blood as a baby. He was well and truly suckered in by Ruby (as was I) and he truly believed he was doing the right thing. Even the angels said Sam could kill Lilith, even though they wanted Dean to. And it's not Sam's fault the angels told them to kill Lilith, so he thought what he was doing was righteous. And I have a pet peeve about how after an argument with two well informed people the one who wins the argument thinks they should have been trusted all along. No, they were right on this ~one~ thing, but that doesn't make them more trustworthy overall. That seems to be what Dean's doing, he ended up being right that the demon blood was harming Sam, but Sam's belief that only he, amped on demon blood, could kill Lilith wasn't unreasonable. Sam understood Dean was trying to protect him and that the demon blood could kill him or make him dangerous, but Sam's internal logic that this was the only way wasn't flawed, just incorrect in the instance. It could easily have gone the other way. Anyway, I'm hoping Dean will get over it in time, and Sam won't think he (himself) is such a bad person. I don't like it when they're not close. Seems like there was such a big crescendo and now... back to the same sort of thing maybe? They'll be chasing Lucifer around but I don't know how different that will be to chasing demons or angels. We shall see. And to be honest I could use some calmer episodes, this season has been pretty intense!
| Monday, January 23, 2023 - 5:29 pm
The boys definitely get over their issues, but the thing is, they're brothers...some siblings just butt heads a lot, but some just ARE buttheads, but they still love each other. I really liked Fallen Idols s05e05...try not to read the synopsis before you watch this one. It's fun and surprising. One fight scene had me laughing and cringing at the same time. I'm now watching s05e08...which started off with a great opening and great big LOL from me. I vaguely remember the opening but have no memory of how they got there. It was one of those scenes where you see something surprising and then it says "Two days before..." to show how they got there. A lot of stuff has happened up to this episode, but several of them have been MOTW with core plot peppered all through them. And between s05e02 and s05e08 you'll see Castiel at his best....or maybe that was his worst! Either way, you'll see that Cas is full of surprises. Oh yeah guest stars include brothers Jacob and The Man in Black from "Lost" in individual back to back eps.
| Monday, January 23, 2023 - 8:28 pm
Kitt, If you can, try to avoid the synopsis link for awhile. I noticed that they spoiled a major question that I don't think is answered in the series for a few more seasons. (I could be wrong about may be revealed sooner.) In any case it was a mystery I enjoyed trying to figure out and spoiling it is just plain wrong. Btw, from some of your more recent posts I can tell that you're gonna love s05e09! It's really fun. Season 4 was a real roller coaster and now season 5 has some of the funniest moments and most surprising reveals of the series! Seems like they somehow know how to top themselves every season. How do they do it?

| Monday, January 23, 2023 - 10:57 pm
Thanks for the tip, I will avoid the synopsis for a bit. I'm glad to hear the brothers get over it, and hopefully soon, I've been thinking about them all day, lol, I get sad when people are sad! I noticed Castiel was listed as a full time credit this season (where as Bobby is still a "guest starring" each time). It'll be interesting to see what he can do now he's kind of a fallen angel himself, but not in the Lucifer way of course . That's assuming it turns out to be/stays true that God did want the apocalypse to start. God seems rather adaptable, and could soon end up deciding Castiel is still useful, and want him to do something else.
| Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - 12:09 pm
Well, I didn't have anything to watch that engages me like Supe the latest ep I've watched is s05e14. It has the most shocking opening scene I've ever seen on anything.... You have been warned. So far, the most fun upcoming eps that I think you'll like are 5,8,9,12. But they are all engaging and they are all moving the core plot along like a runaway freight train. The core plot isn't just about heading towards a single goal (like so many other shows). Goals change on Supe and paths wander and we're learning what the whole point is week by week, just like the boys are. Never fool yourself into thinking you're seeing the big picture. I believe ep 10 is the one that introduces a new character that becomes a major part of what's happening. Not everyone on the show has the same agenda or is just part of the "us or them" (good guys/bad guys) dynamic. This new character's appearance reminded me of another major character that will join the fun and games (fairly soon, I think...or maybe a couple or so seasons down the road?) and who will also add a lot to the show. Anyhow, I'm trying to slow down a bit and now, thanks to some of my regular shows returning, I can get distracted from my Supe addiction. In fact, rather than watch another Supe next, I will go in a totally different direction...I'll watch last night's new ep of The Winchesters! 
| Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - 4:41 pm
I've watched e2 and e3, and it's not going well for my Sam! Dean is Michael's vessel and now Sam is Lucifer's vessel?! That's some bad luck ;) ;). I'm enjoying Cass being clueless about anything human. Quite a sidekick but I still want the brothers riding together again, sorry Dean, I don't care if you have more fun with Cass! I am intrigued about the e14 intro. I will probably get to about e7 or e8 by the end of the weekend, so at least I will see one or two of the fun episodes you listed. One of them better include bro hugs! I saw the new Winchesters... just kind of highlights the lack of charisma or chemistry they have on there. I like the one who looks like Freddie Mercury, and sometimes John, but Mary does nothing for me and the awful English accent girl really irritates me, it distracts from every scene with her. I'm also a bit distracted about how these two can be the brothers' parents, it just doesn't seem to work for me. I think it might be a bit of a clash to watch the two shows together, better for time to have passed so you're not comparing the two so much. However I will continue to watch them both of course . I saw The Winchesters had good ratings, after what seemed like a slow start, so I'm guessing it will be renewed.
| Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - 5:56 pm
Btw, did you pick up on the crossover foe in TW that was (or "will be") in Supernatural? The Trickster was in Supe's s02e13 "Tall Tales", and s03e11 "Mystery Spot" (and possibly even more in the future). Funny how he shows up harassing the boys' parents before the boys were even a glint in their daddy's eye! Btw again, did you notice who played Mary's father on TW? That was Tom Wells, aka Superboy on Smallville. Come to think of it, he played Cain on Lucifer. " Dean is Michael's vessel and now Sam is Lucifer's vessel?! That's some bad luck ;) ;). " That makes some things click into place....the boys have always been destined to be in opposition in this divine war of good vs evil. The tough part is figuring out which side is "good". These characters are all so flawed it ain't always easy to tell. "I saw the new Winchesters... just kind of highlights the lack of charisma or chemistry they have on there." I know, right? TW seems to be a bunch of folks saying lines in a play, pretending to like each other while The Boys in Supernatural have been a flawed but tight family from the first moment of the series. Btw, you just might see more of mom and dad with their future boys again in upcoming eps. "I'm also a bit distracted about how these two can be the brothers' parents," I totally agree. But if (when) you see mom and dad again, you might notice that "dad" was replaced with an even hotter actor....and they both certainly have all that mojo that seems to be missing on TW. Of course it's years later on Supe and they've had time to let their feelings simmer for awhile. "I think it might be a bit of a clash to watch the two shows together, better for time to have passed so you're not comparing the two so much." Or look at it this way - time HAS passed...but it's the time between the characters on TW and the passion those same characters grow into on Supernatural. They really seem like awkward kids on TW, but actual young adults with mojo on Supe. I'll keep watching TW too, but I really wish they had the same writers as Supe had. Those angsty "kids" need some depth.
| Thursday, January 26, 2023 - 10:53 am
I didn't pick up that the Trickster was the same actor, but did recognise the ~species~, if "species" is what they are. Now if they shows had aired in chronological order they could have referenced it in the Supernatural episodes. I wonder if the writers of The Winchesters scoured the Supernatural episodes to find comments/things they could give backstory to. Hmm yes, good vs evil on the vessels too. This morning I watched the next episode, where Dean is taken to the future to see what happened, and Sam is Lucifer (who they oddly seemed to refer to as "the devil," not the usual "Lucifer" in this episode, not sure if that means something). I was thinking it was going to lead to them reuniting when they get back to 2009, which they did, but oh the ironies of their last comments, when after Dean decides to NOT make the choices he made that led to 2015, he says "we make our own future" and Sam replies "I guess we have no choice." Ouch. I can see why Cass is a fan favourite. He almost made me have to stop the treadmill this morning when Dean told him to not come to him until the morning, and he replied that he would wait... here, here being the side of the road. Made me laugh mid pant and choke! I could quite imagine him on the side of the road, just there, all night. Funny also that he chose to be a "love guru" in the apocalypse!
| Thursday, January 26, 2023 - 6:46 pm
"I didn't pick up that the Trickster was the same actor," Yeah that Yosemite Sam moustache didn't make recognizing him any easier. To me, his voice was recognizable...and he's been in 3 Supe eps so far that I've seen so he's become pretty familiar to me. Yes, I wondered about him being one of many tricksters too, but then he always refers to the boys on Supe like they're old enemies and that he's dealt with them in the past. That seems to say he's a single individual that keeps coming a rash or something. I think he's been refered to as the god, Loki, at some point also. And we know when they kill him he can just pop back up and keep on going. "I wonder if the writers of The Winchesters scoured the Supernatural episodes to find comments/things they could give backstory to." When they were promoting TW I read some article that said don't be surprised if you see some crossover characters from Supe. I'm hoping there will be more...and I want a young Bobby on TW too! "we make our own future" and Sam replies "I guess we have no choice." Ouch." Keep in mind that those angels telling them that they are "destined to" <do whatever> have their own agendas. Such advice isn't meant to help the boys, it must be just to demoralize them! What better way to get someone to give up a quest than to convince them that it doesn't matter because it is their destiny to fail. I honestly don't remember the details of the results of their little time travel experiences, but I feel like those dick angels wouldn't be so adamant that the boys can't change anything...if it was true that all was unchangeable, they'd just sit back and watch it happen. To me, those angels seem a bit desperate. They look down at the weak puny primates called humanity but then they work so hard to get them to accomplish the goals that the angels can't do on their own! Looks to me like *they* are the weak, puny ones. I think if Dean and Sammy didn't have some wiggle room regarding changing the future, the story would be over....and this story isn't even one third over yet! Castiel. I think he's basically a naive man-baby reaching his terrible twos and just now learning how to say "No" to his authority figures. Angels, gods, devils, and demons on this show seem to have all the same foibles as humans....but absolutely none of the humility or empathy. Besides Cas, that is! It's a lot of fun seeing him grow up. 
| Thursday, January 26, 2023 - 9:55 pm
Jensen Ackles must have Supernatural in his blood. In his role as Beau, a sheriff in the series "Big Sky" he visited a friend who had just bought a ranch. As a housewarming gift he brought her bread and a container of salt. She asked about the salt and he said it was for protection. She looked at him funny and asked "protection from what?" and then she chuckled and said "Oh, the demons?" Keep in mind there are no demons or anything else supernatural or ghostly on this show...just cops and murderers in big sky country. I guess Jensen just likes to leave a little touch of Dean Winchester wherever he goes. 
| Thursday, January 26, 2023 - 11:16 pm
You know I think I noticed that line, but it was before I had realised that the character was Jensen Ackles, so I wondered what it was about. He gets his little easter egg . With the "we make our own future" and Sam replies "I guess we have no choice." I thought the writers were showing the boys were trapped whatever they did. If they didn't reconcile and things went the way of the flashforward, then it all went to hell, so really the only option they had was to reconcile and not do that... and Lucifer would have known they would take that option, as they really did have no choice. And I think Lucifer actually would enjoy giving them the chance to save the world, while knowing how difficult and unlikely it would be for them to succeed. I think he likes playing with them.
| Friday, January 27, 2023 - 12:45 am
"I thought the writers were showing the boys were trapped whatever they did. If they didn't reconcile and things went the way of the flashforward, then it all went to hell" But isn't that just what the boys believe based on what the bad angels told them? Maybe they are believing angelic LIES. Or maybe the conceited and arrogant angels (mistakingly) think they know everything. In any case, that FF was still 5 yrs(?) in the future, so they could change their minds and/or meet new allies that elicit changes in what the angels claim is their absolute "destiny". Besides, those stupid angels have been surprised by the boys several times already. You're right about Lucifer...he's loving being out and about where he can play with people and create chaos with the boys. Those boys seem to be the focus of all of both heaven and hell...but I think a lot of them are just flying by the seat of their pants because their father/boss/lord has apparently left the building. They claim to know the boys' destiny but they never knew their own! LOL I always try to find that teeny tiny sliver of hope for the boys....and I want to see those angel douches taken down a peg or two!

| Friday, January 27, 2023 - 8:20 am
Oh, you mean the “future” if they didn’t reconcile might have been fake? It’s been bugging me that future Dean and co consistently called Lucifer the devil, when they only ever call him Lucifer in the present time. Maybe that was meant to be a hint that Lucifer made it all up? It is strange seeing angels floundering about like they are, the show treats them in a completely different way to any other show I’ve seen.
| Friday, January 27, 2023 - 9:46 am
And just watched Fallen Angels s5e5, with the Paris Hilton fight scene!! Few things: 1) they used "the devil" a couple of times after me saying they never did that!! Maybe a new writer or something came in and they decided to switch from "Lucifer???" 2) Dean admitted he didn't know killing Lilith would bring along the apocalypse either! Yey, they're friends again! Sam even got to drive . 3) A "Soon" section at the end! The rest of the season looks so good! Old Dean? Sitcom Supernatural? Can't wait!
| Friday, January 27, 2023 - 1:08 pm
"Oh, you mean the “future” if they didn’t reconcile might have been fake?" That crossed my mind...after all, that episode where they were working in an office (as Smith and Wesson) was just a made-up reality created by pompous Zachariah. I think, in general, they shouldn't trust everything those sketchy angels say because the boys are just trying to save the world, but the angels have their own agenda where there's no room for the boys' goal. They have no reason to be completely truthful. After all, they did have to *trick* the boys into thinking they were doing the right thing with Lilith, right? "Almighty" wouldn't have to resort to such trickery! Also they just saw each other when Sammy was "vesseling" Lucifer for a few minutes. We already know that Lucifer is more powerful and mighty, but we have seen demonic possessions when the meat-suits have been able to wrest control away from the possessor for few minutes. I would assume that there's a way to distract Luci enough to do the same? Why not? Everyone on the show has some kind of weakness. We already know that Luci can't take over Sammy without his permission. MAJOR weakness. We know that he *needs* Sammy specifically. MAJOR weakness. We know that Sammy is demon-powered with abilities that no other human has. MAJOR weakness. Both of the boys have a lot of weaknesses that they learn from. The angels have so much arrogance and ego and they claim they're all powerful, but they never learn anything when they make a mistake...yet they still act as if they know and can do anything. I think of the bad angels as celestial con men. And look at Cas! He admitted that he was wrong, something the others would never do, and now we see that he can succumb to desires of the flesh. "And just watched Fallen Angels s5e5, with the Paris Hilton fight scene!!" Did that scene of Dean throwing that punch at "Paris" make you cringe and laugh at the same time, too? Yeah, it was actually just an obsolete god shapeshifting to look like her, but it was still creepy seeing Dean punch her in the face before cutting her head off! "1) they used "the devil" a couple of times after me saying they never did that!!" When I read your previous post, I remembered that "devil" came up to refer to Lucifer but I didn't know which episode or whether it was integral to some plot or something. I'm glad it came up already. '2) Dean admitted he didn't know killing Lilith would bring along the apocalypse either!" That's the thing....Neither of the boys intended anything bad, so they're still good boys. And I think they know they often have to get pretty close to crossing the line in order to end up with a good result in whatever battle they're facing. That used to just be about individual demons, but now they have to wrestle with the fate of the whole world at stake. I think both of them would put themselves in danger to win. "Sitcom Supernatural? Can't wait!" Dean is the perfect hammy sitcom actor filming in front of live studio audience and playing it up for their applause and attention! His acting in a sitcom deserves the pink panther:

| Saturday, January 28, 2023 - 11:13 am
I'm a confused by how Lucifer is in Nick (the guy from Lost) but he still needs Sam. Like you say, it is a weakness that he's not just an all powerful being that does what he wants when he wants, but instead needs his bad angels and even humans before he can use his full power. And also, whats the deal with god, lol? Does he just let all this happen?! There's no power in that either. Both of the boys have a lot of weaknesses that they learn from. The angels have so much arrogance and ego and they claim they're all powerful, but they never learn anything when they make a mistake...yet they still act as if they know and can do anything. I think of the bad angels as celestial con men. I like this. They seem to need humans to achieve anything other than their fun little tricks, but they don't seem to acknowledge that. All bravado. On hitting Paris, yes, pretty brutal! Dean even hit a little girl demon in one of the last episodes I watched, like really thumped her. That might be a tv first! I watched a couple more last night and one was the old Dean one. It was funny when he became young again and did his little dance . When Dean gave 25 years to Bobby I thought that would reverse his paralysis but it didn't, but as he's now 20 years younger than he was, maybe it will be the excuse for having him slowly make progress. That man-witch with the poker for time was so ridiculously charming. I'd be easy prey to some of these things! Hopefully I'll get to the sitcom one tonight .
| Saturday, January 28, 2023 - 12:18 pm
When Dean gave 25 years to Bobby I thought that would reverse his paralysis but it didn't, but as he's now 20 years younger than he was, maybe it will be the excuse for having him slowly make progress. " Wait...What? Did I misinterpret the way those bets worked? I thought that Bobby played the game with witchboy, hoping to win 25 yrs so he'd be the way he was 25 years ago...with no spinal injury. Instead, Bobby lost the game and got 25 yrs older and still had his injury. Then Dean played. He bet 25 yrs, intending to win and give them to Bobby, but he lost so he got 25 years older just like Bobby did. Then Sammy played and waged *50* yrs....and he won! He split his winnings between Bobby and Dean, putting them each back to the age they were to begin with....right? "That man-witch with the poker for time was so ridiculously charming." I agree 100%....and he still is! Link to Google results Btw, did you recognized who played old Dean? He looked and sounded SO familiar to me but I couldn't place him. I had to look him up. That was Chad Everett, star of the old medical drama Medical Center 1969-1976. Oops...that was probably before your time! 
| Saturday, January 28, 2023 - 12:32 pm
I may be confusing myself. Was it Sammy that risked 50 years or was it Dean? If it was Dean, he was losing 50 yrs and aging so there was a deadline which would've resulted in a deadDean. Did Sammy play TWO games?...saving Dean with the 50 yrs he won, and then another game with a bet of 25 years that he won and gave to Bobby? I like shows that make me think....but not when I have to think about math! lol
| Saturday, January 28, 2023 - 2:09 pm
I've had to watch those bits of the episode again... I misheard, I thought when Bobby played, he told Dean he'd lost "only five" years. On relistening, he didn't say "only five," he said "twenty five," which explains everything. So if Bobby was say 60 in their 2009, that would make him become 85 temporarily. Then Dean bet 50 years, but immediately cashed in 25 for Bobby. That brings Bobby back down to his normal 60 (post leg accident). That left Dean with 25 chips to gain back the 50 years he bet, but he lost them all, which aged him 50 years to 80. (I did recognise old Dean, but not from that show; I was one when it started ;P.) Then Sammy came in and bet 50 years, which he won and gave to Dean, restoring Dean back to 30. So in the end all of them are back where they originally were. My math is better than my hearing ;).
| Saturday, January 28, 2023 - 11:30 pm
The Trickster is the Archangel Gabriel!! Such a good episode with the tv shows. Particularly when Sam was the car!
| Sunday, January 29, 2023 - 12:36 pm
"The Trickster is the Archangel Gabriel!!" I must have zoned out for a minute....I didn't pick up on that. Or I might've just not given it much credibility because the Trickster often pretends to other people to...well, to trick people. Since he was already identified to be "Loki" or just the "Trickster" I'm not quite ready to trust that new identification to be true. Then again, he's not a character I've thought to be anything more than "Mister Mxyzptlk", a pesky trickster type creature that messes with Superman all the time. Yes, the TV episode was hysterical. I loved Dean with his Dagwood sandwich and how he over-played his facial expressions to the audience. I never watched Knight Rider, but I can easily see why you liked that one so much. The talking car was named "KITT"! Coming up for you next is s05e09 "The Real Ghostbusters" and it's one that I know for a fact you'll get a kick out of, considering some comments you've made in previous posts here. Enjoy! My next one will be s05e16, so I'm only about 8 eps ahead at this point.
| Sunday, January 29, 2023 - 7:58 pm
I was suspicious at first, but later Cass met him, and did call him Gabriel. But I agree, it could be another trick from the trickster. Dean was so good at the sitcom! And Sam was so bad (purposefully) at being the CSI. Bet they had a blast filming that episode! I hope I can get to my next episode soon... got jury duty tomorrow so fingers crossed I don't get selected or that will put an end to most of my free time.