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| Sunday, January 08, 2023 - 12:21 am
Bad Lauren Cohen! At least she didn't have a totally evil part. And she got to play an English accent, although not her own from what I've heard of her. Unlucky Sam was amusing! He lost his shoe! Someone referred to Sam as... can't remember but something like the Boy King. More concerns that there's probably something wrong with him now.
| Sunday, January 08, 2023 - 1:58 am
"Bad Lauren Cohen! At least she didn't have a totally evil part." Don't think Cohan only had a part in that one episode. She's in 6 episodes in season three! Nope, she's not totally evil...she's got a good side and a bad one but you just never know which side is gonna show up. Did they refer to Sammy as the "chosen one" or maybe the "golden boy"? Those labels sound more familiar to me.
| Sunday, January 08, 2023 - 11:19 am
It's a good role for her, has a little spunk. I checked up on the wording, and it was Pride (of the Seven Sins) calling Sam a prodigy and the boy king. Prodigy might relate to being one of that yellow eyed demon's chosen ones, but "the boy king" sounds more like something to do with the devil. I might be reading too much into it now I'm primed to look for these god/satan references.
| Sunday, January 08, 2023 - 5:11 pm
I watched one more, s3e04 Sin City, and got a bit of exposition. Yellow-eye was Azazel, which I'd seen before on pages where I'd looked things up, although that doesn't really help me yet, not knowing who Azazel is meant to be. But she said that the demons were ready to follow Sam in his new position in Hell, leading Azazel's army, which of course he didn't accept. So that's probably what the "Boy King" comment meant, King of Azazel's demon army. But again Sam was quick to kill the priest demon and the priest's lover (!), even though he tells Ruby at the end that he was upset he killed the two humans they possessed. I've also noticed he's lost his soft side a bit, like he's quick to call female demons b---s and he's a bit more lecherous that he was. I don't know if that's connected to the Devil's Gate business, or it's just because he's older and more world weary or what.
| Sunday, January 08, 2023 - 8:22 pm
I've also noticed he's lost his soft side a bit," I think after his mom was killed by a demon, and then that demon killed his girlfriend and then his Daddy was killed and sent to hell, and with his brother on a ticking clock also with a ticket to hell, not to mention his own death and his brother's death....all that would likely mess with one's patience, don't ya think? The boys have good days and bad days....and their story has barely even started! I don't think it's possible to figure out where this story is's a roller coaster that never ends and you can never see what's coming. Remember, these characters are all complicated, multi-layered and often totally surprising, so you might suddenly find yourself rooting against a human while cheering on a demon. The characters never stop growing during their personal journeys that take them down every detour, shortcut, wrong turn, u-turn and straight road while never knowing which fork in that road is the right one. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it as much as I did and still am. 
| Monday, January 09, 2023 - 12:17 am
Talking about Supernatural again after taking a short break made me anxious for more so I watched a couple more eps. Without spoiling any plot lines, I can reveal that season 3 only has 16 episodes (and I think you've now seen the first 4) and that's good for you because the finale sets up the first few blockbuster episodes of season 4 where some answers and, of course, more questions are eagerly awaiting your attention.
| Monday, January 09, 2023 - 12:32 am
Ha, I like answers! But more questions are good too. I didn’t want to miss important things at the beginning and then feel lost for the rest of the season or even series, but I guess when they ran originally they made sure watchers could keep up so I should be fine. My favourite characters are often those that have flaws and are believable, over the hero types. Since I know these guys have at least 13 more seasons of plot armour on them, at least in the most basic sense, it’s good to be able to get attached without fearing they could be gone soon too. Because I do get attached!
| Monday, January 09, 2023 - 1:14 am
Note: When you get to the end of S04e06, when the credits start to roll don't stop watching...after a credit or two, Dean does something fun and you could hear the crew cracking up. It didn't look like it was meant to be part of the show either, because the street traffic in the background was a whole lot busier than I've ever seen it on Supernatural.
| Monday, January 09, 2023 - 1:20 am
"I guess when they ran originally they made sure watchers could keep up so I should be fine." The "Then" stuff was (and is) helpful, but combining it with bingeing is so much better than waiting weeks, months or even years to get an answer to a question.
| Monday, January 09, 2023 - 1:57 pm
I will try to remember that, thanks. The picture on my little treadmill screen goes to a small box once the credits play, so I might have to replay it on my laptop. Today I got the fairy tale one, with granny poisoning and trying to kill that couple. So funny how gleeful she was about it!
| Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 11:36 am
Season 3 has a delightful xmas episode coming up for you. s03e08 
| Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 12:15 pm
That will be my next one . Just watched the one where the Sterling K Brown character gets turned into a vampire. Really good episode... and scary! Good job they established early in the episode that being bitten by a vampire was no big deal, as long as you didn't consume the blood. He told Bela that Sam was the antichrist and said he was the most dangerous person in the world. Still a bit nervous about that! Nice touch with Dean showing Sam how to fix the car.
| Wednesday, January 11, 2023 - 2:20 pm
I keep wondering if/when there will be another character like Sterling or Cohan showing up. I loved those surprises. Two modern "good guys" who used to be bad...of course one was truly evil and the other was half and half. It would be interesting to have a friend for years and years and be able to somehow meet them IRL when they were barely out of their teens. Baby will have a bit of her own story revealed at some point! This show never ceases to amaze and delight me.
| Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 11:33 am
I had to look up who Baby was, of course it's the car! Talking of babies, young Jared in Gilmore Girls had an odd looking goatie in the end of the season I was watching (as I mentioned), then came back at the beginning of the next season with just full stubble, and looked so much better! Then the next episode he was clean shaven and they'd cut his mop of hair (why would they do that?!) but he is looking a lot more like "Sam" now. Similar to what you say, it is funny seeing them young and watching them grow in sped up time. OK, the Christmas episode! Firstly, I'd just finished watching Mrs Pagan God as one of the very wholesome mothers in Everwood, which was the show I was watching before Gilmore Girls (I'm working my way through American teen angst dramas I missed!) so that was amusing for me. The poor little boy who just watched mouth open as "Santa" dragged his dad downstairs to the chimney! I'm sure that's actually pretty realistic! I look away at nasty bits but flicked back to the screen just in time to see Sam's nailbed, ouch. Although I expect it will heal as quickly as all the other wounds they've had. I love the touching way they are dealing with the impending (at least in the "present" of the series) death of Dean. They could have glossed over it or just not mentioned it until they fixed it, but instead they give them time to actually feel the emotions and remember the bond they have, even recognise how much they quietly relied on each other in the past. Like Sam remembering how Dean made that flashback Christmas for him when their dad, again, didn't come home. After the last half season or so of arguing I'm glad they kind of found each other again. At least for now.
| Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 11:59 am
" After the last half season or so of arguing I'm glad they kind of found each other again. At least for now." They really do the boys' relationships right. That's the main thing that differentiates Supernatural and The Winchesters for me. Granted, this is a few years into Supernatural but only 7 episodes of The Winchesters. I think it's just hard feeling the relationship between the two shows because SupernaturaL is so layered and nuanced (history/relationshis) but TW still feels like a bunch of strangers to me. I wish TW would find a young Bobby Singer redneck to throw into the mix! Ha! I see my next upcoming ep is s04e07, the 2008 Halloween episode. I don't remember it but the name sounds intriguing..."It's a Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester". 
| Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 10:11 pm
Sounds like a fun one! I'm catching up a little bit. I watched two more episodes this afternoon when I didn't want to do what I was meant to be doing, and my next episode is S03e11, the description of which says Dean is killed . Somehow I suspect he will be back by s03e12 .
| Friday, January 13, 2023 - 9:43 am
Groundhog Day! Poor Sam, that's going to screw you up!
| Friday, January 13, 2023 - 11:41 am
" the description of which says Dean is killed." I just looked at that synopsis and had to chuckle at how it was stated. "Dean dies again..." Yes, the Halloween episode was had a few funny, but pervy remarks from Dean (cheerleaders were involved) and it was also quite informative. They (various characters) seem to be having more and more conversations about what's going on with the boys and our world and the supernatural world. Also new characters are adding a lot to the supernaturology mythos (a made up word that should be a real one). Season 4 is a back story treasure trove! Then I watched the next ep, s04e08, and had a lot of laughs. I don't know if my following observation is cumulative (caused by bingeing) or based on this particular episode, but it really seems to be getting more funny. Sammy has one throwaway line that was funny and self referential and made me laugh. This was definitely a lighter ep! I truly believe the comedy mixed in with the dark mythos is what gives this show it's charm. Light and dark keeps it in balance...all dark just makes it depressing. I wish I could slow down more so we could catch up. There are always little tidbits I want to bring up but I don't know exactly when it was first woven into the story or how it would affect a plot line you're watching that is just beginning to unfold. I can just imagine saying something that seems innocuous like "Such and such, blah blah blah" and you replying with "Oh no! Then that means blah blah blah and specific other stuff is happening! Yikes!" LOL Anyhow, this is still a whole lotta fun... 
| Friday, January 13, 2023 - 5:04 pm
The trouble is the episodes are too good, they entice you into more episodes! I just thought I'd sneak in one episode this afternoon (which was the one where D&S are set up by Bela and arrested, then Demons and little demon girl Lilith attack them) and then the next episode was "Ghostfacers" and I couldn't resist and watched that too! They do seem to be getting funnier. Yes, I think it might partly be a side effect of binging, and also for me I'm going through the ~Dean is totally adorable and everything he does makes me melt~ phase, which probably wouldn't be so bad if I was seeing the episodes weekly. I think they just have a lot of heart. When you (feel like you) begin to understand their feelings and sense of humour then you feel in on the jokes and in-jokes, which makes them funnier. Like dad jokes from a stranger are groan but dad jokes from dad are delightful. Not that these are dad jokes. If there's something you want to say you could tell me the episode and put it in a spoiler box, so I can read it when I get there. Otherwise I would forgive you if you dropped a little spoiler ;). I am getting closer, I should finish s3 this weekend, and maybe s4e01 if it's a cliffhanger (which I think you said it was). But I might have a slow week next week, as I might be very busy Wednesday onwards... still waiting to find out on that.
| Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 12:55 am
On s04e10 (I was forced to watch it because s04e09 was a "to be continued...": Sammy: "Dean, you're mistaking real life for porn again."
| Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 10:44 am
He seems to be getting more desperate as the show goes on.
| Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 1:58 pm
I think of it more like - He seems to be getting more desperate as this particular obstacle goes on. With real life people, attitudes change as we age because our circumstances (and attitudes!) are fluid...just like the boys...only their lives are a lot more action packed and thrilling, almost as if they were "made for TV" or something! I would never characterize myself as more and more desperate as my story progressed. For instance, the desperation I felt as a gay teen in the 60s didn't continue throughout my story because for one thing, it's no longer illegal for me to be who I am....and I didn't know then what I know now. Never fear, Dean never loses his inner man-baby Beware, season 4 is a whole new ballgame! Some serious events happen that change their view of the world but they can still laugh (and make us laugh!) and learn to deal with life changing issues even when it seems to be impossible. Hey, they're the Winchester boys! 
| Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 6:09 pm
On episode s04e11 I saw another familiar face. I somehow recognized the kid who played the son of Jack Shepard on "Lost"! Btw, it was a really creepy episode.
| Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 6:28 pm
That kid did quite well a few years ago, he was the lead in 13 Reasons Why. I've seen him in one not so good role since, but I think he's making a go of it. I wouldn't have know he was David Sheppard if I hadn't looked him up. He must still be young in the episode you saw so maybe I will recognise him there. It hadn't clicked that you're seeing episodes post - I assume - Dean fixes his one year death. So he might be in a whole different frame of mind. But I meant in general that more of the brothers' side comments are suggestive now than they were early on. Unless I missed them early on! Like the lack of women is more on their minds now than it was.
| Saturday, January 14, 2023 - 8:20 pm
Yep the kid was like 10 or so(?). I'm bad with ages...seems like people don't age like they used to, 10 yr olds look 7 and 30 year olds look around 20. Of course, that might be because of all the tv shows with 30-somethings playing high school roles. I looked the Shepard son kid up and I never would have recognized him if I saw him today....that Supernatural ep was made about 15 years ago. I think the side comments have increased in S04 because they're usually wisecracks and friendly digs and funny....and the funny is up. Yeah, I am seeing them further down the road, so attitudes do fluctuate. When I read "desperate", the Dean *I* was watching was the same old skirt chasin', demon whackin' wiseass! But then I saw the next ep and it ended with a scene that was so heartbreaking it was hard to watch. Emotions are all over the map and the world is more complicated than ever. "Like the lack of women is more on their minds now than it was." Well...not so much a couple of episodes back! <bow chika bow wow> 