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| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 2:11 am
Sounds like you've seen the 3 eps I pointed out that had their own themes...Dean possessed was shocking and horrific to suddenly see him so violent. The Trickster was just fun and games (and you surely noticed he wasn't really killed so he may be back). And the Tricia Helfer one was a sad lost love story...1-horrific, 2-funny, 3-sad...a nice little roller coaster ride in 3 parts. " I'm getting the demons confused. Is the demon that possessed that blonde girl in a very early episode, the same demon that possessed that other man who used a blood filled cup to contact another demon a while back?" First off, they pretty much have a random blonde girl and/or demon (or monster) in so many episodes that you'll never see again, I don't pay attention to them unless they make it a point that she's a returnee or something. There are key demons but most are just fodder for action and story building. Demon sorting is difficult...there are so many of them. I am drawing a total blank on the "blood filled cup to contact a demon" thing. But...I can offer some things that might help you. If they actually kill a demon, that demon is GONE. If they force the demonic black smoke out of demon, that's just basically evicting a demon from that particular meat suit. Sometimes during an exorcism the meat suit (human host) dies but sometimes it survives and that leaves behind the original human it was before the person is still alive but usually traumatized. And they could also exorcise a demon and send it back to hell. And soemtimes of a demon is afraid of losing a fight they just "black smoke it" outta there and escape that situation. Usually, if it's the same demon in a different host, they'll let it be known. The writers must understand that viewers can't tell who's who if the demons are always in a new body without notice. My rule of thmb is that if it looks as if they have dispatched a demon, I assume it's gone for good or back in hell, maybe for good but maybe not...and if it returns they lets know. We already knopw that Pedalecki's wife plays a demon, but the demon she plays has already been on the show even though Dean's wife hasn't. I think it's Ruby that Pedalecki's wife plays but the Ruby we've already met gets a new actress-meat-suit, which will be his IRL wife. I think that happens around season 7 or thereabouts. So, if that early blonde demon you mentioned was freed smoke, it could have gone into another body or is going around looking for another body or been sent back to hell. If that demon had been killed dead, don't expect it to ever see it again, even in a different body. If it was sent back to hell, it's still alive and trapped in hell....but sometimes they can escape again. "and the demon that possessed Sammy had black eyes" You seemed to have missed the same thing I did. After Sammy was possessed and finally back to normal, Dean said something I didn't understand so I replayed a bit of it....he made some crass wisecrack about "Sammy having a woman in him for a whole week". After rewatching the few minutes before he said that, I realized what happened. When they exorcised the demon from Meg, she was so angry and she swore she'd escape hell and seek revenge on them. She did. The meat suit died and Meg was back in hell....but the demon that was inside Sammy was Meg after she re-escaped from hell! If you ever see them kill a demon with a special demon killing knife or the colt gun, they won't come back because they are DEAD dead. As I perceive it, black eyed demons are about the lowest level...but like people, there are alphas and followers. The yellow eyed demon is more powerful and higher in the heirachy, but I don't think it's an official type of's more "Might makes Right"...the strongest and most powerful ones tend to assume authority and run things in their particular group and the weaker ones just follow orders. Btw, demons hate being in hell as much as humans. And they are as varied as humans....just as Dean and Sammy are now seeing, demons and monsters, like people, may have some good and some bad in them and they are varied individuals. I hope this helped!
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 11:30 am
I think Meg is the blond girl from the early episode, and then there was a guy in mid S1. Both of those did their bad stuff and then I think were seen being picked up as hitchhikers, where they seemed friendly, then slit the throat of the driver, collected their blood in a metal bowl, and then used that bowl to communicate with some other (bigger badder?) demon. The last time it was used a male did it, and they reported to the head-demon that Sammy was immune (from the virus that killed or disappeared the town) "as expected." I was wondering if those demons were special to the story, compared to the average demonic possession and then disposal. Or if all demons could report back that way to head-demon. There might be a demon-lore thing I haven't quite picked up on yet! I didn't remember Meg had been banished to Hell, but that demon or one of these demons who reported back were the ones I thought could be in Sam. Good pick up on the part about a girl being in him! I should probably go back and find that episode where there was a demon in the dad, and he wanted Dean to kill him, and he wouldn't, but then... something else happened I can't remember. I think that was the episode where Meg was last pushed out. And I think the yellow-eyed demon you mention was in that episode too. Now I know there's a special demon I will pay more attention to it. Thank you, that did help. Now I'm finding out there's a bigger arc to everything I need to mentally note the demons that stand out for next time they appear!
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 1:02 pm
"I think Meg is the blond girl from the early episode, and then there was a guy in mid S1. Both of those did their bad stuff and then I think were seen being picked up as hitchhikers" Now I know who you were referring to. Yes, Meg did that thing with a bowl of blood and a neck slice to summon a demon. I believe the demon she was summoning was the yellowed eyed demon who killed Sammy's mom and then years later killed his girlfriend in the same way (on fire on the ceiling). That guy who did the blood bowl thing like Meg did was the actor who played Agent Ressler on The Blacklist. That bowl looked like a special artifact of some kind, so I'm thinking it's unique and was the same exact bowl used by both. I also think at some point Meg may have possessed the Blacklist guy on her way to finding and possessing Sammy. That would explain her blood bowl being in his possession...and that he was just one leg of Meg's journey to find and possess Sammy. I don't expect to see Meg or the Blacklist guy on the show again, but a lot of surprises do happen in this show. "I was wondering if those demons were special to the story, compared to the average demonic possession and then disposal. Or if all demons could report back that way to head-demon." Yes, they were an important part of the boys' search for yellow-eyes and Sammy's possession. Not all demons report to a head demon. It seems that a lot of them are in different groups and there are rogue ones with their own personal agendas. There's an upcoming ep in S03 with a conversation that Sammy has with a blonde demon and she explains more about demons and how they came to be. "Thank you, that did help. Now I'm finding out there's a bigger arc to everything I need to mentally note the demons that stand out for next time they appear!" That arc gets bigger and more epic as the show goes on... 
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 1:29 pm
Kitt, I found a great link to all the Supernatural eps along with a summary....just don't click on eps you haven't seen yet!
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 1:37 pm
One more thing... At the start of each episode they do the "previously on..." thing. but it's called "Then....and Now". I suggest paying attention because they are good at reminding us of stuff....if it's going to reference a particular character or episode, they are likely to show a clip from that character or episode in the "Then" part even if it was seasons ago!
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 4:39 pm
Those are good summaries, I tried the supernatural fandom wiki, and it included lots of info I haven't watched yet, so I had to run away . Yes I think I will need to watch the "Then" part! It seemed to be almost the exact same thing each time at the beginning of S1, so I started skipping it. I didn't think about the Meg demon being inside Ressler! Of course! OK, I think I am more clued in to the things I should look for, and the demon way of thinking - different person doesn't necessarily mean different demon - now, thank you! Just hope the next few episodes are a little easier . Got lots of tax and numbers stuff to deal with this week and complicated tv might be too much!
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 5:17 pm
"Yes I think I will need to watch the "Then" part!" You need to watch the "Now" part also....that's the actual beginning of whatever episode you're starting! After the "Now" scene is the Title credit which is just a few seconds of the word, "Supernatural". Then the episode continues.
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 10:26 pm
I do watch the Now. On most episodes the netflix app on the tv in front of the treadmill has a "skip intro" or similar button pop up that skips just the "Then" and starts with the "Now." I've been doing that but will stop. Not sure it has that button on the main tv so I'm ok there.
| Tuesday, January 03, 2023 - 4:27 pm
Cool. I did notice on the last ep I saw that the "Then" showed a character that has not been seen for awhile and that character did indeed appear in the episode. Btw, I have two eps to watch before I finish season 3. I'm going to try to slow down before starting season 4. That'll be easier now that new TV shows are coming back...I think 5 different shows I watch are returning tonight! I just just hope S03 doesn't end with a huge life changing cliffhanger! If it does, I may also watch the premiere of season 4. 
| Tuesday, January 03, 2023 - 6:08 pm
Yeah they tempt you in that way! This morning's one for me was the female werewolf... and no happy ending! When Sam got lucky I thought something must be about to go wrong .
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 1:37 pm
I said: "I just just hope S03 doesn't end with a huge life changing cliffhanger!" Guess what. It did. So I was forced against my will to avidly consume every second of S04e01. I do have one thing to tell you that has absolutely zero to do with the plot of this episode or the series, but just in case, I put it in a spoiler box (even though it's not a spoiler):
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | In this ep, demon Ruby is now played by Genevieve Padalecki, the future wife of Jared. "Future" is referring to the episode's air date. They met in 2008 when this ep was made and got married in 2010. I guess this episode is pretty much the beginning of their relationship. |
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 1:42 pm
"This morning's one for me was the female werewolf" I liked this one. It shows how carefully the boys have to think about the line between right and wrong. Also, not being a happy ending is a good example of how this series treads the line between comedy and horror.
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 1:55 pm
According to the episode guide, you have 5 eps to go to finish season 2. You might want to double your workout routine when you get to the final two eps of S02 because it's a two parter! 
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 2:18 pm
They might be good timing for the weekend, when I can watch a few at once, no exercise involved . Today's was the one on a movie set, which had a lot of funny bits. Another show I'm watching is Gilmore Girls, which has "Sam" from here playing a character called "Dean," funnily enough. Anyway, at the beginning of this episode the brothers were on a mini tour of the movie studio, and the driver announces they're about to enter the set where the Gilmore Girls is filmed, and maybe they'll meet some of the actors, and that's when Sam makes a funny face and tells Dean they'd better get off the tram . Several comments there also about how unbelievable plot points were in the horror movie they were shooting (in the episode), which I presume mirrored what fans were saying about the show at the time. Like "how do the demons hear the chants if they're in hell?" "Maybe we should write in a line as an explainer."
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 5:14 pm
Addendum to my (not) a spoiler box above:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Jared used to date Sandra McCoy, an actress who played the crossroads demon but they broke up in 2008. That's the year he started dating Guinevere Padalecki, who played a subsequent crossroad demon, and whom he married in 2010. Apparently, our innocent little Jared was into demons and was a real Crossroad Demon Playah! | 
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 5:24 pm
Kitt, I caught the Gilmore Girls line...if you hadn't mentioned awhile back that he was in that show, I'd never have gotten that joke. Just a moment before that didn't Dean accuse the boy that was eating on the tram of being someone else or something? I couldn't figure out if I missed another inside joke or not. I love this show.
| Wednesday, January 04, 2023 - 9:30 pm
Who knew?! He always seems so innocent to me too! Part of his appeal. Dean is growing on me too, I thought he was a bit gruff and blokish at first but I see his sweet side now. I missed the other comment on the tram, but it probably was something. I even wondered if some of the cases they were referencing were real, it just seemed like that sort of episode.
| Thursday, January 05, 2023 - 12:22 pm
On that Hollywood ep in the tram immediately before the Gilmore Girls remark, Dean turned to a chubby boy eating an ice cream show and said, "Hey, You know this is where they filmed Creepshow?" The kid looked at him with a WT* look on his face. I looked it up and Creepshow came out in 1982, 25 years before they were on that tram, so I think the joke was just that Dean asked that kid a really, really stupid question. lol
| Friday, January 06, 2023 - 10:02 am
Just watched the alternate reality one. Poor Dean! He even has a sad life in his dreams. I have two left of S2 so I'm going to try to watch them over the weekend, and maybe S3E1 if I can't resist!
| Friday, January 06, 2023 - 1:13 pm
Gee, I'm still a whole season ahead. I'm trying to hold back so I haven't watched one for 3 whole days). I don't know how on earth I managed waiting all summer when this was being broadcast the first time.
| Friday, January 06, 2023 - 2:35 pm
Well maybe I can squeeze in four over the weekend but I might be behind for a few weeks as January is busy for me. You should continue if you can't resist, I know what it's like when you're really into something . Did you know "Dean" is on the new season of Big Sky? He looks very different to me, but I guess it's 15 years after the episodes I'm watching. What's odd though is he doesn't look older, just different. He turns 45 this year... that's when the wrinkles start to hit! Sam is in Walker, but I haven't been watching that. I'm glad they were both in demand.
| Saturday, January 07, 2023 - 12:23 am
Yes, I knew about him on Big Sky since he showed up last season. Did you know that Jensen Ackles (Dean) was a superhero, too? He was on "The Boys" (funny how he's "still one of "the boys"!) Anyhow, he was Soldier Boy and I think he somehow became Captain America. Here's a trailer for S03 of "The Boys" (already aired in june 2022 - it was on Amazon Prime)) and there's a Jensen and Misha (an actor from Supernatural you'll meet soon) Zoom call and you get to see Jensen with long hair and beard! (not a fake one either)....and then Padelecki drops in. I was anxious for "Walker" but after 4-5 episodes, I just couldn't get into it so I dropped it....but Ackles is still the cooler than cool dude he was on Supernatural!
| Saturday, January 07, 2023 - 9:55 am
Stunned, as I watched The Boys and had no idea it was him! I suppose I hadn't started Supernatural at that point, so he wouldn't have stood out, but the beard and longer hair really throws me. The last episode of Gilmore Girls I watched had little Jared with a goatee! He has such a baby face at that age, despite his height, that the goatee just looks so wrong. Well I watched the two part S2 finale last night, where they open the gateway to hell. I guess I will find out if it is, but it seemed like the conclusion to the story of the children born when Sam was, and it looked to me like that particular yellow-eyed demon was actually dead, not relocated. But now we have Dean with only a year to live! Plus all those released demons, and that suggestion that undead Sam might not be the same as old Sam. Dad John didn't seem too bad after a year in hell either.
| Saturday, January 07, 2023 - 12:20 pm
I love that they aren't afraid to push the story forward rather than just doing the repetitive cycle of new bad guy, good guys win, repeat. I see that on so many other shows. Gee, if Dean only has one year to live, he's gonna have a helluva time doing the next 13 seasons of the show. "but it seemed like the conclusion to the story of the children born when Sam was, and it looked to me like that particular yellow-eyed demon was actually dead, not relocated." I remember yellow eyes being killed early on, but I don't remember John escaping hell when the demons got out...and I don't know if he's dead, alive, back in hell, still out, or if that was just a temporary glitch to allow him say good-bye. I'm wondering if they ever explain how that "born on the same day with a power" circumstance came about. I assume they will but I just don't know. I lost a lot of details over the years but I do hang on to the enjoyment I had watching....both Then and Now. 
| Saturday, January 07, 2023 - 1:34 pm
It was strange how spirit-dad held Dean, and kind of ignored Sam at first. I was wondering if it meant anything, but then he smiled at Sam, so I think it was just their staging. Dean said in S1 that Sam was their dad's favourite, so I kind of wanted it to be the dad assuring Dean he loved him. Plus he'd just given up almost everything for Sam, which probably won him a few brownie points . Yes, I was confused when Sam died, thinking he would pop back up again as I knew there were 13 more seasons of show left. And now the same with Dean, he'll have to undo his one year sentence! I am a little worried that there is something in Sam, left over from his death and from the demon trying to use him again. Assuming all the special kids were drawn to that place for the yellow-eyed demon to use, then they're all dead now except Sam, so if yellow-eye wanted to do anything specific (on top of opening the gate) he would have to have done it to Sam.