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| Friday, November 20, 2020 - 6:58 pm
Yeah, I enjoyed the series recap and the 2nd to last episode more than the final episode, myself.
| Saturday, November 21, 2020 - 3:16 pm
I recorded both eps and watched the finale before the series recap. I used the recap to kind of taper down from the emotional finale. It was like a photo album, only with video...reminding me of so many great moments. I don't remember seeing a clip of their zombie episode, but that was a fun one! Still grieving over the loss of this show that I have faithfully watched for the past 15 years. Yesterday I woke up with their theme music in my head and that music kept me mental company for the whole day. Jared Padalecki looked SO young in some of the clips I had to look him up. He started the show when he was only 23 (give or take a year depending on his birth date)! Jensen Ackles is 4 years older than Padalecki. I thought the finale was great. Everybody wins. On Supernatural, a "win" is often very different than IRL. The goodbyes at the end with the whole cast and crew was heartwarming and I actually felt personally appreciated when Padalecki expressed his thanks to the fans for keeping them going....even though I never wrote or signed a petition to keep them on the air. All I did was watch it each week. I have watched LOTS of TV shows and for the most part, I tend to start getting bored after 7 or 8 years and I quit watching. Supernatural was different...I was still "all in" until the final second. So long, Dean and Sam! You, too, Castiel and Bobby Singer!

| Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - 1:03 pm
I never watched this when it was on but have been watching as it repeats on TNT. I sort of started in the middle and now they have started it over so I am in Season 2. Anyway, I was thinking ... didn't anyone find it odd that they keep digging up gravesites and no one every notices, LOL. And do they just leave the holes dug up or do they fill them in, just wondering, LOL.
| Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - 1:11 pm
Oh and the other thing.... I was shocked at how young these two were when the series started. I had gotten used to their ages in the later seasons so it was pretty stunning to see these babies, LOL.
| Wednesday, December 28, 2022 - 12:00 am
OK I am not going to look up at spoilers! Following on from the Supernatural discussion in The Winchesters thread... I am on S2E11 now, I've just seen what is probably the last of the arc with Sterling K Brown from This Is Us (in the future, though you'd never know it was 15 years later, he looks the same). Funny to see known actors in this. For a while I was obsessed with Jeffrey Dean Morgan's age. He's only 12 years older than Jensen Ackles, 40 at the time of S1/S2 instead of the 52 he should have been, which is why he doesn't match the age The Winchester actor would be. Guess I won't be reminded about that for a while now, which is good, as whenever I think I'll look something up (like the character age) I see something I don't want to see (like characters' alternate names??!??!). They're doing a really good job of keeping the back story moving while having a new supernatural every week (and not having it be like X-Files where it was mostly monster OR arc, and rarely both combined). Makes you more invested in them I think. Yes, it is quite dark, I've just learnt what the dad told Dean about Sam... was not expecting that! Sanfran, as you're a bit behind me now, I'll wait for you to mention what you've seen, as I don't want to spoil things you might have forgotten. I should be watching four episodes a week, if I keep to my treadmill schedule, so I might get more and more ahead unless you go on a binge .
| Wednesday, December 28, 2022 - 1:07 pm
"Sanfran, as you're a bit behind me now, I'll wait for you to mention what you've seen, as I don't want to spoil things you might have forgotten. I should be watching four episodes a week, if I keep to my treadmill schedule, so I might get more and more ahead unless you go on a binge :-)." I'm a periodic binger on this one. Last night I watched the last 2 eps of season 1 and the first 3 eps of season 2, including the one where Sterling was introduced. I didn't remember him being in it either. The episodes of what I saw last night were pretty powerful. I mostly think of this show as "fun" but it really has some serious and moving drama. I had also forgotten how they often have a season finale cliffhanger....and s01e22 and s02e1? I don't know how, in 2005, I handled waiting for the new season to see the s02e01 "continued" story. I'll probably get more caught up before Jan with regular shows still on a xmas season break. The evil clown episode was great...true horror and the idea that Sammy, the vampire, demon, ghost, other evil creatures hunter is somewhat afraid of clowns! was a hoot. And it was also funny when Dean, also an evil creature hunter, was so skeptical when his dad told him that vampires were real. LOL I like seeing the boys finally realizing not all "evil" supernatural creatures are actually evil-doers.....just like humans, some are evil but some have a conscious. Kind of like how the Walking Dead heros discovering that humans were often more deadly than the walkers. I have a movie night with a friend tonight, but I'll try to catch up to you now I know if I see 4 eps a week, we'll be more in synch. When this was new, I had a best friend that also watched it and we'd talk about it, but then he died in 2005, before season 1 even finished. Btw, I am really appreciating the acting chops of these guys. They know how to bring out the empathy of their audience.
| Wednesday, December 28, 2022 - 1:24 pm
Not just that all supernatural aren't necessarily evil, but if I got the back story right, Dean and dad spent at least the last two years (while Sam was in college) non-stop hunting, and ignoring the human behind the demon if the human was possessed. It only took a few months with Sam for Dean to see the human there, but I guess by this time in the dad's life he'd either lost his ability to respect/care about that, or he never gained it. The other hunters that Ellen sees in the bar don't seem to be so picky either. I'll have to pay more attention to that in The Winchesters, whether that John is sensitive to the human underneath. I think he is, because they recently had that story with one of the gang's son. So either they retconned the character because people are more sensitive these days, or maybe there'll be some storyline (if that show isn't cancelled) to harden him up. It will be fun chatting with you! And by the way, if you don't have time to catch up with where I am now, let me know and I'll watch another show for a couple of weeks, so we're more in synch.
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 5:19 pm
Just finished eps 6 and 7 of s02. The wisecracks crack me up. Out of the blue, Dean says (PP) "Did you hear?...Katie Holmes was kidnapped by an evil cult." (Sorry, Scientology, but that was funny!) And then they had to deal with HH Holmes! Remember Mr March in AHS Hotel who was also based on the real life serial killer, HH Holmes? And the following ep had a great guest star...I wouldn't have recognized her if I hadn't noticed the credits in the beginning (which I try to avoid when they display on the screen during the opening scenes)...but maybe I would've after hearing Dean's ending quip. The cop, Diane, was played Linda Blair....and when Dean was walking away at the end of the ep he remarked that she reminded him of someone and said he was hungry and was in the mood for pea soup. LOL The writers on this show are great at integrating comedy and horror without diminishing either....but I sometimes wonder if some of that is just Ackles ad-libbing. 
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 6:56 pm
My horror trivia level isn't that good, so I don't understand the pea soup recipe, but I did think she had to be someone famous because of his quip. And yes on the scientology reference! I've caught a few other references here and there too, they have good writers, it all seems very natural.
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 7:57 pm
Kitt, the pea soup reference was that Linda Blair played the possessed girl on the 1973 movie The Exorcist where she kept spewing what looked like pea soup all over the priest. Those were some of the scenes that prompted people to get up and walk out of the movie theatre. And I just finished ep09, "CROATOAN" and noticed another surprise guest star. The kid with the birthmark on his forehead, "Duane Tanner" was played by Domingo Klattenhoff who became the fan favorite Agent Ressler on "The Blacklist"! I recognized the actor right away but I had to look him up to get his name irl. It's always fun when I rewatch something only to discover that some small role was played by an actor I never saw before but became a fan of years later. Sterling Brown was one of those, too.
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 9:05 pm
"Wednesday, December 28, 2022 - 12:00 am" Look at the time stamp on your is the exact second I turned 72 yrs old."} "I am on S2E11 now, I've just seen what is probably the last of the arc with Sterling K Brown from This Is Us" We're almost in sync. I'm about to start S02e11...
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 9:10 pm
Oh I kept looking at him wondering who he was, but couldn't place him! I'm a bit nervous about looking names up now as I see spoilers, but he was the one at the end who reported back to whoever they are, so maybe he will be back again. So Sammy is immune, "as expected." Very curious! Got to wonder who that team of baddies are. One of the things I did see as kind of a spoiler is that some characters have biblical names, or at least names that I assume are biblical as they've been on shows like Lucifer. I was thinking of the demons as basically baddies, same as if they were ghosts, but now I've seen some of the angel names I'm going to try to get a head start on trying to see references to angels/lucifer/god etc. Not my forte as I don't have any bible knowledge, and basically if they aren't big characters on Lucifer I'm not going to recognise them ;).
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 9:13 pm
Excellent! I watched e12 yesterday and if I get up early enough tomorrow I'll watch e13. Probably 50:50 chance . Next week I should be back to normal routine and four a week. If we get too out of sync I can catch up or watch some other shows until we're closer again.
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 10:21 pm
"I'm going to try to get a head start on trying to see references to angels/lucifer/god etc. Not my forte as I don't have any bible knowledge, and basically if they aren't big characters on Lucifer I'm not going to recognise them ;)." No need to study ahead...the bible got a lot them all wrong anyhow, so just trust that Supernatural will teach you everything you need to know about every being in the known and/or unknown "supernataverse", be they natural, unnatural, hellish, divine, scary, comforting, predead, alive, dead, undead, and/or redead....or just silly (Ruh-Roh!). The relationships the boys develop with all of these "folks" is where the story is. As for episode 11: "Antiquers"

| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 10:32 pm
Btw, the lady that owned the hotel (actor Annie Wersching) went on to become the Borg Queen on Star Trek Picard! I couldn't place her so I looked her up....she's been in a LOT of shows I've watched, but Borg Queen was the most fun one to share.
| Thursday, December 29, 2022 - 10:34 pm
Starting s02e12 now so we'll be in sync for the moment at least. 
| Friday, December 30, 2022 - 1:02 pm
Oh, the Picard Borg Queen, of course! She was also in Timeless, she was the annoying daughter/descendent of the bad family. I'm relieved they will walk me gently through the celestial stuff! For those twins, I'm usually quick to pick up on the imaginary friend angle, but I didn't realise until the mother said. Poor old granny, sat up in that room all gloomy! The bank job one was good too. I thought they were caught there, I should have known better .
| Friday, December 30, 2022 - 2:27 pm
"For those twins, I'm usually quick to pick up on the imaginary friend angle, but I didn't realise until the mother said. Poor old granny, sat up in that room all gloomy!" ?? The two young girls weren't meant to appear to be twins, just sisters. The living girl was a head shorter and had straight brown hair....the older one was the blonde curly haired ghost (AKA "invisible friend"and ultimately revealed to be the live girl's great aunt.) Right? (I'm starting to confuse myself!) I didn't pick up on the true nature of the "invisible friend" until the writers wanted me to. --- re: bank episode: "I thought they were caught there, I should have known better :-)." Well, you know better now. The monsters are more believable than how easily the boys get away with so much crime and killing (mostly done for all the right reasons, of course). 
| Friday, December 30, 2022 - 4:43 pm
Yes on the different hair, but I didn't notice the height difference so assumed they were twins. Yes, the imaginary one was actually her great aunt. There were some photos on the mantel where we were probably meant to recognise the girls in them and they were no help to me either, they all looked the same . Not sure if you saw e13, but I summoned an angel with my talk of one! Although it leaves it kind of open at the end whether there was an angel or just a spirit. If you haven't seen it yet, watch the camerawork when you do, there are loads of very close up face shots, somehow making the brothers look particularly angelic(?) or just appealing, I don't know. But anyway Dean seemed to also (like me) disconnect demons from satan/god at first, I guess he's in for a rude awakening...
| Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 1:11 pm
I remembered something. I think the first time we saw the two girls together (it could've been after that, I'm not sure) they were both sitting at the railing at the area that overlooked the staircase/foyer . When the camera panned down to them, I remember thinking "Are they supposed to be the twins from "The Shining?"....but the next time I saw them I realized how different they looked and thoughts of them looking like "The Shining twins" just evaporated. As far as the photos go, I remember seeing the ghost girl in a couple of old photos. I did look for the other girl before I realized she hadn't even been born when those photos were taken. If there were also modern photos, they didn't register with me. All through ep13, I was thinking about your angel/religious thoughts and how you brought them up at such a perfect time in this series. you have a Sammylike ability? "kind of open at the end whether there was an angel or just a spirit" It had to be a spirit....angels never question what they are. Spirits and ghosts are pretty stupid in comparison. I think the priest died and became a stupid ghost spirit, who could suddenly do things like make a bright light and he saw how his presence made people react with a feeling of peace and awe. I think he assumed he was an angel because he had the mind of a priest who saw the world in divine terms. Like the old saying goes, if you hear hooves on a wooden bridge, don't assume it a zebra. I think this priest was "hearing zebras" because of his religious training. That's how I interpreted it anyhow. I have now finished s02e16...if you're a Tricia Helfer you'll like it. Eps 14-16 seem to each have a distinct feeling/emotional's that roller coaster I have alluded to! Wheeee! I don't think that last paragraph was a spoiler, but if it was too much for you, let me know, okay?
| Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 2:53 pm
Yes, I think so too. He thought he was an angel because his training allowed for angels, but he was a plain old spirit. I do like Tricia Helfer! No, that's not a spoiler, it's good to get an idea of what's coming up. Plus you notice things and people I don't, so it's useful to get a heads up .
| Sunday, January 01, 2023 - 2:10 pm
I have a confession to make. I got so engaged with the story I spent most of yesterday glued to the screen. Since my previous post, I finished season 2 (s02e17-21) and started season 3 (s03e01-s03e02). Kitt, I think I can still discuss the show without spoiling anything because the eps I've just watched are now fresh in my fact, I barely remembered many of them, if I recalled them at all. Anyhow, when discussing an ep, if you can supply it's season and episode number I can look up a summary and verify what it's about and how it ended instead of just guessing and accidentally revealing a spoiler...and trust me, there are some real doozies on the horizon for you! The show is really moving now. The world is not quite the same anymore because.... ...Stay tuned!

| Sunday, January 01, 2023 - 2:49 pm
Lol, I wondered if they might be too hard to resist! I'll sneak in an episode here and there and get a bit closer to you, from what you say it seems like they'll be the show I'll want to watch most anyway!
| Sunday, January 01, 2023 - 6:28 pm
I am still unable to resist. I just got another surprise....the guest star in s03e03 is none other than Lauren Cohan! Oh yeah...and Gary Cole showed up a few eps back, the actor who replaced Gibbs on NCIS, (but he pops up everywhere anyhow).
| Monday, January 02, 2023 - 12:14 am
I'm up to the Tricia Helfer one, nice twist there. And I've seen more Bobby! The one with the jokester and the boys each describing their view of what happened was pretty funny, especially with Dean's view of Sammy wanting to recognise their pain. So that includes the episode where Sammy's a meat puppet(!). I'm getting the demons confused. Is the demon that possessed that blonde girl in a very early episode, the same demon that possessed that other man who used a blood filled cup to contact another demon a while back? Or are they some of several demons who report back to the bigger badder demon? I thought they both had black eyes, and the demon that possessed Sammy had black eyes, so I'm not sure if that makes it the same ~type~ somehow. Some demons have black eyes and some shining and I forget which, if it's significant. Late night Supernatural watching isn't entirely wise for a number of reasons!