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| Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 8:48 pm
I think the last episode will show us how the Pearson family has grown after Rebecca’s death. A life goes on sort of thing.
| Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 9:21 pm
Well, y'all have me crying now, and I won't even see the episode until tomorrow.
| Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 11:24 pm
Well tears, yes, but the lump in my throat was painful. It was beautifully done. And we did get to see people we had missed. I felt for Miguel... that he was a side note on the train. I was confused about Marcus. I thought he and Dena were married and she was pregnant but then they show Malik coming home to her? Marcus was saved by the doctor who missed trying to save Jack after Jack talked to Marcus's dad and told him about good things coming from bad situations, which became the motto in that family. And after failing to cure cancer, Marcus is seen having cured Alzheimer's, which Rebecca had. So maybe that was the silver lining that Jack was lost but Marcus lived... Glad Kate got there. It was not unrealistic that Rebecca waited for Kate. My ex husband 's grandmother was dying and no one thought my mother in law would get there in time, but Grandma waited and was coherent and even gave my mother in law instructions for assembling crocheted items from her work for all the grand daughters and she got to see a complex shawl I was making for her. Once all that was settled, then she let go. So of course Rebecca waited for her daughter. I will watch this again, for sure.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 5:37 am
Who is Marcus? I don't remember him in the series. There's a video promo for next week's show on the Facebook This Is Us page. Oh geez. 
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 7:08 am
1. Who was Marcus Brooks (and family)? 2. In the “Previously” scenes, they showed a scene talking about Deja being pregnant, was there a show that had that? Cuz I don’t remember that scene at all.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 7:12 am
Sea: what good thing came from what bad situation? I get the good thing was Marcus doing the good things, but how was his life being saved a direct result of Jacks death? (Did Jack donate blood to him Or an organ???). I was so Confused by trying to figure out Marcus (and assuming initially that he was Deja’s boyfriend) that I wasn’t as immersed in this episode as I would have liked. Because everything else was so good. (Except trying to figure out the groups of kids…)
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:13 am
Julie, the doctor was called to resuscitate Marcus, which meant he was not monitoring Jack, who we saw wandering around, drinking coffee. But Jack met the father, encouraged him to see the bright side of a situation. This was taken to heart and taught to Marcus, who years later overcame his disappointment at failing to cure cancer by finding a cure or treatment for Alzheimer's. So had the doctor been more concerned about Jack, Marcus would have died, because the less experienced doctors had not been able to save him. I think their point was that you never know.. The show started out with Rebecca wanting to sing, being told that she was Pittsburgh good, not L.A. good. Then she was carrying triplets, definitely not her plan, and they lost one but got Randall.. And all the ups and downs but look how things turned out. Hey, just my thoughts. Maybe the show creators will tell us what they were thinking.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:24 am
Oh. Marcus was in a car with his family. We was being rowdy with a soccer ⚽ ball and his brother tossed the ball in the back of the station wagon. Marcus removed his seatbelt and went to retrieve the ball. Both parents yelled at him to sit down and belt up, but another car was going to hit them head on, so the dad swerved, the car rolled. This happened at the same time that the Pearson house burned down because of the free crockpot, so the family was in the ER at the same time Jack was there with Rebecca. I think it was confusing because in the future we see that Deja is pregnant and her guy is working all the time. We see Marcus working all the time. But I think the only connection was the father talking to Jack and embracing Jack's make lemonade out of lemons philosophy. And Deja was still with Malik and the baby is his. I think. I want to look for information online, but getting ready for singing group first. Might watch this again later
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:25 am
I felt for Miguel... that he was a side note on the train. Me too. His life was so important, but he was somewhat put aside in a way.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:30 am
Although they only introduced Markus and his family at the end, there was a much bigger purpose: Every sad ending means that something was wonderful. The doctor's message (lemons) was transferred from Jack to that family. Marcus was responsible in the future for a major breakthrough in Alzheimers. Everything was connected.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:37 am
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:39 am
This is why I'm glad I don't watch on Tuesday nights. I get to come in here and see everyone's thoughts, and then have some background when I watch. 
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:50 am
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 9:52 am
Thanks for explaining about Marcus and family. Truthfully, it muted a bit of the emotional gut-punch of the rest of the ep because I was frantically trying to figure out who Marcus was and thought he might be related to Deja's boyfriend (and was worried and more confused because I thought he was in the car accident.) I didn't realize they were new characters and was mad at myself that I couldn't place them. Grrr Sea, that recap was tremendously helpful. Plus it brought me to tears again. I stand by saying the ep was gently presented, with regards to Rebecca's passing. But the writers's let me down by the confusing Marcus stuff. And the grandkids, for the most part were a blurry background mishmash. I was looking forward to seeing each family grouping and sorting them out once and for all. And yes... it was heartbreaking to see Miguel demoted yet again. I was kind of hoping she'd be flanked by both of her men at the very end.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 11:17 am
The second link really tells it, from viewer perspective.. And I still feel that even the Miquel episode left out how he was there from the beginning, in the company with Jack, where Jack stated when he and Rebecca were estranged, where Kids and then Rebecca stayed at first after Jack died, there for Rebecca after that and finally with her to the end, though his end came sooner..
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 11:21 am
Mame, yes! And also, maybe no. I think maybe the Marcus puzzle was there to keep us from just drowning in the emotions of the rest of the episode. And to give Milo some presence from his last day?
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 11:45 am
Oh yes! Without the Marcus piece there might not be enough referring back to Jack in the episode. I was hoping that she would leave the caboose and walk into the sunset with both Jack and Miguel reaching out to greet her.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 11:54 am
Me too.. But I guess at her age on the train it was going to be Jack. And sadly with some Alzheimer's situations the memories left are the older ones, leaving some really important people unrecognised. I guess that is why she saw a younger Miguel? I hope we see Jon, the actor in something soon. Chris posted that the pilot of the Son in Law wrapped and I hope that will be a good successful show with heart. But This is Us has been amazing.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 1:14 pm
Exactly, Mame. New character at this point who was someone in the past? I too was trying to fit him in so was losing what was going on otherwise. Not well done or appreciated.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 2:09 pm
I also was not a fan of the Marcus storyline. I understand the premise, and the aspect of bringing the story full circle, but felt the time would have been better spent on characters I've built a connection to over the past 6 seasons. Would have liked to have seen that Kevin and Sophie had a child at some point after reuniting. Loved the Easter eggs planted in the background of the bar in the Gerald McRaney scene. The LUNDY and DAD coffee mug with Jack's face. I always enjoyed the William character, but would have preferred to have Miguel lead Rebecca through the train journey ending with them both meeting up with Jack. All in all, I was slightly disappointed and didn't find this episode as sob-worthy as the previous two episodes. It all felt too rushed. I will miss these characters and this show so much. At some point, I will go back and watch the entire series.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 6:13 pm
Poor Miguel, even in the afterlife he is not that important Snoops, it was nice to see William but I would have loved Miguel to lead her thru the train! They wasted too much time on the Marcus story.
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 7:58 pm
Did we learn this last night re Deja? Link
| Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 10:06 pm
Just watched it. Seamonkey's analysis about Marcus is correct, showing that the doctor could have saved either Jack or Marcus, but not both. He managed to save Marcus, who went on to great things. Of course Deja was pregnant with Malik's child. It was always and only Deja and Malik. And if the same actress played both young and older Deja, what a great job she did.
| Thursday, May 19, 2022 - 1:23 pm
The conductor William's words to Rebecca as she passes . . . Link
| Thursday, May 19, 2022 - 5:38 pm
Who is Marcus? This is Marcus -- Link