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| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 2:55 pm
No, I never notice wedding rings and such. My sister says she finds this show hard to watch now, but she was my mother's main caregiver when my mother has Alzheimer's. Very sad.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 2:56 pm
That should say had. She passed in 2008, many years ago. Still painful.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 4:44 pm
I was my mother's main caregiver, until she went into assisted living in 2014. She went to memory care about a year later, fell and broke her hip in 2016 and was in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. I was still responsible for her care and still took her out to lunch as often as I could for years, even though she was in the wheelchair. My then teenage son was really sweet about helping me with her. But at the very end she didn't even know who I was anymore. I barely saw her the last year of her life, because of Covid. This episode broke my heart. Miguel was such a good guy, but so many caregivers wear themselves out taking care of their loved one. I'm glad he finally allowed the full-time nursing care, so they could just enjoy being together and he didn't have so much responsibility. Still sad. I can't stand for this show to be over. 😩
| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 6:25 pm
Miguel's story was so sad.. He tried hard to please people his whole life and always came up short in their eyes. I wish they would have shown more happy times he experienced with Rebecca to even out the saddness. IMO, he was a better husband than Jack.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 7:51 pm
So I watched and yeah, so sad and sweet as well. Randall in preview, still wanting to take control and be in charge.
| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 8:10 pm
Yes, the two resumes... Very telling. "Mike" is called for interview, not Miguel. Kooklie, my mom had COPD/Emphysema and my Dad was there all the way. He needed shoulder surgery but declined because he could not be out of commission, he drove everywhere, as she could not. They went to her doctor, and Better Breathers, the grocery, favorite restaurants, but he always had dread. He walked up to 10 miles a day, but worried until he could see through the window that she was ok. I took him for a biopsy and he said "you know, I always accepted that men did younger (he was 5 months older), but when Betty was diagnosed, I knew I had to be there for her". And he did live 4 months after she passed. Miguel was all in. I liked how Kevin got it and was respectful of the routine Miguel had with Rebecca, including but helping Miguel to help Rebecca. Very sweet to see. And bringing Miguel's son around. What a gift. Kevin gets it. Randall really does not so much. He means well, but Kevin has listened to his mom all along. Kate is lucky to have Kevin there as she makes decisions. And the Apple tree. Rebecca really had two great loves in the seasons of her life.

| Wednesday, May 04, 2022 - 10:49 pm
Kevin is being redeemed at the end of the series. All three kids are turning out okay, because This Is Us. And we are all still here too, and maybe this is An American Story, and we are all probably gonna still be okay too?
| Thursday, May 05, 2022 - 11:31 am
I'm just popping in to say how much I loved the "Miguel" storyline. He never had it easy, even when he married Rebecca. I was glad to see he reunited with his son and when he passed, Kevin and the son went to places that were important to Miguel and spread out his ashes. I love this show and it will be a transition to not have the Pearce family every week in my home.
| Friday, May 06, 2022 - 4:12 am
I read an interesting analysis of the lack of details and backstory for Kate and her romance with Phillip and Miguel’s life in general. The theory was it helped reinforce the feeling of ‘there is just not enough time’. There is just not enough time to show the whole romance. There is just not enough time fully show Miguel. There is just not enough time in Rebecca’s life left. There is just not enough time ever to spend with the ones you love. Life goes by so fast and if you blink, you will miss the details. Things you think didn’t matter end up mattering. Pay attention, be present in your life. Savor the small stuff. Whether or not that’s what the writers are trying to do, I like it! LOL
| Friday, May 06, 2022 - 11:13 am
And that is kind of what Kevin was saying to Miguel's son, you never know when there will be no chance to .. <whatever> so now is the time. Kevin didn't get to choose but he missed the last night with his dad because he was at a friend's for the night, but Miguel's son has had and does have chances and luckily, he listened, it seems. Nicky found his love before it was too late. Rebecca and Miguel found second chances, though years were overshadowed by Alzheimer's. I am glad they did the Miguel episode! The cast has been posting all sorts of things. Today a silly dance with "Randall" and "Miguel" while they were filming at the winery.
| Friday, May 06, 2022 - 11:17 am
And weren't Kevin and his dad in a fight right before Jack died? Kevin never got to make up with his dad. That's another thing that happens in life. Don't waste time holding a grudge, cause you never know what's going to happen.
| Friday, May 06, 2022 - 3:50 pm
I read something today that according to a poll of viewers, the Miguel episode is in the top 3 favorite episodes of the entire series to date. I would agree, think it was my #1 favorite. Haven't stopped thinking about it all week. Want to watch it again, but not up for another sobbing session.
| Friday, May 06, 2022 - 7:05 pm
Babyjax, yes.. a fight and Jack had left Kevin a note, but Kevin didn't come home that night and the note burned up. So Kevin learned at an early age about having regrets and it being too late. So glad he did go to talk to Miguel's son and then seeing the son with the family, with Miguel, was special. and Kevin and the son spreading Miguel's ashes, even in Puerto Rico. Oh yes, tears.. And again, since I've attended several years of monthly webinars from Alzheimer's Orange County, I admired greatly how Kevin did not "take over" for Miguel but he gently CONTINUED what Miguel and Rebecca had going, the routine, so that Rebecca still had the same routine with Kevin doing part of it and including Miguel at every turn and the way he had the physical therapist working with both Rebecca and Miguel Incredibly sweet and someone really did their homework on the subject. So then to see Randall announcing that now Rebecca must come and live with him, whoa. Did he not hear what she wanted (for Kevin to build her that home) and who she wanted to make decisions (Kate)? I know he simply wants the best, but he tends to think he knows best, when he really often does not. Pretty often he reacts to a situation and it takes Beth to bring him back to earth. Arrgh. This show. So much to think about and talk about and soon it will be gone.
| Friday, May 06, 2022 - 7:59 pm
Another episode that I remember is season 1, episode 16 -- Randall and his birth father's trip to Memphis. That was a tearjerker too. Link
| Saturday, May 07, 2022 - 9:17 am
The Miguel episode was lovely and far too short. The more the series "wraps up" the more longevity I think it has, I will miss This Is Us and still like my idea of a spin off featuring the next generation, This Is Them with plenty of guest appearances by the originals. Am I correct that Randall's kids were missing once again in this episode during the family get together moments? There was one reference of Beth and the girls coming the next day. I don't remember seeing them when Miguel died. I don't keep the recordings so can't go back to view again. Miguel and Beth are probably the only characters who haven't annoyed the bejesus out of me time and time again.
| Tuesday, May 10, 2022 - 7:07 pm
So sad. Next week is going to be almost unbearable. Guess the last episode is going to be remembering happier times?
| Tuesday, May 10, 2022 - 7:22 pm
After crying through last week's episode and crying through this week's episode, I cried through the preview for next week. Don't know how I'll get through actually watching it.
| Tuesday, May 10, 2022 - 10:08 pm
No Kate in the preview. You only see Randall and his family. I cried a lot during the last 5 minutes. It started when Randall finally saw Kevin and shook his hand. I’m still in tears from the episode. Good thing I never moved the tissues from last week.
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 6:32 am
As per usual I cried through most of the ep. Each episode and each character are exquisitely crafted with such love and care by the entire team. When it's over what will I do for my weekly cathartic weepytime?
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 7:18 am
I cried and cried. The most weepy for me were (1) Kevin putting moisturizer on Rebecca's hands and (2) Kevin and Randall shaking hands.
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 8:13 am
No tears out of me last night.
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 10:12 am
Being my mom's caretaker for so long, this episode hit home. We never had the family talk, it was just kind of decided that it was me and that was it. I would have loved to see my brothers be that loving with my mom at the end.
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 12:18 pm
Mandy Moore said, last night of the Tonight Show, that the next episode gutted her so much that she threw up after reading the script. If that is the case, how will we survive it?!?
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 5:26 pm
I will say it again, these last couple of episodes have been lovely. I think Mame saying that each character has been exquisitely crafted with love and care is right on point. I need more than 2 more episodes. Aged Kevin is a hubba hubba ding ding! Yes, OK, present day Kevin is a handsome fellow.
| Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 9:32 pm
Are there two remaining episodes, or is next week the finale?