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| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 8:34 am
I feel like we really didn't need another woman added into the Kevin mix.
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 9:13 am
I don’t know, it seems that he may have evolved beyond both Cassidy and Sophie by now. I would’t necessarily want Sophie to get divorced to marry him.
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 12:23 pm
I was annoyed at Randal last night. 1. That long toast when I wanted to see if Kate could play and sing. 2. He acted surprised that Kate was not doing well. 3. He rifled through the pill vials. That was uncalled for.
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 3:39 pm
Dogdoc, I think you meant Rebecca. I have trouble, too, keeping up with all the names! So many things about this episode: Rebecca calling Kevin "Jack" intermittently was both sad and sweet. For the last few years of her life, my mother thought my younger brother was her cousin Wayne that she had grown up with. My brother always took it in stride and didn't make a big deal about it. I don't think my mom had any idea who I was at the end, even though I'd been her main caregiver for years and we'd always been close. We were being interviewed by a hospice nurse when they admitting her to hospice. The nurse asked my mom if she knew who I was. My mom looked at the sweatshirt I was wearing, which said "Nautica" across the front and answered, "Nauticia?" When Rebecca got the haircut and her kids didn't like it, it reminded me of when my son was in 3rd grade and I came home with a new hairdo. He has Autism, so he does not like changes or anything unexpected. I dropped him off at school with long dark, curly hair and picked him up that afternoon with short, streaky blond hair. It was April Fool's Day, so he asked if it was a joke. I said, "No, this is my real hair." He fell on the ground sobbing. That's a pretty strong reaction to a new 'do! Miguel was breaking my heart. It will be so sad if he dies before Rebecca, but that happens a lot with dementia patients. People just wear themselves out taking care of their loved one. So many tears in this episode!
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 3:54 pm
This show was a jeopardy question today. They just listed a bunch of the characters and the answer was "What is This is Us".
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 6:47 pm
Babyjax, the autism might not have factored into your son’s reaction to your hair cut. To this day I remember exactly where I was at age five (inside the living room) and where my mom wax (the back porch of my grandparents) when she had my aunt cut her long black hair, so short that I could no longer play with it. Hair is so important to so many kids. I always would stroke my hand through my mom’s hair, my son still does to mine (and wants me to do it to his). I never forgave her for taking away something I relied on so much as a calming factor.
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 7:24 pm
I agree they are milking Kevin's gf storyline but I loved the girls being detectives! I bet he ends up with the singer ugh! I agree about Randall's kids not being there, it is like they just forgot about them
| Wednesday, April 20, 2022 - 10:20 pm
During Rebecca’s performance, you could see them in the background.
| Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 3:11 am
Babyjax, thank you. I did mean Rebecca.
| Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 11:07 am
So sad when it gets to the time for therapeutic fiblets. Randall the worrier will take it the hardest. Was anyone else hoping that it was Madison and she was covering by joining Beth in the investigation? Don't want to see anyone's marriage upended but Madison and Kevin have always seemed like the best pairing to our house.
| Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 1:17 pm
I'm not even gonna guess, cause they've given us so many red herrings in the past just to trick us. I don't trust the writers! I just want Kevin to be happy. When was the scene where he said something about "my pregnant fiancée?" Maybe he was referring to Madison somewhere in the past. I do like Madison, Sophie and yes, even Cassidy. I think she and Kevin have shared experiences and understand each other.
| Friday, April 22, 2022 - 10:18 pm
I think that picture was the WEDDING PARTY, not family specifically. Madison and Beth were wearing bridesmaid outfits, assume someone was best man, there were others, not many. But Jack and Hailey were in the wedding as ring bearer and flower girl. Miguel walked Kate down the aisle.
| Friday, April 22, 2022 - 10:24 pm
I feel so sad for Miguel. Kevin is doing a good job of just going along with being "Jack" and then running with it when Rebecca went back to seeing him as Kevin. Randall doesn't seem to get it, yet.
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 5:54 am
My mother in law used to flirt with my husband because she thought he was my father in law. It was kind of cute, but really unnerved my husband.
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 10:34 am
I was at the dentist with my mom one day and my car battery died. My hubby came over to drop off the other car (so I could take her back to memory care) and was going to take my car to get a new battery. He walked into the dentist's office and my mom said, "Where do I know you from?" She recognized him as someone familiar, but couldn't place him. We'd been together 20 years! Only 5 more episodes to go. 😭
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 11:38 am
My dad thought that I was my mom for a while, then he would see her sitting in an empty chair in the adult care home. I just went with it. My best story of my dad's memory loss was when I visited him on a Saturday in the care home (like I did every week). This time when I got there, he was all agitated and was saying that he was late for school, needed his jacket, etc. I listened, trying to figure out what to say to him and came up with "It's Saturday, there's no school today!" Well, he was sooooo happy that he didn't have to go to school. I made his day even though he would probably forget it in a few minutes. It's a good memory for me.
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 11:50 am
That is a sweet memory,Kooklie!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 12:53 pm
Making him happy that way is such a beautiful way to handle that situation. I feel so bad for Miguel. He has been nothing other than the best!
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 6:01 pm
Doesn’t Miguel have kids (from his first marriage)? Wouldn’t that be kind of an important storyline somewhere along they way?? Wouldn’t those kids be as important to M and R as Rebecca’s kids?
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 11:39 pm
Kooklie, that was a perfect solution!!
| Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 11:57 pm
I think there was an episode with an awkward dinner where Miguel's kids were not nice to Rebecca and didn't seem to approve of Miguel and her together although Miguel had been divorced for many years.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, April 24, 2022 - 8:58 am
Sugar, yes, I think that's the last we ever saw of Miguel's kids. Maybe they didn't want to add new permanent characters. You'd think his kids would be included in all the family events otherwise.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, April 24, 2022 - 10:51 am
Yeah they kind of hinted that Miguel is estranged from his children. They suggested that their mother demonized him after the divorce and he was never much a part of their lives and that they didn’t like his relationship with Rebecca. Convenient for the writers as it greatly simplified the story but still ugly and pointless. They could have just not have them have children at all. Of course, there’s still the possibility that he has been seeing them off-screen, but there never seems to be any mention of them at holidays so that’s unlikely. 
| Sunday, April 24, 2022 - 11:01 am
That's a very sweet story, Kooklie! Excellent quick thinking! Yes, they said Miguel was estranged from his kids. My hubby's son was estranged from him for years, cause he took his mother's side in the divorce. We didn't see him for many years and have only seen him a handful of times since we've been together (24+ years). At least he's back to the point where he calls and texts his dad, but both he and his sister are so busy with their jobs, they don't have much time for us. I think they think their dad is always going to be around, even though he's almost 76 and not in the greatest health. I was always very close to my parents and saw them at least once a month (1 1/2 to 3 hour drive, depending on where I was living at the time), but then my parents didn't go through a divorce. I love Miguel. He's an all around good guy.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, April 24, 2022 - 8:59 am
And FWIW, I don't really see the chemistry between Kate and her new hubby. His character still seems flat to me. It all feels rushed, like they didn't take the time to build out his personality.